God Rank Hero

Chapter 832: Smashed the big flying industry

After leaving the city hall, Dafei went straight to the Ranger's Guild, and then met the long-lost Ranger instructor Gillian. Not seen for many days, Gillian's dark circles are as shocking as pandas.

Gillian is not nonsense: "You ’re good, I ’ll tell you the good news. Last time I recommended you to join the jungle guardian of the Special Forces of the Special Kingdom. The formal approval of you, you have officially become a member of the regular army" Guardian of Nature ". Captain, a hundred members! "

Throw a medal when finished.

——System Tip: You have obtained the order of the first contingent commander of Nature Guardian Special Forces of the Normal Army of the Elven Kingdom. You become Captain of the First Task Force of the Guardian of Nature.

Task Force Legion Order: A regular army legion order with a maximum strength of 100. Legion stunts: Heroic. Legion record: 0 wins 0 losses. Legion history: 1 year. Legion level: Level 1.

Heroic: Legion soldiers have a higher chance of triggering morale, such as the rainbow. The head coach is beheaded, and the legion will not collapse.

What the hell! After talking about it for many years, I almost forgot. (See Chapter 401 "The Legendary Regular Army")

This is the Legion Order, which has the same nature as the brother's annihilation of the 3 Hell Regular Legion Orders, but this is only level 1 and has only one basic stunt. This is the legendary special soldier "Guardian of Nature"? There are no characteristics at all, how is it different from an ordinary regular army legion order?

Seems to know what Da Fei is thinking, Gil Jean continued: "Although I submitted your application to the military, the Guardian of Nature did not have a precedent open to Terrans. Of course, the Ranger and Sentry classes did not appear in Terrans. You have a precedent, so this recommendation has always been placed in the military awaiting processing, and there is no plan to arrange an exam for you. "

"But now it's different. You have finally passed on Gru's heritage. You are more qualified than anyone to join the Guardian of Nature, and the exam has been waived. But considering your particularity, the military department decided to re-establish a new army. , Which is your task force. Although it is a brand new unit, as long as you work hard, you will still be promoted. "

This is the case, but to put it plainly, this is the urine of the system! How is it possible for the system to reward players with a high-level army?

Gillian continued: "There are only one hundred seats in the contingent. You need to select one hundred soldiers to join the legion. Only these hundred soldiers can get the attribute bonus of the legion order. Considering the nature guardian's Legion order attributes, I suggest you put troops with obvious light attributes into the legion. And more importantly, rather than lack, there is not too much difference in strength between legion troops, or it will affect the attributes of legion order. "

"Because you are a task force, you are relatively free to move, and no superior will issue military missions to you. However, the price of freedom is that you do not have a military battalion, and you cannot get troops from the military. Of course, if you want military battalions You can go to the Ministry of Military Affairs every day for military missions, but I do n’t recommend that you go because I think you are so good. It ’s a waste of time to do those things. Okay, I ’m done, what ’s the problem? ”

Let me go, you said in a breath that so many brothers are tired! But freedom is just fine! The most annoying thing about players being regulars is that they are not free. And this legislative order is obviously for the brother to compile angels, okay, rather than lack, the task force of the brother also maintains the size of 51 people.

Dafei laughed: "Thank you, teacher, isn't your spirit very good during this time?"

Gillian nodded and said indifferently, "I accepted you as a student, and I was under great pressure. Someone asked me, how can a human learn a ranger? Ask me if I dissect your mind! Maybe, I accept you as a student A mistake! If you have time, think of a way to promote a subordinate or sentry, and then tell me the way to promote so that I have an excuse for perfunctory response. Well, other things are gone, you are busy , I will sleep! "

What the hell! Teacher, you are so honest!

Da Fei sidewalk: "Okay, you teacher-" and so on! Suddenly Da Fei thought of a very connotative question. Since the teacher is so sincere, why not ask?

So Da Fei asked: "Teacher, I want to know, to what extent is the relationship between the military and the mayor of this city tense?"

That ’s why I asked. The sleepy panda ’s eyes suddenly shone: “You ’ve reached the center of this boring political vortex. Your achievements and positions are important forces that determine the direction of the camps on both sides. Keep working hard, we all want to see a strong and powerful Elorine. Alright, I'm resting. "

Da Fei nodded: "I see! Then the students will come again when they are free."

Although it was just a short sentence, it revealed a lot of information to Dafei. The so-called two-party camp must be a player standing on the military side to sing a counter show to the brother? Who?

At this moment, Da Fei remembered the person competing with him for the position of security captain. Then Da Fei thought of a player who could disguise himself as an NPC when he left City Hall last time. In other words, Ai Luolin was in such an important position in the public beta that guilds of all sizes have settled in, but the stars have not moved, is this abnormal?

Or does it really mean that the stars are singing against the brother?

Row! Brother must see and see, how powerful the stars of the three major guilds in China can be to reverse Brother's offensive! As long as brother's offensive can maintain Elorine's prosperity, what can your star do?

Now, only the Archbishop is left. Let's go back to St. Paul and see.

. . . . . .

At this point, Star Command.

——System prompt: Warning! Mayor Elorine received a commendation from the Kingdom, and her performance improved. Your epic quest "Overthrow Elorine" is about to fail! Once the mission fails, you will completely lose the privileged treatment of the guild in Elorine.

At this moment, Tian Lanxing, the old army officer of the Star Army, and the person in charge of Ai Luolin area, looked at the system on the big screen with a look of surprise!

As mentioned earlier (Chapter 441 "Elling's Strategy of the Stars"), the reason why the stars did not settle in the first time is because Eling is a commercial city and the degree of militarization is not high. It is because the output of the army and the quality of the special army are not very high, and it is not on the first development strategy of the "full force violent soldier" star.

Second, Star discovered the financial problems of Mayor Elorine during the open beta and triggered an epic mission. After research, it is found that as long as Xingchen and the lower and middle-ranking officers seize enough handles from the mayor, it may be possible to bring down the mayor, and in return, the Xingchen Guild will receive the huge discount promised by the new mayor. Rowling's best way.

Therefore, Xingchen left Tian Lanxing and a few other players to run this epic task. However, it is not a public beta now. Because of the appearance of Da Fei, the mayor obtained a number of valuable deep-sea cargoes. These shipments filled the mayor's fatal deficit on the exchange, and there was enough surplus to allow him to bribe everywhere to stabilize the hearts of the people.

This makes it more and more difficult for Xingchen to overthrow the mayor ’s epic mission, and now, facing the NPC officer in front of him, Tian Lanxing is still doing his last effort: "Sir, although he demolished the east wall to fill the west wall Survived, but his own behavior was fraudulent practices, didn't he? "

The chief shook his head: "Compared with his achievements, the king and the council would not care about this little thing. And we will only leave a bad impression of jealousy and jealousy. In short, what should you do? . "

At this moment, the Star Command was completely indifferent.

Tian Lanxing sighed: "This is not because our army is incompetent. It is because the enemy's firepower is too fierce."

The old Chiang shook his head: "Ca n’t just admit it like this. Once we admit it, we are losing all our opportunities in Ai Luolin. When we settled in, we were completely behind the sea of ​​blood, and we may not even be able to catch up with the astounding guild. . "

Tian Lanxing sighed, "Can't you smash the mayor's achievements?"

Old Jiang Shen said: "Yes! It's just that the mayor's achievements have been smashed! Shipyards, tuna farms, sea urchins, octopus farms, all the achievements that Dafei gave him!

Tian Lan Xing frowned: "Please pirate?"

The ancient star who had been dozing off suddenly woke up with a smile: "Perhaps, you can invite the Dark Alliance!"

Lao Jiang laughed: "Not only! We can learn how to make npcs in Japan and South Korea! We in China may lack everything, but there is no shortage of small cannon fodder for road blocking!"

The ancient stars laughed: "Okay! Just do it! It looks like Dafei is going to run a long distance again this time, and we will start to work as soon as he goes out! This time, he will not smash his industry in Ai Luolin. , He didn't know the power of our stars! "

Bu Feiyan said in surprise: "Let him know that it's our star who has done it?"

亘 Gu Xingchen was surprised and smiled: "Yes, it is said that the royal family and the blood sea mad Tao did it, anyway, others think with their buttocks, they will think that the royal family and the blood sea association did it for the first time."

Lao Jiang laughed: "Why do they depend on them? Send someone to the royal family and the **** sea mad Tao directly to let the royal family's wayward tyrants do it, we just sit there and watch the show. Of course, at the critical moment, it is still Prepare the small army and provide them with professional support. "

Lao Guxing repeatedly slaps his head and laughs: "It is indeed Jiang, I have slept all night, well, let's do that."

Bu Feiyan sighed: "You men, what a mean!"

The ancient star cut aloud: "Is there a big flying cheap? The industry that is cheap has been sent back by others, and the truth is righteous and clear, and you must have this awareness when you come out!"

Bu Feiyan sighed: "Everyone's foreign districts are developing in solidarity. As far as our China district is still fighting, it's boring!"

亘 Gu Xingchen sighed: "Who calls Da Fei this stinky **** itself is an unstable factor in China? There are always some low-quality players, which is the sadness and misfortune of China."

(Tickets cannot be stopped ~~~)

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