God Rank Hero

Chapter 1473: Bloody Waves of the Great Destroyed Village

The information revealed by a mysterious npc forged steel hand in the city of punishment immediately shocked Xue Wei and also the major guilds in China. For the first time, Orange Treasure, which successfully triggered the message, was also invited to enter the chat room of the Gangsters of the Chinese Guild Alliance. Although it ’s just a guest visit, it also means that Ono Fresh Orange Treasure has finally touched the circle of ordinary players, even the most professional players, who are far away from the top players in China.

With one visit, can the resident stay far behind? At this moment, Ono's mood was extremely exciting, and the efforts of the Mitsubishi team to cultivate this chess piece were not wasted. But Ono's mood was contradictory. Ono knows that the grand guilds in China must take great action again. Once this duke's painting exhibition mission can really make a group of Chinese players go the road of becoming gods, this problem is quite serious.

If that's the case, then you can only do it first and let yourself go in front of everyone.

At this point, the chat room was full of impressions. The seventh emperor ’s divine emperor has a lot of feelings: "In fact, last week I learned that this duke is holding an exhibition, but I do n’t know his intention at all. I do n’t know that an exhibition will be linked to Chengshen. . "

Xuewei Rose said in surprise: "Did you say it was a god?"

The Emperor laughed: "The npc made it clear that this is the place closest to God. Even if it is not a god, the grade will not be too low. After all, that is a task issued by a duke-level npc."

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Have you not posted a mission yet?"

Lao Xingchen laughed: "The old Huang means, don't you want to donate?"

The Emperor sighed: "Even duke-level npcs are short of money. God knows how much it costs. I'm afraid this is a bottomless pit."

Xue Wei Rose sighed: "Also, now the national war is imminent, the construction investment and development of our domestic area will require too much money, not to mention the need to reserve funds to respond to the national war, and it really can not afford this pit."

Just then, Xianchengbao took the initiative: "Boss, I want to test this pit."

Xuewei Rose was surprised: "Test? How much are you going to test?"

Orange Treasure officially said: "Take 50,000 gold coins first."

Gu Xingchen clapped his hands and laughed: "It is indeed the treasure brother who is in the limelight of the city of punishment now. I heard that more than a dozen gold coin studios have received a large order for the brother to pay the deposit in advance! It turned out that the treasure brother was a hidden one. Big tyrant! "

Ono stunned suddenly, seemingly guessing why he was attending this visit.

The Emperor smiled and said, "Heaven boss, what do you think? I heard that the orders placed by Brother Bao are higher than your gold coin purchase price?"

Ma Yinglong enjoyed it: "I did n’t hear it, it was already! Brother Xiaobao. You are a tyrant who has cut off the royal family tyrants. Originally, more than a dozen studios were all royal family **, now you see what you see, you Too much for the royal family. "

Gu Guxing snorted: "Boss Ma, we all know that there are three studios in your house. Can't you smile so happily?"

Xianbaobao immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. In order to win the gold coins quickly during this time, Ono did in fact raise the market price of gold coins, so he hurriedly said: "This, I'm really sorry, I just want to quickly complete the resource acquisition task of the city of gods and punishments, so Money is just buying resources from other players, and it really does not mean to offend the boss of the overlord! "

Xuewei Rose smiled: "The overlord boss, you apologize for the fresh orange treasure, you guys just say something?"

The hegemon of the royal family then said, "Yes! It is always good for young people to have great enthusiasm, but if you have done it, do it well."

Lao Guxing smiled and said, "Just. But you can't keep cheap Ma boss."

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Orange Orange Treasure, thank you Lord Master for a large number of people?"

Orange Orange hurriedly said, "I'm really sorry, I will do my best."

The royal overlord sighed: "In the final analysis, our gold coin production in China cannot keep up. I ca n’t buy gold coins if I have money! The maximum output of gold coins is the running of business, which is restricted by the output of the city. No amount of gold farmers in the studio are staring at each other. This problem is very serious, can you bosses think of a way? "

The Emperor sighed: "What else can I do? Either wait for the National Theater to buy from Russia and India, or build more cities in the country. It is daydreaming to run a business in the fierce National Theater."

Gu Xingchen bit his teeth and hated: "It's nasty. The US district in Japan secretly opened a gold mine in the newly opened Southeast Asia and South America district in South America. Our ids are all blocked. Our stamina problem is very serious!"

The Emperor Shen sighed: "So, in the early stage of the national war, you must not damage the soldiers! You must ask for stability!"


Blood Wei Studio. Chairman Zhou Qing withdrew from the chat of the big brothers and began to urge the work.

Xue Wei's stun gun asked: "Is it really good to have Fresh Orange Treasure attend this type of meeting?"

Zhou Qing grinned, "What happened to this level of conference? Isn't it a group of dead house presidents chatting and farting?"

Xue Wei's holy gun said positively: "Yeah! The higher the person stands, the more his **** can be seen clearly. The speed at which this bright orange treasure rises is ridiculous. If he is really so good, then he is already another Da Fei, instead of buying a number on Taojin.com, his origin is indeed suspicious. "

Zhou Qing smiled: "The key is that he is rich and motivated! Why not do it? By the way, Xiaoyu, how is the progress of the dwarf aunt Feige looking for?"

Xiao Yu sighed, "I didn't find it. I put it upside down on the surveillance video on March 16th. It's too painful."

Zhou Qing Shen said: "Persevere! At the level of Dafei, every clue of his movement is beyond the ordinary player's cognition, and must be found. By the way, sister, is there no news on the player forum?"

Xuewei Shenggun smiled bitterly: "It's only been a few hours? And it was more than a month ago, and it was still a dwarf aunt who was not to be seen. Players can have impressions of ghosts."

Zhou Qing frowned: "If you have money to make the ghost push, then you will double the bounty!"

"Got it!"


At this time, Ono who participated in the meeting immediately reported to Mitsubishi headquarters the good news that he had entered the highest level in China.

Tsukamoto was very pleased: "Very good! Ono Jun, although only a guest, but as long as he continues to perform, it is entirely possible to occupy a place."

Ono laughed: "I always thought that the top-level core player in China is a small circle that civilian players will never be able to integrate through struggle, but now it seems that our perception of the Chinese should be changed."

Tsukamoto grinned: "This is also a manifestation of the progress of the Chinese people, and it is commendable. In short, since the rich man named the royal overlord does not compete with you for gold coins, then we also have a huge financial pressure. At this time, we will step up the acquisition of gold coins from major studios in China and strive for a further breakthrough in the Duke mission. I will continue to ask you to apply for 20,000 yuan in activity funds! "

Ono excitedly said: "Hi Yi! Thanks for the trust of the organization, I will go all out!"

It was also after Tsukamoto applied to Ono's activity funds for the foundation. A member of the studio immediately reported the latest trend: "Lüliucheng found the blood of the Chinese player!"

Then the next moment, the video of the player in front was immediately sent to the big screen, and I saw hundreds of Elven troops appeared in front of the road leading to the green willow village construction site, and the player hero who led the army suddenly became China with a glare five-star red flag above his head The sea of ​​blood of players!

At this moment, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters exploded: "This is inland. How did he get here? How dare he go ashore and go so far inland?"

Tsukamoto immediately returned to God in shock: "Order all the people at Luliucheng site to besiege"

With that said, Tsukamoto got stuck all of a sudden! He doesn't know the strength of the **** sea of ​​the ground, but the strength of the Japanese Bright League players on the site is too clear! Although the troops of the Bloody Sea are not many and hundreds, it is too easy to clean up all the newborn villages on this site!

At this moment, the entire headquarters was dead! A sense of fear of being destroyed by the village suddenly shrouded all the players.

Tsukamoto could only bite his teeth and ordered: "The players of the various unions at the scene are in danger! Players from other guilds in other places will immediately go to Luliu City to support!"

"Hi Yi!"


Blood Sea Studio. Guided by the accurate information of the Japanese patriotic youth Kishimoto, the blood sea Kuangtao went ashore and landed alone, and then near the green willow city, the blood sea Kuangtao traded hundreds of elven troops provided by another team member, and then aggressively killed them. The massive player village group on the ruins!

Looking at this close to no less than dozens of villages, the blood of the sea of ​​blood is boiling!

What is it that Dafei destroys two npc cities? Only destroy the player's city. And it is still a film that destroys Japanese players is the real peak of popularity!

"Kill!" At this moment, the backlog of Depression of the Blood Sea Kuangtao broke out for many days, and under the leadership of the Blood Sea Kuangtao, even the lowest level 1 soldier sword dancers of the Elf Forces burst into amazing power. One after another the Japanese players turned away, and buildings after building collapsed!

Shocking cheers erupted throughout the Bloodsea Studios, and Tiange and Pony opened the precious champagne spraying room again, and then broke out again on the World Channel in China: "Taoge Japan live relocation!"

The entire China area is boiling!


Ming Haifa Talon, watching the World Channel again swipe the screen, Da Fei tangled. I have to say that the tyrant who can swipe the World Channel one screen at a time can't really mess it up. The popularity of this **** sea is overwhelming! If my brother took his island away, I guess he would return to the era that Wanfu was referring to?

cut! Since you have so much money, the brother will be assured that there is no psychological pressure, and the brother will not admit that it is his brother's work. How can you bear with me?

It's 1pm Beijing time now. With the end of the blessing ceremony of the team of Caroline Druid, the unicorn flower vine officially settled in the middle of the forest, at this time the stars around the entire flower vine bloomed.

Druid Philio came to Dafei and said, "Warrior, although our abilities can not be compared with those of the capital Druid Parliament's Druid, but under our full power, we will still The potential of this flower vine has reached its current limit, and the current growth rate of flower vines will increase by 2%. Hope to help the warriors. "

Da Fei laughed and said, "Masters, for your hard work, I am very grateful! Masters, rest quickly."

"The Warriors are polite."

Just then, a flash of light flashed in the sky, and Samer appeared: "Warrior, you're finished!"

Then the next moment, three black beams of light descended from the sky. The three mirrors in the beam of light were suddenly the long-lost Lich Dragon Samast, the Crab Crab, and the dazzling Siren leader Naples.

Samast mirrored: "Warrior, even if I am in the underworld, I also feel the change in the dragon tomb of another world. I know you have succeeded, and you are truly capable. I am idle and idle about your proposal. I will support you. "

Dafei was overjoyed: "Thank you Lord Samister."

Cancer Crabbo also said: "Opening the access to the ground world means that I can eat more fresh corpses. The condition that helps me is that the warriors provide 10,000 units of meat to my people every month. It does n’t matter if it ’s an army species or a livestock fishery product. There are as many crab yellows as we can eat. ”

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitated: "10,000 units? Then I have to drive a fleet to carry it, can you be less?"

Clabo sullenly said, "Yes, I can help less."

Da Fei had to compromise: "Well, then 10,000!"

Naples was extremely impatient: "I hate this ghost place, can you talk less nonsense?"

Samalgan laughed: "Warrior, Ms. Naples hasn't figured out the conditions yet, so she can think of it at that time. Then, let's go and talk to Sariya Abbasta. And, I also notified Azoro on his way home, and he will follow up. "

How embarrassed I was to let God-level angels run errands for my brother! Dafei hurriedly said, "Okay, then I'll board the ship immediately."

Dafei hurriedly led the team on board, and then remembered the incident and asked, "What if I can't talk about it?"

Naples was even more impatient: "It would be simple to destroy her!"

Lying down! The banshee's anger is overbearing!

Samer laughed: "Yes! We also prepared for the other hand. Although I don't think that resorting to force is a good way, Samister's idea is completely different from mine."

Samast murmured: "Of course, you are the commander of the bare pole. Your thinking is destined to be different from us. For us, the integration of force warns others to be simpler and faster."

no doubt! This is most likely to trigger the fourth phase of the task. In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of this mission is to fight and fight, to unify the sea. Then there's nothing to say, get on board and set off.


Mitsubishi Command, after the last player's field of vision disappeared from the big screen, the entire Command was silent.

The village that was born less than a day after encountering such a sneak attack on the sea of ​​bloody seas can be imagined. And the system gave the player a level 5 fiefdom order. Once this village was destroyed, the Japanese area really couldn't find any more fiefdom orders to rebuild. After all, the players of the Bright Alliance in Japan have always been the role of cannon fodder, and there are not many players who can rise to level 5.

The NPC will never give players a chance, which means that the ruins of the Green Willow City will be received by the Kingdom NPC in the next moment. It is not the nearly one hundred village groups that lost in Japan, but a large piece of valuable commercial land. This is the biggest loss.

Tsukamoto finally roared back and said, "There must be an insider! Otherwise, a huge team such as Xuehai Kuangtao cannot go into the mainland so easily and accurately, and check! Each guild and team check!"

"Hi Yi!"

The right and left of the gun reminded: "Captain, before we have found out the traitor and the **** sea, we should stop building the Elven Kingdom. We should still focus on the construction of the underground Lamia village. "

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said, "Only this way, Lamia village is our focus."

At this time, the sea of ​​blood that destroyed the ruins of the green willow city once again received the latest information from Kishiyoshi Hiroshi. Keep getting closer and closer, at which time we can continue to fund Mr. Troops. "

The **** sea Kuangtao is still proud of killing: "Dare! Why not dare? Then I will demolish another city!"

"It is indeed Mr. Bloodsea Kuangtao!" (To be continued.)

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