God Rank Hero

Chapter 1734: Dare to hit the beast in front of brother?

As long as the most urgent problems can be solved, future problems will not be a problem. For the invincibility of the future is no longer lonely, why not sign a little contract? This is called sentiment, signed!

In the flash of golden light, the contract was signed and the sea animal skin disappeared.

System prompt: You have signed the Poseidon Contract, and you have obtained the lease right of the Deep Sea Fortress as agreed in the contract. You must pay off the arrears of 100 million points within 1 year and complete the legendary mission of Poseidon "Finding Lost Continent Atlantis" within 5 years. "Beat the Bahamutron", if you do not complete any of the agreements within the prescribed time, you will lose the right to use the deep sea fortress and be punished by the wrath of the sea god.

You must also continue to fulfill the contract once the fort is destroyed during the lease period. The battlefield observer mermaid worships Dinissa as the fort warlord during the lease, and Dinissa assists you in the management of the fort.

System Tip: You get a special item "Temple Conch". With this item, you will be able to contact the deep sea fortress in the sea in a long distance. The effect of using the Temple Conch is affected by your playing skills and a bard level bonus.


Da Fei couldn't help having fun, she turned out to be Dinissa! See, let ’s borrow a mermaid without borrowing it. Is this the rhythm of love? Also comes with a sea phone, wow ha ha ha ~

Da Fei stepped forward and laughed and said, "This, Lord Warlord, I will take care of you in the future!"

The mermaid Dinissa's attitude has also eased a little, but she still speaks harshly: "I have to say that the world-renowned reputation of the Warrior is enough to dispel some of the evil feelings of the Temple of Warriors. The world is still focused on strength. But Whether the Warriors are really powerful, just wait and see in the coming year. Now I can introduce the sea conditions here if the Warriors think it necessary to listen. "

Da Fei nodded hurriedly: "You must listen carefully and listen, Master Overseer for advice."

The mermaid said indifferently: "This is the Trojan space. It is a battlefield where the gods use divine power to resolve disputes. Over the years, the gods have been sending spokesperson disputes. The divine power that the gods have infused has made this space a very rich mineral power These all have great collection and recovery value, which is also the mission of this deep sea fortress. However, the divine power of the gods also inadvertently creates powerful monsters, and some monsters are even tricky even if the gods can kill them. , And even surrender these monsters, the Warriors will get a lot of points. "

Da Fei nodded again and again. Da Fei has received almost no attention since the beginning of this mission, which is also a supplementary course for Da Fei. This point is not as good as Leonidas. After receiving the task, Leo asked all the np who could ask on the Mount of Olympus, did everything possible to collect information, and did his homework.

The mermaid's tone turned solemnly and solemnly: "But the warriors need to know that your opponent may not only be the spokesperson of the other party, it is not impossible for some main gods to violate the rules and deal with you in person! For example, the nearly invincible hero Aklau Si was shot by the sun **** Apollo himself with a poisoned arrow and hit his heel with a poisoned arrow, which ultimately affected the outcome of the game. However, Apollo was powerful enough that even the king of the gods Zeus could not catch his cheating handle. , This matter is not over. "

His eyes fluttered in shock, "You mean, Apollo will shoot me?"

The mermaid shook her head: "No, he wants to shoot you, no one can save you. I just released a very high-end battlefield task for you, that is to find the poisonous arrow that Apollo shot Achilles! As long as you If you can find that poison arrow, you won't be able to win, let alone say that I haven't helped you as an overlord. "

System Tip: You get the battlefield mission of Poseidon Observer Dinissa "Find the Arrow of Achilles"!

Quest hint: The poisoned arrow that shot Achilles is lost in this Troy space. It may be picked up by some powerful monsters, or it may become a monster itself. In either case, monsters with the power of the Sun God are mortals that are difficult to defeat.

amount! Da Fei immediately thought of the several beasts on the map: "That is to say, I want to kill all those monsters one by one?"

The mermaid grinned: "We will wait and see your strength. You can first look at the attributes of this fortress and then make a decision."

Yeah, they just talked and didn't look at the properties. At this time, a shiny screw crab icon has been added to the war machine bar in the control panel of Dafei. Click to view:

Deep sea fortress: giant sea creature building, attack 1000, defense 1000, damage 1000, health 100,000, mana 30,000, physical strength 10,000, attack speed 0.85, magic resistance 90%, stunts: space mining gate, excavation, conch Fortress, descendants of Cancer.

Space mining gate: The deep sea fortress can transfer any collected resources to the Temple of Poseidon, and can calculate the contribution points according to the amount transferred.

Excavation: The deep sea fortress has the ability to excavate the channel, which is increased by the user's construction skill level.

Conch Fort: Additional buildings can be used to transform the architectural pattern, requiring master-level construction. With a durability of 500,000 and a defense of 1500, the current Conch Fortress stunt "Hydraulic Enchantment". The Conch Fortress can release a hydraulic enchantment in the water to resist damage. The enchantment requires 300 mana every 1 second to maintain.

Descendants of Cancer: Abyssal fortress has the potential to advance into a Cancer beast.


what! Looking at the attributes of this deep sea fortress, Dafei is really an eye-opener! Biological architecture Da Fei has seen the anemone king, the ancient tree fortress, and the strange existence of the crab. Cancer creatures have only 100,000 blood, and their offensive and defensive properties are actually similar to the ancient tree fortress! They are carrying a 500,000 durable, 1500 defensive shell on their bodies! This shell also has the function of enchantment defense. Brother is still afraid of the fart **** punishes the world gun?

By the way, can it still evolve into a Cancer beast? This is the bottomless pit attribute of tyrants and gold players?

In amazement, the mermaid smiled proudly: "What do the warriors think of this deep sea fortress than the warrior said?"

Da Fei sighed, "I think it's me who took the liberty, I confessed wrongly."

The mermaid smiled with satisfaction: "Very well, then the Warriors can continue the game!"

System Tip: Warlord Dinissa's favor for you increases, and you get a map of the Troy battlefield sea area.

Da Fei was so pleased that he just felt a little bit wrong to admit it? Looking at a large map that suddenly lights up on the wall, Dafei is even more pleasantly surprised. It ’s not good np if you do n’t open the map for the contestants! You are so good np, wow ha ha ha!

I just looked at the red dots of various monsters marked on the map, but there was no green dot. Dafei could not help wondering: "Master, is there only one observer in such a large sea?"

The mermaid sighed: "It is precisely that compared to other gods, sea gods can't find a suitable spokesman who is good at water warfare. Human beings are terrestrial creatures after all. Although the Naga Sea tribe is relatively perfect, it rarely appears A hero with great intelligence. In short, there is no need to place too many observers anyway because of poor performance. "

It turns out that this makes the sea look of one of the three great gods embarrassing. In the emotion, Da Fei's friend's message rang again, and Zhou Qing again: "Fei brother, the latest information. After discussion, the EU team decided to concentrate on destroying the monster beast on the map!"

Da Fei thought that he had heard it wrong, and immediately asked, "Is there anything wrong? If you can't even win a wavelet ss, you must hit the beast?"

Zhou Qing sighed: "It is precisely because the wavelet ss on the land will escape and be difficult to win, and will not play the power of Noah's Ark, so the EU team does not want to waste time and resources, and the multi-headed snake is a sea monster, whether it is shelling or The frontal impact can perfectly exert the naval battle power of Noah's Ark, and hitting waves on the sea will also try to avoid being disturbed by the flying brother. "

Dafei heard his brow frantically, and the irresistible spirit of grabbing monsters was burning in flames! If they are playing ss on the land, it is true that they think they can avoid harassment by playing ss on the sea. Is there something wrong with them?

Dafei immediately issued an instruction immediately: "Can you contact the Swedish team members?" Let them do their best to assist Boss!

Zhou Qing was surprised: "Hey Fei?"

Dafei laughed: "The beast is so good to play? How can the Swedish team play a leading role in such a crucial World War I?"

Zhou Qing laughed: "Also, it's hard to say whether the Swedish team should be suspected within the team. Letting them do more can also eliminate the suspicions. Well, I will continue to report to Feige under certain circumstances."

Dafei laughed: "Okay, you must report in detail."

"Roger that."

Really good teammate in the world! Then there is nothing to say, the first sale of the deep sea fortress is coming, and it is going to the position of the beast! (To be continued.)

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