God Rank Hero

Chapter 1529: New career: Destiny Skywalker

The battle below is the battle of the harvest without any suspense. Alas, there is no essential difference between the devil who has consumed most of his energy and an ordinary ghost, and it is impossible to exaggerate all the physics exaggerated, let alone under the baptism of bright magic and requiem. There is no resistance.

One by one, the iniquity turned into light shavings during the bombardment, and rows of system prompts appeared on the screen:

The system prompts: You have destroyed 2 ancient gods and evil spirits, and you have completed the Siren race prestige task "Clear the Residual Soul of Ancient Gods and Evil"!

The system prompts: You have destroyed 3 ancient gods and evil spirits ...

However, the light debris transformed by the gods did not dissipate, but instead gathered around the boat around the sky, forming a glittering vortex that was continuously absorbed by the hull.

Tamilia said excitedly: "Master, the Lord, this is the result of the divine with the divine, and the energy in the diffused space will be absorbed by the divine. However, this energy is already insignificant. There will be a huge improvement. I suggest the Lord Lord to merge Beamon's personality! "

Wa hahaha! That's right!

Da Fei was excited to pull out this dark red spar, which is as big as a fist. There is a galaxy-like "small universe" spinning in the spar. This is the godhead of Beamon in the 5th level, a fresh, "alive" godhead !! Like the evil **** Douglas goddess and the dragon fragments of the Saysu dragon, he has no attributes, and ordinary players can't find any way to use it.

But for Da Fei, this is the real harvest of God. Da Fei knows the value of Godhead more than any ordinary player! Compared with it, the earth overlord three-piece suit is actually nothing. Because this is the first time that Da Fei slaughtered the gods and dragons for the first time to obtain a complete true godhead.

Da Fei handed the goddess to Tamilla so solemnly and said: "Be sure to integrate well, the harvest of our adventure is all on this godhead!"

Tamillah took the godhead and marveled, "What a powerful force this is. Lord Lord, look at me!" After speaking, it is urgent to turn it into light shards and enter into the vine, meanwhile, Tamelia's voice came again: "What is the Lord Lord, please call me directly!"

Da Fei was surprised and laughed, too. Actually, she could also call her teleport directly when she merged the nightmare crystal, but she called Alicia when she thought she was away. After all, yourself to Sacred Vine. Not enough about Tamilla's abilities.

Finally, the last group of gods turned into light debris and became the nutrition of the Flying Flight, and the battle was officially ended. However, the spar rain in the sky does not end! Da Fei finally can't wait to shout, "Clean the battlefield!"

The next moment, the boat of the sky was close to the ice, and thousands of evil demon vine demon swarmed out of the space at the bottom of the ship to collect spar. At the same time, I have to say that in such an extremely cold night in the center of the Arctic, no matter what ordinary things are done here, it will become unusual.

At this time, Cesar flew to Dafei in excitement and reported, "Master Warrior. You have cleared 34 powerful ancient gods and gained 340,000 prestige of your tribe. Your prestige in my tribe can no longer be worshiped. Come describe! Warriors can now buy equipment directly with reputation, without pearls. At the same time, I can no longer meet the needs of the warriors, the warriors can now meet the patriarch directly with anything! "

The system prompts: you get the reputation of Bingge City 340,000, your reputation in Bingge City becomes "worship", you get a new permission "reputation to meet the Bingge patriarch"!

Big fly haha ​​laugh! This is more than one move, now Bingge City is done. What else can stop Brother's global presence?

So now there is only one thing left, is the world announcement of killing Beamon?

This is what makes Da Fei tangled. It is said that he has sacrificed several opportunities of world broadcasting for the sake of forbearance. Now killing Bimen, a god-like beast, also bears it out, and I'm so sorry for myself. This has sacrificed much of the world's reputation in the game.

Not to mention that in this countdown to the imminent national war, it is unimaginable to encourage the entire China region by advertising. Even the surrounding Southeast Asia, where China, Europe and Japan are competing against China, will see the situation again and stand in line. The contribution to China is inestimable, and it can instantly offset all the negative news about itself yesterday.

However, the total server for this game is in the United States! Once they were so determined that the brother cheated. God knows what will happen? It is trivial to continue to postpone the opening of the server. In case they really have a black box method to do something similar to a title, it is theoretically possible. Who calls them the United States? Without them they can't do anything! Once Brother is blocked, who will take the lead for Brother? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Cut!

When the big fly tangled with impatience. The system prompts a jingle:

System Tip: You have been sailing for more than 13 days, you have experienced harsh sailing in a special environment, and you and your team heroes have gained the additional experience of God-level navigator skills "nautical training" + 12 million, your team extra Gain growth potential. The effect of the incomplete skill "Advanced Aviation" developed by you is increased to 9%!

System prompt: Congratulations! In the distant and difficult battle trek, you successfully realized the master-level "arms transporter", your wisdom +1. Your troops march on land, increase their speed by 25%, increase their physical strength by 25%, and gain 1 Free Attribute Bonus for each level of Master Armour Transport.

System prompt: Congratulations! You are perfectly proficient in 8 arbitrary occupations of mortal employment limits, and you are superbly sanctified to get advanced "sage" information! For further information please contact the Duke of Makar.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your extraordinary wisdom and outstanding talents allow you to understand the experience of travel in extreme hardships. You can now integrate the existing "God-level navigator career master-level arms transporter profession", "God-level navigation" "Grand Master Logistics" and "Advanced Aviation" open up a whole new profession! This occupation inherits all the attributes of the current integrated occupational skills and gets new occupation attributes. Please name the occupation!

System prompt: Congratulations! Your deputy heroine, Alicia, and the Great Druids studied and developed the field of Bacchus in battle, achieved a major breakthrough, and successfully promoted to "Grand Master Ranger"!

System prompt: Congratulations! Your deputy hero Katerina successfully learned the essence of piloting in crisis management and "primary aviation". Wisdom +2! Katerina gets information on god-level leadership and god-level pirates!


Dafei was shocked! Unconsciously, a day passed, and Brother finally ushered in a big explosion of transcripts after a mediocre day! Brother's arms transporter is finally master, brother finally got the information of the saint! I finally found a new career!

It's too much information. Let me be quiet!

Now, Da Fei suppressed the ecstasy and calmed down to examine the saint's information first! His eight major professions have finally been completed. In fact, there should be nine professions, namely the guardian of the world, god-level navigator, magic penalty crusader, grand master Jianbao, grand master dark ranger, and master sentry. There are nine professions, including a master bard, a master arms transporter, and a junior monk who has no time to cultivate.

This ninth professional arms transporter still learned from the mysterious scroll of Mayor Elorine's mysterious wisdom to copy the arms transporter's experience. This early breakthrough resulted in a mysterious attribute "wisdom"! Although it doesn't feel useful, but it is conceivable that without so many chances of wisdom value, the process of my own understanding will never be so fast.

Anyway. It stands to reason that he should directly rise to become a saint now, but even the system prompts him to go to Makar. This proves that all his previous guesses are accurate. Looking for him in the past may be a showdown, that is, he let brother choose sidelines. Brother will not pass, brother finds the king of time to find a way.

Then, Da Fei has set its sights on a new career to be developed. If it is said, the arms transporter is only a career composed of multiple business skills and logistics skills. Then this new job is a new job that is made up of the old job and skills. What would be the attribute?

Da Fei was excited to fill in the long-awaited name Skywalker! Then the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: You name your new profession "Skywalker", you formally take the job of "Junior Skywalker", you get the extra bonus of Skywalker profession: each Hero level gets 1 free attribute point, Junior Skywalker extra Improve navigation. Logistics, 20% effect of aviation skills. Upgrade your god-level navigator skill "Navigation Training" to Skywalker's professional skill "Skywalker Training".

Skywalker training: Every day you travel on land, sky, and ocean, you can train the team, improve the team's potential and experience.

System Tip: The professional level of Skywalker can be improved by upgrading the level of subordinates' professional skills. The professional skills of Skywalker need further development.

The system prompts: You have created a new profession "Skywalker" and got the achievement "Skywalker". Is it announced on the World Channel?


Dafei stared with a big eyebrow, this is Skywalker! ? The basic attributes are not as bad as expected, except for 46 more attribute points, which is an additional 20% based on the original attributes. That is to say, as long as the Skywalker is promoted to the master level, his motive power will be doubled again?

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the sailing training has finally gotten rid of the limitation of the sea and upgraded to sea, land and air amphibious training! In fact, Da Fei's navigation training has long been out of the limit of the sea, but it is only recognized by the system that it is sailing under the fluid mechanics talent or the accompanying boat. But it is different in the future. You can train by walking directly.

As for the upgrade method of Skywalker, it is to upgrade the professional skills of its subordinates, that is to say, the master of aviation technology can be a master, the master of logistics can be a master, and the arms dealer can be a master. But wait! Filling all four subordinate occupational skills to the **** level is to charge the seventh level, and the junior skywalker only needs the sixth level to rush to the **** level. What's going on? Can we go beyond God?

What the hell! Sure enough, there is connotation!

At this moment, Dafei really has infinite reveries about the career of this profession! So what else can I say? World Channel Radio, right? Then there is no need to worry about it, Cobimone aggrieved himself and stopped broadcasting, after all, he won by bugs, and he won't win. Even if it's not a bug, it's a misnomer, but you can just choose to make a fortune. But this Skywalker is different. This is the real wisdom of Brother, and it is enough to show his brother's Chinese power to the world!


World Channel: Congratulations! The Chinese player Da Fei successfully developed a new job "Skywalker" and obtained the achievement "Skywalker" with world reputation + 20,000!

come on! Yesterday afternoon, the world swiped the screen and scolded the brother. Today, you do n’t swipe the screen to praise the brother. Are you worthy of the brother?

And sure enough. The next moment, Da Fei's friends flashed incessantly, Da Fei's guild channel was screaming, and then the World Channel in China was a blast!

Da Fei stood up and took a deep breath by mimicking the posture of Beamon. Sure enough, what he wants in life is this cool! Although Brother is not on the world broadcast for the first time, every time he is on the world broadcast is as great as health care!

Then, Da Fei opened friends information, nothing more than the big names and beauties of all walks of life scrambling to ask what kind of profession this is. Da Fei began to be distressed again. This seems to be brother's secret, still can't say it! Then I am ashamed to continue to sell: "State secrets, no comment"!

That's right, brother's secret is state secret, haha, wow hahaha!

At this moment, Dafei suddenly found that there was a space in the character attribute occupation column!

That's right. Originally, there were nine occupations in the occupation column. Now the navigator and transporter have been merged by Skywalker and they have one more position! Can I still find a new job in this vacant position?

Da Fei's heart beats. Immediately began to look for the long-held professional "Destiny Knight" from his bag!

"Destiny Knight's Promotion Notes": When the player has a master knight professional level, master-level leadership, master-level luck, after using this experience, there is a very small chance to successfully promote the destiny knight. Note: This experience can continue to be improved by collecting information on the Destiny Knight. The more complete the experience, the more conducive to the successful promotion of the Destiny Knight.

Dafei frowned! Lying down. Brother God-level leadership skills, God-level lucky skills are available, but not a knight! Brother is actually not a knight as a human, so what makes brother feel bad?

However, why only the Cavaliers have the destiny? Brother Destiny Crusader. Destiny Dark Ranger? With the mentality of trying to open up, and increasing the excitement after winning, Dafei clicked directly to use the notes without even thinking about it!

Then the next moment, the notes turned into light debris disappeared, and the system prompted a bang:

System Tip: Your occupational composition cannot be promoted to Destiny Knight, but your excellent wisdom and lucky traits allow you to integrate a new occupation. Please choose one occupation from your various occupations for integration.

Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! Sure enough, it's not only the knights who are destined! Brother's realm is already in the hands of impermanence, and he is no longer subject to conventional restrictions. Integrated career, right? Come on, hit the iron while hot, and integrate Skywalker!

Choose, OK! A white light came down from the sky!

System Tip: Your outstanding wisdom integrates the professional Skywalker to obtain a new class "Destiny Skywalker". Each hero level gains 2 free attribute points. The primary Destiny Skywalker additionally improves navigation, logistics, aviation, and effect 20. %. Fortunately, the skill of luck is increased by 10%. Obtain the new professional skill "Destiny Power".

Destiny: Lucky is with you!


Big fly and laugh! It's done, there is one more destiny prefix! It has become a Destiny Skywalker. This time, the character level is a level plus 2 attribute points. Brother has 46 more attribute points! Then I merged luck and leadership, haha, wow hahaha!

Just wait, what is this destiny power? This is also called attribute?

At this moment, Dafei suddenly remembered the last time when he heard this information from the NP professional mentor. He heard from the np that in the history of the Holy See, there were several cavaliers who took the job by accident, but they did n’t know what their career was for. . Moreover, their qualifications are limited, and there is no way to improve the destiny knight by rushing to the Grand Master's career until the death of the old. (See Chapter 836 "Meeting Junxiang Trumpet")

In other words, it is said that the only destiny knight that is useful is the Galahad (private rgalahad) in the twelve round table knights of King Arthur. Only he can find the Holy Grail. In other words, is this a treasure hunting profession?

Just as Da Fei contemplates, Buffett farted and shed tears and ran over and hugged Da Fei's thigh in pain: "Warrior! I feel my pain is relieved! I know you can save me!"

Dafei frowned, did the power of destiny specifically offset the power of doom? Da Fei looked up, but couldn't see anything! In other words, only God can see it?

Da Fei laughed again and again: "Yes, I said, I can save you!"

Buffett wept and cried: "I will never say suicide again!"

Lying down! No, you still have to be aware of suicide at any time, so as not to make brother difficult at the critical moment!

As the whole ship rolled in a wave of fire and the entire army cheered for victory, the spar rain in the sky finally stopped, and at the same time, Beamon's huge body emerged from the ice. Then Serbia wielded the sea soul battle to absorb that ray of remnant soul from Beamon.

The final harvest is this Beamon corpse, then there is nothing to say, the job is gone!

At this moment, Tammelia's voice came from the Holy Vine: "Master, Lord, for the Holy Vine who is now entering the stage of faith, the value of Bemon's flesh and blood is not particularly great. Isn't it a bit wasteful? "

Da Fei's brow jumped, too. At the beginning, a volcanic line of dragons had stripped the skin and scraped the skin, which made my angel legion have a full set of angel battle armor. If this big one is directly connected to the belt bone and swallowed by the vine It's too wasteful. God knows what kind of equipment can be made from Beacon?

Alicia laughed: "Master, Lord Helena, didn't you say you want to prepare a lot of meat for Leviathan's eggs? Let's give her this food as a food!"

Lying down! It is worthy of my brother's help, and I almost forgot! Da Fei clapped his hands and laughed: "Okay, then transport back to the city and keep it for our city guardian beasts!"

At 8 am Beijing time, Da Fei officially set off on his way home after collecting 12,000 units of unknown spar and the body of Beamon in the polar region.

First stop, Centaur! Nima's, ate his brother's wine and spit it out to his brother, then kneeled down as a believer! However, I have to say that it is fortunate that half of the supplies were dropped to make room for them, otherwise there is really no room for so many crystals to put back.


At this time, players all over the world are puzzled by Dafei's new career! This occupation named by Da Fei was translated into English by the translator as "skyalker". It is a sword sword wielding a laser machine in the movie Star Wars. Is Da Fei's new occupation a sword sacred? This is Dafei demonstrating to players all over the world? (To be continued.)

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