God Rank Hero

Chapter 877: Lilim Barracks Upgrade Plan

Compared with the widely circulated "Bible", the various false accounts of God's gossip, what the Dead Sea instruments are more fascinating.

In the Bible, the first human ancestors were Adam and Eve. Their first child was cain, who was a farmer. The second child was Abel, who raised the sheep. Then Cain was jealous of Abel's lamb sacrifices to gain God's favor, murdered Abel, and then Cain was punished by God with bloodthirsty curses and eternal exile. In the false scriptures, Cain's identity became the ancestor of the vampire.

At the same time, it is also recorded in the Scripture that Adam's first wife was not actually human Eve, but God-given angel Lilith. Although divorced, there is no clear record in the false scriptures whether Lilith has left offspring for Adam. On the contrary, Lilith and the Devil have many offspring, commonly known as Lilim.

Now, the offspring of Adam and Lilith appears in the game, right in front of Dafei! And it is still a clone, one of many clones! Even the avatar is so dazzling, how strong is the real body?

At this moment, not only Dafei, but even Samael was shocked on the spot!

Hilda continued: "Actually, when the city owner appeared in the town and caused a sensation that day, I also deliberately stood in front of you and deliberately dressed as your angel army in an attempt to attract your attention.

It turned out that it was not so coincident! It turns out that you really want to welcome and refuse to play Ao Jiao! Da Fei straightened his chin and said excitedly, "It turned out that this was the test that Miss Hilda had on me!"

Hilda cut out: "Before you haven't paid off all your credits, everything is free! I'm just trying to see you as if you have money."

Dafei hurriedly said, "How much money does Miss Hilda need to raise?"

Hilda shook her head: "I don't know, you have to wait for the deities. Anyway, the more, the better. I can't complete the task without freedom."

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! Even if someone owes usury, they know how much interest they have risen in a day. The shrine didn't let her know what her mission was. This is too ridiculous? She was afraid she knew more about her despair. Or is she trying to make her a cash cow?

At that moment, Samer Shen said, "Miss Hilda, although you are a clone, you have a will of your own, right?"

Hilda nodded: "Well, yes. But my avatar is different from my avatar. My avatar and real body share the will, and the avatar is the real body. And I, like a cut off half of the earthworm, survived again. Becoming a new individual, but I still have a soul link with the real body. So based on this, I was judged to be Lilim's clone, not her child, so I must take her responsibility. "

Da Fei was startled and said, "Surely there is such a clone?"

Hilda sighed: "Now you should know how tenacious the vitality and fertility of the creation angel Lilith? Although Lilith was beaten to pieces by her angel, her limbs survived and spawned. Into a new life. In fact, when God gave Lilith as Adam's wife at first, she just saw Lilith's excellence, hoping that Lilith's strong fertility could quickly reproduce the human species. However, Lilith was too excellent. As for being too arrogant, I think it is God's punishment and insult to her. "

Samer also sighed: "Human beings may have little power. Life is short. But human potential is difficult to estimate even by God, Lilith is indeed wrong."

Hilda sighed: "So, our offspring have nothing to say, we must atone for her arrogance."

With a sigh, Samer shook his head and continued drinking, Hilda wasn't talking. In a moment, the atmosphere in the bar became extremely dull.

Dafei is looking in his eyes and hurting the eggs. After finally getting the two high-end goods to meet together, the result was to expose Hilda's true identity and then nothing happened, which was obviously not acceptable to Dafei. After all, Hilda's identity had been guessed by herself, so why reveal it?

You have to make some topics! Dafei Lingji said: "Since Ms. Hilda's mission is to raise funds, how about I provide some business to Ms. Hilda? Ms. Hilda thinks that I need to improve these facilities, so I propose Money is not a problem-credit! "

Hildahaha smiled: "Yo? You said that?"

Oh yeah! Dafei laughed: "Of course! With so many fleets, I'm afraid you can't afford Miss Hilda's debt?"

Hilda laughed: "Well, this brilliant wing is very weird. I can't make any changes."

Samer laughed: "The warrior's ship is not easy."

Oh! Renoir's heroic sleeping ship was seen by them! Da Fei laughed and said, "Go to my Fei Xiang, and see if there is anything that needs improvement. I would like to ask Lord Samer for advice!"

Samer laughed: "Okay, I just want to visit this flying horn."

The teleportation flashed, Da Fei brought Samal and Hilda to the Flying, and then the light flashed, and Tamilia floated in the air to greet: "Welcome your guests!"

When seeing Tamilia, Samal couldn't help but hesitated: "Warrior, your ship is beyond my knowledge, I'm afraid I can't make any suggestions for you."

Hilda also smiled bitterly: "It's not for no reason that the city owner can become the most popular hero recently."

Samuel Haha laughed: "That's right, it's time for us to learn from the Lord of the City. Please enlighten me, Lord!"

Big flying eggs are broken! Let me take a look. Isn't Brother's boat transplanting a sacred vine space? Isn't the high-end angels of this level nowhere to start?

Hey, ahead is wrong too! Dafei shook his head helplessly and smiled at Tamilla: "Let us introduce our boat to the distinguished VIP."

Tammelia nodded: "Hi my Excellency, our Flying has transplanted the heart of the ancient plant Sacred Vine. Now the Sacred Vine heart is integrated with the ship, and the space of Sacred Vine is also opened in the ship ..."

Between words, Da Fei began to visit the interior of the Fei Xiang with the admiration of Samael and Hilda, while passing by the Banshee Barracks. Da Fei personally introduced: "This is the banshee barracks I installed on the ship a long time ago. The idea at that time was to rely on barracks to supplement the ship's strength. However, after a fierce battle, the stockpiled forces for half a year were completely destroyed. . "

At that moment, Deirdre also stepped out of the barracks to greet him: "Good morning, distinguished VIP, and good morning, Lord City. Now is the sixth day, the barracks have recruited six banshee places."

Da Fei laughed, "There are 6 female banshees, and the places are pretty good too."

When seeing Deirdre, Samal and Hilda couldn't help but rush: "What is this hero?"

Delderly laughed: "I used to be a banshee, but later absorbed by the sea soul battle. Then I was transformed by the machine of the city of divine punishment. Now I don't know what I am, it should be somewhere between gods and demons. Some kind of Siren. "

Samael said, "The warriors' subordinates are really eye-opening, and I feel that I have stayed here too long and out of date."

Hilda did stare at Deirdre silently.

Dafei frowned: "Miss Hilda have any suggestions?"

Hilda laughed: "I think Miss Deirdeli's form is actually similar to mine, but it has more aquatic attributes."

Dafei exclaimed: "Lilim?"

Hilda laughed: "Very similar! Of course, I mean Lilim of my race."

Samer laughed: "In order to show the difference, let's call Miss Hilda an angel Lilim in private."

Hilda laughed: "That can only be private, acquaintances."

Deirdre also couldn't help but surprise: "So, can I call myself Lirim Siren?"

Hilda laughed: "Why not? Anyway. I suddenly had an idea, and I didn't know if I could do it. Lord Lord, would you try it?"

coming! Dafei exclaimed: "Miss Hilda, please!"

Hilda converged with a smile and said positively: "The owner's boat is too high-end, and the only thing I can improve is to transform this banshee barracks!"

Dafei frowned: "What did you transform?"

Hilda Shen said: "The Banshee Fortress! There is a certain chance to summon a special Banshee, for example, Lilim! Or, in order to eliminate any interference, directly discard the calling Banshee function, and transform it into a full focus on calling Lily Lim's Barracks! "

Dafei exclaimed: "Lilim? Can such a special existence be summoned by ordinary soldiers?"

Hilda said positively: "Of course, it is not summoned by ordinary arms, but every time Lilim dies, her soul may receive the summons of the special circle I arranged in the barracks and appear in the barracks. And become an army of adults. "

Da Fei said suddenly, "How do I know where Lilim is? Even if I knew it, would I have to kill her specifically?"

Hilda shook her head: "So this needs adults to think about it. I think Lilim is so wicked that there must be more righteous forces to kill her. Maybe it doesn't need the adults to do it. And Lilim is because of the angels and banshees One of the creatures, the city ’s special forces training can train both banshees and angels. I think this is a skill specially prepared for Lilim. Once Lilim is really born, the skills of adults may be integrated and leap. Turn into Lilim training! Of course, I said it was possible. "

Dafei was shocked. As long as the npc in the game said it was possible, it would work! It's just the difference between having more pits and fewer pits.

This banshee barracks seemed quite advanced and high-end at first, but now it seems that it is outdated in the face of brother's advanced progress before it has played a role. When the evil demon village comes out, it may even be eliminated directly, wasting tactical positions. So upgrading is inevitable. Not to mention you can integrate your skills!

Da Fei was very excited and hesitated without hesitation: "Okay! Transformation, no ordinary banshee is needed, and directly transformed into Lilim barracks!"

Hilda clapped her hands and smiled, "It is indeed the Lord of the City, the price is very expensive! I don't know how much."

Dafei gritted his teeth: "In the beginning, I was offered a price of 100 million by others in the female demon barracks!"

Hilda smiled at Samer again: "So does the adult support it?"

Samer laughed: "Of course, the Warriors are the city lords I admire and I certainly support."

Hilda laughed: "Well, I also need a blueprint of the angel barracks and the materials for the angel altar. Since the adult is going to build angels in the future, must the drawings and materials be?"

Samer stunned, "Why angel buildings?"

Hilda laughed: "Of course because Lilim is also a half angel! So I need to fuse the angel altar with the banshee and banshee barracks!"

Fei Fei nodded: "That's it!" Then he looked at Samal with great expectations.

Samer smiled bitterly: "This, the warrior, you must pay back when the territory reaches its goal."

Dafei said, "No problem!"

Hilda laughed: "I also need the power of Lord Samer to help me set up a law formation and open up and stabilize the built-in space of this cabin barracks!"

——Ahhh! Dafei laughed and sprayed! This Nima is endless!

Samer shook his body and hurriedly said, "This, space is easy to develop and stable. So, the Lich Dragon Samast ’s space technology is excellent. Let ’s call it together and help. The more powerful this kind of thing, the more reliable it is, of course. "

Hilda laughed: "Adult is right, what about the Lord's opinion?"

Da Fei's mouth smiled and said: "No problem! Of course, no problem."

Hilda nodded: "Well, then I will carefully contemplate the integration of the barracks for the rest of the time."

Da Fei nodded again and again: "Haha, as long as the best, don't care about money!"

Samer laughed: "When the work starts, I'll send my materials over."

Dafei suddenly remembered the incident: "What is the material of that adult?"

Samer was surprised: "Isn't the material of the angel altar 20 units of various resources such as wood, stone, crystal gems? But considering that this is the underworld, it is much more difficult to transfer arms, so all resources are set to 100 . "

Dafei asked quickly, "All ordinary resources?"

"of course."

Let me go! The three big brothers of the brothers joined forces to toss such a high-tech Lilim barracks, using ordinary resources? This is almost an obsessive-compulsive disorder! I can't stand it, I can't stand it!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Does the adult have rich mineral resources?"

Samer smiled bitterly: "How is it possible! 1 unit of rich ore is equal to 10 units of ordinary ore, and the improvement of buildings built with rich ore is not very obvious, why is it so wasteful?"

What the hell! You do n’t understand the tyrant's world, this is the one who recruited Lilim! If you can improve a little performance, you can have a miracle!

How to do? Of course, there is a way. The classmate of the lamp **** Thain uses his own crystal lamp as the core to locate the core, and specially opened up 500 units of freight space in the cabin of Makar! (See Chapter 618, "Building Your Own Freight Space.")

As soon as the cool-down time of his brother ’s disguise came, he returned to the city to exchange for his order! It's almost 4 o'clock, and I can go out after two hours of sleep, wow ha ha ha!

(Sorry everyone, there is an important entertainment in the ashtray at night, there is only one more.) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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