God Rank Hero

Chapter 583: Slayer

As time passed, the chaos in the demonic palace continued.

For each additional moment of time, the seed of the vine can absorb more nutrients needed for growth, and can more effectively cooperate with Taji Us's magical tricks. The best effect of Tajius's big move has been seen. It was during the decisive battle between the vine demon space and the evil branch tribe. She temporarily planted ordinary arabesque seeds in the dead branch tree essence, and then suddenly At the moment of the outbreak, Chenglin was entangled in Xiezhi Fortress.

Even ordinary vines are so effective, what about the seeds of the vine? As long as the demon soaked in the pool is given a one-pot absolute control field, the brother's troops can output tons of damage to their heads and control the battle instantly.

Fortunately, the goal of this time was to kill a huge fat, but now there are dozens of extra gifts, then I'm welcome. As long as I can take them down, revive my brother's fortress, and clear the obstacles to kill the eight-headed snake, all the investment now is worth it.

Now Da Fei was waiting for the attack time, and the dancing female slaves in the field certainly caught Da Fei's attention. Just now, the mist was foggy, and he was only concerned about the action. Da Fei didn't pay much attention. Now if you take a closer look, Da Fei suddenly finds that there are some very special elves among these female slaves, neither the forest elves of the elven kingdom nor the dark elves. But its coquettish demon is even more a banshee, which makes people totally uncontrollable. Such a good female slave brother is right and wrong, oh no, right and wrong are inevitable!

When Da Fei's heart moved, she asked Elena next to her, "What kind of elf is that? Elf race I haven't seen."

At this point, Elina's face was gloomy: "It's a hybrid! A hybrid born of a demon and a dark elf!"

Dafei was surprised: "Mixed blood?"

Elina said rudely, "My mother-in-law was deceived by the demon more than a hundred years ago and formed an alliance with the dwarves to fight against the dwarves. During the period of the alliance, our dark elves received a lot of funding from the devil. The relationship is very good. There are many female dark elves who have combined with demons and gave birth to offspring. The most famous of these is-"

Having said that, Elina gritted her teeth and said, "It is the offspring of my mother-in-law, Todd Hanna and the Devil Gou, Regra, my brother!"

——System Tip: You get the information of the legendary hero Regella!

Da Fei was shocked, I pulled it! This is a blast! A hero who can give information. In the past, it was the elves Grew and the hell's sacred legion Silen, which means that her brother is as powerful as them!

Dafei asked quickly, "How about your relationship with your younger brother?"

Elina resentfully said: "Our dark elves are a matriarchal clan society. As the eldest daughter of the mother emperor, I was the first heir to be taken for granted, but the mother emperor loves this younger brother too. A hundred years ago, in the battle of Grim Batol, the dwarven city, let me defeat the army! "

Da Fei suddenly suddenly, this turned out to be her story. just. Since she has such a younger brother, and her relationship is not good. After that, even if I go to the New World to find the Dark Elf clan, I am afraid it will be quite troublesome? Da Fei realized that her ideal of "going home and seeing" was not easy.

At that moment, Schachter spoke: "Boss, IMHO, Lord Regra, no, Regra is super strong and scheming and ambitious, and he is cruel and ruthless. The boss can be lucky to avoid confrontation with him. . "

Elina's face was even colder.

Dafei was shocked: "How strong is this Regella?"

Schachter whispered: "The strong devil is afraid!"

Dafei was shocked: "Is there such a strong one?"

Shaq characteristically said: "Of course it was not so strong at that time, but it continued to grow according to his growth momentum, and even the demon king began to scruple. And he already showed the ambition that other demon kings were disturbed at the time, maybe this is also the demon king The biggest reason to change your mind and tear up the covenant with the Dark Elves. "

Elena scolded, "That's enough. Don't mention that hybrid name."

Let me go and see her lose her temper for the first time! For a while, everyone was trembling.

In addition to the shock of Dafei's heart, he had to make plans for his future trip to the new world. Even the fierce artillery on earth such as Elena is not a grade with this Regra, so how far can I develop to close the gap between the two sides? If Regra had inherited the throne of the dark elves, then he must be an artifact, so how could he fight him?

In short, it is better to develop yourself to avoid early contact with the dark elves. As for now, of course, based on our eyes, we should kill and kill. Anyway, those half-blooded female slave brothers who gather the dark elves and the banshee together will never let go.

The crowd was no longer talking, waiting quietly for what Taji Uth called the best time. The demons are drinking and upgrading, and the slave women bring out the fine wine of the altar, and the demons are drinking again.

Very good, drink, drink hard, you are welcome to go further and further on the road of death, just because you are still wanting to fight with your brothers, do n’t think about it.

And at that moment, the scorpion demon said drunkly: "The adult's hospitality is very good, but it is still a little worse and a little bit harder."

The **** haha ​​laughed wildly: "The scorpion family has no flesh and blood, and these female slaves are used to entertain the brothers! Brothers who eat that dance and dance well, eat it!

The scorpion demons laughed wildly: "It's worthy of being an lord! Your lord is too generous!"

The chubby laughed wildly: "Compared to the brothers, these humble female slaves are not worth mentioning! Female slaves, it is your last service!"

"Ah!" For a moment, the female slaves who were present were panic-stricken, and the singing and dancing stopped abruptly!

Lying down! Cannibalism! This game is too jarring! Da Fei's eyes narrowed, and he asked Targie Uth quickly: "Can we do it? We need to save the innocent slaves!"

Taji Ussi groaned: "Go!" For a moment, Tajius jumped into the bath!

Dafei immediately waved his hand: "Go!"

The minotaur screamed, it was the first to rush out like a shell!

"Who is it?" Suddenly, the other demons present were suddenly shocked.

Ju Fat immediately responded with a roar: "Kill!" With the roar of Ju Fat, all the demons present flashed their blood, and their body shape suddenly rose!

And at this moment, a huge green law circle shrouded the entire bath—Boom! !! !! With a loud noise, the pool of water rose into the sky, and a large sturdy vine forest was born, which instantly wrapped these still-developing demons! Countless "-73", "-75", "-77" double-digit red word damage and "-10" and "-10" blue words **** blue prompts!

Success in one shot! This is the damage of the "Vine jungle", which is based on the holy vine! If it is an ordinary fifth-level soldier with only 70 points of blood, it is an instant spike! If it is an angel with three hundred blood, it won't last five seconds in this jungle!

Boom! At the same time, the ceiling on the top of the bath suddenly made a loud noise. A huge meat ball broke through the ventilation grille and roared down and leapt down. It was Ogg who was tumbling and falling against the fat!

Giant Fat roared and roared as he struggled, "It's you traitors—ah!"

Augna's giant ball-like body rolled down, and Axe Light marked a round of blood moon on the top of the huge fat-bang! !! !! Fatal blow-1533! Vertigo Strike -363! Tear Strike-351! Crush Blow-641!

Ahhh! Looking at Ogg's flying axe that day, Dafei's saliva sprayed! This axe's damage is horrible, and I can say so many stunts at the same time! Is this whether he is bullying or airborne prone to trigger stunts, or is he turning his anger into super strength?

But these are not important anymore, what is important is that the fat is really knocked out! Then the second and third ogres jumped off the ceiling.

At the same time, Genna's Minotaur troops rushed forward at an astonishing speed, slashing at those scorpions that were wrapped into mules and had no fighting power! Fuer's Lizardman's poisonous crossbow force also screamed after him. The first round of poisonous crossbow arrows rained on those scorpions, and numerous "weak" special effects jumped out! Then Tajius's vine monster army flew behind the demon, and the barrage poured out.

For a moment, the situation was in full control of our army!

--boom! When Lei Guang flashed, Elina, the humanoid cannon, finally shot!

My army wins! Da Fei's hanging heart was finally released. Yes, this battle was doomed from the beginning, and it was doomed to victory, not to mention the use of five precious vine seeds!

It was only at this time that Da Fei finally took a sigh of relief and yelled at the female slaves who had shrunk in the corner: "Everyone, don't panic, I'll save you!"

. . . . . .

In less than a few seconds, under the flash of the homeless mercenary troops, under the double suction of the vicious blood of the vine jungle, the Scorpion Elite army was overwhelmed-when everyone is an elite, then there is no Elite! Not to mention, they face an elite led by a hero!

Now, there are only three waves ss trapped in the vines and unable to extricate themselves! The flying jungle hunter Druid troops were all in place. Arrow rain, magic bullets, poison crossbow, and thunderbolt were intertwined in the hall into a gorgeous light curtain, and tons of damage poured out every second.

"Come here!" Azcro's growl rang through the hall!

Shackett's insidious voice came from outside the hall: "From the first day I built you a sleeping palace, I was ready to bury you, and no one can save you!"

boom! There was a loud noise outside the hall, and the walkway outside the hall collapsed, completely blocking the passage for rescue. It's a blasting dynamite from Goblin!

Azkroa furiously said: "You traitor! The devil will destroy your entire family!"

"I never surrendered! Go to death!"

"Ahhhhhh ..." In the tragic sound of anger and despair, the three demon leaders fell down!

Oh yeah!

(Note: Regra, the hero of the Dark Elf campaign in Heroes of Invincible 5) (To be continued ...)

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