God Rank Hero

Chapter 275: Master the Master Voyager

The dark clouds on the horizon are rolling in like a black curtain. This is the second wave of the storm.

Samal stood on the mast of the shining wing and slowly waved his hands to cast, a spiral of golden cyclones shining with golden light appeared in the palm of his constantly swirling, the cyclone became larger and larger, the higher and higher, a Small whirlwinds are constantly forming and growing, until a huge whirlwind hovers over the city!

Serbia piously clasped his hands to his chest, and stared at every detail, every detail of his casting!

There is no doubt that the reason why Samal casts so slowly is to teach Serbia by hand! Of course, this is a must drop! The King of Dragons has turned the enemy into a friend, and it's good for your brother. You should also give your brother some good! But in the face of the Dragon King, he is so afraid to show off his power?

Samer said, "The way of strength is not strength or weakness, but the most appropriate strength to achieve the greatest effect at the most appropriate time. Under normal circumstances, it is not possible to fight a formed storm, but in The eyes of the storm are quite different. Here is the origin of the storm. Here, a small small storm in the opposite direction can play the role of the small gear to drive the large gear until the storm is forced to stop! "

After speaking, his hands suddenly fell loose, and the giant whirlwind hovering over the city sent out the roar of the sea and sky, rushing around, when two violent storms collided together, the whole sea broke out and shook Haitian Crazy thunder, the whole world shines endlessly in the light of lightning!

And at this time, Serbia's golden light flashed!

——System Tip: Your deputy hero Serbia has realized the “Grand Storm” of the Grand Master Magic!

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbia has mastered the Grand Light Magic.

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbia received the information of the god-level bright magic "Lightning Storm".

Oh yeah! Got it! Also bring a god-level message! Wow ha ha ha ha! This is rewarding!

Samast also laughed, "I am always underestimating you, His Excellency. I don't think even the Baham that day may be much better than you. I am very pleased to be able to ally with you."

Samer smiled lightly: "Actually. As the maker of the cursed dragon, His Excellency is not really helpless against this degree of doom. Your adopted a policy of tolerance and concession. I am deeply impressed by my mind and wisdom. "

The two gods laughed, and they felt that they met each other and hated being late.

Samster laughed again: "Today's battle is very loud. Presumably everyone thinks you and I have broken your blood?"

Samer laughed: "But we don't know each other, we are indeed allies!"

"I don't think anyone would think of it," Samast laughed.

Samer grinned, "So let's keep them from thinking!"

The two laughed again. Da Fei shook his head slightly. God is God. In the final analysis, it is still a very careful calculation. In fact, this fight may not have started from the beginning? I ’m afraid it ’s too great. God ’s fight is very expensive on the server ’s resources. Electricity costs have to be paid a few cents more, so the loss-making system will definitely not do it.

The wind and waves gradually calmed down, the electric light gradually stopped, and a terrible storm finally bait invisible. And just then, the system beeps!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your successful advanced master navigator!

——Master Voyager: The speed of hero ships is increased by 50% at sea, and the effect is superimposed on navigation. Heroes receive a bonus attribute point bonus for each additional sub-level. Heroes and heroic subheroes gain 500 experience points a day at sea.

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your deputy hero Alicia successfully advanced intermediate navigator.

——System Tip: Cortner successfully advanced advanced navigator.

——System Tip: Congratulations! You successfully comprehend the hidden skills of leadership "crisis management". Improve your leadership skills to intermediate!

——Crisis Management: Reduce the probability of disasters in the army's material facilities, the higher the level of leadership skills. The more obvious the effect of the skill.

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Serbia successfully realized the leadership skills "crisis management", Serbia's leadership skills have been upgraded to intermediate!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Katrina successfully realized the leadership skill "Crisis Management", and her leadership skills have been upgraded to advanced!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Alicia successfully realized the leadership skills "crisis management", and her leadership skills improved to intermediate!

——System Tip: Spielberg, a member of your chamber of commerce, has a successful comprehension skill "Crisis Management". . .

——System Tip: Cortner's successful comprehension skill "Crisis Management". . .

. . . . . .

Looking at the system information that came out of this large row of screens, Dafei laughed wildly!

Brother master navigator! Finally upgrade to 1 level and get 1 attribute point, reaching the level of normal part-time occupation. It's not easy, it's not easy! However, when such a large ridge is coming, these gains must be dropped! Brother said, the greatest wealth of this trip is the realization of skills! Knowledge is power! However, the god-like navigator who seems to be Katerina still hasn't comprehended, and can't even break through such a difficult test?

Samer laughed: "Mortal, no, my friend! Congratulations on your great progress!"

Dafei laughed happily: "Everywhere, God blesses the Lord!"

Samer laughed: "Not many people in the world can become master navigators, but I want to remind you that if you want to impact the master navigator, all your basic skills must be at least master."

Dafei was surprised: "Basic skills?"

Samer laughed: "To become a junior navigator, all the adventurous combat skills must be, that is the basic skills!"

——The system prompts: You get the information of the master navigator.

Da Fei suddenly felt suddenly, that is to say, brother's offense, defense, logistics, leadership, and defense must also be filled? Well, this is a gap of more than a dozen skill points!

But it doesn't matter, brother is only 37, brother is still young, when brother 50, everything is there! Wa hahaha!

At this moment, Sammaster also said: "Sir, the storm is over, the hegemons of all parties must come to peep into the state after the war. In order to maintain the mystery, let them not know anything. . "

Samuel Haha laughed: "Yes, we should go, then, Mr. Samast, see you next time!"

Samster laughed: "I'll send you a ride!"

After that, a huge French formation suddenly appeared in the sea under the fleet.

His jaw dropped to the ground! Suddenly, am I surprised? It's no surprise that the god-powered do something! Fortunately, my brother ’s alliance is now!

As the space twisted and fluctuated, the scene changed, and Da Fei's fleet appeared in a familiar sea, near the sea where the fleet was located when the storm broke out.

Samer laughed: "Friend, I've lost a lot of energy this time, and I have to contract in Fatalong for some time. I look forward to seeing you at level 50!"

Dafei saluted, "Thank you for taking care of you along the way!"

Samer laughed: "I'm still saying that, you guys are worthy of my care, then, goodbye!" After the golden light flashed, Samer's body disappeared.

Dafei breathed a long sigh of relief. Now, there is nothing to say, heading for Miracle Island. For all the teams that have learned the skills to deal with disasters, Da Fei expressed confidence to fight the rest of the doom.

(A small chapter in the water, please trouble mortal fans to count the attributes of the master navigator after Dafei level 37, haha!)

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