God Rank Hero

Chapter 1674: Nether War I

In the void world, not only are the fragmented floating land visible to the naked eye, but also hidden small and fragmented spaces. These small spaces are filled with voids like crowded soap bubbles, and they are randomly generated like soap bubbles and randomly destroyed . Void is a very unstable chaotic world full of turbulence of energy. Even God can hardly adapt to the laws here.

Now Dafei's airship teleports into one of this "soap bubble space" through a void gap, a floating island shrouded in a wave energy mask, and the island is glitteringly piled with various purple white black crystals On the spar hill, there was a black creature that looked like a deep-sea catfish, but was as big as an airship.

At this moment, the creature was swallowing the mineral crystal with a big mouth. When Dafei's airship appeared, he immediately turned his head and watched Dafei's shocked and greedy eyes!

System prompt: Warning! You have entered the alert range of the powerful Void Electrons and the battle is about to begin!

Frightened! Just meet when you meet, the scope of this alert is beyond imagination! It was too late to evaluate its strength, and Dafei immediately launched the Storm Lord Crystal Ball.

System prompt: Cannot be summoned inside the cabin, please choose open outdoor open area

What the hell! The only open space here is that mine crystal island. Is this the forced brother to land on the island? Then only wait for it to jump over, and then the brother teleports to the island and exchanges it with the battle home.

The next moment, Nether Electric rushed forward, and Da Fei decisively started teleporting!

But the teleportation that changed the scene did not appear in a blink of an eye, a long teleportation progress bar appeared in front of the airship console!

System prompt: Serious warning! The Time Traveler enters the Void Realm of the Void Electron, the transmission of the Time Traveler is disturbed, the transmission energy consumption of the Time Traveler is accelerated, and the energy of the Time Traveler is absorbed by the Void Electron. The current energy consumption

I'll take it, I can't teleport! Looking at the airship instrument's instantaneous consumption of more than half of the energy, Da Fei was suffocating on the spot. It turned out that this is the seventh option, "Void Realm", which I did not understand and did not care about when repairing the airship! As soon as I meet, I ca n’t draw half of my brother ’s energy. This is to kill him!

Dafei exclaimed suddenly and exclaimed: "On top of the tower! Alice Tower launches a nuclear bomb crystal"

"Roger that!"

The next moment, Er Fei flew out of the capsule and greeted the vanity of the vanity. Her size was like a mantis arm as a vehicle compared to a huge vanity of an airship, but as long as she could fight for Alice Tower ’s nuclear bomb Just a few seconds!

Can you fight? Can you stand it? Looking at the moment when 箩 er and the full-body power grid are coming into contact, Da Fei's heart mentioned his throat and eyes!

boom! !! !! The thunder sounded a flash of electric light, and the air was engulfed in flames like a mosquito hitting an electric fly swatter. A "Nether Lightning Strike 14630!" Huge amount of damage jumped out, and Air's blood strips were instantly reduced by a third. One!

Dafei's breath freezes instantly! This injury reminds Da Fei of Hydra, Leviathan, and the terrible battle of Beamon who can't bear to look back like a nightmare! This void electricity smashes a protective power grid and they are the same grade of damage. This is indeed a **** in the void!

But it's not over! Another 20,000 injuries jumped from the head that turned into a flame and burst into the power grid, and only a quarter of the blood was left in the head!

Dafei's face was completely whitened! Regardless of whether it is to advance or retreat, Yier can not escape! However, fortunately, Cole Angels will not die. At this moment, Da Fei had to set his eyes on Alice Tower. At this time, Ales Tower was still igniting in the smoke, and Da Fei broke the ground!

I usually don't think she's slow for a few seconds, but now it looks like she's going to die! Brother can't move forward now, isn't Brother's first trip to the void in the hands of a monster?

boom! !! !! It was another bang, and Yeo screamed! Da Fei's heart is like a fatal blow from the hammer!

But also at the next moment, the golden light on Er'er's body soared into the sky, and a "resurrection in situ" was full of blood and blue. No, there was a large section of energy shield beyond the blood bar!

Dafei was shocked and immediately remembered that “Resurrection in situ” is the signature skill of the creation angel. The first-order creation angel restored a quarter of the blood blue, and it rose to level 7 above. The special effects of the resurrection in situ of the archangel can be imagined!

Dafei ignited the hope of turning over!

This time, she did not disappoint Dafei. She broke through the power grid and rushed into front of the giant eye like a window and window. "N !!! Sprint blow! Fatal blow! Doom blow! Weak blow! Tear Crack crack! "

Just one hit! But the amazing damage of the gorgeous stunts hit by this blow instantly fixed in the eyes of Da Fei for eternity!

A sharp scream shook the void, and the power grid of the giant's whole body suddenly dissipated, and its huge body shook like a ship struggling in a storm!

The results of this eye-piercing match are beyond imagination! Da Fei then remembered that when the battle with Beamon was at the beginning, Ms. Er also liked to pierce her eyes. It turned out that she was such a person!

Then the next moment, the flame gun of Alystas finally drew a long black flame that whistled like a whaling gun! !! !!

The giant salamander was swallowed by melanitis, and this void space also trembled and trembled! At this moment, the airship's teleportation progress bar suddenly pushed to the end, and his eyelids teleported to the Spar Island, finally he could summon the storm lord!

But at this moment, Da Fei was really hesitant to hit each other so badly. Is there still a need to summon the Lord of the Storm?

But the next moment, looking at the mountain-like spar mine around the airship, Da Fei still decided that the creatures that can keep such a large mine are well-deserved god-level strongmen. This is his first battle in the void and he must do his job. There must be no mistakes in the first battle!


With the sparkle of the spar flashing and the wind blowing away, a thunder cloud thundered in the void and the sky was born!

Zeher's familiar voice came from Thundercloud: "Warrior, are you trying to die?"

Dafei hurriedly said, "Hurry up, destroy the Void Electricity!"

"I admire your courage! Then I will make it difficult for me to do my best" Between the words, Lei Yun was like a marshmallow wrapped in the void of the black flames. For a time, the thundercloud in the thundercloud shone to the whole void. The space shone into daylight.

Then Lei Yun sighed, "That's it. If it can rush out, I lose, then the Warriors will make up for it."

Da Fei nodded again and again: "Master Zehill will not lose, I am optimistic about you!"

Zehir sighed: "It's hard to say, I don't talk too hard here. I want to ask, what is going on with your airship? It looks familiar?"

Dafei coughed, "It should be regarded as the help of the King of Time?"

Zehir sighed: "The King of Time helps you fight the Titan? He is tired? You are all right, you just like to lie. If the King of Time sees you, you will be in trouble."

There is so much nonsense! Brother is already ready to turn his face, do you still care how much? It is hard to imagine what a buzzing fly would face if it weren't in the void world, but went back to talk directly with him!

Dafei hurriedly interrupted and asked, "Master, can I ask what is the system in the Void Realm?"

Zehir was shocked: "No? You dare to call this Void Void without Void Realm? Are you really tired? It turns out you don't have courage, you are ignorant!"

Okay, brother understands! Dafei asked again, "What was the air-twisted array system at that time?"

Zehir sighed: "I'm not too embarrassed to talk here. Your airship's power furnace has the function of refining and repairing. You can mine all the airship's functions here and you will understand then. But The cost of repair is very huge. It may not be able to repair 1% of the resources in the later 1000 units. During this time, the Titan's virtual air force regiment may find you. I personally suggest that you still implement the first individual soldier destruction action plan I developed After all, in the eyes of Titan, humans are as small as a mouse and difficult to detect, but the possibility of success is even better. You now have an airship to fight the Titan. It is not desirable. "

What the hell! It turns out that there is still room for repair and growth of this airship, brother understands! But you do not understand the heart of brother stealing mine! To be continued

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