God Rank Hero

Chapter 1912: Pal's bitter plan?

Da Fei fell on the ground to rest, and soon a cloud of blood appeared around him, and then a tall red giant "toad" appeared in the blood mist.

Is this the Pal family? The demon with such a strange look really disgusted Da Fei. At the same time, Da Fei also realized that his contract imprint had a pit-daddy. This was all about installing a monitor for himself, where he was, and Ma Ma knew all about it! That is, if the Mamens are ready to annihilate themselves, they can assemble a group of 9th-level demons at any time? Of course, as a contract demon is unlikely to directly harm the host, but various uses are indispensable. I am being used now.

At this moment, Dafei finally realized the terribleness of the high-end demons. So I dare not despise this funny toad.

The toad said, "Well worthy of being a world-renowned warrior, you have proven your ability, and we are also very happy to work with you. We will give you what you need most, you must get it in 0 minutes!"

The system prompts: You have successfully completed the entrusted mission "Attack Samidana City", and you are rewarded with "map coordinate information"! There are 9 minutes and 58 seconds left in the reward collection time.

Then there was a flash of light on the map of Da Fei, and there was one more on the map of Parr territory.

Dafei said suddenly: "Reward information?"

The toad groaned, "You'll know it before, goodbye!" Wan disappeared into blood mist again.

Da Fei was amazed. He has done a lot of legendary epic quests in various god-level missions. This is the first time he has encountered such a wonderful reward, rewarding a map coordinate information?

Da Fei wanted to ask Mamen, but in the end the contract mark was dim, and Mamen didn't know where he was going. Let me go. This sneaky one really smells like a coward?

Dafei immediately became interested, and immediately set off for the destination. Although Da Fei cooperated with Parr, the Pal force was still hostile to Da Fei, so the same way, radar alarms were also made on the road. Dafei certainly understands the rules in the game. Once Parr really makes an friendly alliance with himself, it means that they will directly face the fourth, which is by no means the survival of the inferiors. So the biggest possibility is that they put the reward items on the coordinates, so they let them pick it up in person.

Ten minutes later, Da Fei came to the coordinate area, and in the distance, he saw a red cloud on the radar! It was densely packed with hundreds of thousands of magic soldiers.

I rub! Da Fei is completely aggressive. What about a good reward? This is what made Brother get a reward in the army? Where is the reward?

At this moment, the red light on Dafei's radar exploded. Ervin Shen said: "Master Warrior, we have been found by the other party, fight!"

Only fighting! Dafei gritted his teeth: "Go!"

The next moment, the flying team turned into a meteor and flew down, and saw tens of thousands of toads! Their mouths were bulging and their chins were clearly preparing to spit out something.

Just then, Garbari shouted, "Master, I found the Bone Demon Lord of the Samikina family. I can control one, and then use the aging stunt of the Bone Demon Lord to assist the host ..."

Da Fei raised his eyes, and sure enough, in this blood-red toad ocean was mixed with thousands of smoky undead creatures.

Dafei suddenly realized that this must be an investigator sent by the Samikina ethnicity. These 100,000 toads are the performance of the Pal family to sincerely assist in the investigation, and what he has to do is to face the investigators. Killing more than a hundred thousand toads, it turns out that the Parr family did not collude. This is a bitter scheme of the Parr family!

it is good! The brother who likes bitterness likes it the most. You are willing to suffer, and the brother is more willing to fight!

Between the sudden turning of thoughts, Da Fei approached the target. These 100,000 toads opened their mouths and sprayed wildly, and a large venom blocked the sky of the entire area like rain and mist!

System prompt: Warning! You have entered the field of rot, and your vital defense has continued to decrease ...

Let me go! What a spectacular toad array, brother admire! But since it is a reward, the other party must think that he can win, and that is what he thinks!

The next moment, Irvine's Blazing Fields bombed the whole field again. Dafei was also fully open. Galbari did not disappoint Dafei. A bone demon lord in the enemy line instantly turned the enemy into a friend. The enemy's attack speed was further slowed down, adding to the prestige of Da Fei's slaughter!

There is no suspense, before the level 9 god's absolute control scene, no matter how many grandmothers are magnificent, it is just as if they were grand. Hundreds of toads fall every second, and every few seconds a unit that looks like the boss is killed by the crazy fast attack of the flying blood eagle.

But even so, the tens of thousands of toads in the audience are still unflinching, and they spit at Dafei madly, and the whole battlefield becomes a saliva poisonous moment! Da Fei is embarrassed, and he can't figure out what he can do for a long time on the Falcon Holy Mountain. These toads can be done in minutes.

Then there was a red light explosion on the radar. A huge toad like a truck suddenly appeared and blocked in front of the "Undead Investigator". Then the scene changed suddenly, and a venom-bogging swamp scene really appeared!

The system prompts: You enter the poisonous marsh area, you are attacked by the poisonous marsh area of ​​level 6 ...

System Tip: You enter the special water environment, and your skills of sharing the glory of heroes allow you to get 50% of the effect of navigator skills. Your "Sea Monster Hunter" achievement part takes effect, your army life + 11%, physical strength + 11% Damage +11% ...

Dafei brows. This is a field that can pull the enemy into a special environment, high-end! This is the strength of the 10th Parr family? And when he saw that the other party was actually a level 6 demon, Dafei was moved to tears. This is to sacrifice the rhythm of a level 6 **** playing bitterness? Mamen ’s cousin is also Level 6!

OK, this big gift brother smiled! Dafei immediately instructed: "Elvin, make a big move!"

Irvine was very excited: "Finally there is a decent opponent! For insurance, please Lord Warrior to support me 50,000 divine power!"

"no problem!"

As Dafei ’s divine power was connected to Irvine, the flaming gun in Irvine ’s hands that once wiped out dozens of demons appeared again. Under the light of thunder, the entire poisonous marsh area The haze of poisonous mist seems so worthless.

The 6-level toad was astounded: "The enemy is powerful, please distinguished guests, please evacuate, I will cover you hard!"

The undead investigators did say with a firm voice: "Our evacuation is worthless. Even if we lose, we will consume and test their strength!"

Dafei is so touched, big gift package! I'm really afraid that if you fool around, you won't get one of them! (To be continued ...)

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