God Rank Hero

Chapter 1731: Invisible

Da Fei thought about a variety of pretense schemes when his mind turned sharply, but all of them were rejected by himself. Because the most critical decision to force the appearance of high-level appearance can not be solved. The so-called forced appearance of Gao Gao is nothing more than a flash of thunder, or a flash of golden light falling from the sky, even if it can calmly appear like the father of the land.

The problem is that you have to be ashamed to get out of the game. This problem is very serious! Pretending to force is not only vanity, but also a deterrent. It makes everyone think that they can't be beaten, not to mention the benefits, but it will definitely have a lot less trouble. Once others find themselves ugly, they will have the idea that I can do the same. At least the nausea of ​​spitting is essential. This is a defilement of world-class celebrities, which can't be tolerated.

When pretending to become a burden, Dafei felt tired and felt that he would no longer pretend. In the middle of confusion, the red spot on the ground not far from the big flying radar flashed, and the sentry's hearing tracking skills found a monster on the ground. No, such a large red spot should be a wave ss!

The next move of Da Fei's heart, the invisible costume is the most deadly! When the image problem can't be overcome, then don't let others see the image. Brother is attracted to blame. Brother must use the hand of Boss to destroy them and let them know that they do not need brother to show up, let alone brother to take action!

That's right. But I heard that the strange here is 5 times stronger than usual. This is a strange thing to pay attention to a little detail, don't take yourself off ...


At this point, the French headquarters, the pit on the large screen on the wall has been silent for half a minute. Such a weird situation is unclear to everyone.

Then members of the Rose Group reported: "I haven't smelled the blood, and the target has disappeared?"

The whole group was in an uproar: "Is it discovered by Da Fei? How is that possible?"

At this moment, the blonde Natasha in the VIP room also felt that something was wrong. There are many rumors about Da Fei's invincibility, but the standard French beauty from the special agent family has always dismissed it. She has always firmly believed that Da Fei's success must be the result of the Chinese cheating and stealing information at the beginning of game development. Like this British Noah's Ark. The more mysterious Da Fei's actual identity is, the more this proves.

So at this moment, the first reaction of Natasha's agent thinking is: "Someone reports to the enemy!"

"Through the enemy?" Captain Napoleon of France frowned deeply. After all, there were three or four hundred people from a dozen EU countries on the ship. Anyone was suspected of being bought by the Chinese. What Napoleon couldn't accept was that the Natasha team's quiet return from the ship was so perfect, how could it be seen? They also use a seafarer cabin alone, and no one should notice their absence.

"So, who is most suspicious?"

When the whole team was thinking about this problem, a bang sounded on the beach far from the dirt pit, and a piece of sand splashed! Another little bunker has appeared!

"Rose 3 finds the target! Rose 2 finds the target!" ...

What is this doing? Has Da Fei got under the beach? Amid the doubts of the French headquarters, Natasha's frowning felt more and more wrong. An open space on the beach will also leave footprints that are not conducive to sneaking, and without any stones and branches, it is also not conducive to covering the bat form.

Napoleon frowned: "It seems that Da Fei has indeed found us. He wants to fight us in an open and advantageous battlefield like the beach, but he has no reason to know that our task is really just to bite him, then do he?"

"Damn spy!" Natasha, who had missed the chance of sniping, had to order indignantly: "No. 2, 3, 4, 5 were in place around the target, and No. 2 and 3 were the first attack, No. 4, 5 Make a second wave of attacks, I'm finally! "

"Roger that!"

Within three seconds, the five bats immediately moved from the forest ruins to the sand bunkers on the beach! If such a powerful mobile assassination ability does not encounter a big fly, it is definitely the most terrifying existence among players in the world. It is a pity that the lowest assessment of the command is that they will be defeated in order to complete the task of biting the big fly. What a sad reality!

Immediately, a team member reported: "Smell the blood!"

Natasha's face was cold: "Ready to fight!" Although it had been exposed, although there was only a target to bite him, Natasha was still reluctant to accept, and still wanted to assassinate Dafei! Because no one knows the exact combat effectiveness of Da Fei, in case he has limited energy and only cares about the development of the warship and ignores himself?

Time passed for a second or two in the stalemate. The whole beach seemed to be silent in a slaying atmosphere, and then a sharp sound, if any, appeared from the ground.

Is there a sound? Natasha frowned! Napoleon was fully absorbed: "Play back the video you just recorded for 3 seconds ..."

However, as soon as the voice fell, the entire sand of the beach suddenly shook, and the red light on the alarm radar warned! You are about to be attacked by a powerful creature insect lurker, please prepare for battle!

"A monster?"

Natasha made a quick decision: "Fly away!"

boom! !! !! A piece of yellow sand on the beach soared into the sky, and a huge worm head like a subway broke out. Its open wormhole was as shocking as a garage door!

"Wow" It ’s too late for all French players to exclaim, Natasha was too late to fly early, and a strong suction wind sprayed out of the worm's mouth, together with the five little bats flying high together with the yellow sand in the air Suck into the big bug's mouth!

"Transforming into a human form" didn't wait for Natasha to finish, the four women's group members had already transformed in time in the air. If they did not change, it would be impossible to escape the suction of giant worms with a bat-like size!

But everyone still underestimated the suction of giant worms. Even if they turned into an adult form, they were still no different from bats. They still couldn't stop flying to the giant worm's mouth. Between heaven and earth, they and all the players behind the scenes I saw the dozen worm-like teeth in the giant worm's throat!

Going in is dead! How could Natasha die so easily? A big move to fight the blood limit area, open!

A blood mist exploded and shrouded the worm head!

The system prompts: your blood limit area is disturbed by the insect killer land area, your mana value starts to be consumed sharply!

"There is a god-like wave in the field!" All the French team members were uproared, and Natasha shed two lines of painful tears in the desperate struggle. The rose of Versailles was withered before it bloomed, and it did not understand what caused death. What's going on? ...


At this moment, Dafei's situation is uncomfortable! To be precise, it's still off! Where is Dafei now? Giant bug's belly!

The thing is this, because the sand worm is a beach wave ss. Of course, the first step of Dafei to blame is to dig a passage to the beach first, and then dig through the ground to let out a wind. Coming, very close, and smelling very clearly, there are 5 people!

Da Fei was really annoyed now, and Da Fei felt contempt for his invincible reputation! What kind of person thinks that 5 can besiege brother? After all, I still have too many single machines, and I have forgotten the legend of Brother. Some so-called masters who have got such a little adventure think they can challenge Brother? If not for pretending to be a mysterious force, believe it or not, one of your children was shot dead by one shot?

In short, it's better to come, here is the strange cause.

This is not the first time Dafei has dealt with Sandworm. The earliest was to take Elina to set the fire wall to burn the "Sandworm Subway" in the race suit, and then listen to Elina's explanation in the underground world in Japan what would cause the underground monsters to be alert, that is to put a spell shock wave , Sound waves and things like that. And Da Fei, as a master bard, created a sound wave with attacking effects, but it was simple enough. After collecting the super beast into the void, he blew the hawk flute, and the opponent came over immediately after being provoked.

Then, Da Fei once again started the long-lost magical tricks! When Da Fei's plan, as long as he escaped the attack of Bo SS with big armor, and after Bo Ss killed all 5 of them, he could summon the scorpion to go and fly high.

However, Dazuo did not let Dafei dodge, Dafei was sucked into the giant bug's belly! This is the second time that Da Fei was swallowed by a monster after being swallowed by the demon bone dragon in the ground in the Japanese area last time. At that time, the big fly was an Ansu totem that changed the sound of a bear in the stomach of Boss. And this time, only the realm of the Titan's grip was opened, and at the same time summoned Yeer while slashing hard!

If that doesn't work, the hourglass will open! But before that, he was still shocked by a rune of blood flowing back.


At this time, a row of team information shocked everyone in the EU Joint Team Command:

Team Channel: The French player "Natasha", a member of the team, was killed by the leader-level wave ss sand bug lurker and was disqualified.

Team Channel: The French player of the team member is "excited" ... disqualified.


After a short shock, Leonidas found himself fooled and concealed, and couldn't help ranting: "What's going on? Aren't they getting on board? What are your French teams doing?"

Napoleon was even more upset: "Greek, pay attention to the tone you speak! We have spies!"

The whole group of players broke out again: "Spy !? What spy?"

The spy is a heart attack of Lancelot. Lancelot subconsciously glanced at a teammate in a certain country, but at this time, he can only divert the team's attention from the overall situation: "Everyone is ready to land!"

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