God Rank Hero

Chapter 1567: Decisive City of the Gods

The command of the Russian war angel team, the atmosphere of the decisive battle was about to start.

The Russian region can be said to be the lowest-key of the nine regions of the game, even lower-key than the new region. All the news about the Russian region is nothing more than the economic downturn in Russia. Everyone in the family plays gold coin hoarding resources in the game, and waits for the New World to open to players in other countries to earn foreign exchange and improve their lives.

In such a small-peasant-conscious game atmosphere, it is hard to believe how much Russia can play in the game, not to mention the fact that the Russian national team's main race is still a very unpopular dwarf. However, even so, Russia still has a god-level hero 'Siege Technician' who smashed the world when it was opened. However, the siege technician is a human hero, and it is also inconsistent with the strategic direction of Russia's main attack on the dwarves, not to mention the general lack of mechanical flow in the later period.

Therefore, when the New World opened, the Russian area did not appear in the player reception hall of the City of the Gods, and it was understandable to avoid the competition for resources of the City of the Gods.

But now, Russia is back. Although it is not the main force, the shocking effect of dozens of vehicle crossbow guns makes people calm.

At this time, the captain of the battle angel team "Peter the Great" looked grimly at the large screen on the wall, watching the Ivan engineering team who started construction of the tower as soon as possible.

For the Angel Team, this battle was completely temporary. The Russian region does not have the capital to compete for in the city of the gods, but this does not mean that the Angel Team will miss the opportunity in vain. Many people use the term "bear" to describe Russia. The impression is that the Russians are very brutal, but they are indeed very brutal. But in fact Russia is a double-headed eagle. Their eyes are looking at both directions at the same time. No one can underestimate their intelligence.

This battle does have the risk of being overwhelmed by the covert army, but it is well worth it. The Russian area has also taken a detour. When the Russian area conquered the key technology of the vehicle-mounted crossbow gun and secretly developed an attempt to rely on these mechanical torrents to dominate the new world, the airship was born! This means that the secret forces of the Russian region have been eliminated before they come and play their role.

Well, instead of being eliminated after the official arrival of the airship era. Might as well fight now! What's more, whether or not an agreement is reached, only China is the only strong ally in Russia, and such an ally cannot fall easily.

"Captain. The EU Legion has attacked!"

It's finally here! Peter the Great Shen said: "Inform China, we will fight to the end!"


At 10:05 pm Beijing time, with the advent of the Russian battle fleet and the start of the temporary arrow tower, the European Union could not wait and see. This is a battle that must be taken. As for the consequences? There is no time to consider the consequences!

First and foremost was Napoleon, the captain of the French Arc de Triomphe. During the last big flight to the European Union City of Penalty, he showed that he was not a pikeman, but a Level 6 soldier. The cavalry, now missing for months, Napoleon's strength is even different from the original!

As a piece of golden light fell from the sky, Napoleon and his 300 cavalry bathed in the golden light, and they took the lead in launching an assault on a million army formation in China. Players from all over the world were screaming!

Heavy cavalry charge, romantic and classic feelings of the French! And the cavalry charged by God charged. That is the supremely elegant art of war!

At this moment, the Chinese team command room was in an uproar, and the Emperor was shocked: "The legendary god-level knight skills, invincible charge !!!"

Ma Yinglong was shocked: "It is the legendary three-minute Superman. After finishing the rush, you can take Yangwei for a month and take a trick?"

The ancient star said, "This is the rhythm to divide our million army into two!"

Xue Wei anxiously: "Don't worry, their goal must be the Russian team behind us, let them avoid!"

Between the words, a small group of golden dots on the map dragged the dazzling golden trajectory into the range of the middle group. Under the sky and arrow rain, countless words of "missed block offset offset injury damage absorption" from The golden cavalry regiment jumped out of the head!

"Wow !!! Invincible!" Players from all over the world are shocked!

next moment. The Jinguang Cavalry Regiment rushed to the front of the Central Regiment. In front of their unparalleled speed, the bow and arrow sea of ​​the Chinese team had only one mobile phone meeting!

"Duang!" With the unanimous shouting of players from the European Union, the shield guard in the front row of the Chinese regiment was hit and flying, and then the three hundred cavalry were like a golden sharp knife. Long drive straight into the invincible burst into the belly of the ** regiment!

Under the leadership of this vanguard, the EU Million Army following the charge has entered the front battlefield of the Chinese regiment. The Chinese team has no time to take care of these three hundred invincible cavalry, and can only direct the main attack direction to the forward. EU Legion!

At this moment, the dark clouds and arrows of the two sides whistled past, and the legions of the two sides fell into pieces! this moment. The whole channel is a sea of ​​flowers from players in Europe and America!

At this time, the Russian war angels command.

Facing the invincible charge of the French team, the captain of the team, Peter the Great, couldn't help but be shocked on the spot: "I actually realized the god-level knight!"

However, it is not completely without countermeasures! Peter immediately ordered: "The convoy moves towards the rear of Da Fei's mining deputy hero, fills the incendiary bomb and moves for three consecutive shots! Target, the French team in front!"

"Roger that!"

Dozens of Russian artillery teams behind the Chinese regiment moved, and in the movement, the smoke and dust were scattered. In the smoke, dozens of flaming crossbow arrows dragged long flames of smoke and howling across the regiment. Sky, fly to the military formations in the EU! Then there were two tremors, and two rows of rockets followed!

Players from all over the world are stunned: "Rockets! ???"

Boom boom! !! !! The next moment, there was a sea of ​​fire in the EU army!


At this moment, players from all over the world are shocked, and the players in the Chinese Communist Youth League are even more shocked! This is the strength of Russia ’s secret forces. It is also possible to set off incendiary bombs while running. This is to beat the rhythm of the world! But where are they going?

At this moment, Napoleon, who was in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the battlefield, was shocked after seeing the strength of the Russian team, but this also strengthened Napoleon's determination to destroy the opponent! At the same time, Napoleon also has absolute confidence in the ultimate invincible charge of his god-level knight!

Maybe, when the time of this skill is over, he and the 300 cavalry will be alone and completely defeated, but before the defeat. No one can stop himself!

Just then, Napoleon's eyes exploded again, and then the annoying voice sounded again:

Warn the adventurers ahead that you threaten our team's mission. Please leave now ...

Napoleon suddenly stunned, only to find that the original Russian team was detoured to the back of the Dafei deputy hero mining site, which means that if you want to continue to attack the Russian team, you must face the big deputy hero! It turns out that the Russians also put life-saving straws on Dafei's npc!

At this moment, Napoleon laughed! The entire United States Corps Command laughed!

If the cards are not revealed, maybe all the players on the scene have no way to take the flying hero as an assistant hero. However, the French team finally showed no signs of invincible charge without showing up!

Fordson gritted his teeth and said, "Take her down by the way! I'm really arrogant enough to fly!"

The headquarters exclaimed in unison: "Step on her! Step on her !!!"

Then the next moment, the European and American players in the audience shouted in unison and shouted, "Step on her! Step on her !!!"

At this point, the Chinese team headquarters was dead! The Russian clan command is even more indifferent!

For the Chinese team, this battle has been brought into the ditch anyway, and it will not be much of a push by Russia. For the Russian team, this is a big bet, can the deputy hero who is flying big can magically break the game! When Peter the Great wanted to come, since Da Fei dare to send a deputy hero to ignore players from all over the world to come here for mining, then her method may not be just a god-level bright magic angel combination?

At this moment, facing the Jinguang Legion coming from the gallop. The high and angry voice of the young nun went through the audience: "Adventurers, you know nothing about power!"

After finishing speaking, the little nun flashed blood, centered on her, and a dark red mask with a radius of 100 meters spread out and shrouded all the Napoleon Cavalry Regiment in the charge. At this moment, the speed of Napoleon's galloping suddenly A stagnation, the golden light dazzling all over the body instantly dimmed!

System prompt: Warning! You enter the killing area of ​​level 1 and your hero and **** attributes are reduced by 50%. Morale and stamina of you and your troops decrease quickly!

Napoleon's eyes widened in astonishment, and players from all over the world were in an uproar! Watching the battle, Fordson was so shocked that his cigar fell to the ground without knowing it.

Just then, it crackled! The Da Fei NPC's artillery fired, and a crossbow flew from the center of Napoleon, "-64! Repel!"

"Wow !!!" Players all over the world were shocked again: "Invincible golden body broke!"

"I'm saved!" This moment. Chinese and Russian players are ecstatic!

The next moment, the two nuns' angels turned into meteors again. "-63! -75! -54! -69!"

Although the damage is not high, Napoleon is no longer invincible!

"Why is this?" Napoleon could hardly believe the reality in front of him. How could the invincible charge be broken? What exactly is the killing field?

Already Napoleon had to think about life, now what Napoleon can do is to fight blood while adding blood.

But it didn't work. He is facing a Chinese player mining group in front of the nun! Under the arrow rain magic attack of hundreds of players, Napoleon's cavalry regiment fell in front of the last few steps of the charge.

After that, players from all over the world are uproar again! I saw the little nun holding out a huge crossbow with her half body!

"Another artifact sniper crossbow!" At this moment, Dawei next to the little nun was stunned, and players around the world were stunned! The members of the US team are gritted!

boom! !! !! With a muffled sound, Napoleon fell on the road of charge under the siege of dense fire!

A large screen on the United Nations Command headquarters wall is gray!

System prompt: Sorry! You were killed by the invincible Viagra of the Chinese player ...

At this moment, the joint team headquarters is dead!

At this point, there was no suspense and the reversal shocked the audience again. The Chinese players in the audience cheered, and the Russian players at the scene blasted the second round of rockets under ecstasy. And the most exciting is Dawei, the captain of France was grabbed by himself, this screenshot can be bragged for a lifetime!

Finally, Fordson waved back: "Retreat! All retreat."

Prince George was shocked: "Where did you withdraw? It is under the fire of Russian mobile fire everywhere!"

Fordson closed his eyes in pain: "Of course it is withdrawing to the city! Hurry, the slower the loss will be!"

Prince George sighed, "I didn't expect that we actually faced a god! This is the realm of Dafei!"

The captains of the teams had to respond: "The whole army retreated!"

That's right! Now the European Union has no choice but to retreat. Maybe there are still no cards available on other teams, or the US team hasn't played yet, but after seeing the field of Da Fei's vice heroes, all the cards are clouds. This means that the European and American coalition forces must abandon all mining areas! All mining areas outside the city of the gods were divided up by China and Russia!


At 10:10 pm Beijing time, with the withdrawal of the European and American coalition forces from the city of the gods, the Chinese and Russian coalition forces officially declared victory and announced that they had gained control of all mining areas outside the city of gods!

At this moment, the City of Gods Channel, the World Channel in China, and all offline chat rooms are a sea of ​​cheering! The live anchor in China was crying with excitement and playing this incredible result! Dragon Slaying, Stars, and Ninth Paradise Club even celebrated by setting up salutes and hanging banners directly on the resident building. All major entertainment websites immediately reported this result on the headlines. These grand occasions are only comparable to the Chinese National Football in the World Cup in 2002!

As for the Russian team headquarters, the carnival of vodka celebrations was broadcast live directly in front of the presidents of the Chinese headquarters, and the hot girls of the legendary Russian women's group performed a striptease dance live. !!

It is impossible to imagine how much benefit China-Russia will gain in this reversing battle, but it can be predicted that from now on, the pattern of the new world will be officially broken and the United States, Europe, Japan, and India will no longer have the dominant power !!

And when the whole Chinese players screamed and celebrated, the most important core hero, Da Fei, indeed whistled and slept behind the scenes ... (To be continued.)

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