God Rank Hero

Chapter 1698: Flame Lord Clearing Area

Now that the blood eagle status has been restored, and the chaos on the surface of the Titan mine remains the same, the blood eagle once again flew into a huge mine in stealth. This mine, which is much taller than the Chuanshan Tunnel, is obviously based on the height of the Titan, which is also convenient for the blood eagle to sneak in. However, entering the hole meant losing the warning of the rear telescope, and Da Fei had to deal with it with all his attention.

Ignoring the void miners along the way, the Bloodhawk carefully avoided the oncoming Titan patrol. After a few hundred meters into the mine, a huge underground hall appeared, with dozens of branch openings around the hall, each opening. There are void miners in and out.

Dafei was dumbfounded on the spot! More than a dozen branch holes, are you kidding me!

How to do? What else can I do, try one by one! It really doesn't work, just use one to summon an elemental lord here, and make a noise to see which hole has the most suspicious response.

Just as Dafei hovered around the field, the Titan's Grip equipped by the Blood Eagle suddenly buzzed slightly!

resonance! Da Fei was so excited that he immediately returned to the hole where the blood eagle had just passed, and the resonance of Titan's grip re-emerged, and the light flashed.

This is the hole! Dafei was ecstatic and overjoyed, Zhengchou didn't know where the "eternal mine" was. Afraid that he could not find the way with this "prospector" in hand?

As the Bloodhawk continued to sneak in, the end of the passage was again a few branch holes, but under the guidance of the increasingly clear resonance of the Titan's Grip, these mazes could not bother Dafei. Finally, the red light of the blood eagle alarm exploded, and a red dot appeared in front of the radar. One of the red dots was like a traffic light on the street!

Frightened and stopped moving immediately! Such a big red dot flew once in the previous Kolos underground passage, it must be the Titan Lord! And of course, such a precious resource of "eternal mine" must also be guarded by such a god-level strongman in order to make sense.

And the god-level strong possesses the realm. Any stealth or stealth will be found as soon as it enters the realm of the realm, and it will be like a stone falling on the water surface.

Stealing has become unrealistic. Of course, it hasn't been realistic from the beginning, and Da Fei still knows it. Da Fei just came to try his luck with rhythm. But it was absolutely unwilling to stop there and stop flying.

How to do? Summon the remaining two flame lords and ice lord directly to kill a blood path? Da Fei frowned, and immediately rejected the idea. Judging from the previous two summons, this summoned thing is also only powerful when Zehirfa possesses it. Now Zehir also stated that it will not appear twice after the Void is consumed too much , Then definitely can't beat it.

Going somewhere else? Although unwilling, I'm afraid this is the only way. Maybe the other mines are getting bigger. Will the Titan Lord come over to fight the fire? Of course, this is not realistic.

In desperation, the Bloodhawk had to return to other mines. It is not easy to steal mine, but it is easy to get things done. Da Fei immediately stared at a large group of void beasts.

Before and after the big fly, there was no patrol. Then what to say, let out your anger!

The blood eagle emerged from the invisible state immediately, and the petrified aura reopened. Not to mention the resistance of these small void beasts, even the escape was difficult, and the blood eagle that was whistling past was harvested and killed instantly, and it was impossible to trigger the alarm.

System prompt: The battle is over! You killed 26 Nether Predator Miners and gained 2600 points of experience. You found the trophy "67 units of Nether Amethyst, 6 units of Nether Black Crystal, 3 units, 21 units of Nether Eternity, and 3 units of Nether Eternity."

Just at this moment, the Titan's grip flashed again! Dafei's brow suddenly jumped. Although the experience of killing monsters is not worth mentioning, there are good goods in this booty! Da Fei hurriedly picked up the 3 eternal spar:

Void Eternal Mineral Crystal: Low-purity eternal mineral crystal needs to be refined to obtain eternal material.

That's it! That is to say, the mobs can also burst out, so can low-purity ore be used?

Da Fei immediately brought the Titan's grip into contact with the spar. In the resonance, a sliver of golden light flow was immediately absorbed by the spar and absorbed by the weapon, and then there was only a pile of waste residue.

Dafei's brow jumped, so it sucked? The refinement effect of this Titan's grip is also great, right? You don't even need the refining furnace. This Titan's grip is not a high-end refining equipment that Titan asked the dwarves to build? Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine how the giant Titan would use this "chopsticks" as a weapon!

In short, no matter how much! Since the miner can produce good goods, don't hesitate to kill him. But here is the underground mine can not fly higher than the ground, then you must look for the target with great care.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, when Da Fei was killing and happily picking up, the system on the side of the deity heard a prompt:

System Tip: Your sailing time in the special space is more than 3 days, you and your team heroes gain 430,000 extra experience of Destiny Skywalker professional skills "Skywalker training", and your team gains additional growth potential.

System prompt: Congratulations! The growth potential of your 26 Void Troops has been developed, gaining growth evolution, attack 3, defense 1, life 10, stunt devouring growth effect has been improved.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your Super Nether Predator's growth potential has been developed, gaining growth evolution, attack 10, defense 5, damage 1 additional real damage 1, attack speed 1, life 50, stunt devouring growth effect increased.

Dafei is very pleased, this is a day to grow! Really worthy of being a miner quickly trained by eating rare mines! Yes, you work hard, and brother must work hard to speed up the pace.

That's right, after testing the water for a while, Da Fei found that he was too conservative. Not only can the Titan Army not help the blood eagle on the open ground, but also in this space-constrained passage, because the Nether Dragon, which is the most threatening to the blood eagle, cannot ride in this relatively narrow space. Even the shadow of the blood eagle could not be felt.

The current blood eagle is like a parasite that has penetrated into the blood vessel of the other party, and the other party can't find a suitable army to deal with the blood eagle! Is this why elephants don't have mice?

Then play big, Da Fei wants to see what happens when all the miners are killed! And now Dafei has basically opened the map of this mining area, and it is already a well-known road. Even if it is really blocked by the other end, it can change people instantly. The death of people will not have any impact on the blood eagle.

Therefore, after the blood eagle recovered his physical and mana again, the blood eagle slaughter officially began. As long as the patrol team is a bit farther away, the Bloodhawk will immediately harvest! When the harvest was finished, Dafei still had time to calmly take a look at the battlefield harvest. After picking up a few eternal mineral crystals, he immediately ran.

For a while, the entire underground mining area had a long alarm, and hundreds of thousands of Titan patrols were chased by the blood eagle.

Looking at the Titan patrol on the radar like a surge of blood coming in from all directions, Da Fei began to simmer with blood! The last time I played this way was when I dragged a million insect swarms in the rotten world tree space in Japan. The difference is that the petrified halo of the blood eagle kills the insects. If the blood hawk's petrified aura could kill these miners in a second, then it would not be necessary to kill each of them so wastefully.

and many more! Speaking of waste power, Da Fei suddenly found that he was playing too hi and flying too fast. Unconsciously, the blood eagle's physical and mana were less than one-third. Lying down, this is a pill!

Da Fei suddenly remembered how the sparrows in one of the "Four Harms" were eradicated in the legend of his father's day. It was a village in a township that collectively dispatched all the trees to beat the gongs and drums. Sparrows alive and exhausted!

Lying down! Brother is going to be surrounded by the sea of ​​the people's war! Change to death? No, this Titan's grip is so weird and special. God knows if it dies?

Da Fei stared at the huge transit hall of the dozen or so holes on the map. From the radar, the hall looks like a heart of blood! Da Fei's intention to kill the flood also rose up!

Come on, come all!

The blood eagle flew into the lobby. At this time, the blood eagle did not leave the combat state and could not continue to be invisible. Of course, it was discovered by dozens of Titan guards in the audience for the first time and he began to throw a lightning gun at the blood eagle!

Da Fei has no reservations, let the blood eagle's final physical strength fly around the field at the fastest speed, use high-speed movement and its own 300 defense 1200 HP to support these Titan attacks!

Dafei is betting! At this moment, Da Fei is passionate and wants to play a big trick! To be more precise, it is the unparalleled visual impact brought by the high-speed movement of the blood eagle perspective to Da Fei, which makes Da Fei thoroughly boiled! Compared with the thrill of flying speed, how much passion can those speed cars play? This is why Da Fei cannot hold it. In fact, Dafei couldn't hold it every time he played with Blood Eagle.

And Da Fei was not disappointed, the first wave of Titan patrol attack was easily disintegrated in dozens of "misses"! At this point, "blood in the blood vessels" has begun to collect into the "heart".

The blood eagle survived the second wave of attacks, at the same time the blood eagle was finally hit by two Titans, two 100 points of damage! The blood eagle that can fight 300 defenses without a hero's leadership so much blood, this Titan's combat power is simply outrageous!

Only one fifth of the blood is consumed, and you can continue to top!

The third wave, the fourth wave! When the blood eagle survived the fourth wave of attack and only one-third of the blood was left, almost all the Titans were gathered in the lobby. This dense feeling made Dafei's sour hands start shaking!

Summon, Lord of Flames! !! !!

The flame crystal burst, and a faint flame quietly appeared over the hall! Dafei's breath also stagnated!

boom! !! !! The flame burst suddenly, and a loud noise was heard in Da Fei's ears, and there was a flare of light in the entire helmet screen!

This appearance! Cool! Watching the red clouds on the radar disappear for most of an instant, Da Fei couldn't help screaming! To be continued.

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