God Rank Hero

Chapter 1468: Miracle Island

Under the busy handling of all the Siren Angel sailors and surrendering pirates, the 10-minute handling time was fleeting, and the entire treasure house was swept up by the big fly, and a total of 7,500 units of treasure were put into the cabin. Counting the possession of nearly a thousand NPC pirates, the total number of treasures may exceed 10,000.

Dafei started to calculate the value of these treasures while excited. The value of treasure is actually difficult to calculate. For example, initially flying out of the sea and then obtaining 300 units of deep-sea treasures from the mouth of the deep-sea monster, and then processing this treasure to the mayor Elena offset the claim of 100 million when she built the Banshee Barracks on the ship. Arrears of gold coins. Even if the quality of these treasures is not as good as the Siren's Treasure, but counting the thousands of treasures that looted Syndicated City from Japan, it is a minimum of 1 billion with a 20: 1 discount? Is 1 billion worth 10 billion?

At this moment, the pirate citizens who had just surrendered and got oil and water cheered in the water. And Barak felt a real pain and sighed, "This is the result of our 20 years ..."

Katrina said lightly: "It's just the little head saved after completing the tribute to the Pirate King."

Dafei immediately asked, "Uncle, since we have so many treasures on the deserted island, what about the other Pirate Islands?"

Barack Haha smiled: "I also want to know, so I suggest you clean it all the way, maybe you can really find their treasure?"

Da Fei Le said: "Yes, even if the other party also hides treasure in a different space, but I am now a master-level Jianbao family, god-level reconnaissance, and the dragon eye ring with an artifact is not a chance."

Barak laughed: "What are you waiting for? Let's go! But in case you find out the question you need to consider is whether you can run out of those treasures! I have to say that you can ship all of our 20-year inventory with a boat It's so far beyond my imagination to go away, and I increasingly find it much more fun to be with your kid. "

Katrina did shake her head: "No hurry, settle these surrendered pirates first!"

Da Fei immediately had a plan: "So, I will appoint Katerina as the deputy city owner of the Deserted Port. What about the following officials who will be appointed by Katrina from these pirate bosses?"

Barack laughed: "Okay! This is like a lord!"

Catalina said, "But I don't understand these little bosses."

Barack laughed: "I understand that they are a group of wastes that only know to eat and drink! But the more such wastes, the more reassuring they are sometimes."

Katrina said, "I see, then I'll appoint my uncle as the chief consultant!"

Barack laughed: "Although I don't know what this official is, it should be the biggest official under the city owner? Okay, then look at me, I'll go talk to those little cubs."

——System Tip: You have appointed Deputy Hero Caterina as the Deputy City Owner of Deserted Port!

——System Tip: The deputy owner of Huangyigang hires the pirate hero Barak as the chief consultant of Huangyigang!

Dafei frowned! What the hell! That's how a leader-level hero is included as a brother's subordinate official? Although there is an essential difference between "hiring" and following a hero, there is no difference at all under the same front!

Now that any of Barack's new officers have gone on any arrogant precepts, Dafei certainly took the time to look at his fourth city:

-Huangyi Port: a 98-level city. (Every city building is upgraded or upgraded by 1 level. The higher the city level, the more beneficial it is to attract population and talent growth.)

——City Area: Main Island of Barrens.

——Urban population: 1410

——Urban strength: 174 pirate forces.

——Urban Diplomacy: Dead Enemies of Pirates, Allies of the Bright Alliance

——Urban facilities: Level 3 city wharf × 11, Level 2 pirate administration hall, Level 1 supplies warehouse × 21, Pirate barracks × 8, Tavern × 36.

——City Official: City Owner: Dafei. Deputy City Owner: Katerina. Chief consultant: Barack ...

——City staff: 164 taverns, 44 chefs (4 masters, 16 experts, 24 seniors), 363 dock workers

——Urban Health Score: 46 points.

——Urban safety score: 20 points. (Warning: Your territory is threatened by pirate forces.)

——City culture score: 12 points. (Warning: Your territory's people are rude and wild, only fugitives and pirates will favor it.)

——City prosperity score: 0 points. (More trade routes need to be developed to increase the city's income.)


This is the long-lost Pirate City. The 36 pubs are indeed the wonderful pattern of the catering streets that year. If the players build more than 3 pubs in their own city, it will be crazy. But taverns certainly have a different meaning for pirates. Another highlight of Dafei's eyes is that there are actually 4 master chefs in the city staff. This is a waste of pirate territory!

While Da Fei was thinking about the future development plan of Huangyi Island, the soldiers spoke out on the Guild Channel: "Fei brother, our big action was known by the Blood Sea Guild, they scolded us on the city channel to steal their territory!"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "Their territory? Is there a village with a closed land? Is there a land with a closed land?"

Yi Jiandong came to haha ​​and laughed: "Just! It's not their place, they really thought that they could rent a place in the game? Dare to book a place in front of Fei, so tired!"

Da Fei smiled lightly: "Don't bird them, as long as they dare to do something at sea PK, talk to brother!"

"Okay, Fei! They don't dare to move!"

Da Fei laughed: "Now the Huangyi Port has been taken down by my brother, and the surroundings have also been swept away by your brother. Come and occupy the land!"

The whole guild channel exclaimed in excitement: "Fei brother! You guys are so awesome, a large NPC force will get it in seconds!"

Suddenly, brother feels simple and uncomfortable! Da Fei laughed: "Of course, the mission mode is simple. In short, the pirates will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future. Everyone should seize the time to improve themselves."

"I see, Feige!"

Before speaking, Barak has already appointed, that is, from the original pirate forces, a small leader was appointed as various consultants.

Da Fei was interested and asked with a smile: "Uncle, you seem to know a lot about their abilities?"

Barak cut off: "Of course I know, the stingy ability is stingy."

Katerina frowned: "Uncle this arrangement is not afraid that they fight each other against the construction of the city?"

Barack Haha laughed: "What they want is that they fight each other and contain each other, and the pirate king also dominates pirates in various regions. As for the city construction, they should never be counted on, as long as they keep the current situation without rebellion. Let ’s talk about it later. Let ’s go if it ’s okay now? By the way, do you want to drop by to the nearby Miracle Island? ”

Dafei frowned: "Okay! I also have troops there, I haven't been to see them for a long time!"

That's right, when Da Fei was in Xinren Island, he planted an anemone king in the underworld plane of the island. This magical existence of both a biological unit and an architectural barracks had a profound impact on Da Fei's vision at the early stage. . Then the last time the big fly round the road from the underworld, the growth of the sea anemone was quite normal, that is, lack of resources and a little malnutrition. That flight also left an eighth-level Lich Dragon rewarded by the Lich Dragon. It's been so long now, and Da Fei really misses it a bit.

Then there is nothing to say. If you explain clearly here, then you set off on the road. As a result, the boat in the sky flashed again, and the map-like teleportation began again.


In the Blood Sea Studio, Blood Sea Kuang Tao scolded.

For a long time, the wild sea of ​​blood has regarded the deserted island as its own backyard, and such a large-scale transportation of building materials by the Dafei Guild has clearly come to occupy the site. Xuehai Kuangtao has no doubt that Da Fei has this ability, otherwise he would not arrange the follow-up actions so confidently.

The pony who just came back from eating the hot pot had to comfort him: "A Tao, take it easy. Wait for you to come back from Japan and take back the site. Now they actually built a house for us!"

Xuehai Kuangtao indignantly said, "It is the hundreds of players who gave construction materials to Dafeiyun. They do not remember who pitted their blood, and who gave them money to buy a boat? Eating bowl noodles against the bottom of the bowl! When the labor and capital return from Japan, the first thing is to let them eat the labor and capital and spit it out! "

The pony hurriedly said, "Don't be impulsive! In this way, they will even hang around and follow Dafei!"

In anger, some players exclaimed, "It's Dafei! Dafei has come to our Miracle Island!"

Then the next moment, the huge screen of the flying battleship was reflected on the large screen on the wall! The whole studio's team members were in an uproar!

Blood Sea Kuangtao was suddenly surprised: "What does Dafei want to do!"

Tian Ge hurriedly shouted, "Calm! Miracle Island is the territory of the Lion Heart Empire. Da Fei is afraid of it! All the remaining members of the team, all of them open a telescope to record video to monitor every movement of Da Fei!"

The pony did startled: "How fast is this big fly? It's less than half an hour before I swept away the deserted island from Eleanor and then went to Miracle Island?"

Tian Ge could not help but startled: "This Nima is a space battleship?"


And at this moment, Dafei is not shocked on the spot! The island of sunken coconut trees in the shipwreck is completely gone, replaced by a large circle of stone cities surrounded by huge and magnificent breakwaters! Various large construction vessels of the Human NPC Chamber of Commerce are docked at the dock outside the dam, and members of the Blood Sea Guild are holding telescopes to see their own!

Let me go! Da Fei exclaimed exclaimed: "What a big handwriting, land and sea to reclaim the island! This **** sea is so mad, it turns out that he has been quietly doing big things!"

Barak said coldly, "Boy, how you take this island depends on your means."

Da Fei suddenly returned to God, although Barak felt that Brother had a future, but he wouldn't be so bloody? Da Fei asked in surprise: "Is the blood sea Kuangtao your little brother? How are you doing?"

Barak said coldly: "He wants to kill me and take away the power of my devil!"

Dafei was so surprised that the **** seas and the NPC turned their faces!

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