God Rank Hero

Chapter 1573: Compiled by the War Soul Clan

With the change of monsters outside Hongming Village, the Swedish team also withdrew the main players of the New World, and all the movements in Hongming Village attracted outside attention.

At this time, the Swedish team and the British Royal Ark team began to formulate the development plan of Hongming Village.

Swedish captain Viking Ares relayed the instructions from the big v: "The mission of the Red Name Village is divided into two opposing camps, one is the seal camp to guard the angel Elda. Players who take her task can get God by killing monsters to protect the seal. The merit of the world. The other is Lilith's faction. The player who takes her task is to find a way to get her out of the seal and get the power of her demon. This means that the players in the two factions will fight. But as long as we Together, we can control the situation. Not only can Lilith not run away, but also my teammates outside can get a lot of divine merit, and we can achieve a win-win effect of mutual merit and mutual benefit! "

British captain Lancelot said: "Yes! As long as you have a good balance. But Chinese players do not cooperate, especially the Chinese Phoenix feather who entered the Red Sea in advance is an unstable factor, which is quite troublesome."

The Viking God of War Shen said: "Rest assured, as long as the big v finds him, he will be beaten up."

Just then, a team member reported: "There is a new situation in the Dafei warehouse in Hongming Village!"

At this time, Elda opened the warehouse door, and a **** npc priest came out of the warehouse to shake hands with her. Then the next moment, a giant spider lady as big as a car and two ... banshees followed closely behind!

Red name players from various countries in Hongming Village made a bang: "What's the situation?"

"Is this lady spider an ally?"

"Where did they come from?"

"This warehouse was built by Dafei. Is it related to Dafei?"

"How could it be Da Fei again? Da Fei's total time in Hongming Village was less than a few minutes. How could this happen?"

Lancelot came back in shock, and immediately ordered: "Go forward and talk to her to see if she can trigger the task!"

"Roger that!"

At the same time, the members of the Japanese Mitsubishi team also called up the previous video for the first time to see the two follower banshees who were taken away by the big banshee Ramia. That's right, as long as you see an incomprehensible alien, and you see a banshee, the Mitsubishi team members instinctively suspect that it is related to Dafei.

After careful comparison. The Mitsubishi team members looked at each other and said, "Different, what do you think?"

"It's really different. The two banshees have obvious blood-colored skin, the same color as Ms. Spider. They also look much stronger than the two banshees that Dafei took away."

"Even if Da Fei can make those two banshees stronger in these four days. But what reason does the cultivated banshees take risks? This is not a hero?"

Tsukamoto said extremely unpleasantly: "Lords! Don't be too deified and fly! Don't let everything be connected with Dafei!"


At this time, the oldest Italian Red Name Mali, the oldest in Red Name Village, was ordered to challenge the task of dialogue again.

The priestess said solemnly: "You can call me Hilda, but I'm very sorry, I can't answer you more questions before I reach the goal of suppressing Lilith. But if the Warrior can provide me with a lot of Lilith bloodstone. I will tell you something very important! "

"Time is tight, if the warrior is interested, **** me to kill a hundred monsters on the wasteland outside. These are not ordinary monsters. They are a derivative of Lilith's evil thoughts. Normally, mortal killing them will be futile and nothing. But with me, I can collect the crystals of their evil thoughts ... "

System prompt: You get Hilda's mission "Kill 100 Wild Monsters in a Team" ...

Mario hurried to talk with Elda again, and Elda said in a deep voice: "Warrior, Miss Hilda is the reinforcement I invited, but with the ancient demon Lilith we face, this assistance is not enough. We Need more warriors to join the battle against Lilith, go, every strength, every minute is extremely precious ... "

At this moment, the EU team leaders watching behind the scenes are still blank, but anyway, this task is still quite appetizing. Those monsters that once had no experience in killing hair in the wild can finally drop things. This can be regarded as a little meaningful thing for the red names who do nothing.

Then there is nothing to say. The British captain and the Swedish captain together instructed: "Group! Go out to the village to do the task!"


at the same time. Hilda's appearance was also reported to the three major guilds by the Chinese red names present. Like the response from Japan, the first reaction of the big brothers was: "Is it big flying? Quickly ask!"

So the next moment, Da Fei's friend's message rang: "Fei brother, a female npc and a spider woman appeared in Hongming Village. And a banshee, is this your arrangement for Fei Ge?"

Da Fei was sentimental for Hilda's departure. When she saw this friend's information, she was shocked! Is there anything wrong! Brother Hilda ’s Lilim unit has never shown up in front of any players, how do they know that I arranged it? Right or wrong, they must have guessed it, even if they came out of the brother's warehouse, they would be related to him!

this moment. Dafei immediately realized the seriousness of the problem! Once you let the EU red name know that it is Hildago, then the problem is big, then you don't have to kill directly outside the village! However, if you do n’t admit it, it seems too fake, which is not in keeping with Brother ’s style!

Da Feifei had an idea immediately after he rang for a while, so he replied: "Is this nonsense! Elda is my brother's Xiaomi. Of course, what Xiaomi calls out has something to do with him! This, if you have I'll just ... just do it, anyway, you know! "

That's right, this kind of answer is to acknowledge it clearly, but it makes people feel that it has nothing to do with Dafei.

So the big guys said, "Understand! Understand!"

So the next moment, the Red Guild of the Royal Guild of Hongming Village immediately dispatched. Although they are all pink newcomers Red Name may not be enough to receive the task from the NPC, but these people are raised by the royal tyrants. The **** belongs to the type of lack of success and failure. In short, it is to go outside the village regardless of life and death to blame, and to attack from behind, it is to make the disgusting European and American red names open.

Sure enough, the change in China's red name confirmed that Hilda was unwilling to let the European Union fend for its existence, and also confirmed the European red name's determination to do the task. A pk battle outside Hongming Village is about to begin ...

At 1:30 a.m. Beijing time, guided by the map of the Dragon Sword Guild, the Sky Boat teleported all the way to the eastern end of the Great Frontier, a magnificent battle soul clan fortress on the coast.

Da Fei was instantly excited! At the scale of this fortress. The population of this war soul clan is tens of thousands! Although tens of thousands of people are just an insignificant city on the human side, the desert is definitely a heavyweight city, not to mention that they also have high-tech rare in the orc kingdom! In short, be sure to bring them into the sphere of influence of your centaur kingdom!

OK, and see their chiefs as Centaur Kings. Just talk about it!

At this moment, the horn of the sky came from the fortress, and the orcs of the city went out to look up at the battleship in the sky, and then a voice of a rough mine shouted, "The comer is the warrior that Kuenyak mentioned? How about distinguished warriors entering the city? "

Dafei laughed! What I want is this effect!

So in order to show courtesy, the boat of the sky also landed in front of the gate of the fortress, and Dafei took a group of people out of the cabin to land. Then the rough wooden door of the fortress was rumbled open. A group of orcs in bright leather armor lined up with spears decorated with colorful feathers. A feathered golden helmet and a half-human tall burly orc hero strode forward and waved. Gesture: "Welcome to the distinguished warrior, I'm Kuhnback, chief of the Warsoul Clan. Warriors please!"

Dafei laughed: "The first time you meet, the chief is welcome!"

The chief said with a smile: "The warrior helped my tribe to open an affordable trade route, and eliminated the wild overlord Beamon, which greatly expanded the survival space of my tribe. No matter how polite you can express your respect for the warrior! "

Although the system is omniscient, Da Fei is happy to say, "I've let you know all about killing Beamon?"

The chief said with a smile: "Of course! Our shaman has learned everything through divination!"

System Tip: Your reputation in the Warsoul Clan becomes "worship"!

Worship it! Take it for granted! But it ’s not enough, you have to worship!

Dafei laughed: "Okay, let's go in and talk slowly! By the way, what about the deputy chief Kuan Yak?"

"My brother's fleet has gone to Ice Singer!"

"So it is!"

So, in the cheering drums of the orcs full of streets, Da Fei and his party arrived and sat in the large clan full of wine and meat bonfires.

Da Fei opened the door directly to see the mountain: "Now that the chief's shaman knows that I have destroyed Beamon. How do I know that I became the king of the Centaur kingdom?"

The chief said: "It's no surprise! If the warrior directly helped my tribe to destroy Beamon and obtain the founding order, my chief takes the warrior as a matter of course. In the legend of my ancestors, my tribe is indeed on the migration The fertile southern steppe encountered the centaurs. They were chased down and expelled. This is the source of hatred between my tribe and centaur. So now that the warrior is a centaur king, what are his plans? "

It turns out that the War Soul Clan can also take on the task of establishing state orders. Da Fei said, "There was such a thing between you, but the past is over. Now I am a king. My goal is to destroy the power of various ethnic groups in Dabian. Whether on the ground or on the ground, The underground are all integrated to create a truly large United Arab Emirates. I wonder if the chief is willing to join our country? "

The chief clapped his hands and laughed, "Since the king said so, let's join the War Clan!"

System Tip: Warsoul Clan joins your kingdom and becomes the 13th Alliance Tribe! Your prestige rises in the Centaur Kingdom!

Dafei was stunned at the scene! Aren't you right? I'll just talk about it. I'm waiting for you to negotiate the conditions. The result is so easy to agree? The system egg hurts for so long. Suddenly it makes people feel uncomfortable.

The chief said with a smile: "What? Is there anything wrong with the king?"

that's true! Brother can achieve such a super deity, his chief can let, join what count?

Dafei laughed back then: "Of course, no problem! Not only can we avoid hatred and disputes, but we can also develop together and improve. Instead, an ordinary goblin chief will know what to do! OK, to celebrate the chief's joining, I follow The boat brought some wine and food, as well as tools, all to you! "

The chief was pleased: "What my family needs most is these living supplies. Thank you for the gift of the king! The king ca n’t say enough about my kindness. In order to express my gratitude, I do n’t know what the king needs from my family. There are strong Cyclops, Minotaur slaves, various thorny weapons, and the blessing of the Shaman. "

Just wait for your words! I do n’t need any weapons. I will study Shaman now!

Dafei laughed: "Let's study Shamans together! When I first met my Shamans at sea, I was amazed, but now the chief has seen it, and now the world has entered In the era of airships, even pirates have begun to study airships, so our warship technology must also keep pace with the times. What does the chief think? "

The chief said solemnly: "Yes! Last time Kuhn Yak also received this information from the pirates on Naga's side, and we had to keep up. So let me send 10 top shamans of my tribe. How about studying with the King? Their current ability is to bless Shaman on the mast and sail. I do n’t know if this balloon of the King airship is a sail? If so, they can also bless the King ’s balloon. ! "

Dafei was overjoyed: "Balloon mast? Okay! I'm working on a Medusa mast now, so come together!"

Just then, Katerina also said, "Maybe, how many shamans can try Biman skin?"

The chief immediately clapped and said, "That makes sense! In fact, my tribe has an institution that specializes in dealing with Beamon. Now that Beamon is eliminated, they seem to be okay. Then let's follow the King to develop Beamon skins together!"

Talent! Artifacts are easy to get, talent is rare! Dafei laughed: "Okay! I don't have time to explain, so get better and get on the boat!"

After finishing the big event, Da Fei had no intention to continue drinking and farting in the game, so he asked: "I want to go to the virgin forest in the eastern part of the deserted country. Does your chief have any suggestions?"

The chief suddenly abruptly took a serious look: "Our people once reached the forest north along the coastline. There is a powerful building creature in the forest, the ancient tree of war. Even if the king owns an airship, they can throw huge stones. The giant wood attacked from a long distance, the king must be careful! "

Dafei's eyes widened in shock! The ancient tree of war, the race of Nasir! Let me go, this big side really is a treasure! Okay, just take a look. If it hurts too much, don't cut the tree. (~ ^ ~)

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