God Rank Hero

Chapter 1690: Finding the way back

Of course, Da Fei remembered that the prophet in the background introduction of the mission was locked in the bottom of the dungeon by the big prince, then he opened the space door to the window of the world and ran away. Inherited his legacy on the Lighthouse Islands. Then he knew that his name was Velen from his last words, and predicted that the end of the world would appear! (Note: Chapter 514 "Prophecy's Property")

No, it's not a legacy! He only said that he was too old to play, and not dead yet?

Sure enough, Buffett exclaimed: "The prophet may be reclusive in the void, if we find him, we may get his help!"

Da Fei's heart shook: "It makes sense!" Generally speaking, as long as np says how, it is an indirect system prompt, and it is clear that this prophet is in the void!

However, when he saw the window of the world, Dafei immediately had a new idea to go home! When Da Fei first arrived in the void, he also saw various large earth and small earth fireballs and silver **** in the starry sky, but Da Fei only thought that it was the background painting of the game and could not be taken seriously.

But now Dafei sees the window of the world moving like a satellite and the volcano factory above, so it is impossible to use it as a background painting anyway, that is a real goal!

Why go back? Because there was no way to go back before!

Now Buffett has become a hero out of the threat of unlucky death, a full set of technology has also been stolen, and high-tech airships have also been handed in. All of them have obtained such a big gain. Really want to "b key has been detained and not returned to the city"? You have to go back to the city to repair a big wave to digest the results! The only regret is that my own curse of time has not been resolved. Is this not a matter at all?

And in this isolated space, Da Fei is like a trapped beast that has entered the game. You must break your blood and rush all the way to the end to break the game. This is a high risk. If Da Fei is just attacking this scene in the normal way, there may not be so many scruples, but since it has the eternal core and the airship, everything is the highest risk variable!

Dafei can't afford to lose, this is the fatal flaw of Dafei as an individual player. Even if Da Fei slowly fights guerrillas slowly in order to reduce the risk, Da Fei can't afford time!

The rear of the city of Da Fei's light is unstable. Da Fei has only one day and a half of Troy battles that cannot be missed. Da Fei cannot guarantee that this day and a half will be able to handle this void.

Then, from a strategic perspective, this mission is a big chess piece. No matter what the consequences are, the consequences are beyond your control. This feeling is very unpleasant, not for high-end players. But as long as Dafei finds a passage that can enter and exit the void at any time, it will be very different. Da Fei wants to come over to steal mines and mines, and when to repair the Titans is up to him. This is how chess pieces become players, the realm is different!

So now the smartest choice is to go back! Dafei, who wanted to understand, told Buffett his new ideas.

Buffett exults: "Ah! The feeling of returning home is the most wonderful. Staying in such a place around the future for a long time will break down! I raise my hands and feet to support!"

Dafei laughed in surprise! That said, like the era of Geographical Discovery, seafarers faced various unknowns without any goals at all, and their spirits often collapsed. In fact, I have stayed here for five or six days and I feel faint.

Dafei laughed: "Okay! Maybe we can find the way home after we find the prophet. But before we find the prophet, we still have to act according to the original plan. The main task is to grab the mine and repair it. The battle that can be avoided is determined Do not hit."

"of course!"

Then the following things become mining to recharge the eternal mirror and look at the surrounding space. The wave of long-range astronomical detection just consumed energy for more than ten seconds. Now this kind of close-range detection should not consume so terribly.

Now the newly added mineral crystals are in place again, Alice Tower is already in place, and the Eternal Mirror is opened again. Although it is not convenient for Da Fei to see it by himself, it does not matter that this telescope has the function of taking pictures and drawing maps.

Soon after Alice Tower took over, Alice Tower called the police: "There are a lot of Nether Dragons patrolling in the outer space!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dafei's radar flashed red, and a long series of fuzzy red dots appeared on the radar. This fuzzy red dot is the sign of the enemy found on the ectopic plane, and the ghost is the most common.

Da Fei's heart was tight, and Titan was really hunting for brother on a large scale. This battle was really hard to fight! Then only continue to make reconnaissance and early warning work ahead. In other words, when I first entered the game, didn't I just want to be an ordinary businessman who used reconnaissance to avoid pirate robbery? After all, this is not to forget the original intention.

In a sigh of sorrow, Alice Tower brought another message: "Another space with mineral crystals has been found! But it is impossible to judge whether there is a biological guardian without the void gap that entered.

Sure enough mine here! Dafei frowned: "Continue to explore, find those who have mines and void doors to enter! Take the map all!"


The time passed by a minute and a second, the telescope did not live up to the expectations of the big flying, and indeed can work for a long time at such a close distance. Soon, Alice Tower gave the first map to Dafei.

Da Fei took a look at the map and suddenly hesitated. This can no longer be called a map. This is an abstract "raindrop water surface map". The map is full of overlapping ripples. Needless to say, this must be a small space crowded like a bubble. Each small space has a small star as the core, and some of these glittering stars are of course mineral stars.

Seeing that there are so many mines that can't be mined, Da Fei's anxiety can be imagined. Maybe there is only one way, and that is when the space collision happens again. The question is, how long will it take? I have to rush back to preside over the whole day and a half!

Perhaps it is because the navigation system's repair power is not enough to cause careful observation? Anyway, now war is supplemented, then use one to continue to repair the navigation system!

Da Fei said immediately that he would just do it, and personally filled a nuclear bomb crystal into the power furnace. As long as Da Fei suddenly felt sore and found that there were not many nuclear bombs!

There are eight Dafeis: Xiaoli finds that the Star Elephant Tower has used one, and she buried the Titan Lord ’s army alive, using the largest one, playing Void Void, using one, playing Void Lord, and using one, and then Just use this and there are only 3 left!

Dafei gritted his teeth and used it up!

The energy of the nuclear bomb crystal equivalent to thousands of ordinary crystals did not disappoint Dafei. With the time of repair, the navigation chamber was rippling again, and the navigation system repair prompts were quickly increased from 40% to 50%, and continued to be maintained. Not low speed is close to 60%!

That's right! What I want is this sour!

When the acidity was so refreshing, Alice Tower called the police again: "Master, the stars in our three adjacent spaces have undergone unstable movements, and one of them has begun to approach us, and another space collision may occur!"

Da Fei suddenly stunned: "Hit me again? Is this a coincidence? Is there a mine?"

"No mine."

Buffett immediately said: "Captain! This may not be a coincidence. The last asteroid that came over to us may not be a coincidence. I think it must be related to our repairing the machine with the eternal core. Just like the mushroom forest, the eternal core should be Absorbing the energy of time in space, which leads to our space ... this, unstable! So all kinds of bad things will happen, of course, it is also not related to my bad luck! "

Dafei's eyes widened: "Does it make sense? I didn't think you would think about such a high-end question!" In fact, I think this may be related to your bad luck.

Buffett laughed: "After all, it was the **** of gambling once. Wisdom will not be low! It is just a lot of time when you drink too much alcohol and think about life!"

Dafei asked Isaac again: "What do you think?"

Isaac exhilarated: "The owner, it can be seen that the eternal core has the ability to destroy the stability of the space. As long as the space is unstable, all the once relatively stable mining areas will open the door to the owner!"

Dafei was overjoyed: "That makes sense!"

At this moment, Alice Tower also reported: "Sir, I found a building with space!"

building! ? At this moment, Dafei had a hunch of a major breakthrough! Da Fei excitedly said, "Take pictures!"

The next moment, when Da Fei got this blurry picture, but he could already see the outline of the building, Da Fei's breathing was frozen instantly!

Isn't this pillar-shaped building the lighthouse on the Lighthouse Islands! It turned out that the Prophet lived in seclusion here, and Brother finally found him!

Just then, Alysta Tower reported again: "Sir, the surrounding space is extruded by chains, and a space with large mines is torn out an unstable void door!"

The good news is one after another, and finally there is a door! Da Fei can no longer hold back the ecstasy of his heart and let it laugh!

What are you waiting for? Anyway, the quality of the ore here is not high, and it has already been mined almost. There is also the risk of being hit. It is no longer necessary to stay. As for the prophet, of course, let it go for a while, and wait until the airship is full and has the confidence to find a way!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "The whole group closed the airship and set off! Locate the void door, and when we exit the current space, we will directly transfer into the void door!"

"Roger that!"

By the way, since it is a big mine, there are ten or eight of them that are defended by powerful monsters, so they have to defend. Da Fei added: "Ready to fight at any time!"


So the next moment, the airship took off and left the origin of the first barrel of gold in the void, leaving from the void gate. At the moment when the airship went out, the red light on the Dafei radar exploded, and dozens of huge flying beasts were hovering nearby!

The airship had been prepared for a blink of an eye, and flew away from the scene before the alarm response from the other party! Then, with a blink of an eyelid, the airship directly transmitted the empty space of the destination ... (To be continued.)

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