God Rank Hero

Chapter 1488: Restoring civil strife in the dwarven kingdom

For high-end players, it is usually easy to see, but difficult to see the king. ┞┟Yao ~ www.readwn.com ~ As the supreme ruler of the kingdom of the earth, the king can actually give the player more useful things than God. Dafei knows a lot about various god-level strongmen calling friends and friends, but the real opportunity to see the king is only the two chances during the war in Japan.

And it was during the special period of the national war, and it was difficult to see the king in peacetime. So Da Fei didn't know anything at all. Hope can only be placed in the Medals of the God Warriors.

After a large number of players followed, Da Fei came to the palace again. Undoubtedly, the guard at the gate of the kingdom ruthlessly stopped Da Fei: "Stop! This is the palace, and those who have not been invited are forbidden to move forward!"

Lying down! Brother has neither a mission nor an invitation, but his reputation is high!

Da Fei had to scratch his head and grab the medal: "I am the warrior Da Fei of the Alliance. I need to meet the king urgently for the sake of the medal and give me face ..."

The shouting guard suddenly widened his eyes: "Moldin Medal !?"

Da Fei's heart beats! They knew it and there was a show!

The shout of the guard immediately caught the attention of other guards, and a group of people gathered around and exclaimed, "It is really the legendary Moradine Medal!"

Haha, it's done! Dafei proudly said, "My lords, this is the proof that I have handed over with the dwarven **** warriors, so I must meet the king and there must be something important, please let me go, please?"

"No problem!" Then a group of guards came back to their hands, grabbed the medal on Da Fei's hand as if they were electric: "Wait for the briefing! However, our Majesty can't see you if we don't see you!"

The system prompts: You successfully bribed 11 Guards Medal of the Guard!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! bribe? What a fart, when did labor and bribes bribe them? What are these things? That is to say, in case Brother is not popular enough and the King is unwilling to meet, Brother God ’s Medal of Warrior will be thrown out for nothing?

Between the pain and the entanglement, a white-bearded old man dwarf in a robe finally came out in the palace and said, "Let him in!"

Dafei breathed a sigh of relief, and the surrounding crowd of players was uproaring: "It is worthy to be a brother, and one thing is to do big things!"

The video of Da Fei entering the palace of the dwarf, of course, was also transmitted to the chat room of the Chinese team league for the first time. ┡┞Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ This makes a lot of people who are crazy crazy feel a little bit more comfortable: "Do big things! Fei. Please stop playing! Only 36 hours!"

At this time, under the guidance of the old man with white beard, Da Fei came to a luxurious guest room in the palace, and then the old man said: "I am Her Majesty's adviser to the Rune Master. Well, most of the daily affairs are left to me to handle. The Warriors are reputable rookies of the Bright League. Your Majesty may be interested in seeing you. But I want to know what is important about the Warriors. Otherwise, there is no need to disturb your Majesty. . "

There is still a hurdle! Really worthy of being a king, brother is not easy to see such a high reputation.

Da Fei immediately began to figure it out. Must be a big deal, right? What those wine sellers want to inherit from Grew is fart, don't mention it? After all, this is to let the player take the initiative to touch the big task! OK, then only the big things that the elderly care about most, showdown!

Dafei Shen said: "It's about the two princes!"

The old man frowned: "Oh? Listen?"

Da Fei continued: "I have had business dealings with my two princes, and now both princes have very strange places. ┢To read ┞Book 1.┝"

The old man said lightly: "Keep talking!"

Da Fei coughed, "It's true, I have two princes who have a relationship with the demon."

The old man sank: "What does that warrior mean?"

Dafei also frowned. It seemed that the old man also knew that the two princes were abnormal. According to the style of court drama, what the emperor hated most was that others participated in the struggle for the heir to the throne. Then, Da Fei decided to make a most neutral insurance answer: "I have no other meaning. I just want to kill the devil of the prince, to be precise, the devil of the prince, the 11th Gusin family of 72 pillar deities. . However, if I kill the devil of the great prince, it may cause the situation in the kingdom to be out of balance, so I think this problem is very serious, so it is necessary to see your Majesty. "

The old man's face changed: "You are so sure that His Highness's demon is Gu Xin?"

There is drama! Dafei laughed: "I can also guess that the demon **** of the second prince may be the 57th place of Osset, but it is not completely certain, but it is certain that it is definitely weaker than the devil **** of the big prince."

The old man's face was more severe: "Really? Then do you think you have the ability to kill the devil?"

The voice just fell. The old man's whole body flashed electric light, and a lightning mask spread to the room with the old man as the center, and Dafei was enveloped in the mask instantly!

The system prompts: You have entered the thunder field! Your hero's stats are reduced by 7o%, and you can't act in a paralyzed state!

Is this a test of Brother's strength? Reduce 7o% attributes? Dafei was suddenly surprised: "Level 3 Divine Realm!"

The old man was surprised: "Do you actually know this is Level 3 Divine Realm?"

Da Fei coughed: "After all. I want to read the book 1. I am also on the road to becoming a god. This is still common sense." Yes, the theologian Isaac enlightened, 1 Level Godland reduces hero attributes by 5o%, level 2 is 6o%, and level 3 is 7o%. but. At 5th level, the hero is abolished by 1oo%.

The old man said lightly, "That is, you haven't killed the power of the devil yet?"

Da Fei hurriedly said: "I have killed a lot of demons at the time of the cross-region national war. I don't think it is always a matter of defeating the demons, and it is not necessarily a one-on-one duel. Although I do n’t have the ability now, it does n’t mean that I do n’t have the ability in the future. I should have planned it earlier. Besides, I personally have only one step to become a saint, what do adults think? ”

The old man nodded: "That's it! Then come with me to see the king!" After finishing retracting the realm, a flash of magic light appeared on the floor of the room, and a teleportation array appeared.

The old man greeted, "Please!"

The next moment, the scene changed, and Dafei and the old man appeared in a fiery luxurious bedroom. On the golden bed in the bedroom, a thin-skinned and gold-crowned old man suddenly lay, but his eyes were still bright and energetic. At this moment, Da Fei suddenly thought of the dead dwarf brother.

"Your Majesty, I have brought the Warriors who have risen to fame recently. I want to read the book. The Warriors have very high opinions on the two deities."

Da Fei also saluted immediately: "Have seen Your Majesty!"

The king was slow and powerful: "Yes, it's so young to achieve so much better than my two sons!"

There is drama! Da Fei rejoiced and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty has won a prize. But I still lack strength."

The king nodded: "I can do nothing about the situation in the kingdom. And I have only one year of life left. I hope that the warriors can solve these two deities before I die. If the warriors have this determination, I will try my best to train the warriors. If the Warriors ca n’t do it "

At this point, the king was silent. Dafei is a great earthquake! One year life? Sure enough, did the brother advance the game as soon as he saw the king?

The old man interfaced: "If the warrior can't do it, it will cause chaos in the kingdom, even civil war and division of the kingdom. At that time, the warrior will bear the crime of rebellion, and you will be ruined in the Bright Alliance, which is tantamount to The Alliance is wanted, the Warriors think twice! "

The system prompts: You touched the legendary mission of the dwarf camp, "Calming the Civil War in the Dwarf Kingdom", would you accept it?

Quest hint: The civil strife in the dwarven kingdom is full of signs in the two princes, and their collusion is complex. You must quell the scourge of civil strife within the year that the king is alive. Once you can't calm down civil strife, you will become the sinner of the alliance!


Dafei was shocked! What the hell! Sure enough, it is a legendary task of the pit father, how can this dwarf be a desperate person and play a wanted criminal? Are you a god-level potter? However, his territory is either in the city of punishment or the eastern world. The current strategic center is the sky boat of the mobile city. If it is wanted, it is nothing more than

It's nothing more than the City of Light is definitely over. Alicia may run, and Barack smiles at her son-in-law on the thief ship! Well, this loss is still big? So first ask the conditions for training brother!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, before taking on the mission, I want to ask, I need the legendary world guardian profession, the part of the dwarven kingdom inherited by Grew. Is this possible?"

The king disdain: "The arrogant elves! If not for us the dwarves to provide them with an underground passage to escape the siege of the demon legion, he can protect the world? You can take it!"

It's incredible! Brother dragged things that he could n’t get for so long, and just met in one sentence? Is this too cool or too painful?

Dafei hurriedly asked again, "I also need the best god-level winemakers in the kingdom to train winemakers for me. I also need a lot of high-end wine exhibition wine gods!"

The king was surprised: "Bacchus field? No problem! I can send a few winemakers to follow you for a year, and the salary is paid by you. As for a lot of wine, you can't give it for free, you have to trade things, and I can open you up to trading restrictions. Change as much as you want. "

His eyes widened in shock!

Lying down! Really like the elf king, fart is done in one sentence! If all the wine is open, even if I ca n’t use it, I can transport it to the lighthouse as a specialty product. Is n’t that a breeze to activate the trade between the lighthouse islands and Naga? Dealing with the king is really cooler.

The old man also laughed: "Warriors, our efforts to train you will be deducted from the rewards after you complete the task. So what the Warriors want, but think about it before answering."

Isn't it just getting on the bus first and replenishing the ticket? This model is my favorite! OK, the egg that I touched hurts the task, and I will take it with a smile, even with tears!

Da Fei immediately determined: "Your Majesty, I accept this glorious mission!"

System prompt: You accept the legendary quest "Calm to Dwarf the Civil War in the Dwarven Kingdom". From now on, the life of the Dwarven King is only one year ...

At this moment, the light in the king's eyes was suddenly dim, and he was extremely tired: "So, old friend, the next thing is left to you."

The old man gave a gift: "Your Majesty, take a good rest!"

So the scene changed, Da Fei returned to the living room. The old man said positively: "Warrior, I'll take the Gelug lineage you need. However, since you have accepted this task, you should try not to see the two His Highnesses."

Da Fei nodded again and again: "Understand! And winemaker and wine!"

The old man laughed: "Even if you want the best brewing equipment, you can give it, but you have to change things!"

Top equipment? During the national war in Japan, I also dragged out the relationship between the kingdom of the elves and tossed out a winery, but that winery should just deal with him casually, right? Lying down! How does that work! Must be top notch!

Dafei immediately said: "No problem! Then come a set of top equipment!"

The old man laughed: "Come slowly, the Warriors wait!"

Let me go! This is the rhythm of opening the cat space bag! Just when Da Fei started to calculate what else was needed, the old man came back with a green box: "Warrior, this is the heritage you want!" (To be continued.)

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