God Rank Hero

Chapter 902: Oling's Secret

At 10 pm, the three of them went back to the building rented by the campus. Of course, Xiaofang and Xiaoli live in a suite, and Dafei lives in a suite opposite.

Xiaofang asked: "Is Brother going to work tomorrow?"

Da Fei laughed, "It's all getting used to, but now that I have a small gift from the president, I should be able to steal it online."

Xiaofang laughed: "Okay, let's call us when we are online. Maybe we still have the elder brother number."


Xiaoli also said, "Brother pay attention to rest, don't play late."

Da Fei quickly said: "Understand." It seems that Xiao Li is no longer the righteous accusation of her little sister at that time, and she finally realized the reality of her brother and started supporting him to play games, right? For a time Dafei felt a lot of emotions.

Back to the long-lost rental, even Dafei can feel the dust in the room. Now Da Fei is a little sympathetic to Ou Ling, who was left unattended next month. In short, let's go online and accompany him to drink and make up for the relationship. But I really have no feeling for male heroes.

But before you go online, let's look at the situation on the large side.

Dafei landed on the large size and appeared again in Fatalon. At this time, more than three days should have passed in the game. Ray Mill's huge body like a mountain of meat is lying next to "Crab Gold" to sleep, and it really is a happy life full of sleep, full of sleep.

In Serbia, Elena did live up to expectations and read on the grass. As for Alicia and Katerina, they did not know where they were going. Let me go, poor students are poor students, and it really is the heroic character that determines everything!

Suddenly. Da Fei suddenly found that Yasolo's pirate fleet had disappeared.

Dafei hurriedly asked Serbia, who was reading: "Where is Asolo?"

Serbia didn't look up: "Of course it is to tour the surroundings. Right, I finished reading the first one. Captain?"

It seems worthy of being a pirate, and territorial awareness is quite strong. OK, I'll be fine just to read books. Da Fei opened the first volume of "History of the Battle of the Lion Heart Empire".

There are two ways to read books, one is the so-called library on-hook flow, that is, players simply don't bother to read what is written in the book, which is to let the game characters keep turning pages. Then when you finish reading the book, you will be prompted by the system. What books have you read and what do you get? Knowledge +1, life +1 or whatever.

Books that can add attributes are usually expensive to read. And the speed of page turning is also particular about it. Fast turning may not be rewarded. Slowed down the gold coins and can't afford it, in short, this is the game of local tyrants.

The other is to read the book in good form. The books in the game also have plots and stories. If you look closely, they can still be fascinating. The stories in the books can often trigger related plots, etc. Stories and more. Such books require players to spend considerable time studying.

Dafei size is so busy, of course, there is no time for this. But this book has a precious history, so let's read him a few pages first.

—— "ad1000 years. The solar eclipse covered the earth, and this time the solar eclipse lasted for a full month. The solar eclipse war broke out, and the power of **** swept the world unprecedentedly. The whole world was struggling with fire and blood, and in darkness. Fear in fear ... "

Da Fei frowned, and it was the solar eclipse war, whether it was Mayor Elorim or Habit Village, or the prophet who sent the city to the brothers in the Lighthouse Islands, all mentioned this word, especially the prophet also predicted that A solar eclipse war is coming. Is this Nima's rhythm of fighting the world war?

Dafei continued to turn the page, and finally the things of interest came:

—— "ad999, the legendary hero of the elves, Grew saves the world ... finally retired, before he retired, he divided his ability into three parts ..."

Let me go and continue!

—— "Ad998 In 998, the falcon dynasty emperor, in order to build a reputation as a human being and disregard the opposition of the minister, led the 100,000 most elite human forces to victory in the pursuit of the expedition hell, and ultimately defeated the North, and few survivors. The emperor's artifacts were all lost in hell, and the falcon dynasty was destroyed, and the human empire was again at risk of collapsing civil war. "

This is also the science of Mayor Elorine at first, that is, **** has an artifact of the previous dynasty waiting for players to discover? Is this equivalent to the treasure information? Don't think about such things.

— "In the winter of ad998, Emperor Lioness of the Lionheart Empire. At that time, General Nicholas Kelon, who was the guardian of the Falcon orc border, shouldered the responsibility of saving humanity, and resolutely launched a campaign against the divided warlords and thieves. Behind them are orcs who are also jealous of human territory ... "

Then Da Fei kept turning, turning, turning, turning dozens of pages in a row, either hit the thief or hit the warlord! Not only is it not interesting, and it is completely faint to fall asleep, is it just a running journal?

Forget it, hang up the page automatically. After waiting for my brother to sail, there is time to turn slowly.

Then Dafei landed on Junxiang Trumpet in Shuangkai, and Junxiang appeared in the city of punishment again. Looking around, the president was not in the city either.

At this moment, Junxiang's friend message rang, and it was the president Xuewei Rose.

Xuewei Rose: "Brother Junxiang is online? I'm the President's training agent, blossoming under the mountain, do you want to come and experience?"

Let me go, this Nima's friendliness is amazing! Da Fei laughed: "This, I just went online to look at it, review the content of today, and immediately go offline."


I have to say that it is good to be president and never worry about leveling. Although brother is also the chairman, but who can dare to practice his number? Da Fei sighed and found Ou Ling, who was watching the scenery on the city wall, and came forward: "I worked hard for you during that time, but I couldn't take care of it."

Ou Ling said faintly: "You have said a lot of these things, you don't need to read it anymore, I don't care anymore."

What the hell! "I" said many times? You talked a lot just now. When did you not care? Is it because brother showed a respectful reputation in the city of punishment?

Well, the past will not be mentioned. Your origin brother doesn't ask. I only ask the future. I know you are a promising youth. I want to develop your potential.

Da Fei asked, "What are your plans?"

Ou Ling sighed: "No plan!"

Da Fei was surprised, "Isn't it? At the beginning, you were still full of confidence and motivated to get ahead?"

Ou Ling sighed, "I was so stupid!"

Da Fei frowned. What is wrong with Nima? Is n’t it that you do n’t want to hang out with your brother? If it weren't for you to have a super-artifact brother who turned into a **** to control your eggs!

Super artifact? For some reason, Da Fei suddenly remembered the imperial artifact lost by the Falcon dynasty in the history book I just read. In other words, this Ouling is descended from the nobility? How can it be lost if they all have super artifacts? How could it be so bad? Could it be-in such an instant, Dafei once again "little white players have broad ideas"!

Whether you ask it or not, do n’t ask it! Anyway, what is a male hero, I really don't feel it.

Da Fei whispered to Ou Ling: "I have a very important thing to ask you!" Then he looked around. Mysteriously said, "Why not find a quiet place and go down the mountainside?"

Ou Ling was really impatient: "I don't have anything important, just ask here."

Alright, you're enough! Da Fei quietly asked, "Are you the descendant of the royal family of the Falcon dynasty that died a thousand years ago?"

In such an instant, Ou Ling's face changed greatly!

Lie in a big slot! It really blinded me! In such an instant, Dafei laughed in his heart, and it turned out that it was an artifact of the ancestral legacy of the former Dynasty! That is to say, their ancestor is one of the survivors of the expedition to hell? I'll pull it out. It's not ordinary to open the brain hole!

Dafei Chengsheng chased after another and waved his hand: "Don't be excited, don't be excited! I guess! I have no evidence!" Che, the frustration with the super artifact is your evidence.

Ou Ling really gave a long sigh: "You have guessed the subterranean offensive, as a general. Your intuition is very sharp."

He admitted! Wow ha ha ha, come on. Brother, is there any difficulty, brother to help you.

Da Fei sighed: "I can understand how much you are. In fact, it is very easy for you to get ahead. You only need to pay tribute to the treasure. At that time, any Marquis of the Earl may seal you? But by that time, I did Qualification is your friend, hey. "

Ou Ling frowned: "Of course I can't tribute to treasures, I have to stand out in my own capacity! However, I am too weak after all, even with treasures, it is difficult to control, I want to become stronger!"

Become stronger? What an ordinary wish, okay, when Xue Wei brushes the copy, you will definitely be brought with you, our brothers will be the on-hook duo in the copy!

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly glimpsed the long-lost Air Cavalry Instructor Essinger passing by, Da Fei frowned, it seemed that he was busy? OK, there is a play!

Junxiang hurried forward: "Master please stay away!"

Essinger did look back surprised: "Master?"

Junxiang hurriedly said: "I think the master has a good appearance and extraordinary temperament. He must be a respected master during his lifetime!"

Essinger whispered, "What's up with the Warriors?"

Junxiang hurriedly said, "I want to learn the ultimate in archery from the master!"

Essinger froze on the spot: "I can't do archery, how could it be the best?"

Jun Xiang immediately said: "Riding and shooting! I think the **** dragon knights can ride and shoot. Why can't we? Masters teach us air riding, right?"

Essinger stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "You can't do it, without foundation, you don't even want to ride a dragon while riding a horse, don't think about it, wash and sleep."

Brother knows, of course! But Ou Ling is an epic hero with a background. He can't possibly ride a horse, right? Dafei hurriedly pointed to Ou Ling: "What about this one?

Ou Ling really said very well: "I can ride a horse, please teach me the flying technique!"

Essingha ha smiled: "Wait until you become a horseman first!" Then he turned and left.

Riding a horseman? Riding Archer! Da Fei was shocked. Is this a hidden unit of the 6th level knight? I'll pull it out, how much information has been dug up!

(Although it looks like the rhythm of 3 is more, when today there is really only 2 more ...)


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