God Rank Hero

Chapter 919: Tomb of Dragon Saisu

When Dafei asked Zavala for information about the dragon's treasure, Zavala was surprised: "Sir, you can appear here. Of course, I know your intention, although as a dragon, I don't support you to disturb the dragon. Shen Mian, but as your subordinate, I will still assist you fully. How many troops do you have left?

Forces left? Dafei said suddenly, "Is there no loss to my troops?"

Zavala exclaimed: "How is that possible? Dragon Soul has the Soul Break stunt, and the troops killed by Dragon Soul cannot be resurrected!"

Broken Soul! Unable to resurrect? At this moment Dafei finally knew the horror of the Dragon Tomb! In this game of Hero Genesis, there is no saying that killing an enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, the winner can resurrect the army after the war and have everything, the loser can only lose everything. Therefore, players must do their best to fight hard, even if the opponent is God, even if there are tens of thousands of casualties, they must be like a red-eye gambler.

However, there are indeed many scenes in the game where the troops cannot be resurrected, such as the former Hellyan River, and the army who died in the Yanhe River has no residue, and there is no way to resurrect. Such a scene allows players to truly appreciate the horrors of war.

Now Dafei can't help but sweat. If there is no ancient tree fortress, can his own angel army alone guarantee that he won the first two treasures without any damage in the attack?

That is to say, there seem to be five treasures here, but the player's strength is getting less and less, and I am afraid that I will be unable to survive later.

At this time, Zavala continued: "It seems that the strength of the adult is truly extraordinary, and it is not unreasonable to come here. However, the biggest treasure that the adult has to challenge is the time dragon Saysu. In addition to possessing the common fear area of ​​the dragon family In addition, it also has the field of time stillness. Even if a mortal can overcome his fear of it, it will still be difficult in his time stillness, and it is entirely for him to slaughter-that is, in ordinary treasures, if an adult does not The enemy can still retreat, but in the face of Saisu, the adult may not even have room to retreat. Does the adult still decide to challenge him? "

Dafei jaw dropped! The dual field is really the Dragon King level! Let me go. Brother was originally fearless. If you say that, you ca n’t resurrect or run away. Brother is scared.

Just then, Renoir spoke: "But we have no choice. If we don't clear the energy of these dragon tombs, we will lose our way and cannot leave."

Tamilla also said: "Yes!"

Let me go. The two of you are just eating yourself! You must be selfish.

Zavala said with a loud voice: "Originally, the goal of the adult is to go out, let me say. I know the way, I can lead the way! Where is the adult going?"

this moment. The scene was instantly cold. Tamilla's frantic expression was dull for an instant!

Da Fei is even more broken. Let me go! Originally, my brother was thinking of breaking the boat and backing up the water to fight him in the first battle. Wouldn't you give the brother a way to care for him? I ’m here all the time. If I do n’t go in and see, I ’ll struggle and regret it all my life!

Dafei coughed: "This, let's discuss how to defeat this time dragon. Although he must have been great in his lifetime, wasn't he dead? There is always no chance."

Zavala Shen said: "That's the case. Since the adult is going to challenge Saysu, the only thing I can help the adult is to use the remaining energy to resist his field, but it will not last long, and the rest can only be It's up to adults. "

Dafei gritted his teeth and determined: "Okay, that's it-right!"

Da Fei remembered again: "Is this Saesu famous? Is there an artifact in his treasure?"

Zavala said positively: "Of course, the predecessor of the Seven City Alliance, the legendary world of mortal mages, was established under the guidance of Saisu. It is impossible for a dragon of this level to have no artifact."

Sure enough, there is an artifact! Then fight it, bring all the rare crystal rockets in hell! My brother returned from the European Union. Each Seraph was full of 9 units. He fired a cannon in the Cancer Sea and spent 3 units. Now both of these cannons have been placed here. Right, there is a dragon who replenishes blood There are 4 bottles of Blood Mixture plus one free bottle today, I have to drink enough, for the artifact, Bo!

Now, the Da Fei fleet arrives at the bone of the dragon, Saisu. This battle is destined to be a quick and decisive battle, so Da Fei decided to make a desperate attempt to bring Serbia. As for Serbia's departure, the fleet's blood supply to fight the extreme cold will be temporarily handed over to hundreds of druids and vine demon soldiers that can add blood to support it there.

After clearing out a few floating ice monsters that were wandering around, the whole group was ready, and the flight was transmitted into the keel, and the ancient tree fortress attacked! Enter the copy and change the scene.

An empty hall appeared in front of Dafei. Dafei suddenly suddenly! Where is Kingsoft? No, there is still something. In the middle of the hall lies a small dragon covered with silver armor, which is as big as the ordinary seventh-level emerald dragon of the elves!

Then a thick voice sounded through the hall: "Welcome to the burial space of Saisu. I had predicted that a warrior would visit many years ago, but I am very sorry that my property has been donated to children's charity. Only the last inheritance power is waiting for the real warrior to come to receive it. Warrior, you must have the determination to win this battle, the confidence to win, if you are not prepared, you have time to quit now! "

At this moment, everyone flying in the ancient fortress was stunned!

Alicia couldn't help but exclaim: "This dragon's tone is completely different from the previous two!"

Katrina also said in amazement: "With the greed nature of the dragon, there will be no treasure burial. This is a saint in the dragon!"

Zavala said positively: "Of course, Saisu's realm is not comparable to ordinary dragons."

At this moment, Da Fei finally couldn't help but be full of blood. Compared with those proud and violent dragons, it is a blessing to be able to play against such a high-end dragon!

Although I don't know if the other party can hear it, Dafei still can't help but say, "I'm ready!"

And the dragon really heard: "Very good, then the warrior, start!"

In such an instant, the golden red light of the silver dragon in the hall flashed, and the light instantly covered the hall!

——The system prompts: You have entered the realm of the dragon, all your troops have a fear effect and cannot move to fight, the duration is unknown!

——The system prompts: You have entered the time domain, all your troops appear stationary, and the attack speed and movement speed are reduced by 90%!

Dual fields, all in! Da Fei was shocked!

Just at this moment, Savara shouted: "Master, look at me!" The smoke from the whole body burst out between the words, and the golden red light covering the Dafei troops suddenly dim!

——System Tip: Your troops will recover from the effects of fear and time stillness!

back to normal! Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Blazing Angels, bombard!"

Twenty flame bombs dragged the extremely gorgeous brilliance of the flames and whistled out toward the little dragon still lying on the floor in the hall—Boom Boom Boom! !! !! There was a sea of ​​fire in the entire hall instantly, and the explosion of flames filled the entire hall!

Da Fei's eyes did not blink in a blink, and when he saw it, the injury data rising in the flames of the fire—double-digit data such as "-119!" And "-120"! The high hopes for the infernal rockets are as low as the damage expected by Da Fei!

Da Fei's heart tightened and he could not help clenching his fists.

Just then, a thick voice rang through the hall again: "This is the Warrior's attack? Very amazing! Please continue!"

What the hell! The realm of your pretense is not comparable to ordinary dragons! Dafei gritted his teeth and waved his hand, "Continue!"

——Boom boom boom boom! The second round of **** rockets turned the hall into a sea of ​​fire again!

Saisu is still lying firmly in the middle of the hall: "Very elite Seraph troops! If I am not wrong, there should be another?"

The big flying egg is broken, you are the system, is there anything you don't know? Can't you pretend like this?

Dafei sighed, "Let's make the last one!"

The last shot was an ordinary crystal, of course, the effect of its flame is no longer comparable to the first two guns. Saisu also couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Unfortunately, it's a lot worse, then, is it my turn?"

(Book friends, great power! There are more than one million recommended tickets, milestones! But there are one million, will two million be far away? Tickets, can't stop! The ashtray has to run for a long time! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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