God Rank Hero

Chapter 1578: Land of Gods Argument: Troy

At 7:30 a.m. Beijing time, when Da Fei Eat, Drink and Lasa was back online, the sky boat had reached the harbor pier of the Underwater Temple. △ Well, the general of the temple, Hai Long, was waiting on the pier to be greeted.

Da Fei is very pleased, it seems that the Underworld Lord also attaches great importance to this task of integrating Medusa. Then there is nothing to say, Da Fei took Medusa leader Casimedia together and went ashore to meet the lord.

When he met Medea, General Hiron could not help but look: "Very powerful Medusa hero, I can not imagine how the warrior approached her, but the more powerful our allies, the more we welcome them, Lord Lord It must be very happy! Warriors please. "

Medea grinned: "It seems that the stronger the existence, the more you know how to fight hard. I also want to hear what the underworld lord has to say."

Hiron said with emotion: "The wisdom of Lord Lord will not let you down."

As a result, Da Fei and his team met the dark tide lord Neptulon again in front of the pool fountain in the hall of the temple.

Underworld Lord was satisfied: "I look forward to the results of the Warriors, and the Warriors did not disappoint me"

Before he finished speaking, Medea smiled again: "It's as if the warrior is your subordinate!"

As soon as this remark was made, the Underworld Lord suddenly became dumb, Hailong's face changed, and Dafei even dropped his chin! Let me go. I was so busy that I didn't communicate with her. Why didn't I find out how hot she was?

The Underworld Lord coughed, "Well, the Warrior accepts my reward first!"

The system prompts: You complete the task of "Unification of Medusa" by Underworld Lord Napturon. You get +500,000 experience and +200,000 reputation in Undercurrent Temple. Your reputation in the Nagahai tribe is +200,000!

This is the reward? this moment. Da Fei is silent! What situation do you need to experience now? It would be better to reward the tribe tributes directly to the reputation of the sea clan. You can just take a low-end artifact from the six hands of the general casually!

Medea smiled coldly: "Master City Lord. Do you know why you received this task? Because as long as the Warriors complete this task, others will think that integrating our tribe is the credit of this Underworld Lord. In fact, if it is this underworld The lord came to talk to us and we will not compromise if we fight to the death. "

Dafei was shocked! That ’s right, this god-level np is treacherous! Really worthy of being the leader of the cult rejected by the land!

The Underworld Lord did lightly: "This lady Madusa seems to be a bit prejudiced against me?"

Medea waved his hand: "Now is not the time to talk about you and my tribe in the past. From the moment I saw the warrior ship equipped with your lighthouse, I know what happened. Now the warrior has promised to help my tribe against Athena , Then, what is your position, Lord Underworld Lord, who has integrated my tribe? "

Underworld Lord surprised, "That said. I can't stay out of it?"

Medea Haha smiled: "What do you say? At that time, when Athena checks who is the one who dares to offend him, others will sing the Lord of the Underworld Lord who posted the task and get credit for it!"

That's it! Da Fei finally realized that the water flowing was very deep. The surrender of this Medea was actually not as simple as he thought. This is the rhythm of clearly pulling the Underworld Lord into the water!

Underworld Lord Haha laughed: "Great! A small tribal leader can use a lever to pry the fragile balance between the gods. So, what is the position of the warriors?"

Ask me? Dafei coughed with an egg and said: "This, the battle of God is cruel, if you accidentally destroy the world, you can talk about it well if you talk about it ..."

Underworld Lord Haha laughed: "Yes! Just like the Trojan War, it is inconvenient for God to fight and destroy the world. Let mortals or low-level gods represent a war! In fact, our Lord Poseidon has long been unhappy with Athena for a long time. I also want to talk to her well, and the Warrior and this Lady Medea will talk to her? "

Dafei was shocked: "What are you talking about?"

The Underworld Lord laughed: "War is the best language. Warriors don't need to talk nonsense, they just need to keep winning!"

Casimedia nodded: "Well said! I'll wait for Lord Lord, then Lord Lord, let us go to Troy's negotiating table and have a good talk with Athena! As long as we win, The nature that belongs to us belongs to us! "

The system prompts: You get the mythical world copy pk quest "The Land of Gods Discord, Troy"! May I accept it?

Quest hint: The Trojan battlefield is the place where the gods disputed and decided by Zeus, the king of gods, since the age of mythology. Gods can choose their favorite mortals or lower gods, or mortals who have prayed for God can choose to be a party When the gods fight, the winners will be rewarded by the gods, and the temporarily losers will also be encouraged by the gods. The pk mission is divided into three games and two wins! You can also declare victory if you defeat the opponent for two consecutive games.

Mission Tip: Once you accept the mission, you will have a month of preparation time to prepare the first copy of the pk battle. Troops that died in battle or damaged war equipment will be resurrected by God (the system copy is backed up), so players don't have to worry about losing their energy.


Dafei was shocked on the spot! The Trojan battlefield, a mythical war represented by mortal heroes in Greek mythology, its rules have a profound impact on future generations. The Middle East War and the Syrian War are all derived from the Troy Rules! The problem is, I'm very upset about the chess pieces of the gods!

Da Fei Egg said extremely painfully: "Can you not go?"

Medea's face sank: "What's the point of following me, Lord?"

The Underworld Lord laughed and said, "Are there any stronger warriors in the world than you? In this limited battle, your opponent is at most a low-level deity. What are you afraid of? If you win, you will be rewarded by the god. If you lose, the gods will resurrect your loss. And as long as you lose the god's face, you will still be encouraged by the gods. Why not? "

Let me go! Brother, it ’s because of these two pit cargoes that they got onto the thief ship. It seems that they have no choice? Dafei sighed, "But I'm cursed in my body now ..."

Underworld Lord laughed: "It takes us a month to organize this battle, and the Warriors have a month to solve personal problems."

Da Fei sighed, "Well, I promise!"

System prompt: You have accepted the task! One month from now until the game time, you and your designated unit will be transferred to the Trojan copy for the first pk battle in accordance with the "matching pk rules", please be prepared!

The Underworld Lord laughed: "It is indeed a warrior! Then the warriors should prepare for it, and I must inform the Lord of the Seas of this game. By the way, in order to thank the warriors for their expedition, I gave the lighthouse equipped to the warriors The warrior is up. "

System Tip: You get the "Starlight Beacon" from the Underworld Lord.

What the hell! Brother Rare this flashlight! The pk rules of the game suit? What a long memory! Then there is nothing to say. Hurry back to the city to arrange everything, and then go to the ruins of time and try to solve your time curse in one month, that is, three days in reality.


At this time, the Greek Aegean Night, the Greek player Leolidas was intoxicated in the night view sea breeze, because what was more intoxicating than the night view was the invitation of the European Union's major guilds, which gave Leo unprecedented pride. Satisfaction.

It was also when Leo was thinking about when to make a showdown with those Grand Guilds, and the bell of the Temple of Athena struck again in the game.

Leo hurriedly checked the characters of the game. At this time, the priest of the Temple of Athena took a serious look: "Warrior, Poseidon sent a strong mortal hero to arbitrate with Trojan for Athena. Of course we will not flinch! What is a Trojan arbitration? "A line of system prompts appeared on the screen.

Leonidas was shocked at the scene, and then shook with excitement: "Of course I know, but"

The priest waved his hand: "I know what you want to say! Although you are the most qualified person in the temple, but your strength is too far away from the opponent, considering this, Athena may adopt the team battle mode. So long as you If you are willing to accept this task, you will have a month to invite heroes everywhere to help, just like the heroes of the myth era ... "

Leonidas laughed! opportunity finally arises! This is a good opportunity for you to look like the European Union, no, and even ask the United States for a showdown. From now on, your worth will soar! (To be continued.)

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