God Rank Hero

Chapter 1930: Discover the hidden dangers of the Zerg

Can Helsin use a muse harp? This surprised Da Fei, and hurriedly asked, "How to use it?"

Ursin laughed: "I need the cooperation of this ancient fortress of Nasir to obey my control of his old tree heart."

Dafei then realized: "Do you drive the ancient tree fortress to play the harp?"

Ursin laughed: "Try it? I can not only communicate with the unicorns, but all the tree spirits, even the dragons can communicate."

Dafei exclaimed: "That's it!"

Nasir also muffled: "It is my pleasure to let such a noble and elegant lady to drive!"

Let me go. Is it true that ancient trees can drive? Dafei was also pleasantly surprised: "Okay, then we'll wait and see."

Then a group of people boarded the inner space of the ancient tree fortress, and the altar in the space was the heart of the ancient tree covered by the heart of the dragon.

Ursin sighed: "How many precious artifacts of the warrior, this heart of the earth dragon is mutated over a long period of time by the organs of the god-like creatures, and it is not at all the so-called artifacts produced by alchemists Comparable existence. "

Dafei chuckled and said, "I've won prizes and prizes!" Of course, my brother in a **** in a **** of a war broke out dozens of messy artifacts. I don't think they add up to the heart of this dragon.

So everyone moved away from the heart of the dragon, and Ursin put his hands on the heart of the ancient tree. The white light between his hands shone the heart of the ancient tree, and then it was true. This ancient Nasir tree lies in Seoul. Sim began to move around.

Dafei everyone applauded immediately!

Tamilla opens a huge portal directly into the chanting space, and Nasir enters the chanting hall. In front of the huge body of the several floors of the ancient Nasir tree, the tall harp of these floors could not form a physical obstacle.

Then the ancient tree fortress of Nasir embraced the harp, and two huge wooden hands began to pluck the strings, and the shocking sound rang through the hall. And the crystal wall in the hall is suddenly the scene of the waves tumbling outside the boat. As long as the strings are flicked, the seawater will jump like a bouncing water nearly a meter high, wherever the Feixiang goes, there are hundreds of meters around. Boiling ocean!

Great thriller, this is the power of the muse harp! I am afraid that the legendary sound wave miracle that can shatter the window glass can be performed from this harp.

Ursin did shake his head and sighed: "I'm sorry, the tone is incomplete and laughed generously. I'm trying to blend it all out and try to play a complete piece of music."

Dafei excitedly took the lead again to applaud! Even the random bombs have such power. Wouldn't it be great if the pop music came out? And talking about Divine Comedy is nothing, driving the excavator to play Divine Comedy is the best fighter!

With the start of Ulsin's full effort, the white light blooming from the heart of the ancient tree is a white awning that will illuminate the entire driving hall! At this moment, Ursin suddenly felt like an electric shock and let go of his hands, the piano sound that shocked the hall came to an abrupt end.

Dafei asked, "What's going on?"

Ursin looked wrongly: "What's wrong with this ancient tree?"

Nasir murmured: "Hello lady, I didn't do anything?"

Ursin frowned: "I see a gap into another world, where bugs are everywhere!"

Dafei asked, "How did you see it?"

"I suddenly came into contact with this strange memory when I was fully fused with the heart of the ancient tree," Ursin said.

Nasir said blankly, "I don't remember any memory of the bug world I would have."

Da Fei suddenly felt stunned and hurriedly explained: "This old tree fortress was not Nasir before, but a dark old tree hero defeated by me in the world tree space. That dark old tree hero led me somewhere A large number of bugs attacked the world tree space, and the dark ancient tree hero left the fortress after his defeat. I asked the vine demon village prince Tajius to transfer the heart of Nasir's ancient tree to this fortress Then came the current Nasir. "

Only then did Ursin know: "That's it, then what I came into contact with is the memory of the dark old tree."

With that said, Ursin's face solemnly said: "Warrior, I can't describe how big the Zerg world I just saw. If this Zerg had invaded the World Tree, it can still invade now, and the World Tree is facing a huge Crisis, you have to take action. Of course, it is the responsibility of the elves to protect the world tree, and I will fully assist it, and I find that the sonic power of this harp is huge and it is a weapon for large-scale pest control. "

Da Fei frowned, and immediately remembered that the classmate Wuhe Xinlong, who had been responsible for the development of Fujimon Village, had also reported an unusual insect trace, which showed that the hidden danger was quite serious.

Dafei then sent a message to the ancient star to reconfirm: "Ancient ancient, have your team members found abnormal bugs in Fujiya Village?"

Gu Xingchen immediately wrote back: "Feige really has a wide range of ideas. He returned to his hometown and cared about the insects. It really made us unable to keep up with the rhythm. The vine monster space is currently a honey farm and has been occupied by honey. No other bugs can be seen. There were other bugs before. "

Da Fei felt abnormal and asked Alicia: "What do you think?"

Alicia Shen said: "In the past, in order to cooperate with the Lord of the City's order to keep the mine secret, all the related bugs have not been further studied. I think these bugs must also be related to demons. Now the large-scale demonic legion is happening in the underground Fighting. If the bugs also cooperate with the demon's actions at this time, our situation will be quite passive, so I suggest that you report the bugs to the staff and let us execute them. "

Da Fei nodded: "Yes! It's time to report." Yes, before, in order to swallow the information of the mercury mine and the blood sea gemstone mine, he concealed many things from the elven kingdom. Now I bloom everywhere, I don't care about this place anymore.

Alicia laughed: "And after reporting the danger to the kingdom, the Lord Lord can get technical support in addition to the merits. For example, the technology of the Emerald Dream, the technology of the World Tree Fort cannon cabin can be upgraded!"

Dafei immediately understood: "So it is!"

OK, brother has developed a muse harp, insecticidal artifact. What else to care about, it's time to upgrade.

Da Fei remembered the incident and asked, "What will happen to the bee farm in Fujimon Village once the war breaks out?"

With a frown on her back, Ursin did reply: "Maybe it will be controlled by the Zerg strong and become the outpost accomplice of the Zerg attack. I recommend that the Warriors transfer all related Zerg-related industries."

Dafei feels that I don't want to stay anymore, and his three avatars are not enough. In short, quickly arrive at the Holy Mountain of Renma, and use the power of the Holy Mountain of Shengma to send back a Level 6 soldier Shadow Witch for a ride, collect the Pegasus and dispose of the Magma Dragon, and return quickly to prepare for war.

So Dafei sent a message to the ancient Gu Xingchen: "You try to convince the village head of Fujimon Village to transfer the bees, there may be Zerg activities ..."

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