God Rank Hero

Chapter 913: Attack of the Old Tree Fort

The thought of the humanoid Gundam of Nasir's ancient tree may also participate in the copy, Da Fei was shaking with excitement! Then just do it.

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Tamilia, can you fly the Flying into the dragon's corpse chest?"

Tamilia immediately said: "Please Lord Lord, wait a minute, I measure the volume of the internal space of the corpse bone!" After speaking, it emptied, and flew up and down in the dragon bone like a staring fly. I have to say that this is the powerful superiority of flying heroes.

Da Fei is even more nervous waiting for the measurement results to come out. This is probably the hardest copy that he has ever encountered. Nasir's ability to participate in the battle and his inability to participate in it are two concepts. If you can participate in the war, it means that you have a mobile city, and any away game is home!

Tamilla really brought back the good news to Da Fei: "Report to the Lord of the City, there is enough space and enough water depth to support the flight of the Flying!"

Oh yeah! The result is the same as that of brother visual inspection! However, it is certainly not as good as Tamilia to observe this kind of thing visually. This child is rigorous and promising, and his brother must focus on training.

Beginning of the operation, Nasir was again transported into the space of the Holy Vine of Fly, with the wings of brilliance and the emerald dragon leaning on the bow of the keel to the outside. Except for Serbia who remained behind and Deirdrie, who was precious in life, all his other lieutenants went to war. . It's a pity that none of the lineups will be bright magical blood, at this moment Dafei realized the seriousness of the problem.

In fact, this problem was also exposed as early as the first year of the Hydra, except that non-human heroes did not learn bright magic well, and Alicia. Katrina's magical knowledge is not high. There are not many remaining skill points. Just let it go and forget it.

It now appears that Alicia has 11 points remaining after master-class sailing. Katrina does not know what to learn, and 15 points are left. Then don't say anything, just go ahead and sharpen the gun, even if it's not bright, it's light, just learn now to avoid tangling.

Da Fei took out the bright magic skill book from Serbia. Not to mention a word of golden light to Alicia!

——System Tip: You have spent 8 skill points of the subhero Alicia, learned master-level bright magic, and learned the sub-skills Youfu Master, Master of Protection, and Master of Anger.

——System Tip: You have spent 8 skill points of Vice-Katrina, and learned Master Light Magic. . .

For a moment, Alicia couldn't help urging: "Hey, hey, I'm not nervous enough to cast arcane spells. How can I cast bright magic, and the magic is also proficient? How can I have time to study in the magic tower? ? "

Catalina smiled bitterly: "I have no knowledge at all. I can't use a single spell!"

Lying down! Deserves to be an epic hero, but he has objections to Brother's training plan! Da Fei sighed deeply and said, "Now the mana is not enough. Doesn't mean that the mana is not enough in the future. Isn't it possible to add knowledge to this study? So turn the pressure into motivation and study hard."

In fact, in the final analysis, the sub-hero's skill attributes need not be tangled at all, the coach is offensive and defensive, and the sub-heroes are all magic. It's just that Da Fei has no plan for the deputy heroes. As long as the beauty heroes come, they don't refuse, and whether they can complement their effective coaching abilities, this has caused Da Fei's current egg pain.

However, in front of Niubi's brother, all the deputy heroes are destined to be all-round, and may even be the one-sided type in the future. There is nothing to be entangled in how to cultivate!

So Dafei said to Tamilla again: "I don't know if your race is suitable for learning bright magic. If you have enough skill points, I suggest you also learn it."

Tamilla nodded: "Keep in mind the Lord Lord!"

Wow haha! Look, this is the pro-daughter. It does n’t hurt to be obedient. How is it like you? When my brother has enough skills, he also learns bright magic. After training to God level, brother learns the angel contract by himself, brother is recruiting an angel, brother three contract angels play 3 fly! Wa hahaha!

By the way, I just remembered that I got another skill point when I got to level 50. I was rewarded by Samal to be promoted to grand master offensive skill. I have n’t learned grand master skills, so I forgot such an important thing. It is the paralysis of peace thoughts.

Da Fei pulled out a textbook of offensive techniques, Jinguang flashed!

——System Tip: You spend 1 skill point to learn the master-level offensive skill "Piercing Attack".

-Armor-smashing attack: Melee troops have a certain chance to ignore the target's 10% -50% defense. This skill has a mutually beneficial effect with your Grandmaster Scout skill "Weakness Analysis".

Honestly, from the analysis of the public beta forum, the sense of presence of this master-level skill in offense is not very strong. This certain probability is estimated to be no more than 10%, and the degree of armor breaking is also estimated to be 10%. So there is no reason to be forgotten. Fortunately, it can be mutually added to the original Grand Master's reconnaissance skills, which can also be regarded as a great improvement in strength.

Until this time, Da Fei once again found that he was actually not a pure war hero. Many sub-skills of offensive defense and archery were not learned, especially the sub-skills of master-level archery were a white board. I haven't learned anything about precise aiming, hitting moving targets, or coordinating arrows.

My own way is to rely on the multi-professional bonus anti-attribute points all the way over. It has completely reached the level of ignoring skills and ignoring expertise. I do n’t know if this is your own success or failure? After all, insufficient skill points are always a problem for players.

It is good to have problems, so that there is no pressure to be proud and complacent.

Now that the homework has been completed, the 20 rocket artillery angels have all replaced the ordinary crystal ammunition rewarded by Samast. No matter how difficult a copy is, ordinary crystals should be enough. Everything is ready and the transmission begins. With a flash of magic light, the Flying Flight appeared exactly in the chest of the dragon, oh also, success!

Then a huge space door was opened in front of Flying, and Nasir's body reappeared, appearing in front of the copy space door. Can you get in? Can we get in?

at this time. Tamillah shouted, "Master, Lord. My lords, may I be seated inside the fort?"

Da Fei brow, brother can still enter the fortress? That's right, the interior space of this fortress I used to visit was a small copy, there were many bugs inside!

Alicia immediately said: "Of course, it must be dripped!"

"Please come in!" Nasir finally said dullly, and a small space door appeared on the flight deck.

Dafei said nothing and immediately entered with the lieutenants. Then the scene changed, and Da Fei appeared in a wooden hall. The huge “window” on the wall of the hall was suddenly the outside scene. The glittering stone block in the middle of the room suddenly became the long-lost heart of the dragon.

The eyelids of Da Fei startled wildly, I pulled it, it was really Gundam! Da Fei was shocked: "Can I lead the angel troops outside in the fort?"

Alicia laughed: "Master City Lord, when you are guarding the city, can you command the surrounding troops when you are on the boat? You just think of this fortress as a city and a battleship! Isn't it very difficult to fight like this? Relaxing? "

Tamilia also said, "In fact, this ancient tree fortress once had the function of producing large creatures such as evil tree spirits. Therefore, the fortress also has a lot of space, and theoretically it can also load angel troops outside. Yes. But the recovery of the fort is not enough. "

Then Nasir's voice came again in the hall: "Nasir needs to devour more demon flesh to grow!"

Let me go! Brother ’s ideal of landing a tank can really be realized. Brother Niubi ca n’t find himself!

Dafei ecstatically exclaimed: "Nasir, do you eat dragon meat?"

The hall muttered: "Don't eat, Nasir is very principled!"

Hey, picky eaters aren't good kids, but they're good too, lest they compete with the Holy Vine of the Fly Flight for food. Da Fei waved with a big hand: "So, go!"

As the giant tree fortress moves in great stride, the copy space door appears in front of Da Fei's eyes, and then the scene changes!

Oh yeah! Can go in!

Just then, the system clanged:

——The system prompts: You enter the unstable Dragon Treasure Space, the space will collapse completely after 30 minutes, please hurry up!

It was a one-time copy!

Now, Dafei's eyes were shining brightly, and he appeared in a large blood-red hall full of gold coins and treasure weapons.

"Wow !! Lots of treasure!"

At this moment, the hall shook, and blood and water splashed on the wall and floor. Where is this hall? It is clearly the internal cavity wall organ of some giant creature!

Then the treasure mountain moved. Countless swords, shields, treasure chests and gold coins flew in the blood mist. A dull voice sounded through the space: "Stupid, greedy and despicable grave robber, you think you can get the dragon's treasure. Isn't the dragon a different life, and it can't be the same after death! "

Between the words, the hall was full of treasure swords in the air to form a huge flying dragon in the form of blood and mist! Gold Treasure Undead Dragon! ?

"Wow !!!" Da Fei everyone was shocked again!

If it is said that the general undead dragon is a dragon type accumulated from broken bone slag, then this golden treasure dragon is the ultimate tyrant form of the undead dragon!

Before the shock, the treasure dragon's blood flashed, and a blood beam covered the audience!

——System Tip: When you enter the realm of dragons, your troops will have a certain chance to appear fear effect and cannot fight.

I'm struck, I'm really scared! But fortunately, there is a chance, that is to say nothing, just start before you are afraid.

With a big wave of Da Fei, 20 rocket artillery angels waved the flame javelin in their hands. As soon as the javelin was fired, Da Fei immediately directed all the angels to hide behind Nasir—bringing the city wall with him.

——Boom boom boom boom! !! !! The flames blew in the lobby, and countless gold coins scattered in the explosion!

With a roar of the undead dragon, dozens of swords whistled out of the flames and slammed into the ancient tree fortress!

Wow ha ha ha, fortunately my brother is hiding fast, drizzle! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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