God Rank Hero

Chapter 854: Da Fei has something else! ?

The blood sea studio, dark after death on the big screen, in the studio, the elder brother, pony, and everyone sip the champagne that was originally used for celebration.

In fact, everyone is not unprepared for this ending. After all, Da Fei is already a player who kills gods and dragons. It should not be a big deal to reverse an ordinary npc pirate hero by turning the artifact. Just unhappy is unhappy.

The blood sea Kuangtao couldn't figure out anything, so he sent the video of the first war to Tu Long, Xingchen, Ninth Heaven and other professional guilds to inquire about the results.

For the average person, home ugliness can't be exaggerated. However, for Bloodsea Kuangtao, the bloodsea Kuangtao has been used to it since he became famous in the novice shipwreck and Dafei. Even faintly proud to dare to fight garbage. In fact, the more important reason is that at the most depressed time, Xuehai Kuangtao hopes that one who is knowledgeable talks to himself.

After a while, Ma Yinglong first asked: "That is to say, Tao, you and Da Fei?"

Xuehai Kuangtao coldly said, "Everyone else is afraid of him, and labor and capital are not afraid of him. Does Chairman Ma know what soldier Dafei is?

Ma Yinglong also wondered: "Everyone has seen him bring out this ticket monster from the Knights of St. Paul. We have always thought it was an ogre, but can't think it would fly?"

Blood Sea Kuang Tao was surprised: "Boss Ma is so specialized in the Dark Alliance that he doesn't know what kind of monster it is? Could it be the npc demon brought from the city of **** punishment?"

Ma Yinglong frowned: "The demons are weird and strange, and many types of players have never seen them, except that such a demons don't look like flying races. The wings and body are completely asymmetric-wait! You think! What does this fat woman look like? "

Blood Sea Kuangtao coldly said: "Like a shit!"

Ma Yinglong was shocked: "Maybe it is. There is a special great **** in the devil, nicknamed the king of flies. The king of dunghills, Bezib, probably looks like this! Isn't the fly small with wings? The other demons of the flies cannot even fly! "

Blood Sea Kuangtao trembled: "Don't Seeb? I have heard in many game novels, what does this game look like?"

Ma Yinglong said in a deep voice: "The demon **** in the game is the 72-pillar demon. Their descendants are very high-end demons, well-known and surnamed. Then above the 72-pillar demon are the seven kings of hell. .The famous Lucifer, Satan, and Besib are one of them, and their descendants must be higher-end than the high-end! But if Da Fei can contact and collect the monsters of this level so early, I do n’t believe it, so I'm just guessing, I'm not sure. "

The **** sea of ​​madness halted in silence, and then asked again: "Dai Fei met a French player during the quarterfinals, what is the monster that Da Fei dispatched like a scorpion that spikes the Frenchman?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "A hybrid demon. It's equivalent to animals in hell. I don't believe Dafei can get such a strange army."

Xuehai Xuetao asked, "Will this big fly be some kind of low-end hybrid?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it or believe it, no matter what happens to Da Fei, it's impossible. I said you're doing this with Da Fei, is it interesting?"

Blood Sea Kuangtao coldly said, "Boss Ma, Da Fei has occupied your city wall, do you have no idea at all?"

Ma Yinglong couldn't help but hesitantly smiled: "I can have any ideas. I don't know how many Bright Alliances I have when the Dark Alliance moves, especially Star Dragon boss must be chasing after me. But President Tao. I think you have ideas It's better to rebuild a hellish clan to study the demons. "

Xuehai Kuangtao laughed and said, "Why build a number? I heard that humans can become demons, can boss Ma teach one or two?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "I know that human beings can be transformed into undead. Want to change races to change tastes?"

The blood sea mad Tao cut aloud: "The devil has 72 demon gods, and there are 7 demon kings on his head. Your undead has a fart? It's all bone residue!"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "Hey, what you said is speechless. In short, if you change your mind, I can help you."

"Thanks then."

After a while, Tian Lanxing, the buddy on the side of Xingchen, wrote back: "General Tao, after watching the video, if it is not the flying artifact of Da Fei. Maybe you can go through him, unfortunately!"

That's right! Labor is an artifact lost to him! In fact, this is the sentence that Xuehai Kuangtao wants to hear most! This is the chicken soup that soothes the injured soul of Blood Sea Kuangtao.

Blood Sea Kuangtao hurriedly asked, "Then you know what he is like a flying fat woman?"

"This? I don't know!"

Blood Sea Kuangtao asked: "Are you saying it might be Besseb?"

Tian Lanxing couldn't help but startled: "The Lord of the Flies? Lying down! It really looks like that! Although I have never seen it!"

Blood Sea Kuangtao was surprised: "How have you never seen her before?"

Tian Lanxing couldn't help but be shocked: "Is this nonsense? The first thing a master looks at is to judge whether it is a power type or a meat shield type. This flying fat woman dares to behead the beheading coach until you die The wind has not fallen for a long time ago. This is all the benefits of the power meat shield flight! So the superior high-end arms are no longer the effect that the eighth level soldiers can achieve, only the level of the devil Besib Top race, let alone ugly! "

Blood Sea Kuang Tao nodded again and again: "The hero sees the same thing, Ma Yinglong said the same thing!"

Tian Lanxing couldn't help but happily: "I can't think of me and Ma Yinglong alone!"

At this moment, the **** of the ninth paradise of the **** sea mad Tao came to the message: "Tao is really all kinds of tricks! This female ogre can fly? What is this?"

Your professional player asks me instead! On the contrary, the mad sea of ​​blood has a sense of intellectual superiority, and he can't help blurting out: "This is Besib of Dafei!"

"Crouch! What?"

"Besib !!!!"

"you sure?"

"I do! Both Ma Yinglong and Xing Chen's masters said so!"

"Oh! You sent a video to scare me, didn't you?" Shen Yan couldn't help but turn back and yelled at the studio: "The chairman is doing something big! Da Fei has Besib, that is, The dozen or so female ogres brought out by the Knights of St. Paul at noon!

The whole headquarters was uproar: "Fart! How is that possible?"

Shen Yan shouted: "Ma Yinglong, Chairman of the Dragon Slay, personally confirmed it! The video of being trampled by the **** sea is testimony!"

"Ma Yinglong confirmed it by himself?" Shen Huang immediately calmed down: "The video is playing on a big screen!"

When the image of a bloated female ogre fluttered on the big screen, Shen Yan pressed a pause very promptly, and the entire ninth heaven command was uproared for a while: "It turned out to be Besib! It ’s really low-key luxury with meaning! "

. . . . . .

At this time, Tulong Command. Ma Yinglong watched the video left by Blood Sea Kuangtao over and over again. There is no doubt that this is the most high-end combat video in the world, and it has the value of repeated research.

Da Fei's amazing strength is shocking, but Blood Sea Kuang Tao can mobilize such a huge pirate fleet, and its strength cannot be underestimated. Although this fleet may be vulnerable in front of Da Fei, but in the face of ordinary players, and even the ordinary Kingdom Navy, it is absolutely terrifying existence.

Comparing the development of these two people, in thinking about the development of their own guild, then comparing the advantages and gaps, and then how to adjust the development cooperation with the blood sea Kuangtao, etc., Ma Yinglong fell into deep thought for a while.

Just then, a team member came over to make a small report: "President, there is news from the headquarters of Ninth Heaven. They found that there is something else in Dafei!"

Really Bessib? I'm guessing! Ma Yinglong was shocked at the scene and hurriedly asked, "They are sure that is Besib?"

"Even the stars said so!" Ma Yinglong was shocked!

Of course, Ma Yinglong did not know that the rumors that he inadvertently made turned around after being exported and sold domestically, but the truth turned out to be rumored!

There is no secret on the Internet. When the three major guilds in China publicly knew what was going on immediately through the network, the teams in various forums in the countries received the news that Da Fei had something different, and the whole world was once again shock! (To be continued)

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