God succession system
Chapter 319 - The Next Move
Over the next several weeks(Asora time) after the birth of Alec and Anna, a series of changes took place within both Asora and the space-time orb. The first one was the birth of Alex's second son Regal, and his forth daughter Elizabeth from Ravel and Serafall respectively. Regal, like his mother, had his head covered in golden tufts of hair with a few orange strands running through them and his tail, which Ravel proudly proclaimed was a trait of all Phoenix family men, while Elizabeth had the same black hair as both her mother and father, and no noticeable differences with her tail.
What did stand out with the two newborns however, was that when Regal was born the temperature of the room had increased to the point that everyone except Alex and Ravel had to leave temporarily, while the baby himself was floating while wreathed in majestic flames that didn't die down for several minutes as he slowly descended to his mother's open arms. A similar phenomenon even occurred when Elizabeth was born several days later, when the entire room was immediately coated in a sheet of ice and the baby girl was coated in a thick layer of frost that didn't seem to bother her. Alex later heard from both Grayfia and Serafall that such a phenomenon meant that the two babies, like their mothers, were super Devils, except they were naturally born super Devils instead of undergoing Evolution like their mothers had. They had also stated that when he was born Sirzechs had caused a similar phenomenon, except with the powers of Destruction instead of Fire or ice.
After the addition of the four newborns to their family, the biggest change was that everyone seemed to get a kick in the butt and had intensified their training by several degrees, both in and out of the space-time orb. Even though Alex had mentioned fighting foes in the future capable of destroying entire planets with ease, seeing the footage of them actually doing so had really opened the eyes of girls that had intended to follow him into battle. As a result, the majority of the girls were now residing in the space-time orb full time instead of just following Alex in at night, of course with the exception Alex, Moka, Kurumu, and Mizore.
When she heard that some of the beings they had been shown were considered to be that universe's 'Gods of Destruction', Rias had restarted her training regimen from scratch while placing the emphasis specifically on learning the Laws of Destruction. Though she had always relied on the demonic power of Destruction she had been born with, Rias was now trying to broaden her abilities to wield the very essence of destruction at will without even needing to use her demonic power. Despite this however, she also spent the rest of her time training her reserves of magic power and her 'Super Devil Form' to use for actual combat until she could wield the Laws themselves. She had also intensified her peerage's training, driving them to push their limits even further as some of them, such as Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia, and Rossweise also decided to turn their attention towards the Laws they were the most familiar with; while Asia and Gasper focused on pushing their mastery over their sacred gears and Age of Gods magic further, Koneko focused on her own personal strength and her mastery over Touki, and Ryuutarou, Suzu, and Endou desperately focused on catching up to their seniors while mastering their own Age of Gods magics.
Kuroka on the other hand started focusing on pushing her mastery over the Laws of Time further and further, until she was finally able to layer time distortions on top of the distortion already present within the space-time orb. This meant she began stretching what was already a day-month ratio even further, and she had also already begun planning with Seekvaira and Hajime to create an even more powerful space-time orb to act as an experience farm for herself and the rest of Alex's peerage, in which monsters could have several years within a single day to replenish their numbers before being slaughtered for experience. She had also began increasing the pace that she was granting the cats that she housed power and basic intelligence, as after doing so for so many she was noticing a subtle increase to her own strength, making Kuroka realize that the cats that served her were counted as 'followers', and to them she was practically already their goddess.
Meanwhile Grayfia was busy not only training herself, but also the combat maids under her to be able to stand against, at the very least, any godly beings that might stand in their way in the future. Tracy was ecstatic at the thought of facing such powerful opponents as she too started trying to delve deeper into mastery over the sword, while Francesca started focusing all of her attention on furthering her mastery over magic while also increasing her own reserves, surprising many when she put aside her perverted desires to do so. The same thing happened with Altina as she started pushing herself to become able to target anyone with her arrows, no matter where they were in the world. Eri on the other hand started working on a project in secret, which she wouldn't even let Grayfia know the details of; while Mako and Ishigami both thought everyone else was crazy, but that didn't stop Grayfia from putting the two through a series of hellish training exercises, and assigning Routier to join Shia as one of Alex's punchin-er, sparring partners. Nyx on the other hand was finally granted her original divine power once again after Grayfia herself asked Alex to return it, believing that she was submissive enough to trust her with it again, while Venri began training alongside Tio under Ophis, before she too finally acquired the dragon God's blessing.
Similarly to Grayfia, Yue was prioritizing the training of Elmenhilde and Akua alongside herself as her vampiric subordinates, something that irritated Akua as she'd endeavor to grow stronger even if Yue didn't push her to do so. With the sudden burst of inspiration to grow stronger among the space-time orbs residents, Akua pushed for Alex to evolve her into a Shinso sooner rather than later, and was currently busy mastering her newfound powers by sparring with Yue every chance she got, which made the petite vampire princess happy to have someone to continuously train with besides just Rias.
Usually joining them when she couldn't get Alex to spar with her was none other than the rabbit girl Shia, who intended to focus on increasing the level of her 'Automatic Regeneration' skill while also trying to push her 'Durability' skill to the next level. Recently however she also began trying to train her ability of foresight, which was only useful if she was about to die, or if she was willing to sacrifice all of her magic power for one use. Her goal with it was to utilize her 'Automatic Future Sight', which activated when her life was threatened, similarly to how Alex used his Observation Haki instead of it being a last minute activation skill. She was also trying her best to learn how to use the inner energy of Ki similarly to Alex and those who Lauren showed them, but was struggling with it due to her not being as familiar with the concept of inner energy compared to magic power.
Shizuku on the other hand was busy trying to push her 'Sword Intent' as far as possible before she turned towards attempting contemplation of Sword or Speed Laws, as well as...another Law. After thinking on it for many, MANY hours, Shizuku had reluctantly decided to start proactively training her family's stealth and elimination techniques, which they still adamantly refused to acknowledge as ninjutsu. Though she had only trained these techniques out of necessity in the past, Shizuku couldn't see herself go toe toe with beings capable of destroying not just planets, but entire universes without them.
While Shizuku would usually practice her sword skills with Kiba, Xenovia, or Irina, the one she was spending the most time training with recently was none other than a certain succubus, Kurumu. As Kurumu's only physical weapon to use in combat was her nails, she was dedicating half of her time to training her 'Knight' promotion with Shizuku in order to push her own speed and reflexes even further. Naturally the other half of her time was spent training her power over Illusions and mental manipulation, which she trained by trying to control Alex and the other women in his peerage. The reason for doing this was that, after fighting against her control so much, they could eventually obtain, and increase the same 'Mental Resistance' skill Alex obtained during his fight with Ehito, while Kurumu could also strengthen her own capacity for mental control.
While the rest of Alex's peerage was focusing on training specific skills or abilities, Sun was instead focused entirely on farming experience like she originally had been in order to increase the number of songs available to her. Especially once Kuroka was able to make the new space-time orb along with Seekvaira and Hajime, Sun would spend the majority of her time using her songs to eliminate monsters while also strengthening anyone else who was grinding levels, increasing the level of those songs as well. This was the benefit of her 'Vocal Layering' and 'Vocal Projection' skills, which not only allowed her to train several songs at the same time, but she could project them over an increasingly large area that surpassed the projection one could usually achieve, even with specialized equipment.
Naturally, the most frustrated one when it came to the sudden training drive was the only one of Alex's peerage that was currently unable to train intensely, Moka. Both halves of the vampiress were growing increasingly frustrated as they watched the other girls around Alex kick themselves into gear, while they themselves were only able to do moderate training at best. Though Alex assured them that their strength would only multiply once the seal broke and they integrated properly with their Shinso blood, and due to their constant daily intake of his blood, both personalities couldn't help but sulk slightly while feeling somewhat useless, a feeling that 'inner' Moka had never experienced before.
Naturally those in Alex's peerage weren't the only ones suddenly driven to start intensifying their training, as Anne, Ravel, Roygun, Sona, Serafall, Yasaka and even Gabriel had all started their training once again. While Sona, Roygun, and Ravel focused on their own training as well as their peerages, Anne began trying to push her capabilities over her Sky Dragon Slayer abilities even further, while also trying to accomplish a feat that Alex had told her about before, Dragon Force.
The ones that really surprised everyone was when Serafall, Gabriel, and Yasaka had started training once more, as their move to Asora was also supposed to be a sort of retirement from the battlefield. While Serafall focused on mastering her super devil powers, and Yasaka tried to push her strength to match what she had when she was connected to Kyoto's leylines, Gabriel reluctantly started working with her recently acquired divine powers, which were still increasing despite no longer being in Tortus where she was the Goddess Gabriel. Naturally, the one who looked after all of the children while everyone was training was Remia, who waved off the other mother's apologies while stating, "I can't fight alongside everyone, so let me do at least this much to help out."
While his women had started training themselves anew, and even Sairaorg, Vali, and Hajime started training when they could for the upcoming battles, Alex himself was pushing himself farther than anyone else was. Even though Alex knew that, despite his SSJ2 transformation, he was still exceptionally 'weak' in the grand scheme of things, being taken out instantly by someone he didn't even know was a serious blow to his pride. Even after Anne and Lauren explained who Jenny was, Alex still felt as if he couldn't rest easy until he gave her at least one slap in return for before, which is why he had restarted his strength training with even greater vigor than he ever had before.
Ever since arriving in the Rosario Vampire world Alex had focused his efforts on training his draconic abilities and secondary fighting abilities, such as his Haki and his divine power; now however he was dividing his efforts between building up his own strength, as well as his secondary abilities. Though Alex didn't think he would be able to achieve the SSJ3 transformation anytime soon, he was now trying to obtain it faster than he was originally planning due to Jenny's actions, something that made the girl in question squirm uncomfortably.
Naturally Lauren had informed Alex that he could receive a sort of boon if he wanted to push the issue against Jenny, however he had adamantly refused anything of the sort. Though it might have sounded like a good opportunity, Alex couldn't help but feel as if it was the same as their mysterious boss taking pity on him after one of his people bullied him, something that would only damage Alex's already hurt pride further. If he had been seriously injured or one of his women attacked as well then it would've been one thing, however all he had received after Jenny's attack was a hand shaped bruise on his chest, and so the entire incident was considered along the lines of 'no harm no foul'.
What Alex and the others didn't know yet though, was that they weren't the only ones who were heavily impacted at the revelations Lauren made to them, as a certain individual was perched vigilantly on the edge of the crib that the infant Regal was sound asleep in. As Pyo-Tan looked down at his mistress's newborn son, he couldn't help but ruminate on all of the things he had seen ever since he had been brought to this mysterious world called Asora.
As phoenixes were beings of fire and air, Pyo-Tan couldn't help but be amazed at the pure air quality that had existed in Asora, even around the places that had been settled by the various races that called the strange world home. In addition to the amazing air quality, though he hadn't explored too much due to the constantly cold weather, Pyo-Tan had also been able to explore a few areas that the dragon called Bova trained and resided in, which were all converted into active volcanoes far away from the rest of Asora's inhabitants. The most amazing thing he had seen since being here however, was the vast amount of stupidly powerful individuals besides the man who had made even an immortal Phoenix feel the threat of death, with his mistress with her super devil form being towards the top of the list. That was why, after several weeks of observation and deliberation, Pyo-Tan was waiting for Alex as he returned from the academy one day, and asked while bowing respectfully,
"Great One, may this little Pyo-Tan speak with you?" Alex looked at the chubby little chicken curiously, as ever since the Phoenix had become contracted with Ravel they had hardly ever spoken, however Pyo-Tan had always been extremely formal towards him after Alex nearly killed him. After sending Moka, Mizore, and Kurumu to the space-time orb ahead of him, Alex went to one of the lounge rooms that had a large roaring fire going in it, where Pyo-Tan settled himself among the flames before saying,
"Great One, this little Pyo-Tan was wondering, what would you think of allowing my fellow phoenixes to move to this wonderful land of Asora?" When he heard what the chubby little chicken wanted, Alex's would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised, as he never expected that the prideful Phoenix would ask him to let his fellow phoenixes relocate here.
Alex was silent for several moments as he considered Pyo-Tan's request, and what would happen if he accepted. On one hand it would be a tremendous boost to their fighting force to have an entire Odyssey of phoenixes at their beck and call(A.N. Yes that is what a large group of phoenixes is called, while a small group is called a Venture), while on the other hand it meant that Alex would need to break the phoenixes of their enormous pride similarly to what he did to Pyo-Tan, or risk a series of issues. After several minutes of silence, he finally answered,
"While it does sound appealing, would it be worth it to go through the trouble to move them here? Phoenixes are annoyingly prideful, and I don't want to bring them here just for them to act as if they own Asora, or to potentially attack the people." Pyo-Tan was silent as he considered what Alex said, as he himself had considered the same before asking, before he slowly said,
"This little Pyo-Tan believes that if the Great One could win over the allegiance of the most powerful of phoenixes, then the rest will fall in line accordingly." Pyo-Tan then went on to explain that the hierarchy of the phoenixes was based around how long one had lived without being killed, before they inevitably reborn. As a recently reborn chick, Pyo-Tan was now at the bottom of the caste while the only Phoenix to have never been killed resided at the top, a being said to have enough power that not even the three Dark Lords working together, or even Alucard himself could hope to defeat them. This surprised Alex quite a bit as such a being had never been mentioned in the original story, however it made sense when he thought about it as fully grown phoenixes were supposed to be stronger than even the super powerful vampires; and the standard in any fantasy style series was that the longer a being lived, the more powerful they were.
As such, Pyo-Tan believed that if Alex could gain the recognition of this being, something that shouldn't be too difficult considering how powerful he was, then the rest of the phoenixes should fall into line, or would take up their discontent with Alex himself. After learning more about phoenixes than he ever thought, Alex finally asked, "So what is this phoenix's name then?" Pyo-Tan's chicken-like expression hardened at Alex's question as he replied seriously,
"His name, is Rho-Dan."
Meanwhile in a medieval style castle hidden within the mountains of Japan, a certain beautiful woman was glaring at the gangster looking man standing in front of her before demanding,
"And why wasn't I told of this sooner?!" Miyabi grimaced at Gyokuro's anger, before explaining after taking drag off of his cigarette,
"We wanted to be sure before we reported Akua's disappearance, but it's been nearly a month and we haven't heard from her after she departed for Youkai Academy. Originally we thought she was just trying to lay low, but after going this long without receiving any reports from her then we can only consider the worst." When she heard this Gyokuro shook so badly from anger, that she ended up destroying the arm of the chair she was sitting in, something that could be considered impressive when one thought about the destruction she'd usually cause whenever she was angry.
Ever since they had received the report about Kanade's death, nothing seemed to be going right for their plans anymore. As they had suspected during their meeting, the Miao family had refused to contact them even after several weeks of silence, while rumors had even reached Gyokuro about the newfound alliance between them and the Huang family. Though the various division leaders still thought they needed to send someone to ascertain the Miao family's fate, Gyokuro still maintained that they don't send someone alone to China, lest their losses increase more than what was already gone. This was especially true after Akua had gone dark as, despite Gyokuro's hatred of Issa's other children, she still couldn't deny the little bitch was an exceptionally skilled assassin. These weren't the only problems though, as everyone on the list they had acquired from Kiria had also seemingly disappeared before representatives from Fairy Tale could try to recruit them, meaning they had yet to replenish the numbers they had recently lost.
After several minutes of thinking in silence as she tried to calm herself, Gyokuro finally turned back towards Miyabi and said, "I have an idea of how to deal with the problem at the academy, but what I want you to focus on is restoring our numbers. I have a few dossiers on certain Youkai we can approach, but I'm not sure how they'll respond so tread carefully." After casually blowing out a cloud of smoke, Miyabi answered before turning to leave,
"Alright, but if they don't join us then I'll probably have to destroy them." Gyokuro only smirked knowingly as Miyabi walked away, before she too stood and started making her way through the corridors of her home. She had returned after the previous division leader meeting in order to keep up the ruse that the Shuzen family was still operating as usual, which kept certain outside parties out of their affairs. It also meant that those who were still within the family, yet were loyal only to her husband or the hateful Akasha, were unaware of where the family's current interests lay, and would remain ignorant until Gyokuro decided to use them for her experiments.
There was also someone else who was ignorant of what they were currently doing, who Gyukuro was currently going to go see. Thinking on it, Gyokuro had decided that instead of sending someone with obvious intentions into the academy that they couldn't risk losing, why not lure someone there that had no value to Fairy Tale, and would remain off of the mysterious mans radar until she forced them to come back to question at her leisure? Then if they somehow did something stupid and got themselves killed, then it would be of no consequence to their plans like the loss of Akua. As such, Gyokuro arrived outside the door of the person in question and took a breath to steady herself before opening it suddenly, startling the girl inside.
"M-mother! W-what are you doing here?!" The girl demanded while trying to hide a board filled with various photos of a certain pink haired figure, as well as lines connecting them like a conspiracy theorist. As Gyokuro took in the sight of her second daughter, Kokoa, with her red hair tied up into two bushy twin-tails that housed a small bat and her sailer girl outfit, she only felt disappointment and annoyance that were hidden as she tried to smile naturally while saying,
"I just came to see my daughter, is that so wrong?" Even though she was smiling at her daughter and said she just wanted to see her, Kokoa showed a slightly disturbed reaction as her mother had never been so kind to her before, which made her feel as if something was wrong. Seeing her daughter react in such a way, Gyokuro dropped her act and said with a sigh,
"Ok fine, I just came to tell you that intend to send you to Youkai Academy next year." The moment the words left her lips Kokoa looked as if she was about to despair as she cried out,
"No mother! A proud vampire like me shouldn't have to go to a school with all of those 'lesser' monsters!" When she heard this Gyokuro had to fight the urge to sneer, as she mentally remarked that Kokoa was an embarrassment to vampires everywhere, and that she should be ashamed to consider herself as one of them. Instead however she simply casually remarked,
"Oh? But I thought you'd be excited to go to Youkai Academy since Moka was there?" The moment Kokoa heard that her eyes took on a different look as she hesitantly asked,
"Big sis is there?" Gyokuro nodded slowly and continued,
"Yes she is, I thought that after six years the two of you would like the chance to reconnect while going to school together, was I wrong?" Immediately Kokoa shook her head and stated,
"No mother! Not at all!" Before she could continue Gyokuro forcefully brought the conversation to close by clapping her hands together and saying,
"It's decided then! Good talk, I'll see you at dinner!" Without giving Kokoa the chance to say anything else, Gyokuro swiftly left her daughter's room while debating on if she should take a bath before dinner, as she now felt as if she'd been around something filthy. Instead she just collected the dossiers of the youkai groups she planned to send to Miyabi, and worked on her research a bit until it was finally time to eat. As Gyokuro took her seat at the head of the expansive dining table, with her beloved daughter Kahlua at her right. She then swiftly began to eat her food while Kahlua waited patiently while staring at the empty seat across from her for some reason, only speaking when her mother stopped eating to take a sip from the blood filled goblet in front of her to ask,
"Mother, shouldn't we wait for Kokoa to start eating?" This made Gyokuro look over at her before saying noncommittally,
"Well, she is the one who didn't come down when dinner was ready." Kahlua looked at Kokoa's empty seat once again and was about to suggest she go look for her, when suddenly one of the attendants entered the dining room before saying,
"Forgive my intrusion lady Shuzen, but miss Kokoa was seen leaving the grounds on foot with haste a few minutes ago, should we give chase?" Gyokuro smirked slightly when she heard this, before saying,
"No, we'll wait a few weeks before I have her brought home."
Name: Alex
Race: Saiyan
Dragon Emperor, Super Sadist, Womanizer, Monstrosity, Champion
Level: 265
Job: Scythe User: 90
Job history:
Hatchling Draconian Warrior, Apprentice Mage, Draconian Warrior, Arsonist, Senior Draconian Warrior, Martial Artist, Draconian Tyrant, Expert Martial Artist, Ruthless Draconian Tyrant, Gravity User, Sword User, Pyromaniac, Staff User, Mage, Demonic Charmer, Staff Adept, Divine Nemesis, Seducer
Passive Skills:
Fire Resistance: level 9
Poison Resistance: level 9
Mental Resistance: level 7
Magic Recovery Rate: level 4
Gravity Mastery: level 10
Fire Mastery: level 8
Monstrous Strength: 8
Automatic Regeneration: 3
Strengthen Subordinates: 1
Endless S.e.xual Stamina: level 10
Lovers Embrace: level 6
Seduction: level 4
Lucky Pervert: Level 2
Active Skills:
Dragon Demon's Breath: level 6
Divine Dragon breath: level 2
Domain: level 4
Energy Nullification: level 4
Draconian Form: level 8
Intimidation: level 10
Ki Manipulation: level 9
Devils Charm: level 8
Sword Technique: level 8
Staff Technique: level 6
Scythe Technique: Level 3
Telekinesis: Level 2
Creation Magic: level 2
Space Magic: level 7
Regeneration Magic: level 8
Spirit Magic: level 5
Evolution Magic: level 5
Alteration Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Soul Break: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: King Evil Piece
Boosted Gear
Enslavement Magic
Name: Kuroka Toujo
Race: Nekoshou
Job: Time Mage Master: 15
Job history:
Poison User, Space Mage, Thief, Archmage, Poison Expert, Master Mage, Martial Artist, Adept Thief, Grandmaster Mage, Expert Martial Artist, Shape Shifter, Space Archmage, Time Mage Apprentice, Space Master, Apprentice Saboteur, Space Grandmaster, Time Mage Adept, Time Mage Expert
Passive Skills:
Poison Resistance: level 4
Enlarged Magic Pool: level 10
Automatic Magic Recovery: 9
Superhuman Strength: 7
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Feline Form: level 5
Stealth: level 10
Shadow Cloak: level 6
Poison Miasma: level 1
Toxic Talons: level 2
Ki Mastery: level 5
Magic Mastery: level 2
Magic Sight: level 7
Kasha: level 9
Touki Mastery: level 3
Illusion Magic: level 7
Space Manipulation: level 2
Creation Magic: level 2
Gravity Magic: level 4
Petrification: level 3
Time Manipulation: level 2
Spirit Magic: level 5
Evolution Magic: level 5
Alteration Magic: level 5
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: Queen Evil Piece
Name: Rias Gremory
Race: Superdevil
Crimson Haired Ruin Princess, Switch Princess
Job: Destruction Queen: 45
Job History:
Destruction Mage, Destruction Archmage, Destruction Mage, Archmage, Mage, Demonic Leader, Lord of Destruction, Apprentice Martial Artist, Gun Mage, Demonic Charmer, Destruction Overlord, Magic Gunner, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Charm Expert, Destroyer, Gravity Mage Adept, Magic Sniper
Passive Skills:
Absolute Destruction: level 10
Magic Mastery: level 5
Immense Magic Pool: level 5
Automatic Magic recovery: level 10
Strengthen Followers: level 3
Superhuman Strength: level 5
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Extinguished Star: level 10
Apocalyptic Extinction: level 4
Domain of Destruction: level 5
Reaper's Ruin: level 10
Destruction Duelers: level 10
Command Followers: level 10
Devils Allure: level 6
Creation Magic: level 3
Gravity Magic: level 7
Space Magic: level 5
Regeneration Magic: level 5
Spirit Magic: level 4
Evolution Magic: level 2
Alteration Magic: level 1
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Super Devil Form
Bishop Evil Piece
Name- Yue/Aletia Galdea Vesperito Avatarl
Race- Shinso Vampire
Vampire Princess, Crotch Smasher, Magical Girl Vampire Princess
Job- Blood Mage Apprentice: 86
Job History:
Master Mage, Fire Mage, Ice Mage, Lightning Mage, Water Mage, Earth Mage, Wind Mage, Adept Ice Mage, Adept Fire Mage, Adept Wind Mage, Adept Earth Mage, Adept Lightning Mage, Adept Water Mage, Shadow Mage Apprentice
Passive Skills:
Blood Conversion: level 10
Immense Magic Pool: level 4
Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10
Magic Manipulation: level 4
Magic Sight: level 8
Flame manipulation: level 7
Ice manipulation: level 8
Lightning manipulation: level 8
Water manipulation: level 7
Earth manipulation: level 7
Wind manipulation: level 7
Blood Manipulation: level 5
Shadow Manipulation: level 6
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Creation magic: level 2
Gravity magic: level 8
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 6
Spirit magic: level 6
Evolution Magic: level 4
Alteration Magic: level 4
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Automatic Regeneration
All Element Aptitude
Compound Magic
True Form
Reincarnated Devil: Bishop Evil Piece
Name: Shia Haulia
Race: Rabbit Beastman
Worthless Rabbit, Bugged Rabbit, Berserker Bunny
Job: Psychic: 56
Job History:
Apprentice Warrior, Berserker, Hammer User, Warrior, Regenerating Warrior, Gravity Apprentice, Brawler, Hammer Expert, Gravity Adept, Fortune Teller
Passive Skills:
Automatic Future Sight: level 8
Superhuman Strength: level 10
Durability: level 10
Automatic Regeneration: level 6
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Future Paths: level 6
Revelation: 5
Berserk Mode: level 4
Stealth: level 1
Physical Reinforcement: level 7
Hammer Technique: level 8
Gravity Magic: level 9
Space Magic: level 2
Regeneration magic: level 6
Spirit magic: level 2
Evolution Magic: level 1
Alteration Magic: level 3
Creation Magic: level 1
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Future Sight
Conceal Presence
Feral Form
Reincarnated Devil: Rook Evil Piece
Name: Moka Akashiya
Race: Shinso Vampire(sealed)
Job: Apprentice Martial Artist: 25
Job History:
Passive Skills:
Blood conversion: Level 3(sealed)
Enlarged Supernatural Energy Pool: Level 8(weakened)
Supernatural Energy Conversion: Level 2(sealed)
Superhuman Strength: Level 3(weakened)
Automatic Regeneration: Level 4(weakened)
Water Resistance: Level 3
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Vampiric Charm: Level 2
Transformation: Level 1(sealed)
Martial Technique: Level 4(weakened)
Supernatural Energy Manipulation: Level 2(sealed)
Internal Energy Manipulation: Level 1(sealed)
Unique Abilities:
Shinso Form
Immense Supernatural Energy
Name: Shizuku Yaegashi
Race: High human
Class Mom, Onee-Sama, Last Boss, Reluctant Kinochi
Job: Assassin Apprentice: 15
Job History:
Swordswoman, Ninja Apprentice, Expert Swordswoman, Samurai Apprentice, Samurai, Ninja, Female Knight
Passive Skills:
Sword Mastery: level 7
Knife Skill: level 5
Throwing: 5
No beat: level 7
Superhuman speed: level 10
Superhuman Strength: 2
Chakra Control: level 5
Seduction: level 4
Bed Skills: level 4
Disease Resistance: level 1
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Increased Adaptability: level 4
Active Skills:
Sword Intent: Level 2
Ponytail guard: level 4
Camouflage: level 4
Stealth: level 5
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 5
Spirit magic: level 3
Evolution Magic: level 1
Alteration Magic: level 2
Creation Magic: level 1
Gravity Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: Knight Evil Piece
Name: Grayfia Lucifuge
Race: Superdevil
The Strongest Queen, Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation
Job: Maid Commander: 15
Job History:
Shield Maid, Mage Maid, Warrior Maid, Maid Terror, Martial Maid, Creation Maid, Apprentice Maid Knight, Maid Knight, Expert Shield Maid, Expert Maid Mage, Apprentice Healing Maid, Veteran Warrior Maid, Expert Martial Maid, Maid General, Maid Guider
Passive Skills:
Housework: level 7
Bed Skills: level 10
Gigantic Magic Pool: level 2
Magic Mastery: level 3
Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10
Monstrous strength: level 4
Strengthen Followers: 3
Maid Path Guidance: 2
Active Skills:
Magic Domain: level 5
Coordination Adept: level 3
Intimidation: level 10
Aura of terror: level 8
Steel defense: level 4
Ki manipulation: level 7
Sword skills: level 7
Creation magic: level 4
Gravity magic: level 5
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 7
Spirit magic: level 4
Evolution Magic: level 3
Alteration Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Immense Demonic Power
Superdevil Form
Pawn Evil Piece
Name: Kurumu Kurono
Race: Succubus
Job: Mental Influencer: 10
Job History:
Illusion Apprentice, Illusion User, Nailed Fighter
Passive Skills:
Seduction: Level 4
Bed Skills: Level 3
Endless S.e.xual Stamina: Level 2
S.e.m.e.n Conversion: level 4
Superhuman Strength: Level 3
Superhuman Speed: Level 3
Mental Resistance: Level 2
Active Skills:
Charm: Level 3
Dream Dive: Level 1
Illusion Magic: Level 7
Aphrodisiac Secretion: Level 1
Mental Manipulation: Level 3
Unique Skills:
Pawn Evil Piece
Name: Sun Otonashi
Race: Siren
Generation's Strongest
Job: Vibrato Vocalist: 5
Job History:
Songstress, Vocal Healer, protective Songstress
Passive Skills:
Enlarged Supernatural Energy Pool: Level 10
Vocal Layering: Level 4
Vocal Projection: Level 4
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Siren in the Dark: Level 6
Silence in the Dark: Level 5
Song of protection: Level 4
Battle Cry: Level 3
Healing Hymn: Level 1(Heals the wounds of those who can hear the song, and can distinguish between allies and enemies)
Cantus Firmus: Level 1(forms a dome to protect those within from physical attacks, but also allows physical attack from within to leave.)
Jitterbug: Level 1(raises the speed of allies that hear this song)
Unique Abilities:
Immense Supernatural Power
Reincarnated Devil: Pawn Evil Piece
What did stand out with the two newborns however, was that when Regal was born the temperature of the room had increased to the point that everyone except Alex and Ravel had to leave temporarily, while the baby himself was floating while wreathed in majestic flames that didn't die down for several minutes as he slowly descended to his mother's open arms. A similar phenomenon even occurred when Elizabeth was born several days later, when the entire room was immediately coated in a sheet of ice and the baby girl was coated in a thick layer of frost that didn't seem to bother her. Alex later heard from both Grayfia and Serafall that such a phenomenon meant that the two babies, like their mothers, were super Devils, except they were naturally born super Devils instead of undergoing Evolution like their mothers had. They had also stated that when he was born Sirzechs had caused a similar phenomenon, except with the powers of Destruction instead of Fire or ice.
After the addition of the four newborns to their family, the biggest change was that everyone seemed to get a kick in the butt and had intensified their training by several degrees, both in and out of the space-time orb. Even though Alex had mentioned fighting foes in the future capable of destroying entire planets with ease, seeing the footage of them actually doing so had really opened the eyes of girls that had intended to follow him into battle. As a result, the majority of the girls were now residing in the space-time orb full time instead of just following Alex in at night, of course with the exception Alex, Moka, Kurumu, and Mizore.
When she heard that some of the beings they had been shown were considered to be that universe's 'Gods of Destruction', Rias had restarted her training regimen from scratch while placing the emphasis specifically on learning the Laws of Destruction. Though she had always relied on the demonic power of Destruction she had been born with, Rias was now trying to broaden her abilities to wield the very essence of destruction at will without even needing to use her demonic power. Despite this however, she also spent the rest of her time training her reserves of magic power and her 'Super Devil Form' to use for actual combat until she could wield the Laws themselves. She had also intensified her peerage's training, driving them to push their limits even further as some of them, such as Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia, and Rossweise also decided to turn their attention towards the Laws they were the most familiar with; while Asia and Gasper focused on pushing their mastery over their sacred gears and Age of Gods magic further, Koneko focused on her own personal strength and her mastery over Touki, and Ryuutarou, Suzu, and Endou desperately focused on catching up to their seniors while mastering their own Age of Gods magics.
Kuroka on the other hand started focusing on pushing her mastery over the Laws of Time further and further, until she was finally able to layer time distortions on top of the distortion already present within the space-time orb. This meant she began stretching what was already a day-month ratio even further, and she had also already begun planning with Seekvaira and Hajime to create an even more powerful space-time orb to act as an experience farm for herself and the rest of Alex's peerage, in which monsters could have several years within a single day to replenish their numbers before being slaughtered for experience. She had also began increasing the pace that she was granting the cats that she housed power and basic intelligence, as after doing so for so many she was noticing a subtle increase to her own strength, making Kuroka realize that the cats that served her were counted as 'followers', and to them she was practically already their goddess.
Meanwhile Grayfia was busy not only training herself, but also the combat maids under her to be able to stand against, at the very least, any godly beings that might stand in their way in the future. Tracy was ecstatic at the thought of facing such powerful opponents as she too started trying to delve deeper into mastery over the sword, while Francesca started focusing all of her attention on furthering her mastery over magic while also increasing her own reserves, surprising many when she put aside her perverted desires to do so. The same thing happened with Altina as she started pushing herself to become able to target anyone with her arrows, no matter where they were in the world. Eri on the other hand started working on a project in secret, which she wouldn't even let Grayfia know the details of; while Mako and Ishigami both thought everyone else was crazy, but that didn't stop Grayfia from putting the two through a series of hellish training exercises, and assigning Routier to join Shia as one of Alex's punchin-er, sparring partners. Nyx on the other hand was finally granted her original divine power once again after Grayfia herself asked Alex to return it, believing that she was submissive enough to trust her with it again, while Venri began training alongside Tio under Ophis, before she too finally acquired the dragon God's blessing.
Similarly to Grayfia, Yue was prioritizing the training of Elmenhilde and Akua alongside herself as her vampiric subordinates, something that irritated Akua as she'd endeavor to grow stronger even if Yue didn't push her to do so. With the sudden burst of inspiration to grow stronger among the space-time orbs residents, Akua pushed for Alex to evolve her into a Shinso sooner rather than later, and was currently busy mastering her newfound powers by sparring with Yue every chance she got, which made the petite vampire princess happy to have someone to continuously train with besides just Rias.
Usually joining them when she couldn't get Alex to spar with her was none other than the rabbit girl Shia, who intended to focus on increasing the level of her 'Automatic Regeneration' skill while also trying to push her 'Durability' skill to the next level. Recently however she also began trying to train her ability of foresight, which was only useful if she was about to die, or if she was willing to sacrifice all of her magic power for one use. Her goal with it was to utilize her 'Automatic Future Sight', which activated when her life was threatened, similarly to how Alex used his Observation Haki instead of it being a last minute activation skill. She was also trying her best to learn how to use the inner energy of Ki similarly to Alex and those who Lauren showed them, but was struggling with it due to her not being as familiar with the concept of inner energy compared to magic power.
Shizuku on the other hand was busy trying to push her 'Sword Intent' as far as possible before she turned towards attempting contemplation of Sword or Speed Laws, as well as...another Law. After thinking on it for many, MANY hours, Shizuku had reluctantly decided to start proactively training her family's stealth and elimination techniques, which they still adamantly refused to acknowledge as ninjutsu. Though she had only trained these techniques out of necessity in the past, Shizuku couldn't see herself go toe toe with beings capable of destroying not just planets, but entire universes without them.
While Shizuku would usually practice her sword skills with Kiba, Xenovia, or Irina, the one she was spending the most time training with recently was none other than a certain succubus, Kurumu. As Kurumu's only physical weapon to use in combat was her nails, she was dedicating half of her time to training her 'Knight' promotion with Shizuku in order to push her own speed and reflexes even further. Naturally the other half of her time was spent training her power over Illusions and mental manipulation, which she trained by trying to control Alex and the other women in his peerage. The reason for doing this was that, after fighting against her control so much, they could eventually obtain, and increase the same 'Mental Resistance' skill Alex obtained during his fight with Ehito, while Kurumu could also strengthen her own capacity for mental control.
While the rest of Alex's peerage was focusing on training specific skills or abilities, Sun was instead focused entirely on farming experience like she originally had been in order to increase the number of songs available to her. Especially once Kuroka was able to make the new space-time orb along with Seekvaira and Hajime, Sun would spend the majority of her time using her songs to eliminate monsters while also strengthening anyone else who was grinding levels, increasing the level of those songs as well. This was the benefit of her 'Vocal Layering' and 'Vocal Projection' skills, which not only allowed her to train several songs at the same time, but she could project them over an increasingly large area that surpassed the projection one could usually achieve, even with specialized equipment.
Naturally, the most frustrated one when it came to the sudden training drive was the only one of Alex's peerage that was currently unable to train intensely, Moka. Both halves of the vampiress were growing increasingly frustrated as they watched the other girls around Alex kick themselves into gear, while they themselves were only able to do moderate training at best. Though Alex assured them that their strength would only multiply once the seal broke and they integrated properly with their Shinso blood, and due to their constant daily intake of his blood, both personalities couldn't help but sulk slightly while feeling somewhat useless, a feeling that 'inner' Moka had never experienced before.
Naturally those in Alex's peerage weren't the only ones suddenly driven to start intensifying their training, as Anne, Ravel, Roygun, Sona, Serafall, Yasaka and even Gabriel had all started their training once again. While Sona, Roygun, and Ravel focused on their own training as well as their peerages, Anne began trying to push her capabilities over her Sky Dragon Slayer abilities even further, while also trying to accomplish a feat that Alex had told her about before, Dragon Force.
The ones that really surprised everyone was when Serafall, Gabriel, and Yasaka had started training once more, as their move to Asora was also supposed to be a sort of retirement from the battlefield. While Serafall focused on mastering her super devil powers, and Yasaka tried to push her strength to match what she had when she was connected to Kyoto's leylines, Gabriel reluctantly started working with her recently acquired divine powers, which were still increasing despite no longer being in Tortus where she was the Goddess Gabriel. Naturally, the one who looked after all of the children while everyone was training was Remia, who waved off the other mother's apologies while stating, "I can't fight alongside everyone, so let me do at least this much to help out."
While his women had started training themselves anew, and even Sairaorg, Vali, and Hajime started training when they could for the upcoming battles, Alex himself was pushing himself farther than anyone else was. Even though Alex knew that, despite his SSJ2 transformation, he was still exceptionally 'weak' in the grand scheme of things, being taken out instantly by someone he didn't even know was a serious blow to his pride. Even after Anne and Lauren explained who Jenny was, Alex still felt as if he couldn't rest easy until he gave her at least one slap in return for before, which is why he had restarted his strength training with even greater vigor than he ever had before.
Ever since arriving in the Rosario Vampire world Alex had focused his efforts on training his draconic abilities and secondary fighting abilities, such as his Haki and his divine power; now however he was dividing his efforts between building up his own strength, as well as his secondary abilities. Though Alex didn't think he would be able to achieve the SSJ3 transformation anytime soon, he was now trying to obtain it faster than he was originally planning due to Jenny's actions, something that made the girl in question squirm uncomfortably.
Naturally Lauren had informed Alex that he could receive a sort of boon if he wanted to push the issue against Jenny, however he had adamantly refused anything of the sort. Though it might have sounded like a good opportunity, Alex couldn't help but feel as if it was the same as their mysterious boss taking pity on him after one of his people bullied him, something that would only damage Alex's already hurt pride further. If he had been seriously injured or one of his women attacked as well then it would've been one thing, however all he had received after Jenny's attack was a hand shaped bruise on his chest, and so the entire incident was considered along the lines of 'no harm no foul'.
What Alex and the others didn't know yet though, was that they weren't the only ones who were heavily impacted at the revelations Lauren made to them, as a certain individual was perched vigilantly on the edge of the crib that the infant Regal was sound asleep in. As Pyo-Tan looked down at his mistress's newborn son, he couldn't help but ruminate on all of the things he had seen ever since he had been brought to this mysterious world called Asora.
As phoenixes were beings of fire and air, Pyo-Tan couldn't help but be amazed at the pure air quality that had existed in Asora, even around the places that had been settled by the various races that called the strange world home. In addition to the amazing air quality, though he hadn't explored too much due to the constantly cold weather, Pyo-Tan had also been able to explore a few areas that the dragon called Bova trained and resided in, which were all converted into active volcanoes far away from the rest of Asora's inhabitants. The most amazing thing he had seen since being here however, was the vast amount of stupidly powerful individuals besides the man who had made even an immortal Phoenix feel the threat of death, with his mistress with her super devil form being towards the top of the list. That was why, after several weeks of observation and deliberation, Pyo-Tan was waiting for Alex as he returned from the academy one day, and asked while bowing respectfully,
"Great One, may this little Pyo-Tan speak with you?" Alex looked at the chubby little chicken curiously, as ever since the Phoenix had become contracted with Ravel they had hardly ever spoken, however Pyo-Tan had always been extremely formal towards him after Alex nearly killed him. After sending Moka, Mizore, and Kurumu to the space-time orb ahead of him, Alex went to one of the lounge rooms that had a large roaring fire going in it, where Pyo-Tan settled himself among the flames before saying,
"Great One, this little Pyo-Tan was wondering, what would you think of allowing my fellow phoenixes to move to this wonderful land of Asora?" When he heard what the chubby little chicken wanted, Alex's would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised, as he never expected that the prideful Phoenix would ask him to let his fellow phoenixes relocate here.
Alex was silent for several moments as he considered Pyo-Tan's request, and what would happen if he accepted. On one hand it would be a tremendous boost to their fighting force to have an entire Odyssey of phoenixes at their beck and call(A.N. Yes that is what a large group of phoenixes is called, while a small group is called a Venture), while on the other hand it meant that Alex would need to break the phoenixes of their enormous pride similarly to what he did to Pyo-Tan, or risk a series of issues. After several minutes of silence, he finally answered,
"While it does sound appealing, would it be worth it to go through the trouble to move them here? Phoenixes are annoyingly prideful, and I don't want to bring them here just for them to act as if they own Asora, or to potentially attack the people." Pyo-Tan was silent as he considered what Alex said, as he himself had considered the same before asking, before he slowly said,
"This little Pyo-Tan believes that if the Great One could win over the allegiance of the most powerful of phoenixes, then the rest will fall in line accordingly." Pyo-Tan then went on to explain that the hierarchy of the phoenixes was based around how long one had lived without being killed, before they inevitably reborn. As a recently reborn chick, Pyo-Tan was now at the bottom of the caste while the only Phoenix to have never been killed resided at the top, a being said to have enough power that not even the three Dark Lords working together, or even Alucard himself could hope to defeat them. This surprised Alex quite a bit as such a being had never been mentioned in the original story, however it made sense when he thought about it as fully grown phoenixes were supposed to be stronger than even the super powerful vampires; and the standard in any fantasy style series was that the longer a being lived, the more powerful they were.
As such, Pyo-Tan believed that if Alex could gain the recognition of this being, something that shouldn't be too difficult considering how powerful he was, then the rest of the phoenixes should fall into line, or would take up their discontent with Alex himself. After learning more about phoenixes than he ever thought, Alex finally asked, "So what is this phoenix's name then?" Pyo-Tan's chicken-like expression hardened at Alex's question as he replied seriously,
"His name, is Rho-Dan."
Meanwhile in a medieval style castle hidden within the mountains of Japan, a certain beautiful woman was glaring at the gangster looking man standing in front of her before demanding,
"And why wasn't I told of this sooner?!" Miyabi grimaced at Gyokuro's anger, before explaining after taking drag off of his cigarette,
"We wanted to be sure before we reported Akua's disappearance, but it's been nearly a month and we haven't heard from her after she departed for Youkai Academy. Originally we thought she was just trying to lay low, but after going this long without receiving any reports from her then we can only consider the worst." When she heard this Gyokuro shook so badly from anger, that she ended up destroying the arm of the chair she was sitting in, something that could be considered impressive when one thought about the destruction she'd usually cause whenever she was angry.
Ever since they had received the report about Kanade's death, nothing seemed to be going right for their plans anymore. As they had suspected during their meeting, the Miao family had refused to contact them even after several weeks of silence, while rumors had even reached Gyokuro about the newfound alliance between them and the Huang family. Though the various division leaders still thought they needed to send someone to ascertain the Miao family's fate, Gyokuro still maintained that they don't send someone alone to China, lest their losses increase more than what was already gone. This was especially true after Akua had gone dark as, despite Gyokuro's hatred of Issa's other children, she still couldn't deny the little bitch was an exceptionally skilled assassin. These weren't the only problems though, as everyone on the list they had acquired from Kiria had also seemingly disappeared before representatives from Fairy Tale could try to recruit them, meaning they had yet to replenish the numbers they had recently lost.
After several minutes of thinking in silence as she tried to calm herself, Gyokuro finally turned back towards Miyabi and said, "I have an idea of how to deal with the problem at the academy, but what I want you to focus on is restoring our numbers. I have a few dossiers on certain Youkai we can approach, but I'm not sure how they'll respond so tread carefully." After casually blowing out a cloud of smoke, Miyabi answered before turning to leave,
"Alright, but if they don't join us then I'll probably have to destroy them." Gyokuro only smirked knowingly as Miyabi walked away, before she too stood and started making her way through the corridors of her home. She had returned after the previous division leader meeting in order to keep up the ruse that the Shuzen family was still operating as usual, which kept certain outside parties out of their affairs. It also meant that those who were still within the family, yet were loyal only to her husband or the hateful Akasha, were unaware of where the family's current interests lay, and would remain ignorant until Gyokuro decided to use them for her experiments.
There was also someone else who was ignorant of what they were currently doing, who Gyukuro was currently going to go see. Thinking on it, Gyokuro had decided that instead of sending someone with obvious intentions into the academy that they couldn't risk losing, why not lure someone there that had no value to Fairy Tale, and would remain off of the mysterious mans radar until she forced them to come back to question at her leisure? Then if they somehow did something stupid and got themselves killed, then it would be of no consequence to their plans like the loss of Akua. As such, Gyokuro arrived outside the door of the person in question and took a breath to steady herself before opening it suddenly, startling the girl inside.
"M-mother! W-what are you doing here?!" The girl demanded while trying to hide a board filled with various photos of a certain pink haired figure, as well as lines connecting them like a conspiracy theorist. As Gyokuro took in the sight of her second daughter, Kokoa, with her red hair tied up into two bushy twin-tails that housed a small bat and her sailer girl outfit, she only felt disappointment and annoyance that were hidden as she tried to smile naturally while saying,
"I just came to see my daughter, is that so wrong?" Even though she was smiling at her daughter and said she just wanted to see her, Kokoa showed a slightly disturbed reaction as her mother had never been so kind to her before, which made her feel as if something was wrong. Seeing her daughter react in such a way, Gyokuro dropped her act and said with a sigh,
"Ok fine, I just came to tell you that intend to send you to Youkai Academy next year." The moment the words left her lips Kokoa looked as if she was about to despair as she cried out,
"No mother! A proud vampire like me shouldn't have to go to a school with all of those 'lesser' monsters!" When she heard this Gyokuro had to fight the urge to sneer, as she mentally remarked that Kokoa was an embarrassment to vampires everywhere, and that she should be ashamed to consider herself as one of them. Instead however she simply casually remarked,
"Oh? But I thought you'd be excited to go to Youkai Academy since Moka was there?" The moment Kokoa heard that her eyes took on a different look as she hesitantly asked,
"Big sis is there?" Gyokuro nodded slowly and continued,
"Yes she is, I thought that after six years the two of you would like the chance to reconnect while going to school together, was I wrong?" Immediately Kokoa shook her head and stated,
"No mother! Not at all!" Before she could continue Gyokuro forcefully brought the conversation to close by clapping her hands together and saying,
"It's decided then! Good talk, I'll see you at dinner!" Without giving Kokoa the chance to say anything else, Gyokuro swiftly left her daughter's room while debating on if she should take a bath before dinner, as she now felt as if she'd been around something filthy. Instead she just collected the dossiers of the youkai groups she planned to send to Miyabi, and worked on her research a bit until it was finally time to eat. As Gyokuro took her seat at the head of the expansive dining table, with her beloved daughter Kahlua at her right. She then swiftly began to eat her food while Kahlua waited patiently while staring at the empty seat across from her for some reason, only speaking when her mother stopped eating to take a sip from the blood filled goblet in front of her to ask,
"Mother, shouldn't we wait for Kokoa to start eating?" This made Gyokuro look over at her before saying noncommittally,
"Well, she is the one who didn't come down when dinner was ready." Kahlua looked at Kokoa's empty seat once again and was about to suggest she go look for her, when suddenly one of the attendants entered the dining room before saying,
"Forgive my intrusion lady Shuzen, but miss Kokoa was seen leaving the grounds on foot with haste a few minutes ago, should we give chase?" Gyokuro smirked slightly when she heard this, before saying,
"No, we'll wait a few weeks before I have her brought home."
Name: Alex
Race: Saiyan
Dragon Emperor, Super Sadist, Womanizer, Monstrosity, Champion
Level: 265
Job: Scythe User: 90
Job history:
Hatchling Draconian Warrior, Apprentice Mage, Draconian Warrior, Arsonist, Senior Draconian Warrior, Martial Artist, Draconian Tyrant, Expert Martial Artist, Ruthless Draconian Tyrant, Gravity User, Sword User, Pyromaniac, Staff User, Mage, Demonic Charmer, Staff Adept, Divine Nemesis, Seducer
Passive Skills:
Fire Resistance: level 9
Poison Resistance: level 9
Mental Resistance: level 7
Magic Recovery Rate: level 4
Gravity Mastery: level 10
Fire Mastery: level 8
Monstrous Strength: 8
Automatic Regeneration: 3
Strengthen Subordinates: 1
Endless S.e.xual Stamina: level 10
Lovers Embrace: level 6
Seduction: level 4
Lucky Pervert: Level 2
Active Skills:
Dragon Demon's Breath: level 6
Divine Dragon breath: level 2
Domain: level 4
Energy Nullification: level 4
Draconian Form: level 8
Intimidation: level 10
Ki Manipulation: level 9
Devils Charm: level 8
Sword Technique: level 8
Staff Technique: level 6
Scythe Technique: Level 3
Telekinesis: Level 2
Creation Magic: level 2
Space Magic: level 7
Regeneration Magic: level 8
Spirit Magic: level 5
Evolution Magic: level 5
Alteration Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Soul Break: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: King Evil Piece
Boosted Gear
Enslavement Magic
Name: Kuroka Toujo
Race: Nekoshou
Job: Time Mage Master: 15
Job history:
Poison User, Space Mage, Thief, Archmage, Poison Expert, Master Mage, Martial Artist, Adept Thief, Grandmaster Mage, Expert Martial Artist, Shape Shifter, Space Archmage, Time Mage Apprentice, Space Master, Apprentice Saboteur, Space Grandmaster, Time Mage Adept, Time Mage Expert
Passive Skills:
Poison Resistance: level 4
Enlarged Magic Pool: level 10
Automatic Magic Recovery: 9
Superhuman Strength: 7
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Feline Form: level 5
Stealth: level 10
Shadow Cloak: level 6
Poison Miasma: level 1
Toxic Talons: level 2
Ki Mastery: level 5
Magic Mastery: level 2
Magic Sight: level 7
Kasha: level 9
Touki Mastery: level 3
Illusion Magic: level 7
Space Manipulation: level 2
Creation Magic: level 2
Gravity Magic: level 4
Petrification: level 3
Time Manipulation: level 2
Spirit Magic: level 5
Evolution Magic: level 5
Alteration Magic: level 5
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: Queen Evil Piece
Name: Rias Gremory
Race: Superdevil
Crimson Haired Ruin Princess, Switch Princess
Job: Destruction Queen: 45
Job History:
Destruction Mage, Destruction Archmage, Destruction Mage, Archmage, Mage, Demonic Leader, Lord of Destruction, Apprentice Martial Artist, Gun Mage, Demonic Charmer, Destruction Overlord, Magic Gunner, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Charm Expert, Destroyer, Gravity Mage Adept, Magic Sniper
Passive Skills:
Absolute Destruction: level 10
Magic Mastery: level 5
Immense Magic Pool: level 5
Automatic Magic recovery: level 10
Strengthen Followers: level 3
Superhuman Strength: level 5
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Extinguished Star: level 10
Apocalyptic Extinction: level 4
Domain of Destruction: level 5
Reaper's Ruin: level 10
Destruction Duelers: level 10
Command Followers: level 10
Devils Allure: level 6
Creation Magic: level 3
Gravity Magic: level 7
Space Magic: level 5
Regeneration Magic: level 5
Spirit Magic: level 4
Evolution Magic: level 2
Alteration Magic: level 1
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Super Devil Form
Bishop Evil Piece
Name- Yue/Aletia Galdea Vesperito Avatarl
Race- Shinso Vampire
Vampire Princess, Crotch Smasher, Magical Girl Vampire Princess
Job- Blood Mage Apprentice: 86
Job History:
Master Mage, Fire Mage, Ice Mage, Lightning Mage, Water Mage, Earth Mage, Wind Mage, Adept Ice Mage, Adept Fire Mage, Adept Wind Mage, Adept Earth Mage, Adept Lightning Mage, Adept Water Mage, Shadow Mage Apprentice
Passive Skills:
Blood Conversion: level 10
Immense Magic Pool: level 4
Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10
Magic Manipulation: level 4
Magic Sight: level 8
Flame manipulation: level 7
Ice manipulation: level 8
Lightning manipulation: level 8
Water manipulation: level 7
Earth manipulation: level 7
Wind manipulation: level 7
Blood Manipulation: level 5
Shadow Manipulation: level 6
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Creation magic: level 2
Gravity magic: level 8
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 6
Spirit magic: level 6
Evolution Magic: level 4
Alteration Magic: level 4
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Automatic Regeneration
All Element Aptitude
Compound Magic
True Form
Reincarnated Devil: Bishop Evil Piece
Name: Shia Haulia
Race: Rabbit Beastman
Worthless Rabbit, Bugged Rabbit, Berserker Bunny
Job: Psychic: 56
Job History:
Apprentice Warrior, Berserker, Hammer User, Warrior, Regenerating Warrior, Gravity Apprentice, Brawler, Hammer Expert, Gravity Adept, Fortune Teller
Passive Skills:
Automatic Future Sight: level 8
Superhuman Strength: level 10
Durability: level 10
Automatic Regeneration: level 6
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Future Paths: level 6
Revelation: 5
Berserk Mode: level 4
Stealth: level 1
Physical Reinforcement: level 7
Hammer Technique: level 8
Gravity Magic: level 9
Space Magic: level 2
Regeneration magic: level 6
Spirit magic: level 2
Evolution Magic: level 1
Alteration Magic: level 3
Creation Magic: level 1
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Future Sight
Conceal Presence
Feral Form
Reincarnated Devil: Rook Evil Piece
Name: Moka Akashiya
Race: Shinso Vampire(sealed)
Job: Apprentice Martial Artist: 25
Job History:
Passive Skills:
Blood conversion: Level 3(sealed)
Enlarged Supernatural Energy Pool: Level 8(weakened)
Supernatural Energy Conversion: Level 2(sealed)
Superhuman Strength: Level 3(weakened)
Automatic Regeneration: Level 4(weakened)
Water Resistance: Level 3
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Vampiric Charm: Level 2
Transformation: Level 1(sealed)
Martial Technique: Level 4(weakened)
Supernatural Energy Manipulation: Level 2(sealed)
Internal Energy Manipulation: Level 1(sealed)
Unique Abilities:
Shinso Form
Immense Supernatural Energy
Name: Shizuku Yaegashi
Race: High human
Class Mom, Onee-Sama, Last Boss, Reluctant Kinochi
Job: Assassin Apprentice: 15
Job History:
Swordswoman, Ninja Apprentice, Expert Swordswoman, Samurai Apprentice, Samurai, Ninja, Female Knight
Passive Skills:
Sword Mastery: level 7
Knife Skill: level 5
Throwing: 5
No beat: level 7
Superhuman speed: level 10
Superhuman Strength: 2
Chakra Control: level 5
Seduction: level 4
Bed Skills: level 4
Disease Resistance: level 1
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Increased Adaptability: level 4
Active Skills:
Sword Intent: Level 2
Ponytail guard: level 4
Camouflage: level 4
Stealth: level 5
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 5
Spirit magic: level 3
Evolution Magic: level 1
Alteration Magic: level 2
Creation Magic: level 1
Gravity Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Reincarnated Devil: Knight Evil Piece
Name: Grayfia Lucifuge
Race: Superdevil
The Strongest Queen, Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation
Job: Maid Commander: 15
Job History:
Shield Maid, Mage Maid, Warrior Maid, Maid Terror, Martial Maid, Creation Maid, Apprentice Maid Knight, Maid Knight, Expert Shield Maid, Expert Maid Mage, Apprentice Healing Maid, Veteran Warrior Maid, Expert Martial Maid, Maid General, Maid Guider
Passive Skills:
Housework: level 7
Bed Skills: level 10
Gigantic Magic Pool: level 2
Magic Mastery: level 3
Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10
Monstrous strength: level 4
Strengthen Followers: 3
Maid Path Guidance: 2
Active Skills:
Magic Domain: level 5
Coordination Adept: level 3
Intimidation: level 10
Aura of terror: level 8
Steel defense: level 4
Ki manipulation: level 7
Sword skills: level 7
Creation magic: level 4
Gravity magic: level 5
Space magic: level 7
Regeneration magic: level 7
Spirit magic: level 4
Evolution Magic: level 3
Alteration Magic: level 3
Conception Magic: level 1
Unique Skills:
Immense Demonic Power
Superdevil Form
Pawn Evil Piece
Name: Kurumu Kurono
Race: Succubus
Job: Mental Influencer: 10
Job History:
Illusion Apprentice, Illusion User, Nailed Fighter
Passive Skills:
Seduction: Level 4
Bed Skills: Level 3
Endless S.e.xual Stamina: Level 2
S.e.m.e.n Conversion: level 4
Superhuman Strength: Level 3
Superhuman Speed: Level 3
Mental Resistance: Level 2
Active Skills:
Charm: Level 3
Dream Dive: Level 1
Illusion Magic: Level 7
Aphrodisiac Secretion: Level 1
Mental Manipulation: Level 3
Unique Skills:
Pawn Evil Piece
Name: Sun Otonashi
Race: Siren
Generation's Strongest
Job: Vibrato Vocalist: 5
Job History:
Songstress, Vocal Healer, protective Songstress
Passive Skills:
Enlarged Supernatural Energy Pool: Level 10
Vocal Layering: Level 4
Vocal Projection: Level 4
Mental Resistance: Level 1
Active Skills:
Siren in the Dark: Level 6
Silence in the Dark: Level 5
Song of protection: Level 4
Battle Cry: Level 3
Healing Hymn: Level 1(Heals the wounds of those who can hear the song, and can distinguish between allies and enemies)
Cantus Firmus: Level 1(forms a dome to protect those within from physical attacks, but also allows physical attack from within to leave.)
Jitterbug: Level 1(raises the speed of allies that hear this song)
Unique Abilities:
Immense Supernatural Power
Reincarnated Devil: Pawn Evil Piece
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