God Rank Hero

Chapter 874: Revival of Whaling Ships Killed by Flowers

I finally returned to the fleet smoothly, and I can finally go back to my home from time to time to take a look at it. This development is considered as a whole and there are no worries.

With great emotion, Dafei cleaned up his parcel and pk hundreds of red names burst out hundreds of garbage equipment. Of course, the game is useful in the garbage equipment. After learning the main skill of "equipment troops", you can use it for the troops. However, even if one-tenth of the attributes of the player's equipment cannot be used after the equipment is used, the acrobatics are not available.

Then there is another trophy "Book of Archdruids" obtained by killing the bear.

——Book of the Grand Druid's Secret Book: A book that records the Great Druid's secret art in unrecognizable cipher text.

It's a white-named item, without any attributes, so it definitely has connotation. It should be understood that Alicia's deputy beast student should understand?

So Da Fei came to the captain's room to find Alicia, and Alicia laughed, "Master, Lord, I thought you had gone back and left all of us."

Da Fei laughed: "How is that possible! Look at it, this is what I brought back this time."

Alicia accepted the thin green paper involuntarily: "Master, where did you come from?"

Da Fei busyly said: "Duke William's Elk Manor was obtained after killing a crazy giant bear Druid. It was only urgent to return to the city and the Duke did not mention the origin of this Druid."

Alicia said positively: "There is no doubt that this must be a druid who stole the secret collection of the large library. As you can see, these words are also obscure ancient runes. It records a very high-end change bear Druids who do not have the skills to change the crow, even the dragon skills, and have no knowledge of it are hard to understand these runes. Once the misunderstanding is wrong, even the successful transformation of the giant bear will have side effects such as madness, so this book The book is ** at the Druid Guild. "

Dafei frowned: "Why use the ancient rune to record the transformation of bears?"

Alicia solemnly said, "Of course, because mortal language simply cannot express these skills."

Dafei exclaimed: "Divine?"

Alicia shook her head: "It's a mystery! Its power is not as great as the divine magic, the threshold to release learning is not as high as the divine magic, and the side effects are not as great as the divine magic. In short, who smartly understood these ancient Runes, anyone can be released! "

Dafei was shocked: "Anyone can be as long as they are smart? Humans can do it?"

Alicia laughed: "The Lord's word" as long as he is clever "is an understatement. In short, I don't know the specific study conditions, but I will slowly turn it over. If the next time the Lord has time to return to the city, If so, help me to buy a few dictionaries and come back for reference. Of course, if you are lucky enough to encounter such a tree of wisdom, this kind of consultation opportunity can never be missed. "

Dafei nodded: "No problem!"

Needless to say, this book is for players who hang up in the library. It is the same type of existence as the Jianbao family. However, the more high-end books in the library, the more expensive the borrowing costs and the prestige needed, so the on-hook flow is not so good.

It is now 1pm, and the fleet is galloping on the smoky ocean. The more peaceful the environment, the more time we must cherish, so Da Fei once again wrapped up his helmet and went to bed.

. . . . . .

In the northern waters of the Elven Kingdom, a hull was covered with iron armor, and a large whale ship spiked with spikes slowly moved forward at sea. This is the whaler whaler of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce escorted by Yan Lan with a smile, flowers killing, Harem Belle, invincible Viagra.

It has been out to sea for more than 6 hours in real time and three days in game time. Even if it is downwind, the boat is slow and outrageous, and it has not yet opened the area of ​​the two cities of the elven kingdom.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are slow. The handsome guys can also chat and laugh while passing the time while fishing. After 11 pm, the beauties couldn't talk. The harem beauties who had not talked much went directly into the on-hook mode, and then smiled and hung up to sleep, leaving the energetic flowers to kill Liu Qian and the invincible Viagra Dawei.

However, Dawei is really not a person who is very suitable for chatting. He only answers one question and never initiates the topic. Being alone with him is more boring than he thought.

Now Baihuasha finally has nothing to say. It's a pity, obviously a very handsome, tall, sunny boy. What's the difference between communication skills and wood? At first Liu Qian thought that this was staid, but now it seems that this is not a merit. I ca n’t even let it go online. How autistic is this person? The long handsome is like this, if the long ugly?

The helpless flowers killed and began to look for the fish basket, and frowned, "I have been fishing for several hours, and there is not a big fish. What is going on?"

Dawei continued: "I don't have big fish either, I thought I didn't have enough fishing skills."

Baihua said frowning: "It's completely impossible. Our current Talloran Sea area is a place with a lot of Shanghai-made maps. I use a special spice wine bait. It's impossible that there isn't a big fish."

Dawei muttered: "Maybe we are out of luck."

Hundreds of flowers frowned, this abnormal state was obviously not luck! It can be seen that this great observation ability and analytical ability are completely inadequate, which is not unexpected. Hundreds of flowers could not help but evaluate the same school student again down a grade. In short, if Tang Yan is not teased with him in the future, he really doesn't deserve it.

After killing hundreds of flowers, he dropped the fishing rod and found the captain Spielberg: "Captain, I have a question. We have been on the boat for three days. Why can't we catch a big fish?"

Spielberg spit out a cigarette ring helplessly: "What matter to me?"

Baihua kills a bad-looking finger at a passing boat in the distance: "Captain, other ships are sailing past, and seagulls are hovering all the way along your boat. Your boat does not even drop guano and feathers, so you do n’t think you Is the ship dead? "

Spielberg suddenly moved: "What else?"

The change of the npc's expression has seen all the flowers, and it seems to have a clue all of a sudden, after all. It is that he has a problem. Or he has a problem with this ship!

Bai Huasha started scanning up and down the clean outrageous whaling ship. Then speculated: "The captain's boat has been docked all the time? Haven't sailed to the sea for a long time?"

Spielberg sighed, "Yes, because I can't catch whales at all on this ship. I would have given up on my life if I hadn't met the president to confuse me."

Hundreds of flowers said strangely: "What happened to the ship? What did the chairman say?"

Spielberg sighed with laughter: "The president told me that my boat has killed too many whales, and the resentment of having whale on the boat made my boat too disgusting. In addition to powerful sea monsters, generally smart fish or birds The class is reluctant to approach my ship. "

Bai Huasha said in shock: "Ship also has evil resentment?"

Speer said positively: "Yes. And this is also a precursor to the ship's life, so my biggest wish now is that my ship officially gains life."

Bai Huasha hurriedly said, "How can I get it formally?"

Spear sighed with a smile: "I think it should be extreme all the way to the end, kill more big fish, kill more sea monsters, collect more resentments. But now when the big fish sees my ship, Avoid, this is troublesome. But because my boat has this feature, it should be easy to complete the task of expelling the crocodile in the fishery, so rest assured. "

A hundred flowers kill suddenly realized! This is the secret of this ship!

Observing this acutely by yourself is not difficult to find, but it can give the answer directly as early as Da Fei. Baihua killed himself and asked himself that he couldn't do it! The fact that Da Fei can mix to this step is not really a fame, but it is nothing like Tian Di Yun Mu!

this moment. Baihuashou never dared to underestimate Dafei. Until then, Baihuashou always believed that Dafei was just a snowball upstart. Now that I have triggered the captain's plot, what should I do? If you miss this plot with your eyes open, it shows how you feel good about yourself, and the gap with Dafei is also the same.

Hundreds of flowers suddenly changed his mind. Kill more sea monsters? But this boat is so slow that it is impossible for the sea monster to catch up. Then you can only find those sea monsters that never run back, such as the sea monster's nest! And the sea monster's old nest is too many, and it is not that the large player team simply cannot cope.

However, the characteristic of this ship is that it can catch pressure, which can greatly reduce stress? The point is, this is a big ship! The best player now is the ship, and it is not the same day. It is simply a waste to do things without using this big ship armed to the teeth!

Of course, Da Fei is not a waste, he is too busy to look down on it!

As for the sea monster's nest? Hundreds of flowers hurriedly opened the map and found, cannibal flying fish sea! The western ocean, northern ocean, and southern ocean converge in the summer. The food is abundant, and a kind of carnivorous flying fish is the overlord here. There are tens of thousands of them. Their fins are as large as wings that can leap over the sea, and they rush directly into ships to bite people, which is very scary.

However, the whaler's shipboard is so high that ordinary flying fish are unlikely to jump up, which further reduces a large number of slugs. That is to say, this flying fish sea can only be dealt with easily after players have big ships. And now, the big ship is in his own hands!

Hundreds of flowers were excited, and immediately came to Spear: "Captain, if I have a way to get your ship to kill sea monsters, can you listen to my plan?"

Spear shook his head and smiled: "Of course, but the premise is that the guild mission is first, and I am afraid that we can't be distracted at the speed of our ship."

Hundred flowers frowned: "If I can find a way to speed up the boat?"

Spear was surprised: "How can it make the boat speed up?"

Baihua said with a smile: "Of course, we invite more companions to drive the Clipper to tow us away."

As soon as Spear patted his head, he laughed and said, "You're really wit, okay. As long as you can do it, and don't mistake the guild events, I will listen to your views!"

Hundreds of flowers were overjoyed: "Okay, that's it!"

At this moment, Da Wei was surprised and said, "Can I have a companion there?"

Baihua killing was not good-hearted: "China is so big, and it is not a ghost costume without people. Where are there no companions? In short, shouting nearby now is too boring."

——Regional Channel [Hundred Flowers Killer]: Large armored whaling ship, the top 64 international competition, the top 16 experts lead the team to brush the high-end map "Man-eating Flying Fish Sea", with several medium-sized Clippers capable of towing, the whole process Equal experience equipment. Someone in this area roars on the channel if they are willing to come.

Dawei suddenly appeared on the spot! Is this OK? It would be a bit too much to show off your game record in public?

When Baihua kills Dawei's expression, he is furious: "In the case of everyone being unfamiliar with each other, this is the only way to gain the trust of others. This is why the employer must first look at the student's results. What can you prove yourself with your results? Humility is not good! "

Sure enough, the regional channel immediately responded.

——Regional Channel [Seven Sea Overlord]: We have 4 medium-sized ships to cooperate with each other. Seeing that you are a famous master of the game, our team can make an exception to accompany you on a detour, but we don't want you to be in the group, otherwise we won't go.

——Regional Channel [Magic Jelly]: 2nd person.

——Regional Channel [Cold Blood Glacier]: 3rd person.

——Regional Channel [Lonely Frog]: 4th person.

(Note: See the four dragon suits that were blown out of the sea by Chapter 421, "Stand Up Again After Falling")

Baihua laughed with a smile: "Did you see? This is the benefit of strength and fame!"

——Regional Channel [Hundred Flowers Kill]: OK, 4 people will be enough, my coordinates (xxxx, yyyy), please come to me immediately!

(Sorry, today is the one-year anniversary of the ashtray wedding. I ’m busy with dinner, only one more)

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