God Rank Hero

Chapter 1763: From the ancient battlefield to the Banshee Palace

The Swedish team has always been on the high-end line, and the progress in the city of the mage has also felt good. It has also surprised the EU region by sending a batch of mining machines into Hongming Village. But the Swedish team knew that compared to the Titan Collector's machine, the kind of mining machine they once shipped could only be called a toy.

To what extent Dafei's popularity in the Seven Cities Alliance has exceeded the Swedish team's imagination. In fact, don't say that the Swedish team doesn't know how deep Dafei is, Dafei himself doesn't know that he has such awesomeness! From Dafei's point of view, he was nothing but hanging up a disciple of Saisu, and then met a few city masters on the way in Klos, and then did not know how the King of Time's attitude towards himself had become.

In short, the goods are delivered, and of course high-end machines are easy for everyone. The eight machines were lined up every three hundred meters along the river bank, and then the huge gear shovel was rotated and excavated. According to the Swedish team in the video, it is easier to find "mine veins" so far apart. Then find the veins. In this regard, Dafei believes in the professional capabilities of professional teams.

And sure enough, with the machine running for a few minutes, 1 to 3 stones were immediately collected in the big pit at each excavation point. This was a good start and it was a whole lot of excitement. That's right. According to prospecting common sense, when you find a green rusty copper mine in a certain mountain area, is the gold mine still far away? Da Fei looked forward to the underground of the river bank.

In short, completing the task is not the pursuit of Da Fei. It is the right way to complete the task in excess to earn this pit father's rental fee.

As for the following things, of course, continue to run the archeological excavation on the side of Hell. It ’s almost going to be dark, should the evil power that the war soul said also appear? Come on, break the game and count on evil forces.

Ten minutes later, the sky of **** enters the night, a blood moon rises to the sky, and the whole world shines blood. Then, the ground began to tremble with sand and dust, and a bone hand broke through the ground. The red light on the Dafei radar exploded, a red cloud!

--caveat! The enthusiastic ancient war spirit has felt your presence and you are about to enter the battle!

What the hell! Are you **** during the day and become enemies at night? And so much! Da Fei turned into a blood eagle and flew into the sky without saying a word.

Looking down from the air, the entire battlefield wilderness has turned into a large ocean of scarlet flames, which is the soul fire in the skull of a skeleton wearing armor, its number is tens of thousands!

Although there is a simple "red orange yellow green blue blue purple" skull fire color identification method to distinguish the strength of conventional undead creatures, the stronger the purple soul fire, the weaker the red. But the color of these skulls and fires seen by Da Fei is obviously not the weakest "red" color.

In short, try to know if you are strong or not. The flying eagle's blood eagle form is not much different from a regular wave ss. The actual combat ability has also been tested in the Void Titan continent. Don't think about that much when dealing with a skeleton soldier. The blood eagle flew down directly at a skeleton beneath it—a popping skeleton crashed to the ground. Spike! Is that true? Just why no experience?

The blood eagle circled down again, and the petrified halo turned on the mowing mode. In an instant, all the hundreds of skeletons in this area were spiked. There is still no experience or gain.

What is going on here? Could it be that I have to kill all the tens of thousands of skeletons in this wilderness?

In the midst of doubt, there was a sound of bone impact on the ground. The skeletons of those skeletons that had just been crushed were recombined, and hundreds of skeletons were resurrected!

Let me go! Did you come to the wrong place? Is this the Underworld or Hell? Brother see how many lives you have!

The blood eagle flew down again, harvesting all the resurrected skeletons again. But after half a minute, all these skeletons were still resurrected. Dafei gritted his teeth and continued!

After repeated tossing three times, Da Fei had to confess his fate and no longer needlessly exhausted his physical strength. This scene is worthy of being able to receive epic quests, not simply killing them. According to the game experience, there must be a force behind the scenes to keep these skeletons alive, so the key is to find this behind-the-scenes power.

Da Fei once again looked into the wilderness, at this time the night was darker, and the whole wilderness was shrouded in a thick fog of blood, and the blood-eagle's god-level reconnaissance could not see the scene a hundred meters away.

Such a weird scene immediately made Dafei aware of the seriousness of the situation. According to Dafei's many years of high-end experience, it is not impossible for this blood mist to evolve into a field. By then, there will be no place for itself. So the urgent task is to escape this blood mist.

Confused around, Da Fei looked up at the hazy blood moon in the sky and decided to fly to the sky. The blood eagle has special stunts for high-altitude flight, and it can only see far from flying high.

After a round of elevation, the Blood Moon gradually became clear, and the Blood Eagle began to escape from the fog area. Then looking down, it turned out that a thick mass of blood mist was flowing like liquid on the ground. This situation immediately gave Da Fei a sense of resemblance-Bemon's evil spirit field! That is to say, there is a demon like Beamon on this site?

Realizing the enemy's strength, the trouble of the task made Da Fei annoyed. After all, there is a duke's soul on Da Fei. There can be no mistakes, and after the Duke's hometown triggers the gargoyle incident, he does not know whether Makar will be assassinated and stabbed directly, and time is very urgent.

So the key now is to find clues, and to find an npc that can talk!

Also in the anxiety of Dafei, a dazzling flash of ruby ​​in the blood fog, a flash of golden light on Dafei's radar, and Dafei's spiritual shock! The golden light spot on the radar is absolutely an artifact, and the high-end antiques that are not available during the day have finally appeared.

The blood eagle flew straight down to where Jin Guang was, and saw a skeleton wearing a rusty silver robe wearing a ruby ​​staff!

A different skeleton! Dafei was ecstatic and overjoyed, and it turned out that Baili was red and different. The key to breaking the game was at this moment!

Blood Eagle Enhanced Dive Start! Enhanced Petrochemical Aura is on! The Holy Frozen Aura opened—Yes, after the 5th blood eagle blood sacrifice last time, the blood sacrifice and Da Fei's physique were highly assimilated. Da Fei's physical stunt "Holy Frozen Body" and "Holy Frozen Aura" (Note: Chapter 1699, "The 5th Leap After the Blood Sacrifice"), at this critical moment, Da Fei made no reservations!

At the next moment, the skeleton felt the threat from above and immediately raised the ruby ​​staff to face it.

Da Fei's heart shuddered! The skull's air defense alertness is much better than expected? Either run away or continue rushing now, bet it is too late to read the note or bet you can withstand the attack of the other party!

Dafei decided to bet immediately! Hundreds of skeletons were killed in front of them. Now this skeleton mage can be dozens of times stronger than the second?

70 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters! !! !! Under the drooping of the blood eagle, the distance of tens of meters is instantaneous. Da Fei has seen the silver metal head ring on the skull, which is generally feminine, and Da Fei also clearly feels the skeleton of the skeleton. One circle smaller than other skulls-an amazing thought flashed through Da Fei's heart, is it still a female skull?

At this moment, the red light of the ruby ​​staff flashed, the space in front of Dafei suddenly violently twisted and fluctuated, and then the scene became dark-while the scene was loading, please be patient ...

Big fly is shaking! Brother was forcibly teleported to another map? This staff is definitely an artifact! This skeleton mage really is the key npc for this mission! Da Fei excitedly and nervously raised his twelve-minute spirit to concentrate on the challenge of the new scene.

A few seconds later, the scene changed, and Da Fei's eyes were purple. Da Fei appeared in a dark palace lined with stone pillars. The rows of oil lamps on the pillars on the palace walls released purple-red rays and aerosols.

Lying down! here is? What about the skeleton just now? Da Fei quickly looked around, and immediately found that there were four brightly lit stone corridors promenades surrounding the palace. The corridors did not know where to go, and then the female laughter came from the end of the four corridors.

Da Fei heard a move! This tune-is it a banshee? I'll take it. Brother is better off!

When Da Fei moved, he flew directly to one of the promenades to find the source of laughter. When Da Fei reached the end of the promenade, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he was a palace, which connected to the palaces of the four corridors just as before!

It's a maze! ? Da Fei felt uneasy, and moved along the palace's promenade, and then reached an identical palace, and it turned out to be a maze!

At this moment, Dafei is not a chicken, but an egg hurts! That is to say, I have to find the skeleton in the maze to break the situation? Or to find the key facilities of the maze? There is no prompt in the system. This is a test of IQ.

In the midst of tangling, a childish voice suddenly sounded from Dafei: "Hey? It's you again!"

Wow! Da Fei was so frightened that he sat up in shock, and the helmet on his head was almost thrown away!

The next moment, the panicked child sounded again from Dafei: "Come! Save the car! There are always bad people who want to kill!"

Is it? Da Fei, who had come back to God, immediately took the poker from his body. The poker shone, obviously he was talking! In other words, this banshee maze is a fantasy, otherwise the playing card as a dream creature would not respond.

Dafei who wanted to understand immediately realized that this playing card that sealed the young soul of the Duke might be his only helper, so it was time to play its role.

Dafei immediately appeased: "Her Highness William, don't panic, I'm your faithful guardian, Nicholas the forged steel hand!"

After speaking of Da Fei, he immediately started spying identity to win people. After all, his identity was sealed by him after middle age. From a time logic perspective, it should still work?

And sure enough, the poker card was so happy: "You are indeed a sloppy guard! Warriors note that this place is very obscene and pervades the evil spirit in the father's queen's palace. Be careful!"

What the hell! Your mouth is full before you get to the throne, is that okay? But obscene, my favorite! Harem or something, I like it even more!

The Flying Chicken said: "His Royal Highness, let us eradicate the evil here!"

"Of course! I don't dare to underestimate anyone!" The flash of poker flashed out immediately and immediately became big, and it suddenly became the style of "Alice in Wonderland" that I saw in the nightmare space. Legion Playing Cards!

The sword in William's hand pointed at a certain channel: "Go forward! I will take the lead in charge!" As soon as the voice fell, he flew over like a kite.

Dealing with fantasy creatures with fantasy creatures is obviously very reliable! At this moment, Dafei was very lucky to have a little duke on her body. Otherwise, if he could figure it out by himself, he wouldn't know how many brain cells would be burned to death. In short, take a look at the strength of the genius William, a genius known as a genius at an early age.

From the evil spirit of the father's queen's palace that he just said, Da Fei faintly guessed what was going on in the chaos of the Lion Heart Empire. It is estimated that there is more than one Makar? It is also estimated that he was murdered by a seal when he saw something that children should not see when he was a kid? In short, the background plot is deep!

In the thoughts of Da Fei, Da Fei followed the little duke through the palace corridors, and then a red dot in front of the palace appeared on the radar!

Lying down! Found it, it ’s so reliable!


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