God succession system
Chapter 200 - Another day in Asora
Over the next several days Alex alternated between training and taking jobs as he prepared to leave Brooke town for the time being. He was also reminded by Ddraig about the ability to make portals connecting Asora, which he was still reluctant to do since it could still be exploited, but he understood that making at least one would make things a lot easier on them and had Grayfia leave one in the Orcus hideout. Alex also asked her for a report about the Haulia while she was there but she stated that they had all gone into the labyrinth for training, and so the place was empty besides those that didn't train. With no apparent problems Alex felt relieved that they were seemingly doing ok.
When not training or doing jobs, Alex was doing some much needed catch up with life in Asora and some of the residents. His first priority was to meet up with Seekvaira regarding the current state of the gods water crystal, then he'd talk to Vali about anything they had discovered while exploring Asora, after that he'll go and get an update on the new scanner the Grigori were working on to put in Tortus, before checking up with the rest of the representatives. Besides all that he also planned to spend a little time with the girls he hadn't had a chance to in a while, and squeeze in a visit to Ophis's shrine. Not bothering to worry about how busy his day was going to be, Alex then set off for the training area to talk with Seekvaira. Once he arrived Alex made his way over to her and asked how things in the training area were.
"They're alright, but I hope to make a few improvements after we finish up in this world with the age of gods magic, and it kind of annoys me that the labyrinths there are doing more than my facility here is." Alex laughed slightly at her annoyance, and said,
"We'll definitely be able to make some improvements once the labyrinths are all cleared, and there's someone I recruited that is an expert at making magic based machines, he should be able to make some improvements as well." Seekvaira became interested in Alex's words as they already had some items made by the Grigori, and asked,
"Really he's that good?" It was then Alex recalled that he mentioned mechas from other worlds to Seekvaira as a bargaining chip to get her to accompany them, he then added,
"His greatest strength is his ability to make weapons and machines, once he's finished with the great labyrinths I doubt we'll easily find someone who could match his creations. By the way, how's the gods water?" Seekvaira's eyes were shining a little when she thought of some of the items she might get to see soon, but she quickly organized herself and explained,
"The gods water is producing water again, after a couple weeks of being filled with magic power and staying in one my strongest time rooms. For every day we experience out here it's going through a couple months in there, and I have my peerage members alternate with pouring their magic power into the formation at the door in order to add magic power to the room itself. Though the output itself isn't that great, but with the time difference we can say we've been getting a decent amount the last couple months. We can either save up for in the event of an emergency, or have people who need it carry a couple vials of it until either Asia or Valerie can help them." Alex nodded, and said,
"I want you to prepare a couple vials for whoever is challenging the labyrinths, and several for me and my peerage since we're traveling around and various situations would happen." Seekvaira nodded, and had one of her peerage members start working on what Alex requested. He stayed a little bit longer before leaving and heading over to manor that was home to the Vali team. He was greeted at the door by Elaine, who was still fulfilling her maid duties even though she no longer worked for the house of pendragon. Elaine then led him to when everyone else was, which was the backyard as Vali, Bikou, Lavinia, and Arthur relaxed in the morning summer sun, and Fenrir was with Le Fay who worked a ways away with the creation magic she acquired when they conquered the labyrinth a while back. Vali sat up as he saw Alex approaching, and asked,
"So can we try the next labyrinth yet?" Earning himself a frown from Elaine in the process. Alex smiled and replied,
"Not yet, wait at least until I leave for the next labyrinth for the creator to fix everything, I'm actually here about your results from exploring Asora." Vali frowned at Alex words and tuned out, prompting Arthur and Elaine to sigh as they pulled out a device the Grigori made for them to assist with mapping. Arthur then said,
"We haven't really found much to report since we've just been expanding the perimeter all around us instead of just shooting in one direction, and most of what's around us is either flat or mountainous regions. Though we did go a ways away in a few directions to see if it differed and found that there is a desert roughly a thousand miles to the south, and mountains that are still snow capped just as far in the north." Alex nodded as he looked at the results of what they explored, and said,
"Alright, keep at it when you're not challenging labyrinths, I want to understand what exactly we have to offer any future residents. Also try not to kill the creator of the Raisen labyrinth, I know she could be annoying but try to take it too far." None of them thought anything weird of Alex's request, as they had already heard from the others about Miledy Raisen and her annoying tendencies. As he was walking away however Bikou spoke up,
"Don't worry, we won't do anything to your next harem member!" Causing Alex to trip over nothing, as he didn't even intend to make an attempt on Miledy. He doubted any of them would believe him however, so he just chose to ignore Bikou's remark.
After leaving Vali's place it was about lunchtime, so Alex decided to see if any of the girls wanted to have lunch with him before going to his next appointment. This led to him having a small picnic in Ophis's shrine with Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Kiryuu, and Rossweise, while Ophis, Kunou, and Millicas came to join them. After a little while of enjoying a light lunch with the group, Alex decided he needed to get back to his errands and left the group behind, while also dragging an unconscious Kiryuu behind him to return to the house. She had disregarded the children and Ophis being present and tried to turn a nice lunch into an orgy, though her attention towards Kunou might've been what started it, now Alex was almost tempted to send her to Akeno's dungeon for a few days.
He then made his way over to Asora's Grigori institute, where they were working on fixing a relatively obvious problem they ran into when they tried to place a new scanner in the Orcus hideout for any future world travelers; the machines were attuned to the world of dxd, not Tortus. This meant that the second Alex turned it on it went nuts, as everything around it was being read as a foreign being since the energies around them weren't the same as the dxd world. The Grigori had been working on a solution since then, and Alex was headed there today to hear what they came up with. He entered the building and went straight to Barakiel's office, to find the ever serious man working hard.
"Do you ever intend to get a life?" Alex asked with a smirk, causing Barakiel to glare at him in response.
"I have a job and I have my daughter, that's all the life I need." He curtly answered. Alex rolled his eyes but didn't say anything since it would prevent them from getting anything done. Instead he asked,
"So have you made any progress with the machine since it went nuts?" Barakiel sighed when he heard Alex's question, and answered,
"We think we have it fixed up, and added a function to calibrate it to the world it's in so that we don't run into the same problem in the future." Alex nodded, but heard the hesitation in Barakiel's tone.
"So what's the problem?" Barakiel's sighed again, and said,
"It'll take about six months to calibrate, which for this world will put it finished when we're about to leave in just a couple months anyways, and in any future world's you go to it'll mean that you'd have to do the investigations yourself if you want to know if there's any other world travelers there when you arrive." Alex sighed as well when he heard Barakiel's answer, and simply said,
"I can't say anything besides just keep working on it, there's still the majority of a year in Tortus to work on it, and it'll be that way in the next world to. So look at it this way, at least you'll have a year in each world to make improvements before the next one is needed." Barakiel looked surprised at Alex's words, and nodded while saying,
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right. Now don't expect me to ever say that again!" Barakiel scowled one last time at Alex, as he turned around and started walking away with a smirk. After leaving Barakiel Alex went to visit Serafall, Yasaka, and Gabriel to hear about how the Devils, ypukai, and Angels were doing, and also to check on them. Serafall was seemingly hard at work when Alex arrived, and only let him stay long enough to tell her that there needed to be a new housing area built for the Haulia before they moved to Asora. As the Devils were experts at getting construction done quickly it was usually up to them to make the new buildings that were being built in Asora.
"Ok ok, a new home for the rabbits, I got it! Now I need to get my work done so leave!" As Serafall was literally pushing him out of the door, Alex smiled and decided to get a little payback, resulting in her going stiff as his hand reached around and briefly grabbed her ass. Before she could react however the door closed, leaving her standing there glaring at it before returning to her work. What Alex didn't realize was that the work she was so eager to finish was on the new character for her show that was going to debut soon, based off of Yue. Unaware of her project, Alex then made his way to visit Yasaka.
The youkai in Asora were mostly responsible for the food supplies and so on. As most of them were used to rural lifestyles when not avoiding humans, this was a happy change for them as they could live freely. Though Yasaka didn't have any issues to reports when he got there, she kept Alex in her office for the next hour with the door locked and windows shut as everyone else went about their business, and none of them were willing to mention how their boss seemed to be glowing the rest of the day. Alex then made his way to his last stop of the day, Gabriel's, to check up on the Angels and see how the soon to be mother of his first child was doing.
After getting a report about the Angels and how everything was going smoothly, Alex then spent another hour locked inside an office, except this time he was discussing topics related to their baby such as names or if he thought it was going to be a boy or a girl. While he was talking to Gabriel Alex couldn't help it notice how she seemed to be much calmer around than compared to the past, and felt that having a child was a good experience for her. Eventually however Gabriel had to get back to work, so Alex left her and went to spend the remainder of his day relaxing with those he regrettably hadn't gotten a chance to be around for a while.
Alex then spent the night with the same group he had lunch with earlier, except he decided to go through with his earlier thoughts and had Akeno drag Kiryuu off to her dungeon for the night. Alex went to sleep with Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Rossweise all curled up with him, not seeming to mind the summer heat as they slept together.
When not training or doing jobs, Alex was doing some much needed catch up with life in Asora and some of the residents. His first priority was to meet up with Seekvaira regarding the current state of the gods water crystal, then he'd talk to Vali about anything they had discovered while exploring Asora, after that he'll go and get an update on the new scanner the Grigori were working on to put in Tortus, before checking up with the rest of the representatives. Besides all that he also planned to spend a little time with the girls he hadn't had a chance to in a while, and squeeze in a visit to Ophis's shrine. Not bothering to worry about how busy his day was going to be, Alex then set off for the training area to talk with Seekvaira. Once he arrived Alex made his way over to her and asked how things in the training area were.
"They're alright, but I hope to make a few improvements after we finish up in this world with the age of gods magic, and it kind of annoys me that the labyrinths there are doing more than my facility here is." Alex laughed slightly at her annoyance, and said,
"We'll definitely be able to make some improvements once the labyrinths are all cleared, and there's someone I recruited that is an expert at making magic based machines, he should be able to make some improvements as well." Seekvaira became interested in Alex's words as they already had some items made by the Grigori, and asked,
"Really he's that good?" It was then Alex recalled that he mentioned mechas from other worlds to Seekvaira as a bargaining chip to get her to accompany them, he then added,
"His greatest strength is his ability to make weapons and machines, once he's finished with the great labyrinths I doubt we'll easily find someone who could match his creations. By the way, how's the gods water?" Seekvaira's eyes were shining a little when she thought of some of the items she might get to see soon, but she quickly organized herself and explained,
"The gods water is producing water again, after a couple weeks of being filled with magic power and staying in one my strongest time rooms. For every day we experience out here it's going through a couple months in there, and I have my peerage members alternate with pouring their magic power into the formation at the door in order to add magic power to the room itself. Though the output itself isn't that great, but with the time difference we can say we've been getting a decent amount the last couple months. We can either save up for in the event of an emergency, or have people who need it carry a couple vials of it until either Asia or Valerie can help them." Alex nodded, and said,
"I want you to prepare a couple vials for whoever is challenging the labyrinths, and several for me and my peerage since we're traveling around and various situations would happen." Seekvaira nodded, and had one of her peerage members start working on what Alex requested. He stayed a little bit longer before leaving and heading over to manor that was home to the Vali team. He was greeted at the door by Elaine, who was still fulfilling her maid duties even though she no longer worked for the house of pendragon. Elaine then led him to when everyone else was, which was the backyard as Vali, Bikou, Lavinia, and Arthur relaxed in the morning summer sun, and Fenrir was with Le Fay who worked a ways away with the creation magic she acquired when they conquered the labyrinth a while back. Vali sat up as he saw Alex approaching, and asked,
"So can we try the next labyrinth yet?" Earning himself a frown from Elaine in the process. Alex smiled and replied,
"Not yet, wait at least until I leave for the next labyrinth for the creator to fix everything, I'm actually here about your results from exploring Asora." Vali frowned at Alex words and tuned out, prompting Arthur and Elaine to sigh as they pulled out a device the Grigori made for them to assist with mapping. Arthur then said,
"We haven't really found much to report since we've just been expanding the perimeter all around us instead of just shooting in one direction, and most of what's around us is either flat or mountainous regions. Though we did go a ways away in a few directions to see if it differed and found that there is a desert roughly a thousand miles to the south, and mountains that are still snow capped just as far in the north." Alex nodded as he looked at the results of what they explored, and said,
"Alright, keep at it when you're not challenging labyrinths, I want to understand what exactly we have to offer any future residents. Also try not to kill the creator of the Raisen labyrinth, I know she could be annoying but try to take it too far." None of them thought anything weird of Alex's request, as they had already heard from the others about Miledy Raisen and her annoying tendencies. As he was walking away however Bikou spoke up,
"Don't worry, we won't do anything to your next harem member!" Causing Alex to trip over nothing, as he didn't even intend to make an attempt on Miledy. He doubted any of them would believe him however, so he just chose to ignore Bikou's remark.
After leaving Vali's place it was about lunchtime, so Alex decided to see if any of the girls wanted to have lunch with him before going to his next appointment. This led to him having a small picnic in Ophis's shrine with Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Kiryuu, and Rossweise, while Ophis, Kunou, and Millicas came to join them. After a little while of enjoying a light lunch with the group, Alex decided he needed to get back to his errands and left the group behind, while also dragging an unconscious Kiryuu behind him to return to the house. She had disregarded the children and Ophis being present and tried to turn a nice lunch into an orgy, though her attention towards Kunou might've been what started it, now Alex was almost tempted to send her to Akeno's dungeon for a few days.
He then made his way over to Asora's Grigori institute, where they were working on fixing a relatively obvious problem they ran into when they tried to place a new scanner in the Orcus hideout for any future world travelers; the machines were attuned to the world of dxd, not Tortus. This meant that the second Alex turned it on it went nuts, as everything around it was being read as a foreign being since the energies around them weren't the same as the dxd world. The Grigori had been working on a solution since then, and Alex was headed there today to hear what they came up with. He entered the building and went straight to Barakiel's office, to find the ever serious man working hard.
"Do you ever intend to get a life?" Alex asked with a smirk, causing Barakiel to glare at him in response.
"I have a job and I have my daughter, that's all the life I need." He curtly answered. Alex rolled his eyes but didn't say anything since it would prevent them from getting anything done. Instead he asked,
"So have you made any progress with the machine since it went nuts?" Barakiel sighed when he heard Alex's question, and answered,
"We think we have it fixed up, and added a function to calibrate it to the world it's in so that we don't run into the same problem in the future." Alex nodded, but heard the hesitation in Barakiel's tone.
"So what's the problem?" Barakiel's sighed again, and said,
"It'll take about six months to calibrate, which for this world will put it finished when we're about to leave in just a couple months anyways, and in any future world's you go to it'll mean that you'd have to do the investigations yourself if you want to know if there's any other world travelers there when you arrive." Alex sighed as well when he heard Barakiel's answer, and simply said,
"I can't say anything besides just keep working on it, there's still the majority of a year in Tortus to work on it, and it'll be that way in the next world to. So look at it this way, at least you'll have a year in each world to make improvements before the next one is needed." Barakiel looked surprised at Alex's words, and nodded while saying,
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right. Now don't expect me to ever say that again!" Barakiel scowled one last time at Alex, as he turned around and started walking away with a smirk. After leaving Barakiel Alex went to visit Serafall, Yasaka, and Gabriel to hear about how the Devils, ypukai, and Angels were doing, and also to check on them. Serafall was seemingly hard at work when Alex arrived, and only let him stay long enough to tell her that there needed to be a new housing area built for the Haulia before they moved to Asora. As the Devils were experts at getting construction done quickly it was usually up to them to make the new buildings that were being built in Asora.
"Ok ok, a new home for the rabbits, I got it! Now I need to get my work done so leave!" As Serafall was literally pushing him out of the door, Alex smiled and decided to get a little payback, resulting in her going stiff as his hand reached around and briefly grabbed her ass. Before she could react however the door closed, leaving her standing there glaring at it before returning to her work. What Alex didn't realize was that the work she was so eager to finish was on the new character for her show that was going to debut soon, based off of Yue. Unaware of her project, Alex then made his way to visit Yasaka.
The youkai in Asora were mostly responsible for the food supplies and so on. As most of them were used to rural lifestyles when not avoiding humans, this was a happy change for them as they could live freely. Though Yasaka didn't have any issues to reports when he got there, she kept Alex in her office for the next hour with the door locked and windows shut as everyone else went about their business, and none of them were willing to mention how their boss seemed to be glowing the rest of the day. Alex then made his way to his last stop of the day, Gabriel's, to check up on the Angels and see how the soon to be mother of his first child was doing.
After getting a report about the Angels and how everything was going smoothly, Alex then spent another hour locked inside an office, except this time he was discussing topics related to their baby such as names or if he thought it was going to be a boy or a girl. While he was talking to Gabriel Alex couldn't help it notice how she seemed to be much calmer around than compared to the past, and felt that having a child was a good experience for her. Eventually however Gabriel had to get back to work, so Alex left her and went to spend the remainder of his day relaxing with those he regrettably hadn't gotten a chance to be around for a while.
Alex then spent the night with the same group he had lunch with earlier, except he decided to go through with his earlier thoughts and had Akeno drag Kiryuu off to her dungeon for the night. Alex went to sleep with Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Rossweise all curled up with him, not seeming to mind the summer heat as they slept together.
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