God Rank Hero

Chapter 1717: Why don't you take a boat with you?

With the advent of the Titan Grip, Titan Grip finally stopped absorbing energy. Sure enough, this is the most perfect version of the Titan's grip.

The final goal was achieved, and Da Fei's wish was over. From the perspective of the airship's deity, the ground of the Titan mining area at this time has become a ground-breaking battlefield for gods. The battle between gods really is a battle of attrition in the field. If you want to retreat in such a chaotic war situation, it should not be difficult, unless you are unlucky and hanged by the shock wave of Divine Warfare, but it doesn't matter if you hang up. It is faster to die directly.

But wait! Suddenly Fei Fei remembered it, and if it hangs, will the artifact burst? Although under normal circumstances, the artifacts have the lowest drop-rate priority, those are low-level c-level, b-level equipment is dropped first, but in special cases, it will still explode, such as the sea soul battle in Serbia, which is said to be a sea **** The reason for the fragmentation of the gods is that real mortals are unworthy of possession.

And then there were those American mini-artillery mini crossbows that burst in the labyrinth copy of the Japanese area. The reason for the explosion was Da Fei, but the explosion rate was extremely high, two doors at a time!

And now this Titan's grip is such awesome artifact, God knows if it will burst! In case it hangs, in case it explodes, this is not an ordinary heart jam. Replace it with an ordinary player, such as the fear of a giant thunder or something? Or if he let his brother know that his artifact has exploded, he would n’t even laugh to death? In short, this artifact is so important that people can't escape it!

Don't take this risk! Must escape the safest. Wait for them to finish? In case they haven't finished yet, this factory is here again?

When talking about the factory together, Da Fei's eyes were on the boxes of eternal material that had not been used up in the warehouse. Then Da Fei's eyes were on the other three warehouses that had not yet entered. Afraid there were hundreds of boxes in it? These black crystal chests are also special treasure chests that prevent evaporation of eternal matter? Brother just gave up? What was Brother's original wish? Steal it a boat mine!

That's right! Brother's ultimate goal has not been completed, brother has to steal mine! At this moment, Dafei suddenly found himself forgetting his original intention!

How to steal mine? Of course, it is the old routine of brother playing airships for many years, and directly transport the airships to this underground factory! The space here is large enough, the coordinate brother also knows, and the key is unmanned defense. As long as the airship is teleported, the blood eagle does not need to risk blasting the artifact to cross the battlefield of God. Isn't it possible to solve the problem with two killings?

Sink! Sink! Thinking of this, Da Fei couldn't help but slap himself, and he almost missed such a great opportunity!

But let's just talk about it. Is this factory so easy to transfer in? What if our enemy immediately shocked the enemy's god-level power to come to prevent it? This is a small risk of avoiding the retreat of the Bloodhawk, and indeed a big adventure involving the entire airship!

At this moment, the spirit of Da Fei's gambler was burning in tangles. As a gambler, of course, he will naturally ask another gambler at this time. So the dear deity on the airship told this to Buffett.

Sure enough, only the gambler knows the gambler best, Buffett's face glows with excitement, and the spirit of the gambling **** immediately burns enthusiastically: "It is indeed a captain. Although it is risky, I fully support it!"

What the hell! Supported so simply! Why isn't Ge Bu not disturbed, but even more disturbed? Can't you persuade brother? In short, plan what works.

Da Fei asked Alice Tower: "Do you think our airship can teleport to the coordinates of my avatar?"

Araceta frowned: "Sir, the factory where you are living has a giant twisted array machine in the support space, and it cannot be easily transmitted with us!"

Dafei frowned: "meaning, I turned him off?"

Buffett also immediately restored the calm side of God of Gamblers: "Captain, although I do n’t understand space or anything, I have also confused so many books these days. I also know that once the machine is shut down or destroyed, the factory The space in which it is located will inevitably have drastic fluctuations, and then there will be a powerful Titan God appearing. I am afraid we will not have much time to act! "

Da Fei frowned, and the action power of the Titan God Da Fei had already seen. He had not used the two Lord-level elements sent by the element master Zehir for a few seconds. How much time did he have?

Buffett also said: "But our airship can also start the Void Realm. Maybe we can resist it for a few seconds."

Da Fei lamented that the airspace system of the airship had only been upgraded to 80%. Although it can fight against high-level domains by burning a large amount of energy, it must be far worse than playing by itself. Only the key threshold of upgrading the system by 90% can be achieved, and the field of airships is definitely not reliable.

However, Gexin has obtained the realm of Titan's grip. What about the power of Titan's realm? Dafei still shook his head, still feels unreliable! That's right, in the face of the unknown God, everything that mortals take for granted is not reliable.

So Da Fei still took out the Lich Lifeguard box and connected Isaac in the distance to consult the feasibility of this plan.

Isaac was immediately shocked: "Master, I seem to have seen a picture in a book that is very similar to the Titan's grip in the owner's hand. I think this Titan's grip is actually a very advanced part. I do n’t know if the owner has Time? I'll discuss this with Mr. Thain immediately! "

Dafei frowned! Is it true that heroes see similar things? Brother also suspected this problem when absorbing the eternal crystals dropped by the small miner in the pit channel, because the size of the Titan is impossible to use the big weapon of "chopsticks", and the grip of the Titan directly absorbs the crystals. I do not know how many times the efficiency of this refinement is higher than what is in the furnace. This is not like a weapon!

The problem is time, but I don't have time!

Do not! I have time! Isn't God fighting still? Isn't the factory yet? This is not time? At the most urgent time, there are men who are willing to light up and pee!

Da Fei made a quick decision: "Okay, you should study that book immediately!"

"Yes, master!"

Of course Dafei will not wait for the next time. The most important thing for Dafei is to smash the doors of the other three warehouses immediately. Two of the warehouses were not affected by the earthquake, and their durability is very high, which needs to be dropped in advance.

As a result, the split side is fighting against each other, while the Dafei deity is observing the battle situation of the **** war, while walking like an ant on a hot pot.

A minute passed and none of the gates on the side of the smashed smashed, and the battlefield of the God of War seemed clear, and the Titan Army prevailed. And Isaac's news is still not coming!

No, time is not enough! Ordinary masters are waiting time, brother master is creating time! I want to do something!

Da Fei asked Alice Tower: "What space is still unstable around? I will continue to hit the Titan continent!"

Alice Tower immediately replied: "Sir, the surrounding space is unstable! The collision and destruction of several spaces just now has a great impact on the surrounding space."

Yeah, a bubble burst may not have any effect, but a bubble has disappeared, this must have a great impact! Dafei ecstatically said: "Okay, in creating a space fusion, choose the largest and most unstable star!"

Buffett immediately asked: "But Captain, this is a consumption of resources. Our airship has only this ship's reserve! Once it is consumed too much, once," Buffett closed his eyes in pain.

Da Fei is even more pumped! I have to say, this person, I really want to fill myself up and find myself unhappy, if I have repaired the airship, filled with mines, and said I ca n’t leave, why are there so many farts? It's too late to change your mind now. Once you take this step, it will become a benevolence if you don't succeed, and you may not even have enough money to go!

Just when Da Fei and Buffett struggled with painful entanglement and thought, shaking the head, Alice Tower immediately reported: "Sir, I have selected a target, which has a large void in the void that allows our airship to enter directly without consumption ! "

I've already bet, and I'm tangled! Dafei gritted his teeth and waved his hand, "Enter!"

Buffett also opened his eyes and fists loudly: "Stud !!!" (Note: Stud means betting on the entire deposit)

Da Fei just wanted to cry without tears! A good set of stable cards are starting to stud! So many beautiful women's lieutenants are not around, but they follow a black gambler who is a gambling ghost who is close to Mexico! Well, brother has been messing around, it has nothing to do with him!

Dafei gritted his teeth and began to cope with it. After the airship teleported into the new astral space, Dafei immediately instructed: "Activate the eternal core power furnace. This repair project is a void space system!"

Buffett was so full of energy: "Receive!"

Dafei laughed in surprise. This Nima! You don't bet on the card dice anymore, you are betting bigger now!

With the ingenious navigation instructions issued, Time Traveler once again set off a lightning tide in the void, and then a huge meteor fell from the sky to the Titan continent!

boom! !! !! The big fly avatar in the underground factory was also shaken by the earthquake. The boulder and sand on the factory floor collapsed and the factory lights went out halfway. At the same time, the globe-like twisted array machine began to dim and the speed slowed down!

Thanks to the earthquake, the warehouse that has been attacked for a long time by the avatar has finally collapsed. Twenty or thirty black crystal boxes are present again!

Brother is for you guys who don't know what other uses! Then there is nothing to say, transform into human form and move all these boxes in the open space at the crossroads of the factory to accumulate, and fight for the airship to immediately transport it away!

Buffett reported: "Captain, there are 2,000 units left!"

Only two thirds are left! Da Feiqiang calmed himself and said, "Very well, just make room for new goods!"

With the addition of this new star, the situation in the clear battlefield of the gods just added another variable, and countless void monsters joined the battlefield.

Da Fei's fists had sweated his palms, and Da Fei could only silently pray: "Drag!"

After a while, Alysta began to report again: "Sir, I have found a new target, may I continue to strike?"

What the hell! Sister Angel, you're addicted to something, right? The big flying egg shook his hands in a hurry: "No, no, no, we don't have enough energy, and maybe we were discovered by the Titan God!"

More than a minute later, when Da Fei was struggling to make another round, Isaac finally spoke, and his voice was agitated: "Master, major discovery, the master's Titan's grip is the space twisting machine. An additional part, its role is an emergency stabilization device when the twisted array machine is abnormal. The master's airship power furnace can accommodate the eternal core and must be compatible with the Titan's grip. "

Da Fei was happy and anxious: "Say the point!"

Isaac immediately said: "As long as the master inserts the Titan's grip into the emergency hole of the power stove, the master's airship can release the gravity field or anti-gravity field that strengthens the Titan's grip! Gravity is an important factor that can slow time This should also be a lesson learned by masters in controlling time. "

The system prompts: you get the use information of the emergency device of the time traveler's power stove!

It's all information, it's done! Da Fei rushed to the power cabin of the airship to look at the power furnace. Sure enough, there was a yellow dot that had not previously appeared to sparkle! It's a switch that Da Fei didn't know what it used to do before.

Dafei excitedly pressed the switch!

System prompt: The emergency maintenance hole of Time Traveler Power Furnace is open, please insert emergency equipment! This device requires masterly high-end instrumentation skills to use.

That's it! Da Feidun felt a cool air from Ju Shuang to the end. How wonderful this game is, even if it is a machine that you have done yourself, in fact, there are many things that have not been done. Only when you really understand the manual, it will display the function. Otherwise, it will not work if you press it randomly.

So, are you afraid of stealing a bunch of boxes with the grip of the Titan plus the entire airship power furnace plus the Nether Realm? Time to get started!

Dafei immediately ordered: "The whole ship is ready for transmission and landing!"

At the same time, Da Fei's clone also came to the factory's dim “earth globe”, and it was always a hundred times easier to destroy such a thing than to build it. Da Fei was chaosing directly to the various equipment pipes connected to the instrument. In the roar of the explosion, the globe finally stopped and stopped, and then the harsh alarm sounded again throughout the factory and the Titan continent!

Da Fei's heart is tight, this is a horse horse honeycomb!

Alice Tower immediately reported: "The space barrier of the target coordinates disappeared and can be teleported!"

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Teleport!"

The next moment, a huge space vortex cyclone appeared in the factory's open space, and Da Fei's avatar immediately transformed into a blood eagle flying to respond!

Just at the moment when the airship appeared suddenly, Dafei's radar and airship's alarm blew at the same time, and three wave-tornadoes appeared in the factory!

System prompt: Warning! The Time Traveler Void Realm system found three high-energy realms around it!

Frightened eyes narrowed! Still three! Now is the time for subtlety!

The next moment, Da Fei's flying forces swarmed and hugged the stacked boxes directly on board. And the blood eagle also rushed to the flying front of the power stove at lightning speed!

Da Fei took the grip of the Titan, inserted it directly into the jack and shouted, "The field is all open! Teleport and retreat!"

When these four words were spit out, three huge black armored titans appeared in the factory.

At this moment, the transmission progress bar in front of Dafei seemed to be stationary, and Dafei felt that his heartbeat also seemed to stop! Does the domain not work?

At this moment, an exclaimed cry from Buffett: "Captain, there is not enough power! Use the eternal mine that you grabbed!"

Dafei said nothing, "Okay!"

That's right, how can the three so-called Titan gods be blocked by ordinary so-called high-energy ore crystals?

The next moment, the power furnace around Dafei bloomed with dazzling golden light, and the progress bar that had just stopped advancing to the end instantly.

Once the scene changed, the airship appeared in the void!

Did you run away? It took three seconds for Da Fei to fully stun God before finally passing over from Buffett's yelling, brother ran away! Haha, wow hahaha!

At this time, Buffett came excitedly to report: "Captain, although we have used half of the eternal energy just now, we successfully ran out!"

Only use half! Drizzle! Dafei haha ​​laughed wildly and waved his hand: "Home! Full power, the sooner the better!"

Buffett even cried excitedly: "Okay, home!"

At the next moment, the Time Traveler rushed to the colorful stars in the distance like a meteor. Only when the Titan continent behind disappeared in the dark darkness, a long sigh of relief, and another journey ended. (To be continued.)

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