God Rank Hero

Chapter 1915: Escape from Duke William

China's elven kingdom, the capital of the World Tree Plaza, transmits white light like people walking. At this moment, a tall figure of Jin Chancan stood up in the teleportation array.

The players suddenly stunned, then exclaimed: "What the **** is this?"

"This person is a player? Hidden race? Why is it so high?"

"Xiao A? A player who has never met?"

Hey, haven't you met? Niubi, right? I haven't seen him! Da Fei looked down at the players, and he was so impressed that it really was a stand-alone player who would come back from time to time to get some popularity to be lonely.

In short, let's send the new world first. As the first person in the world who has been in the new world for so long, he has never been to the new world once.

As the scene changed, the tall golden man with a small five-star red flag on his head appeared in a player hall in the city of the gods. There was no suspense, and there was an uproar among players from all countries.

Dafei went all the way to the exchange, and on the way was followed by players from all over the world. Those gold journalists from various countries who got the news for the first time also blocked the interview: "Excuse me, Mr. Player, are you a hidden race?"

Dafei didn't plan to hide the identity of this Ah, it's even better if a reporter comes to interview. So Dafei replied, "Yes, it's a hidden race."

Another reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Xiao A, you have such a dazzling hidden race. Why haven't any players ever seen you? Your name is not on the ranking list?"

Whoa? Not on the rankings? The avatar rank is not on the list? Well, don't worry about such details, just sign up directly.

Dafei laughed: "Actually I'm Dafei's trumpet."

All reporters in the audience were uproared: "Dafei's trumpet?"

The reporter asked, "How does this Mr ... prove that he is Dafei's trumpet?"

Dafei laughed, "Let Dafei prove it?"

So Dafei switched to the European Union ’s deity, and spent a hundred dollars to speak directly on the EU ’s World Channel. Metal Man is my trumpet. "

The whole EU area is in turmoil!

Then the next moment, the message of Da Fei's friends sounded. Needless to say, it was the collective condolences of various Ma Yinglong, Divine Emperor, Ancient Stars, and the beauty of Xuewei.

Dafei laughed: "Brother is back from the front line, and has sent an artifact to everyone! Wait for everyone to send people to the City of the Gods Exchange."

The big brothers intersected with surprise: "It's really a flying brother! Think about it, who else can give such a trumpet trumpet!"

Then Ma Yinglong was surprised: "What's going on? Can't send a guild invitation?"

The ancient stars suddenly realized: "Blind! You dare to carry our Lafei brother trumpet into the guild!"

The Emperor also wondered: "Is it really impossible to pull Da Fei into the guild?"

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Even if the Flying Brother Trumpet is the Canadian Guild, of course, it will also be our Beauty Guild! But why not?"

Let me go! The avatar cannot be added to the guild? Brother's trumpet identity is totally unconvincing?

Da Fei perfunctoryly said, "Brother, this trumpet is a little bit special. In short, don't pay attention to such details. Brother went to the mailbox. In addition to the full set of surgical artifacts last time, brother gave meaning to everyone. Thank you guys for your help during this time. "

The big brothers laughed: "Fei brother is so kind. We want Xie Fei to be."

As a result, Da Fei switched to the blood eagle clone of the garden base and spent more than 600 million gold coins to send William Poker and all 80 artifacts over.

600 million! Da Fei began to faintly hurt. But it's better than mold. The arrival of this batch of artifacts will be able to own this new avatar, plus all the deputy heroes are armed to the underwear, and really improve the overall combat effectiveness of his team by several grades but a wish.

Now that the artifacts have been sent, hundreds of antiques picked up on the battlefields of the Falcons have also been sent together. Fortunately, these antiques do not have the same attitude as artifacts. Only a few hundred pieces have spent 10,000 million gold coins. Fortunately.

When Da Fei's Golden Man was busy picking up goods in the crowd of players from various countries, cadre-level figures of the major guilds came. What gods, annihilation dragons, Uranus, and Da Fei of course do not know. Da Fei only recognizes the blood sacred lance of blood wei's cadres.

Under the onlooking shooting of reporters from various countries, Dafei, the big golden man, bent over and shook hands with everyone one by one. Each guild gave three artifacts. After all, Dragon Slaying is on the side of Dabianhuang, God the Emperor is on the side of Duke William, and the stars on the Window of the World have spent a lot of money in order to cooperate with Dafei's strategy, and Dafei can only return with an artifact.

The gangsters were in panic: "Three artifacts!"

Not because there are more three artifacts, but each one gives three, and taking out a few items is scary! There were more than a dozen items delivered, so how many of Feige himself? Troy with a flying brother is still under development, and how much will it be mass-produced?

Dafei laughed: "I haven't told anyone about this. Just a few of us know. Don't talk about it, otherwise the artifact will hit the market and become worthless."

The big brothers said happily, "Feige was right, Feige rest assured that no one will know about this."

Xue Wei's holy gun said ashamed; "Feige, our guild actually didn't help Feige much, and we were all a bit embarrassed to receive such a gift from Feige."

Da Fei laughed and said, "Beauty is so embarrassed and embarrassed!"

The big brothers laughed: "Giving beautiful women artifacts is justified!"

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "The elder brothers borrowed the artifact that Fei gave us? We concentrated our artifacts to arm our beauty president to the new world battlefield?"

The big men laughed: "No problem! By the way, this artifact is only useful if it is concentrated."

Da Fei laughed: "Okay, some of your big brothers are slowly armed, and my brother will go to Dukes William House."

The Emperor smiled and said, "Then we welcome Fei Ge!"

Da Fei laughed: "You're welcome. This time, trouble the boss of the Emperor!"

"Where, we'll follow suit ourselves."

So Da Fei, accompanied by a group of cadres, joked and entered the teleportation team back to China in the onlooking reports of reporters and players from all over the world.

At this time, the Da Fei Golden Man has sensationalized players in China. Da Fei's appearance in the city is the swipe of the whole city. Fortunately, Da Fei's avatar shared the mission achievements of the deity, so there is no need to walk more and go straight. You can go to the Duke Manor's teleportation team, otherwise it will be difficult for thousands of people to walk.


William Manor, when the Da Fei Jin Ren appeared, the ninth heaven player in the manor shouted in unison: "Welcome Fei Ge!"

Dafei beckoned with a smile: "Comrades have worked hard!"

Then the old housekeeper was pleased to go out and greet: "Warrior, you are finally back! Warrior, please!"

Let me go. Brother is a trumpet. Can you pretend to know him, which makes it difficult for him to do.

Da Fei came to the gate, and found embarrassingly that even the gate of the Duke's Mansion came to his chest, so Da Fei bent over and entered.

The long-lost Duke of William was waiting in the lobby with great spirits. He rejoiced: "Warrior, I have been following your battle in hell. I confess that I am aware of your growth, but I did not expect you to be surprised. Appeared before me! "

Dafei handed out a poker laugh and said, "Adults have won, I got back the poker you want!"

The duke trembled and took the poker in his hands. Tears flowed: "Back, my lost power, my lost soul is finally back! Warrior, you have also seen, now I am only a duke with no real power, and now I am poor , I have no way to reward you, I can only repay you with my most sincere friendship! "

System prompt: You have completed Duke William's mission "Return of the Soul", you have gained experience + 100 million, and your friendship with the Duke of William has risen to "friend of life and death"!

System prompt: Congratulations! You upgrade to level 5!

Da Fei's great earthquake was another mission to reward friendliness. Like Buffett, he is a "friend of death"! This Nima's brother forced him to help him, otherwise this close friend would have no gold content? Well, anyway, this Lionheart Empire is about to collapse, so let him do a big vote, brother is the chief adviser of the human Empire!

Dafei said with emotion: "Sir, I am honored to have your most sincere friendship, and I don't care about other rewards."

The Duke said with emotion: "No, it is my supreme honor to be able to get the help of the Warriors. Without Warriors, there is no me today. All I have to do is take the time to fuse the soul of this poker. Only in this way can I restore my strength. The Warriors will also reciprocate from me. "

At this moment, the steward Shen said: "Master, the black hand behind the poker must be aware that poker is back, and the other party will assassinate you desperately!"

Dafei frowned. Is it finally here?

The Duke Shen Shen said: "Warrior, I have two options. One is to stay in my Duke's Mansion and fuse the soul. The Warrior must help me to resist the assassination of the attack. However, the integration takes a long time, which may take several months. I ca n’t be sure. Second, I fled from the Lionheart Empire, but the consequences of that will be framed by a crime of defection. At that time, I may not even be the Duke. Which option does the Warrior think I should choose? "

Da Fei frowned, how deep is the water in this Lion Heart Empire? Without knowing who the black hands are behind the scenes and how powerful they are, can those players who rely on themselves, the Golden Man and the Emperor, be able to block the assassination of the NPC?

If the black hand is Makar, Makar will be reimbursed for directly destroying the world with a meteorite. This first solution is too risky and undesirable!

Da Fei's plan has been decided: "Sir, I think the second option should be used. As long as the danger period is passed, as long as the strength is returned, everything you lose can be taken back!"

The Duke nodded: "The warrior is right, I am so destitute now that I have nothing to lose, then I immediately fled the country!"

Dafei immediately said: "Adults can go to my territory! I have a lighthouse island territory in the Eastern Islands, where no one caught it!"

The steward hurriedly said: "Adults think twice, since the other party can frame the adult for a crime of defection, then he must use the alliance wanted order to seek the adults worldwide. If the adult stays in the warrior's territory, then the warrior will surely be wanted, the warrior thought Are there any consequences? That is the enemy of the entire Bright League! And as long as poker returns to the Duke, the other party can definitely find the adult. "

Dafei stunned, "What should I do?" It's not playing, it's not fleeing. Is it possible to take back poker and put it on brother? The problem is that the mission is completed and the plot is advanced. The opponent has already killed the Duke.

The Duke Shen said: "I can't bear to let the Warriors become the enemy of the Alliance for me, so there is only one way, stray!"

Dafei frowned! Indeed, although he has become a god, he is still a professional player. He has to rely on the game to make money and develop his whole life. Once he becomes the enemy of the alliance, it means that he is in the elven kingdom, and his status and industry in the dwarven kingdom are completely washed away. I also have to build an airship factory in the void, and when I wash my window of the world, the dwarf baron lord is no longer, and the factory blows. He has no capital against the Alliance at all.

Unless they have a particularly strong relationship with the elven dwarves, they are willing to fight for themselves and the human empire! Buffett over the dwarf has this possibility. But once the alliance has fought for itself, God knows how many players in China have called their own national sinners?

Wandering, right? Da Fei suddenly remembered Katrina, and she was about to go out to clarify the relationship with herself. Her Sky Overlord could just take in Duke William?

Da Fei immediately got an idea, so he asked, "Master, you are not alone. My ally, Princess Juana, is also preparing to flee the empire and has arranged a plan to flee. I want to know how long it will take for the other side to frame your defection? Yes Is it announced as soon as you leave the country? "

"Juanna?" The Duke's eyes brightened, and then he shook his head: "Of course there is no reason to announce immediately, as the Duke has a month of vacation time every year abroad, if you do not return for a month, it is deemed a defect."

Dafei Dasong breathed a sigh of relief. If he really declared defection as soon as he left the border, then the second option would be impossible to play, only to carry it to the end. Katrina's plan is also a month! It's not a month now.

Da Fei made up his mind: "Please invite the Duke to my territory for vacation!"

The old housekeeper Shen said: "But even on vacation, the other assassin will still appear. Are the Warriors ready?"

I don't believe that this assassin can still enter my copy of Troy? Dafei nodded: "Ready!"

The Duke suddenly stood up: "Go!"

System prompt: You get the mission of Duke William's "Duke William's Escape"!

Task reminder: Duke William will be attacked by powerful assassins during his escape. If he escapes for more than one month, he will be wanted as a criminal in the Alliance. At that time, you will be affected and affected. Please be cautious ...

Da Fei took a deep breath: "Come on, let Brother see where the Lion Heart Empire has decayed!"

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