God Rank Hero

: Sorry, Cavan, ready to take a vacation

Book friends, sorry, Carvin. The story progressed to this point is that Da Fei made a doze and woke up and the world began to fight the country.

Although it is not about Da Fei for the time being, but how to say it should also write in the cover profile the feeling of "being brilliant on the stage of the national war of the world's top players", which is very grand, very grand feeling, a little bit Good to write. In addition, some place names in the New World, the city names and locations of the districts still need to be adjusted, and they also have a very grand and grand feeling, which is also a bit difficult to write.

In general, it is China that singles out regions in the world.

In addition, a book friend asked a question a long time ago, why should China single out the world? Is it necessary for a game to map some real phenomena?

It's time to answer this question. First of all, annihilating rice is a kind of feeling, yes, feeling. Using Wanwan readers who sprayed books on the other side sprayed what I said was "faeces".

Then, I also briefly gave a reason in the previous chapters, that is, as long as it is world-class trade, there must be a question of whether to settle in US dollars or RMB. The huge market in China Rich, of course, must support RMB settlement and promote RMB internationalization. This is equivalent to hitting the US dollar market, and the US dollar will use its existing advantages to suppress the Chinese region. This reason is too legitimate and persuasive, right?

From a practical point of view, the US strategy after the Vietnam War is, in the final analysis, to fight for the US dollar. The purpose of the US's actions around China is to point to the core through appearances: "Do not let the RMB become the second Euro"! Then this must require chaos around China, make China's investment environment worse, and so on, just like the Syria-Ukraine problem now affects Europe. But China will not be fooled. The most frequently used sentence by the Prime Minister to answer questions from foreign journalists during the two sessions is "maintaining stability around China"!

So, do n’t talk about Chinese counseling, it ’s that in the counseling, it ’s the style, the level.

Therefore, it is not ashtray feces, but the United States is already at the top of the food chain! In the eyes of the United States, the world is all sheep. All of them are fattened and must periodically make regional waves of turbulent shearing, but China does not allow shearing! How does this make America play? In other countries, it is "the most glorious labor", and in the eyes of the United States, it is "the most foolish labor". This is the world view of the top monster in the food chain that is different from other countries.

Therefore, every time I see an ignorant youth over the harbour, creating confusion and clamoring for "dish cooking", the ashtray will not get angry. Nima is now forced by the EU to suffer losses and believing in the US It ’s set. Do you really believe that you have feces in your head? You are all wool, you are not the top of the food!

Ah, it was pulled away and the ashtray continued to conceive. I'm so sorry for making book friends wait for a day. (~ ^ ~)

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