God Rank Hero

Chapter 908: Entering the Great Border from Divine Space

While Da Fei was tossing about the history books, the Dragon Slayers had tossed all night for the history of the orcs. A tribe in the era of mythology such as Ke Rong is definitely worth a night of torment.

Although the orcs are underdeveloped, libraries are also available. Shaman guilds are similar to libraries. On this night, hundreds of orc members of the Dragon Slaying Guild distributed shaman guilds of various tribes. They searched for information and asked npc for all information about the Centaur Kerong tribe.

The Kerong tribe is worthy of the common sense of a certain era. A professional dana in the guild also happens to be more friendly with a centaur npc. Multi-party inquiries have finally been gathered at 6 am. Kerong The tribe is in the wildest land in the farthest east, and still lives the most nomadic life of nomadic life. This is equivalent to encountering a wild saint in the game who can't ask for skills.

This time the Dragon Slayer Guild was very difficult.

The world map of this game was briefly introduced in the previous article, and it is a bit like the real world map. The Eastern World that Feifei is going to is similar to the Malay Indonesian islands in Southeast Asia. The dwarves, elves, and humans belong to the Light Alliance equivalent to Europe, and the undead equivalent to the vast area of ​​Turkey and Arabia. Orc territory is equivalent to Eastern Europe. As for the Great Wilderness, it's Eastern Siberia in Eastern Europe.

To search for a tribal migrant tribe in such a vast area is really like finding a needle in a haystack. In addition, the Wilderness of the Great Edge also has various human and tribal clans who do not obey the rule of the orc kingdom, and various unknown powerful tribes. In short, it's very difficult.

Then there is a problem. How to pass Xuewei's two human heroes through the orc territory. Arriving in the wilderness on the big side? Xue Wei's first reaction was, of course, smuggling. Packing the hero in a wooden barrel is like transporting Da Fei and the nun banshee out of the monastery.

But the monastery only needs to pass through the gate, but it is indeed through countless levels to pass through the orc territory. Who can guarantee that the system will not suddenly nausea the player and search out people?

If this Kerong tribe is a settled tribe, it ’s better to say that it can be explored by the masters of the Dragon Slaying Guild. After finding the tribe, slowly try to find a way to bring the blood Wei mission npc over, but the problem is, The other party is a migrant tribe.

When the problem is stuck here. The Blood Wei Guild immediately thought of God's Space, the window of the world operated by the earth-shattering thunder. Since God's Space can lead to all the uninhabited places in the world, what about the desert? Can't there be such a large area? If there is a way to the great desert, then Jun Xiang and Ou Ling can avoid the orc kingdom and go directly to the space of the **** realm.

In addition, the joint operation of Blood Wei, the ninth paradise hosted by the stars, and the support of the royal family to support the great giant thunder to build the city will also be carried out after the 200,000 troops of the Tomorrow Station arrive at the dwarf capital. The main purpose of this operation is to explore these unmanned people. Where is the land. So Xue Wei immediately linked these two things.

If you really want to detour from the space of God Realm, this is no longer a matter of Blood Wei and Dragon Slaying. This should be the real joint action of the Greater China Association, and Ma Yinglong's Dark Alliance is finally out of the crowd.

Well. Is Xue Wei still thinking about it? Of course, the path is detoured from the space of the gods. Only by doing such a great job can embody Xue Wei's flexible leadership in the Chinese Guild. Moreover, it can prevent Tu Long from leaving Xuewei alone after receiving the information.

Therefore, the Xuewei Guild convened an alliance meeting decisively early in the morning, and invited the senior leaders of the stars, Tulong, Ninth Heaven, the royal family, and the lord of the realm of the God Space to the sky chat room to discuss plans.

At this moment, all the big guys know this player named Junxiang, and they also recognize the hidden special armour of the archer. Of course, Divine Space is no longer a secret to Ma Yinglong.

There is no objection. Once the training of high-level guerrilla arms such as rider and shooter is successfully completed, the Chinese region will definitely be able to blast players from other countries in the national war. The Ninth Heaven and the Royal Guild will immediately support it. Anyway, it is tomorrow. The Headless Fly Pathfinder Program clarified its goals.

The royal overlord also made a special statement: "Although I don't know if the plan can be successful, it is always right to prepare the warhorse. It is not okay to fight our royal family, but we can do it best. We first buy 100 for Ouling Farm. Horses, 10 arrow towers, 1,000 units of horses, little thought, beauties must accept. "

Xuewei Rose shook her head and smiled: "This is the rhythm of the overlord boss ordering a hundred riders from us? Who wants to book it, just speak!"

The Emperor smiled: "The boss of the overlord is not able to install the equipment without looking at the beauty site? So, I will immediately send a few people to the beauty farm to renovate, the various warehouses, horsesheds, drinking dormitories, and the barracks walls. All refurbished in place. "

Xuewei Rose smiled: "It really deserves to be the Emperor of the Emperor God, all right! Take me, you're welcome. Anyway, our Weiwei is not a material for war. If you have good soldiers, let them go to the professional masters."

For a moment, the big brothers laughed.

Ma Yinglong said with emotion: "Okay, that's it. Our guild will begin to transport troops and supplies to the eastern border of the Orc Kingdom from now on. Going into the victory club, everyone should go to leveling. The monsters there are strong and the experience must be very high. "

Ancient Gu Xing laughed: "I have been fighting with Ma for so many years, it is rare to be able to cooperate once, it is not easy!"

Xue Wei Rose sighed: "Now the international situation is not good for our China. We must unite in China."

The Emperor slaps his hands in fear: "Well, the foreign zone is making rapid progress and will not give us much time. Let ’s start the action. This meeting is just a few of us who know the riders. This is the core secret. Don't let foreign countries know before. As for our exploration of the borderlands, keep them as secret as possible. "

The crowd laughed, "That's for sure."

After the meeting, Zhou Qing was relieved. It was originally a burden that was pressed on myself, but now it is all shared by the masters' guild. Now it seems that it has nothing to do with it. I have to say that this is the benefit of being a beauty guild. Conquer the world and let men do it.

Just then, the beauty in the studio exclaimed: "Behold, there is another npc coming out of the space door! Curious!"

Zhou Qing hurriedly looked at the big screen on the wall, it was really amazing! A fancy female elf npc slightly exposed in the flower! This female npc was joking with the little gnome hero in the smithy. What's going on?

In short, this opportunity can not be missed, hurry up and chat with her.

Zhou Qing immediately put on a helmet to activate herself and hang up on the square to hang up. "Excuse me, where do you come from? What is your occupation?"

This npc laughed, then turned around: "What profession do you think I am?"

Xuewei Rose said suddenly: "This, the dancer in the bar?"

npc laughed and laughed: "Bingo! Guess right! Goodbye!" After that, he went straight to the hall to teleport.

The little dwarf in the smithy also waved his hand: "Goodbye, sister!"

Seeing that the npc was about to leave, Xue Wei rose hurriedly: "Ma'am, do you need any help from me?"

The dancer waved her hands and laughed, "Books! All kinds of interesting books are all I need, especially the history books from the Dark Alliance! Any history is fine, the more the better, if you can prepare it before I return , I will give you a special surprise! "

——System Tip: Mysterious Girl will publish books to you to collect rewards.

As soon as you meet, a word triggers the collection task! How strange is this npc? However, the npc that can emerge from this mysterious space that is so secretive by the angels in the city must be no small matter! It must be the last time that the forged steel hand of the Duke's house had a close connection.

A dark league history book, right? Just right! Zhou Qing immediately returned to God to send a message to Ma Yinglong: "Brother Ma, are your members still checking information?"

Ma Yinglong replied: "Yeah, what's new about beauties?"

Zhou Qing laughed: "This time there is an urgent matter. We have an important task. We want to collect a lot of history books of the Dark Alliance. There is no limit to the type. Can Brother think of a way?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Beauty really finds the right person, the right time, no problem! But the high-end history book library only borrows and does not sell, we can only use low-end goods."

Zhou Qingxin said joyfully: "It's worthy of being Brother Ma, low-end goods are also OK, the more the better!"

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ~~) (To be continued, please search for floating literature, novels are better updated faster!


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