God Rank Hero

Chapter 1942: Fatalon Connects the Divine Realm

Now that Deirdrie provided the first coordinate position, Xiao Li immediately contacted the deities God Fogalo with the hadith and told him that the Pirate King was going to grab Noah's Ark.

Fogalo was shocked: "Are you finally going to meet the Pirate King? I have no opinion!"

Katrina also replied: "I also want to try the power of this war balance, I will pass!"

The more they were willing to go, the more anxious Xiao Li was, after all, the elder brother said that the strength of this pirate king was beyond imagination. So Xiaoli solemnly urged: "The pirate king is powerful, you must not force it!"

Katrina smiled. "As a pirate, you never force yourself to do stupid things, so the captain can rest assured."

Xiaoli sighed secretly, how can she feel relieved? But I really have no other choice.

After this incident, Xiaoli has entered a quiet period. The three avatars of the elder brother and the Junxiang are on the hook and have nothing to do, and the giant tortoise **** at Fanghua does not need to operate by herself. It seems that the only thing that can be done is to send the extra divine power of the Big Brother Bloodhawk avatar to the old captains who are working, Fogallo, Hilda and other god-level subordinates, and give them the "character charge" of the "sacred sound of Hadith" .

After all, the scary high speed of daily blood power recovery of the blood brother of the big brother, completely does not match the upper limit of half a million divine power of the big brother. A burst of the upper limit without notice will cause painful divine waste.

Then at 10 pm, news came from the void, the void storm stopped, and frost-like void crystals appeared everywhere on the stars in the void.

That is nothing to say, immediately launched the whole ship's void to launch mining to replenish the energy of the Time Traveler.

With the cessation of the Nether Storm, Alice Tower finally found out: "My lord, a dark red star was found in the orbit above the south pole of Hell, as if it was dark in color, which could not be observed under the storm just now. . "

I found Hongming Village, and finally completed my brother's mission. Xiaoli Dasong breathed out: "Okay, go there when we have collected enough raw materials."

And since the orbits over the north and south poles of the planet Hell are all in stock, what about the orbits over the north and south poles of "Earth"? Xiaoli thinks it's all right now, why not look at "Earth"? If you look at the earth, you can say that this eternal telescope was developed by Xiaoli. In this respect, it is actually more proficient than the older brother. So, which "Earth" is China?

In the observation room where Xiao Lirao was interested, she headed to Halong Falong to relocate the old captain of the Pegasus tribe, Renoir, and sent the "Sacred Word of God", and Xiaoli immediately connected.

The old captain laughed: "Warrior, Ms. Elsin and Pegasus Tribe have been relocated to Fatalon. Ms. Ursin is pleased and shocked by Fatalon's rich light energy, and then I and His Excellency Samer Just to mention the matter of opening the teleportation array, His Excellency Somer has something to say! "

So the vision was shared, and Samel, a beautiful blonde and white robe, appeared in front of Xiaoli. Although Xiaoli took over the older brother's number of times, she saw him for the first time. Handsome! Sure enough, the elder brother is so tired of the legendary beauties, has he started to change his taste? "

Samer laughed: "Warrior, what Mr. Renoir mentioned was not new. I originally planned to open it after Fatalon's urban construction reached a high level, but never expected that until the warrior The Minghai was calmed down. I have not yet built a Fatalong. It turned out that I did not need to build Fatalon at all. It seems that my ideas are out of date ... "

Xiaoli hurriedly searched for the eldest brother's deity's task list and found the legendary task of Battle of the Nether Sea that had been shown to be completed, but the first stage of this task, "Building Fatalon", had never been started. Xiao Li knew for a moment that her elder brother was really amazing and didn't follow the routine. Otherwise, if you really cling to this first stage, I'm afraid that my eldest brother is still working hard to move bricks and transport soil to the underworld. Building an ultra-high-spec city in the surrounding islands that are all enemies will not be laborious.

I just listened to Samael continuing to say, "It's okay to finish it. Now I don't need to prove my strength to the **** world through a city. This portal can actually connect with the **** world. I opened it before to introduce God. The reinforcements of the world calm down the Ming Hai, now it is not needed! Now the Ming Hai has become the backing for the negotiations between the gods and me. The value of this portal is the trade channel. I will call all the lords of the Ming Hai to meet to declare this openly. A decision, and strive to give each leader a 'death angel', so that everyone has a status and position in the realm of God. "

Xiaoli was shocked and said, "China Unicom?"

Samer laughed: "Of course, I said, I was the death angel sent by the realm to the Nether Sea before Lucifer launched the rebellion in heaven, but my immediate supervisor was Assaz at that time. Le, he followed Lucifer's defection and fell, but I did not follow him at the grass-roots level, so for various unknown reasons, it may be my job list or the teleport exit from the heaven It was destroyed during the war, anyway, I was forgotten for thousands of years. Now is the time for me to return to the realm of God and restore my status! "(Note: Chapter 66" Heaven in the Underworld ")

This is a long story that my brother hasn't handed over. Xiaoli finally knows it, so she is enthusiastic and said, "Do you need any help from me?"

Samer sighed: "After all, I was an Assassin's subordinate 10,000 years ago. It's hard to say what attitude the gods will be towards me now, so if necessary, please ask the warriors to give me a guarantee. "

Xiao Li was surprised: "What guarantee?"

Samer was a bit embarrassed: "Use the merits of the gods and the like."

Merit or something, isn't it just a million brushes of **** killing monsters in hell? It should be true that such a handsome guy should be wronged for thousands of years!

Xiaoli immediately agreed: "OK, leave it to me! I believe I should be a celebrity in the divine realm, and it is my pleasure to guarantee His Excellency Samer."

Samuel said joyfully: "No, no, no, it is my honor to get the Warrior's guarantee. In short, just as Mr. Renoir's boat was also here, I immediately called the Lords to hold a meeting, and I also hoped the Warriors were present, so that other Lords If there is any objection, the Warriors can come forward. "

Xiaoli insisted: "No problem!"

Renoir laughed: "Then I will be the representative of the Warriors!"


So in the tavern of the Shining Wings, the Lords of the Underworld conference was held again, and the images of more than a dozen lords gathered again, and Samel explained his latest plan.

There was an uproar in the audience: "You guys really want to introduce God's reinforcements to destroy us!"

Samer hurriedly: "That was before! Is it necessary now?"

Xiao Li also immediately made Renoir speak: "Various lords, I would like to make a statement on behalf of the warriors, and now His Excellency Samal is already the lord of **, and is as free as everyone else. It is necessary to take the initiative to find one Is the boss uncomfortable? No need! Now His Excellency is not only pursuing freedom, but also fame and status, so that the world knows that there is such a great angel, no, it is God! Is it that the lords are only content with being in the underworld? Is he silent? "

Samer was excited: "Yes, you also saw it last time. The two famous gods Rose and Silena did not even know that you existed. Do you have no idea in your heart? Our alliance is strong enough now. There is no need to worry that others will eat us. What we need now is status and recognition. As long as we get approval, others will be more willing to trade with us, our strength will be stronger, and we will not be threatened ... "

Samer's speech finally won the approval of the lords, but the lords agreed on the bottom line: "Never allow the army of the gods to station! Otherwise, go to war!"


Samer was excited: "It's more difficult for me to open this derelict ten-year-old teleportation team, and I ask you to help me! Let me show the power of my Lord of the Underworld to the gods!"


Then, let's talk, talk, and the dark sea breeze and lightning flashes, all the lords of the dark sea gather at the periphery of Fatalon's enchantment, and then the casting begins!

At this moment, the tower of Fatalon's sky and the pillar of light busy suddenly multiplied, as if a lightsaber submerged into the sky!

At this moment, the time traveler telescope of Xiaoli's light flashed, and I saw a light in the direction of the earth passing through the void like a meteor!

Xiaoli's spirit refreshed. Is this to discover the divine realm in the void?

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