God Rank Hero

Chapter 1595: Breakthroughs in your hands

It is 4 pm Beijing time. In a new pioneering laboratory refitting the busy Bright Wings, Dafei's technology development trio also began an intensive transcription work. Dafei also opened its eyes and regretted meeting late.

That's right, although there is no "book-writing skills" in this game, there are magic notes for learning magic. Each page of the note is actually a blank magic scroll. Players can gain faster magic proficiency by copying magic, and npc scholars will also take a few notes with them to record some spells that they cannot understand or use. So this is why Isaac feels overwhelmed and has to come back to buy professional tools.

However, the knowledge copied in the notes is much lower than the original understanding of the book. And an ordinary blank magic scroll can cost hundreds or thousands of gold coins, and the price of hundreds of pages of a note can be imagined. Thain ordered a house of notes, the price is probably tens of millions of gold coins.

But for Da Fei, money is trivial, and it is urgent to solve the problem first.

Then there are magic feather pens, magic inks, magic plotters, and so on. A bunch of gadgets that have never been touched before. These things are just middle- and low-end products of class b that can be sold by Master City, so it is conceivable how high-end those s-class artifact-level tools should be. Therefore, if this game is not focused on fighting monsters, other messy things are also extensive and profound, which is why this game is so popular all over the world.

In short, the learning environment tools are now complete, and Tyne, the lamp god, has joined the correction, and the progress of reading and writing has been rapid. Da Fei also broke the 1,000 mark in literacy and successfully promoted senior mage apprentices, but Pandora still hovered over dozens of literacy ranges, making it difficult for even junior apprentices to advance. This is a huge gap between a hero with 40 points of wisdom and a hero without a point of wisdom.

At the same time, because Pandora does not know these magic words at all, even the speed of copying is extremely slow.

But it doesn't matter anymore. In terms of knowledge, she can't be compared with the old-fashioned npcs such as Thain Isaac, but she is a hero. This is enough. Players can pass their own learned notes to other players or heroes, but not to ordinary npcs. This is the huge gap between heroes and non-heroes. So far, Pandora can only be used as a juggling scribe and front camera.

At this time, another time change is expected in the ruins of Kolos. There is nothing to say, just follow the routine.

Then with a raging thunder blasted the city of Colos. Buffett once again avoided the "doom lightning strike" intact. And this blow made the magic light of the other 5 gates dim again, Da Fei had already looked forward to the treasures in these 5 gates.

Just then, Isaac brought the latest report: "Master, the next scene change will be a day later!"

one day! That is, one hour becomes two hours! Looking at these increasingly lush mushroom forests flying can not help but surprise: "This mushroom's time delay effect is too obvious, right?"

Isaac lamented: "Yes, it is calculated according to the previous law of delay. The size of this mushroom forest is obviously increasing to a geometric base, so I can roughly calculate that the next scene change will be two days. Later, then four days, and then eight days. If the owner ’s mushrooms can grow and expand indefinitely, then in theory, these mushrooms can devour the energy of time in the hall where the owner is located, which means that the owner ’s The forest will become a space of time. "

Da Fei was surprised: "Time is still? That is to say, at that time, I transported books and even airship parts into this forest, and will never disappear again?"

Isaac replied: "In theory! But it is actually limited by the nutrients provided by the owner. The growth of mushrooms is still limited. However, if it can be delayed for half a month, I think we can copy it enough These books. "

Half a month, that is, a day and a half in real time, this progress is within Da Fei's budget. Da Fei nodded: "Very good, then fight for half a month."

Speaking of the time still caused by the mushroom engulfing time and energy, Da Fei suddenly remembered that his time had stopped, so he asked: "Is there a mysterious force that is constantly consuming my time energy? What about? "

Isaac sighed: "This is beyond my wisdom. I can't answer the question of the master."

Buffett did a laugh and lifted up a plate of freshly baked fresh mushrooms: "Friend, if that's the case. Then eat more mushrooms and make up for the time you owe!"

Dafei laughed in surprise: "Okay, let's continue eating!"

That's right, after this period of time eating books and eating mushrooms, Dafei's Angel Space has gained an additional +10 command value. It is equivalent to take one more angel or 10 archers. While Dafei eats mushrooms, only the space does not see the growth time, it is most likely that the time and energy are all used to make up for the deficit time. Then there is nothing to say, continue to eat him for half a month.

At this moment, Pandora spoke, "Master, Mr. Thain made a special discovery. In the owner's" Phase of Spatial Phase Oscillation Error Balance Correction Machine Maintenance Manual ", there is a catalogue of machine structure in the 64th industry. The convention of city alliance machine design and production. A cabinet-like space on the right side of the atlas is a toolbox dedicated to maintaining the machine. As long as the owner can find a way to open this toolbox, various tools can be obtained. These tools can greatly help the owner dismantle Unlock the equipment and improve the professional skills of the owner! "

Found tools! Dafei was surprised to find the magical high-end book, turned to the specified number of pages and saw an unclear drawing.

Dafei pointed at the space on the map: "here?"


Da Fei raised his head and glanced according to the figure, and immediately found a phase corrector like a power distribution cabinet on the wall surrounded by mushrooms.

Dafei reconfirmed: "No explosion?"

"Mr. Thain said that the toolbox will not explode, but there may be warnings. And the security level of the toolbox is much lower than that of the vault safe, and I believe it can be handled by the owner's ability."

This is the advantage of training professional undercover! Brother God-level reconnaissance opens a mere toolbox to kill chickens!

Dafei overjoyed: "Okay, look at me!"

That's right! Everyone is making progress. Dafei is not impatient to be a machine that can only read mushrooms and read characters. It also has to be prepared for dismantling the airship machine.

So Da Fei summoned Wu Er directly, and handed Isaac's life-saving box to her, asking her to help read the book. Hum, this is Xiaomi.

Then Da Fei came to the machine and began to use the old-fashioned reconnaissance technique to force the lock. And sure enough, the machine's red light flashed immediately to start alarming!

System prompt: Warning! The machinery and equipment are opened abnormally, which may cause an explosion!

Dafei was frightened, and he really warned! If it was replaced by the previous. Dafei must be scared to run away, but now he must believe in Thain.

Da Fei continued to unlock. With the alarm red light all the way along, the unlocking progress bar slowly goes to the end, and then the system prompts a beep to unlock the failure!

Dafei was shocked on the spot, wasn't he? Brother God-level reconnaissance killing chickens will still fail? Is the security level of this toolbox OK? Row. Then use the God of Slaughter to kill the chicken!

So Da Fei made persistent efforts, and when the unlocking progress bar reached the end again, the lucky hand opened! With the rise of a rainbow light, there was a snoring again, this time the sound of the cabinet door opening!

The system prompts: Your god-level reconnaissance unlocking operation successfully opened a machine case!

In the next moment, all kinds of sparkling size wrenches, pipe wrenches and screwdrivers are neatly arranged in the chassis like a firearm shelf!

What the hell! Feeling tall? Dafei swept away with excitement!

System Tip: You get s-class magic instrument repair tool "Jingguang Anti-Magic Screwdriver Type 13 Jingguang Anti-Magic Screw Wrench Type 12" ...

Dafei was so surprised that he was all s-class tools! No wonder this toolbox is forcing Brother to make a big move. Dafei was excited to check the properties of the tools:

Crystal Light Anti-Magic Screwdriver Type 13: s-class magic instrument repair tool, which greatly improves the speed and success rate of machine maintenance. Improve the user's precision instrument skills by three levels! Note: Upgrading users to the master level. Conditions of use: Elementary precision magic instrument skills.

Dafei ecstatic overjoyed! The key attributes of this tool are the same as those of the medal carving knife given to the dwarf village chief, which can increase the skill limit! And isn't the thing that raises the upper limit of skills to stand at a high starting point to comprehend skills? And brother just happened to understand the basic precision magic instrument skills, these tools are just tailored for brother!

Da Fei was excited to pick up a screwdriver to check, and sure enough, his primary skills were temporarily upgraded to expert level!

Wa hahaha! Dafei immediately came back to find Pandora with a chuckle: "Tell Mr. Thain, I successfully got a lot of s-class tools, so where should I dismantle the exercise? No, now open the vision sharing, I will personally and Thain talk!"

"Yes, master!"

next moment. Thain exclaimed: "It is indeed the Lord of the City. The places where s-class tools can be used deserves to be the top secret place of the Seven Cities Alliance, and the machines in these places are not easily mastered by the highest master level skills. Therefore, it is recommended that adults still Go outside the city and disassemble those simple machines to practice your hands. "

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Very pertinent proposal, OK! Just do it!"

So Dafei said to Buffett: "I'm going to the ground to exercise my skills. Are you okay to stay here and continue to help turn the books?"

Buffett haha ​​laughed: "I'm fine! Friends just remember the time. The time outside is still more than ten minutes, be careful not to lose the tools!"

Dafei laughed: "Of course, I will come back here every ten minutes to hide."

Buffett laughed: "At that time I will prepare fresh roasted mushrooms for my friends!"

Sure enough, learning to eat mushrooms is not wrong! Da Fei was very relieved: "Okay, then I'm leaving."

As a result, Da Fei returned to the ground, this time with good luck. On the ground is exactly the old and new city of Colos. And this level of machine can't get a little skill information with the level of the primary freehand skills of the previous flying, so now?

So Da Fei entered a computer room nearby and used tools to disassemble the first machine with great expectations. A progress bar disassembling the machine passed at a smooth speed, and successfully dismantled a screw!

Dafei is excited, continue!

After Dafei disassembled all the screws, the system prompts a jingle:

System Tip: You have successfully dismantled a magic crystal sonic monitor. Your excellent wisdom has enabled you to successfully grasp the intermediate precision magic instrumentation! Your wisdom +1!

System Tip: Your current intermediate-level precision magic instrumentation skills are temporarily upgraded to master level with the tool bonus!

What the hell! Immediately upgraded to the first level skills! It really doesn't work without tools! So brother is now a master-level skill, these machines on the ground can not let brother disappointed? Then continue!

So Da Fei again targeted the next bigger machine in the selected room. This time the disassembly progress bar was much slower, but it was still unexpectedly successfully opened.

The system prompts: You have successfully dismantled one ... and you have obtained the information of advanced precision magic instrumentation.

This time it was to obtain information, which was also unexpected results. Usually advanced skills are a hurdle, and the difficulty of understanding is a bit greater. Then there is nothing left to say, demolish the city's rush skills, rush master!

So, the following is Da Fei's repeated busy from tearing down from one room to another, and then running back to the underground forest as soon as ten minutes. For Da Fei now, the law of Colos is under the control of Da Fei. As long as he keeps brushing, success is only a matter of time.


At 5:30 in the afternoon, Da Fei quickly finished dinner and started working again. At this time, Pandora brought a good news: "Master, Mr. Renoir's ghost ship converted 4 undead towers were successful, Mr. Renoir said he can go!"

Brother is really unfavorable! Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Okay! See Master Dewarin first, I have something to ask him!"

At this time, Thain and the Black Wizards were in a handover ceremony. Seeing Da Fei's appearance, Thain handed Da Fei a bill: "Master, the city owner is good, waiting for the adults for a long time! In view of this reconstruction project, our master Dewarin also played a great role, and it is certain This has increased the reputation of the Dark Wizards Association, so this time I charged a 40% discount, a total of 798 million gold coins, you can owe money, please check it!

Grandma! Dafei took a sip of water! Even if it is a discount, it is worth the income of destroying the five cities! Although Da Fei has become accustomed to the blackness of Mage City, Da Fei still feels extremely uncomfortable with each statement.

The leader of the black wizard muffled, "Mr. Lord of the City, don't think it's expensive! Ordinary people, please don't touch us even if you have money. This is why Mr. Lord of the City is famous and recommended by the King of Time."

Okay okay, npc's **** brother understands! Da Fei nodded: "Understand, the masters have worked hard."

At this moment, Dafei was determined to find a way to steal the technology of the Seven Cities Alliance and sell it! Even if it turns around with the Seven City Alliance! (To be continued.)

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