God succession system
Chapter 237 - Flushed Away
The day after meeting with the chief of the Dagon race Alex and the rest departed for the Sunken Ruins of Melisune in the submarine that Hajime made, leaving behind Yasaka, Bova, and Roygun to stay with Remia along with Millicas and Kunou to keep Myuu company. Alex was genuinely impressed with how Hajime made the submarine, as though it wasn't very large on the outside he managed to apply spatial magic to the interior so that there was a drastic difference between the inside and the outside. Though after a full day of exploring the sea floor around the approximate area where the labyrinth should be, Alex was now sitting inside it while almost everyone else was waiting for sunset on the surface since the full moon was needed to lead the way. With this being the case Alex was ensuring there was no accident like the time with Artemis and was instead scanning the seabed with the moonlight filtering glasses he received from Azazel, and spending time with Yue who was sitting in his lap.
"You know you don't have to stay down here with me just to stare at a metal wall."
"... I know."
Alex just shrugged at Yue's response since he enjoyed having he company anyways. He was also dealing with a situation he never encountered before since every time he looked at Yue through the glasses she was completely n.a.k.e.d, but his hands that were resting on her waist could feel the clothes she was wearing as well, creating a strange sense of contrast. Just as he was thinking about this someone else approached and said,
"Kuroka told me to come tell you that the sun is going down and the moon should be up at any second." Alex turned towards the speaker without thinking, and was granted the lovely sight of the completely n.a.k.e.d Shizuku. Though he usually tried to avoid using the glasses for Pervy reasons since it would disrespectful to the girls, he had given a warning to everyone before putting them on so Alex decided to take a very brief second to admire the view presented to him before replying. Shizuku actually had fairly impressive b.r.e.a.s.ts which seemed to just barely lose out against Shia's in regards to size, while he also glanced at her nether region which was completely devoid of hair. Though he would've liked to admire for a few more seconds Alex kept a neutral face as he replied to Shizuku,
"Ok, here's the pendant I got from Gruen, when the moon rises hold it up and it should direct us to the labyrinth." Shizuku nodded and stepped forward to take the pendant, which gave Alex and even better view, while saying,
"Alright, I'll hand it to Hajime since he seems to know more about these things." She then was about to turn around and return to the surface, but Alex decided that since she was about to leave anyways he'd tease her since he wouldn't be able to keep what just happened a secret regardless.
"So inverted n.i.p.p.l.es huh?" He said with a small smile, which made Shizuku blank for a second. She only then recalled what Alex told them earlier about his glasses, which caused her face to turn Crimson as she wrapped one arm in front of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and the other in front of her crotch while kneeling down as if to cover her body more and screaming,
Though he was enjoying Shizuku's typical anime girl reaction, he soon c.o.c.ked an eyebrow when he saw her glaring at him furiously with teary eyes. He then asked,
"Why are you glaring at me? I even gave you a warning to prevent just this from happening you know." Though Shizuku could logically reason that this was in fact her fault and not Alex's, she still wanted to illogically wanted to blame him. But before she could say anything all three of them suddenly heard a familiar characteristic laughter above them.
Hearing Kuroka laughing, while also recalling that she was the one who sent her down to begin with, Shizuku determined that Kuroka set her up on purpose. While also trying to keep herself covered, Shizuku then grabbed one of her kunai and threw it to the side, before the space around it seemed to distort and the kunai disappeared entirely.
"Nyahahaha-NYA!" Kuroka suddenly cried out as something sharp stabbed her butt. Hearing conformation that she got her target, Shizuku then turned and hurried towards the ladder to climb up and give Kuroka a piece of her mind, either not realizing or not caring that she then gave Alex a perfect view of her firm behind as she did so. Alex smiled as he watched her go, fully appreciating the view she gave him as she did so, before turning back and seeing Yue looking up at him with her eyes slightly narrowed.
"What?" Alex asked, before Yue turned herself around so that she was now stratling his lap and facing him while emanating a bewitching atmosphere. She was slightly annoyed that Alex was admiring another woman's body while spending time with her, and so she decided to "punish" him a bit. Anyone watching would've thought that they were about to kiss, but Alex knew better and wasn't surprised when she leaned forward and sank her canines into his neck. Since he didn't mind her drinking his blood Alex just placed his hands on her waist and let Yue be, as long as she didn't take too much since they were about to enter a labyrinth. Though it was a bit of a different story when she decided to up ante by slowly grinding her h.i.p.s on his lap. Alex looked at her incredulously since there wasn't any place for privacy in the sub besides the only bathroom, and it was already discussed that there shouldn't be such activities until they returned to Erisen. Feeling him react Yue smirked before activating a magic circle, causing all of her clothes to actually disappear in a brief flash of light. Deciding that he needed to stop her Alex said,
"And what are you going to do if Hajime or Gasper come down here?" Yue then released his neck and after giving it a final small lick she turned towards him and said,
"... I wanted to try this..." Before Alex could ask what she meant there was another flash from the magic circle, and Yue's body started changing. Her head that only came up to his chin before suddenly started raising up until she was looking him in the eye, her face became noticeably more mature and Alex could feel a couple of enlarged mounds of softness press into his chest with two pointed tips in the center. Alex was dumbfounded as he looked upon the now seemingly twenty year old Yue that was still stratling him. Any hesitations Alex had were blown away as his hands moved from Yue's waist to her ass before he gripped it tightly and started kneading the flesh. Seeing Alex's fervor Yue smirked, before leaning forward and sealing his lips while still grinding her h.i.p.s. This continued for a couple minutes until Yue started trying to undo his pants, so Alex decided they need to move locations. His first thought was to go to the single bunkroom that the sub had since it was still limited on space, but that was where Anne was staying due to her motion sickness. So instead he swept Yue into his arms and retreated into the only bathroom where he thoroughly examined and enjoyed her mature form, before having her change back so that he could show her he liked her default form just as much. After what seemed like a couple hours the two finally vacated the bathroom, to find an anxious Kaori practically dancing outside.
"FINALLY!" Kaori practically screamed before pushing past them and slamming the door shut behind her. The duo held back their snickers as they made their way to the captains seat, only to find everyone else waiting for them with narrowed eyes. At a single glance Alex was glad he put his glasses back on when he saw Hajime still had the lightly glowing pendant in his hand.
"I trust you two enjoyed yourselves?" Rias asked in a what seemed like a dangerous voice. Yue ignored her and instead went up to Shizuku, who had turned Crimson while her hands twitched as if she was about to cover herself the moment she saw Alex. While everyone wondered what Yue wanted with Shizuku, she surprised them when she said,
"...Thank you." Shizuku looked surprised at Yue's words, and she hesitantly asked,
"What are you thanking me for?" Yue then smiled bewitchingly and answered,
"...for making Alex excited, I enjoyed it very much." The moment Yue's words left her mouth everyone imagined a train whistle and steam as Shizuku's face turned even redder, if that was even possible, before collapsing suddenly. Alex stepped forward to catch her but Grayfia beat him to the punch and said to him,
"Perhaps it would be better if you take some distance from Shizuku for right now." Though he arched an eyebrow at her words Alex simply shrugged and stepped back. As she tried to get Shizuku to wake up Hajime took that moment to explain,
"While you were busy enjoying yourselves, we already entered the labyrinth and figured out the first puzzle. We were just waiting for when you'd finally rejoin us to go further." At his words Hajime held up the pendant which glowed with subtle light. Alex nodded and said,
"Ok, let's continue." At his words Hajime stepped forward and held the pendant out to a crest that was visible outside the crystal window in the front of the sub. As the crest seemed to absorb the moonlight there was a sudden rumble and the wall before them opened. With the new passage opened up Hajime controlled the sub to go forward, but almost immediately the water ended and they were suddenly free falling in the open air. As if they weren't falling towards their immediate deaths everyone just let out a sound of mild surprise as they fell, before Grayfia and Kuroka cooperated to create a magic circle that gently caught the sub just a foot before the rocky bottom. Just as someone let out a sigh of relief, a wail broke the silence.
"WAAAAAAAH, WHY ME!?" Shrieked Kaori who was still using the bathroom when they fell. Everyone sent looks of pity towards her while Shizuku and Grayfia went to help the poor girl out. Once Kaori was presentable again Hajime stored the sub away even though they were still in it, resulting a couple foot drop to the rocky floor. The moment Anne hit the stationary surface she seemed to immediately revive and cried out,
"Finally! That was the worst trip yet with the violently rocking waves!" She then bent down and started kissing the ground while not caring if it was clean or not. When she mentioned the violent waves rocking the sub everyone looked at Alex and Yue, but the two appeared to be more interested in looking at the watery ceiling above them. The awkward atmosphere was suddenly destroyed as a highly pressurized blast of water suddenly shot at them, only to be casually deflected by a barrier made by Kuroka. They all then turned to see an eel type monster staring at them, before another appeared and shot a second blast of water at them. In response Grayfia moved at speeds that were next to impossible for most people to follow, and sliced the heads off of both monsters. This seemed to be the trigger as multitudes of monsters started coming out of the walls towards them, so Alex then turned towards the only place to go and said,
"Let's just start fighting while moving instead of standing in one place." Deciding to go along with Alex's suggestion, everyone started moving towards the tunnel in the side of the room while also periodically eliminating the monsters.
"Is it just me, or are these monsters weak for a great labyrinth?" Hajime asked, which led to Alex lightly slapping him in the back of the head before saying,
"Is it just me, or did you really just throw a flag?" Hajime grimaced at Alex's words, before they realized he was right in only a couple moments when they reached the next room. As the walls opened up everyone noticed a passage opposite them, but it was blocked by a large jelly-like substance. Shia readied her hammer and said,
"Leave it to me!" But before she could charge forward Alex seized her by the scruff of her neck, which nearly choked her, and said,
"Wait just a second." When Shia looked at him with confusion while coughing slightly, Alex picked up a rock and tossed it at the jelly blocking the next passage. Everyone watched as the rock immediately started shrinking once it touched the substance before vanishing altogether. Shia gulped when she saw it and Alex said,
"Don't try to brute force your way through everything, sometime you don't even need to actually fight your enemy. Go ahead Kuroka." As Alex tossed her one of his boosted gear jewels Kuroka knew what he wanted her to do without asking as she strode forward. While passing Shia she smirked and said,
"Here berserker bunny, I'll show you how to do things right~Nyan." With Shia glaring at her as she passed Kuroka started the process of sealing the still motionless slime. Hajime then asked Alex out of curiosity,
"What's she doing to it?" Alex smiled as he replied,
"That thing is a slime, but is on another level than the usual slimes. We know that one of age of gods magic can tame and mutate monsters, so I'm excited to try it on such a unique specimen." As Hajime started thinking on Alex's explain action, there was a sudden change in the situation in front of them. As Kuroka tried to seal the slime it shot out tentacles at her in retaliation, but she sneered as several magic circles appeared and blocked the attack, before the contact with the tentacles started melting the magic circles away.
"You're an interesting opponent~Nya!" Kuroka said excitedly, before more slime started appearing from the cracks around the room. It then started coming together to form a humanoid figure that started directing even more slime to attack. However it was this that led to its downfall, as by seeing the main body of her prey it didn't even take ten seconds before Kuroka had it sealed. As the slime was sucked into the jewel all the excess slime materials started melting away before disappearing entirely, opening the way ahead of them. Kuroka dutifully bounced over and handed the jewel to Alex while saying,
"All done~Nya!" Alex smiled as he accepted the jewel and started rubbing Kuroka's ears.
"Good job Kuroka, and don't worry Shia I'm sure you'll have your time to shine quite a bit here soon." While Kuroka started purring under his hand, Shia also started smiling again in the background at Alex's words, before he started moving them into the next room. This one seemed like a large bowl in shape, but the biggest worry was that there was no place to go after it.
"Ehh?! It's a dead end!" Kaori cried out while everyone started looking around. Suddenly they were all put on edge when a distinct sound echoed.
As if one unit everyone turned towards the source of the sound, Gasper.
"Um, I'm sorry?" The half-vampire said hesitantly, before a flood of water started rushing in.
"BACK TO THE DOOR!" Hajime called out as everyone started moving that way, but the door suddenly closed and trapped them in.
"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Anne cried out, before Alex calmly said despite the rapidly raising water levels,
"No we're not. There's at least half a dozen ways to get out of this, from simply teleporting out of the labyrinth and starting over, to blowing the door open and going back. We should wait and see what happens though since this seems too forced for a trap." Though no one liked simply waiting at the water levels rose to several feet around them they did, before they heard a grinding sound and the floor in the center of the room opened up for the water to drain out of. At first there was a sigh of relief at not drowning, until the water seemed to form a whirlpool and started sucking them closer to the hole. While most of them were fighting the current while worrying about being dragged in and drowning, Hajime and Alex suddenly seemed to realize something before they both started groaning and the former said,
"I can't believe I'm getting flushed down a f.u.c.k.i.n.g toilet!" At his words everyone noticed the similarities before a collective groan was heard. Recalling how Hajime and the others reached the next part of the labyrinth Alex called out,
"This may sound crazy, but hold your breath everyone and let it take you! This could be the way to the next area that's just designed to make us panic!"Though there was plenty of skepticism to his words Hajime said after a moment,
"That might actually be the case, stay close to me Kaori!" After he called for her Kaori dutifully made her way over through the raging current, while Valerie did the same to Gasper before they got swept away in their pairs. The rest of the girls looked towards Alex, before Rias swiftly started fighting the current to get to him first.
"I'm coming Alex!" She cried out, before a certain blonde haired petite body crashed into her and they both got swept into the hole.
"DAMN YOU YUE!" Rias cried out before being submerged. Alex just shook his head and stopped fighting the current as he was dragged closer to hole. At this point almost every girl was trying to make their way to him before he got flushed, but as he closed his eyes right before going under Alex never noticed who it was that clung onto him desperately before the current took them both away.
"You know you don't have to stay down here with me just to stare at a metal wall."
"... I know."
Alex just shrugged at Yue's response since he enjoyed having he company anyways. He was also dealing with a situation he never encountered before since every time he looked at Yue through the glasses she was completely n.a.k.e.d, but his hands that were resting on her waist could feel the clothes she was wearing as well, creating a strange sense of contrast. Just as he was thinking about this someone else approached and said,
"Kuroka told me to come tell you that the sun is going down and the moon should be up at any second." Alex turned towards the speaker without thinking, and was granted the lovely sight of the completely n.a.k.e.d Shizuku. Though he usually tried to avoid using the glasses for Pervy reasons since it would disrespectful to the girls, he had given a warning to everyone before putting them on so Alex decided to take a very brief second to admire the view presented to him before replying. Shizuku actually had fairly impressive b.r.e.a.s.ts which seemed to just barely lose out against Shia's in regards to size, while he also glanced at her nether region which was completely devoid of hair. Though he would've liked to admire for a few more seconds Alex kept a neutral face as he replied to Shizuku,
"Ok, here's the pendant I got from Gruen, when the moon rises hold it up and it should direct us to the labyrinth." Shizuku nodded and stepped forward to take the pendant, which gave Alex and even better view, while saying,
"Alright, I'll hand it to Hajime since he seems to know more about these things." She then was about to turn around and return to the surface, but Alex decided that since she was about to leave anyways he'd tease her since he wouldn't be able to keep what just happened a secret regardless.
"So inverted n.i.p.p.l.es huh?" He said with a small smile, which made Shizuku blank for a second. She only then recalled what Alex told them earlier about his glasses, which caused her face to turn Crimson as she wrapped one arm in front of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and the other in front of her crotch while kneeling down as if to cover her body more and screaming,
Though he was enjoying Shizuku's typical anime girl reaction, he soon c.o.c.ked an eyebrow when he saw her glaring at him furiously with teary eyes. He then asked,
"Why are you glaring at me? I even gave you a warning to prevent just this from happening you know." Though Shizuku could logically reason that this was in fact her fault and not Alex's, she still wanted to illogically wanted to blame him. But before she could say anything all three of them suddenly heard a familiar characteristic laughter above them.
Hearing Kuroka laughing, while also recalling that she was the one who sent her down to begin with, Shizuku determined that Kuroka set her up on purpose. While also trying to keep herself covered, Shizuku then grabbed one of her kunai and threw it to the side, before the space around it seemed to distort and the kunai disappeared entirely.
"Nyahahaha-NYA!" Kuroka suddenly cried out as something sharp stabbed her butt. Hearing conformation that she got her target, Shizuku then turned and hurried towards the ladder to climb up and give Kuroka a piece of her mind, either not realizing or not caring that she then gave Alex a perfect view of her firm behind as she did so. Alex smiled as he watched her go, fully appreciating the view she gave him as she did so, before turning back and seeing Yue looking up at him with her eyes slightly narrowed.
"What?" Alex asked, before Yue turned herself around so that she was now stratling his lap and facing him while emanating a bewitching atmosphere. She was slightly annoyed that Alex was admiring another woman's body while spending time with her, and so she decided to "punish" him a bit. Anyone watching would've thought that they were about to kiss, but Alex knew better and wasn't surprised when she leaned forward and sank her canines into his neck. Since he didn't mind her drinking his blood Alex just placed his hands on her waist and let Yue be, as long as she didn't take too much since they were about to enter a labyrinth. Though it was a bit of a different story when she decided to up ante by slowly grinding her h.i.p.s on his lap. Alex looked at her incredulously since there wasn't any place for privacy in the sub besides the only bathroom, and it was already discussed that there shouldn't be such activities until they returned to Erisen. Feeling him react Yue smirked before activating a magic circle, causing all of her clothes to actually disappear in a brief flash of light. Deciding that he needed to stop her Alex said,
"And what are you going to do if Hajime or Gasper come down here?" Yue then released his neck and after giving it a final small lick she turned towards him and said,
"... I wanted to try this..." Before Alex could ask what she meant there was another flash from the magic circle, and Yue's body started changing. Her head that only came up to his chin before suddenly started raising up until she was looking him in the eye, her face became noticeably more mature and Alex could feel a couple of enlarged mounds of softness press into his chest with two pointed tips in the center. Alex was dumbfounded as he looked upon the now seemingly twenty year old Yue that was still stratling him. Any hesitations Alex had were blown away as his hands moved from Yue's waist to her ass before he gripped it tightly and started kneading the flesh. Seeing Alex's fervor Yue smirked, before leaning forward and sealing his lips while still grinding her h.i.p.s. This continued for a couple minutes until Yue started trying to undo his pants, so Alex decided they need to move locations. His first thought was to go to the single bunkroom that the sub had since it was still limited on space, but that was where Anne was staying due to her motion sickness. So instead he swept Yue into his arms and retreated into the only bathroom where he thoroughly examined and enjoyed her mature form, before having her change back so that he could show her he liked her default form just as much. After what seemed like a couple hours the two finally vacated the bathroom, to find an anxious Kaori practically dancing outside.
"FINALLY!" Kaori practically screamed before pushing past them and slamming the door shut behind her. The duo held back their snickers as they made their way to the captains seat, only to find everyone else waiting for them with narrowed eyes. At a single glance Alex was glad he put his glasses back on when he saw Hajime still had the lightly glowing pendant in his hand.
"I trust you two enjoyed yourselves?" Rias asked in a what seemed like a dangerous voice. Yue ignored her and instead went up to Shizuku, who had turned Crimson while her hands twitched as if she was about to cover herself the moment she saw Alex. While everyone wondered what Yue wanted with Shizuku, she surprised them when she said,
"...Thank you." Shizuku looked surprised at Yue's words, and she hesitantly asked,
"What are you thanking me for?" Yue then smiled bewitchingly and answered,
"...for making Alex excited, I enjoyed it very much." The moment Yue's words left her mouth everyone imagined a train whistle and steam as Shizuku's face turned even redder, if that was even possible, before collapsing suddenly. Alex stepped forward to catch her but Grayfia beat him to the punch and said to him,
"Perhaps it would be better if you take some distance from Shizuku for right now." Though he arched an eyebrow at her words Alex simply shrugged and stepped back. As she tried to get Shizuku to wake up Hajime took that moment to explain,
"While you were busy enjoying yourselves, we already entered the labyrinth and figured out the first puzzle. We were just waiting for when you'd finally rejoin us to go further." At his words Hajime held up the pendant which glowed with subtle light. Alex nodded and said,
"Ok, let's continue." At his words Hajime stepped forward and held the pendant out to a crest that was visible outside the crystal window in the front of the sub. As the crest seemed to absorb the moonlight there was a sudden rumble and the wall before them opened. With the new passage opened up Hajime controlled the sub to go forward, but almost immediately the water ended and they were suddenly free falling in the open air. As if they weren't falling towards their immediate deaths everyone just let out a sound of mild surprise as they fell, before Grayfia and Kuroka cooperated to create a magic circle that gently caught the sub just a foot before the rocky bottom. Just as someone let out a sigh of relief, a wail broke the silence.
"WAAAAAAAH, WHY ME!?" Shrieked Kaori who was still using the bathroom when they fell. Everyone sent looks of pity towards her while Shizuku and Grayfia went to help the poor girl out. Once Kaori was presentable again Hajime stored the sub away even though they were still in it, resulting a couple foot drop to the rocky floor. The moment Anne hit the stationary surface she seemed to immediately revive and cried out,
"Finally! That was the worst trip yet with the violently rocking waves!" She then bent down and started kissing the ground while not caring if it was clean or not. When she mentioned the violent waves rocking the sub everyone looked at Alex and Yue, but the two appeared to be more interested in looking at the watery ceiling above them. The awkward atmosphere was suddenly destroyed as a highly pressurized blast of water suddenly shot at them, only to be casually deflected by a barrier made by Kuroka. They all then turned to see an eel type monster staring at them, before another appeared and shot a second blast of water at them. In response Grayfia moved at speeds that were next to impossible for most people to follow, and sliced the heads off of both monsters. This seemed to be the trigger as multitudes of monsters started coming out of the walls towards them, so Alex then turned towards the only place to go and said,
"Let's just start fighting while moving instead of standing in one place." Deciding to go along with Alex's suggestion, everyone started moving towards the tunnel in the side of the room while also periodically eliminating the monsters.
"Is it just me, or are these monsters weak for a great labyrinth?" Hajime asked, which led to Alex lightly slapping him in the back of the head before saying,
"Is it just me, or did you really just throw a flag?" Hajime grimaced at Alex's words, before they realized he was right in only a couple moments when they reached the next room. As the walls opened up everyone noticed a passage opposite them, but it was blocked by a large jelly-like substance. Shia readied her hammer and said,
"Leave it to me!" But before she could charge forward Alex seized her by the scruff of her neck, which nearly choked her, and said,
"Wait just a second." When Shia looked at him with confusion while coughing slightly, Alex picked up a rock and tossed it at the jelly blocking the next passage. Everyone watched as the rock immediately started shrinking once it touched the substance before vanishing altogether. Shia gulped when she saw it and Alex said,
"Don't try to brute force your way through everything, sometime you don't even need to actually fight your enemy. Go ahead Kuroka." As Alex tossed her one of his boosted gear jewels Kuroka knew what he wanted her to do without asking as she strode forward. While passing Shia she smirked and said,
"Here berserker bunny, I'll show you how to do things right~Nyan." With Shia glaring at her as she passed Kuroka started the process of sealing the still motionless slime. Hajime then asked Alex out of curiosity,
"What's she doing to it?" Alex smiled as he replied,
"That thing is a slime, but is on another level than the usual slimes. We know that one of age of gods magic can tame and mutate monsters, so I'm excited to try it on such a unique specimen." As Hajime started thinking on Alex's explain action, there was a sudden change in the situation in front of them. As Kuroka tried to seal the slime it shot out tentacles at her in retaliation, but she sneered as several magic circles appeared and blocked the attack, before the contact with the tentacles started melting the magic circles away.
"You're an interesting opponent~Nya!" Kuroka said excitedly, before more slime started appearing from the cracks around the room. It then started coming together to form a humanoid figure that started directing even more slime to attack. However it was this that led to its downfall, as by seeing the main body of her prey it didn't even take ten seconds before Kuroka had it sealed. As the slime was sucked into the jewel all the excess slime materials started melting away before disappearing entirely, opening the way ahead of them. Kuroka dutifully bounced over and handed the jewel to Alex while saying,
"All done~Nya!" Alex smiled as he accepted the jewel and started rubbing Kuroka's ears.
"Good job Kuroka, and don't worry Shia I'm sure you'll have your time to shine quite a bit here soon." While Kuroka started purring under his hand, Shia also started smiling again in the background at Alex's words, before he started moving them into the next room. This one seemed like a large bowl in shape, but the biggest worry was that there was no place to go after it.
"Ehh?! It's a dead end!" Kaori cried out while everyone started looking around. Suddenly they were all put on edge when a distinct sound echoed.
As if one unit everyone turned towards the source of the sound, Gasper.
"Um, I'm sorry?" The half-vampire said hesitantly, before a flood of water started rushing in.
"BACK TO THE DOOR!" Hajime called out as everyone started moving that way, but the door suddenly closed and trapped them in.
"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Anne cried out, before Alex calmly said despite the rapidly raising water levels,
"No we're not. There's at least half a dozen ways to get out of this, from simply teleporting out of the labyrinth and starting over, to blowing the door open and going back. We should wait and see what happens though since this seems too forced for a trap." Though no one liked simply waiting at the water levels rose to several feet around them they did, before they heard a grinding sound and the floor in the center of the room opened up for the water to drain out of. At first there was a sigh of relief at not drowning, until the water seemed to form a whirlpool and started sucking them closer to the hole. While most of them were fighting the current while worrying about being dragged in and drowning, Hajime and Alex suddenly seemed to realize something before they both started groaning and the former said,
"I can't believe I'm getting flushed down a f.u.c.k.i.n.g toilet!" At his words everyone noticed the similarities before a collective groan was heard. Recalling how Hajime and the others reached the next part of the labyrinth Alex called out,
"This may sound crazy, but hold your breath everyone and let it take you! This could be the way to the next area that's just designed to make us panic!"Though there was plenty of skepticism to his words Hajime said after a moment,
"That might actually be the case, stay close to me Kaori!" After he called for her Kaori dutifully made her way over through the raging current, while Valerie did the same to Gasper before they got swept away in their pairs. The rest of the girls looked towards Alex, before Rias swiftly started fighting the current to get to him first.
"I'm coming Alex!" She cried out, before a certain blonde haired petite body crashed into her and they both got swept into the hole.
"DAMN YOU YUE!" Rias cried out before being submerged. Alex just shook his head and stopped fighting the current as he was dragged closer to hole. At this point almost every girl was trying to make their way to him before he got flushed, but as he closed his eyes right before going under Alex never noticed who it was that clung onto him desperately before the current took them both away.
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