God Rank Hero

Chapter 955: Why is China's overall situation important?

For the Lighthouse Islands, Dafei is concerned about three things. The first was that they could not support the attack of the surrounding Naga, and the second was that the great prince discovered and continued to send troops to pursue. As for the third point, after the slow construction of the city of light, Dafei really felt that the city could not be easily solved by the player alone.

Now that the first thing is done, the shocking thunder that is directly related to the second thing must be prevented, and then the construction of the thundering thunder also provides inspiration for Dafei. Even players with little international fame, such as Jujui Thunder, know that providing high-speed alliances with the Grand Guild can provide benefits. Couldn't he be inferior to him?

The idea of ​​eating sole food must be changed! After all, there are many people and powerful people, and everyone makes a bigger cake and eats it more than the cake alone. Not to mention, this is also a means to gather the major guilds around themselves.

Therefore, Da Fei's mind suddenly turned into a decision, and she also separated the big cake of the Lighthouse Islands. As long as the major guilds, and even the thunderous Thunder himself is tied to the chariots of the Lighthouse Islands, it is also clear that he is afraid to do little moves. Otherwise, you don't have to talk, other guild leaders teach him to be a man every second.

And the biggest excitement for Da Fei's "regardless of the former suspect" proposal is the royal overlord!

Before the royal family and Da Fei had festivals, it was completely local tyrants, and the reputation of Da Fei Guild was not very good. But with so many battles, big and small, the royal family did not take any advantage. On the other hand, the big fly is indeed a leap forward, and various giant ships "Besib" have reached a point where even professional guilds cannot look directly at it.

Do n’t say anything, just say that Da Fei will sell those ancient warrior suits last night. Other guilds have a share, but their own royal family has no share. Although the royal hegemon may not need this suit much, but this feeling is quite not Comfortable. And to say that the royal overlord is not afraid of flying. That's also false. The royals also knew that Da Fei was too busy to be able to repair himself.

So for Da Fei's proposal. The royal overlord didn't hesitate, the first one came out in favor! This is a good opportunity to reconcile with Dafei. Don't miss it!

Even the royal hegemons have stated their position, and of course the other great guilds have their hearts and minds and agree with them. In fact, for the major guilds, this is completely unexpected joy! The purpose of the Grand Guild was to explore the way to open the situation. Now the situation has been opened by the pioneers Fei. Why do you enjoy it? Today really is a good day!

Now, there was only one terrifying thunder with a tangled egg.

Honestly, an individual player in Juelei can be tied with the major guilds in this dividend. Dafei's face is not small.

However, Jingju Thunder knows that if it was not for his relationship channel with the Great Prince, all people would not be able to enter the prison and could not come to the space of the God Realm, let alone to help Dafei build city supplies! Why use high-end channels of labor and capital to build him a city? If there is no labor and capital channels, he himself transported materials in the past to build a city and said that he would have to travel back and forth multiple times in two or three months!

So Jingju Lei knew his weight, and he didn't like Dafei's dividend at all. As long as the great prince dispatched and directly knocked down the lighthouse islands, Dafei ’s site was all his own. Moreover, the key is that the prince does not need to shoot at all. As long as everyone works together and directly sends an army to rush over, you can still take down Dafei's site. Why do we need to pay dividends to Dafei and work for him?

Just because Da Fei got Naga? This is what he said, who knows if what he said is true or false? Or do these grand guilds not want to offend Dafei?

Perhaps because of the entanglement of the giant thunder, the ancient stars spoke: "Julei, even Dafei has let Lee take a stand, what is your opinion?"

Xue Wei Rose laughed: "Even the big brother of the royal family and Da Fei are disregarded, and you and Da Fei have not had much holiday, which is a good thing for us."

The royal hegemon haha ​​laughed: "National war is coming, unity is the most important thing!"

The Emperor of God also laughed: "Yes. Every foreigner said that Da Fei is rat feces in China, and they are counting on him to fight in China. Looking at our joke in China, Da Fei can now show this cooperative attitude This is a great thing for us in China! "

The terrible thunderous heart was sad. To put it bluntly, the big brothers don't want to offend Dafei, let alone accidentally happen in this critical period, and they simply cannot afford to defy the big brothers.

Shocking Thunder can only helplessly accept the reality: "Of course I am willing to cooperate."

The Emperor laughed and laughed: "Okay, that's it. We are really lucky today. The advantage is to pick it all the way!"

The big brothers all laughed: "Okay, then hurry up and see what Feige wants, we will hurry and implement it!"

. . . . . .

When the good news from Da Fei's friends came, Da Fei laughed again! That's it, brother, you are so scared that the thunderous thunder does not dare to turn the storm!

So Dafei hit the iron while he was hot, and immediately sent the message to the **** Lan Lan, Xue Wei, and Bu Feiyan to start the next step: "I will immediately set your major guilds as the welcome destination for the lighthouse island city, all the city walls, It is necessary to repair the house, the drawings and materials of the hospital warehouse, and all the food and drink. Right, the key is to repair the large dock, so there must be a lot of workers. "

The three immediately replied: "No problem. Now Feige's site is also a site jointly constructed by our major shareholders. This small matter of starting materials is not a problem."

Wow ha ha ha, it is not tiring to talk to the Grand Duke! Da Fei said: "Okay, I'm telling you a good market for getting rich. High-end wines and weapons are selling well on Naga side. NPC says it can sell up to dozens of times-"

Having said that, Dafei handed over the screenshot of Hilo talking to himself, and then continued: "So if you still have the power, you will find a way to get these good goods in the dwarven kingdom. I ’ll pull it back and sell it. Everyone divides their money, so that everyone can see the return on the spot. Such a good thing about getting rich must be against time! "

When the chat room big guys saw the screenshots, they rang up again: "Fei brother really got Naga!"

At this moment, Gu Xingchen frowned: "I said, everyone, the situation has changed now, and I think that the focus of our development should be adjusted!"

The emperor immediately understood: "Yes, such things as building a city usually involve a large investment in the early stage and a long return time, but the sale of Fei Ge can get huge returns on the spot. Of course, our resources should be tilted towards Fe Ge . "

The terrifying giant thunder stunned: "What do you guys mean, now we will focus on helping Dafei build a city?"

The ancient star laughed and said, "That's what it means. Juli is not in a hurry to build the city, so Juli will slowly build your city. We will now transport the goods and workers hoarded in your construction site to Dafei City. Right. "

Earthquake's face changed dramatically!

The Emperor smiled and laughed: "So let's go wrong with the Thunder first. Anyway, you can also get the benefit! We in China are going to join a game of chess."

The ancient star said again: "Yes, about Dafei's high-end wines and weapons, Julei you are familiar with the great prince, and leave this to you to implement. What we need, we will find a way."

The Emperor smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to do so, let our transportation team move!"

At this moment, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared in the heart of Jingju Lei, and then returned several times back and forth! Today is obviously a great day for me to build a city, but it turned out to be a city for Dafei? Not only that, but also buy him for the relationship between labor and management?

I hate silently, and the royal hegemon laughed: "Julei, if I am you, I will have an idea. It doesn't matter the big picture. Brothers will take you to play and make you happy!"

Xuewei Rose also laughed: "Otherwise, when one of the classmates Lei comes to Shendong, come to our studio to relax?"

Have fun! Take a break? After hearing the good news of consolation and thrilling, the thunderous giant finally laughed and said, "Brothers, rest assured, for the development of China, I will definitely take the overall situation seriously. I will work **** high-end weapons and wine Go for it. "

The chat room applauded: "That's right! The big picture is important!"

(There is only one more today) (To be continued)


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