God succession system
Chapter 367 - Return of the Demon
(A.N. So if anyone hasn't noticed WN is automatically deleting comments that have any inappropriate language, such as f.u.c.k, shit, s.e.x, hell, bitch, ect. I noticed this a while back but wasn't going to mention it, but then someone else started talking about it so I thought I'd bring it up.)
Jiemma laughed and taunted hysterically as he lifted the bloody and beaten Elfman into the air by his throat, his transformation having already been undone after being rendered unconscious by his opponent. As he prepared to use his Blast magic to blow Elfman's entire head off though, a new figure shot down at them from the sky while shouting,
"LEAVE ELF-NII ALONE!" Lisanna shifted from her bird form to her rabbit form as she swiftly brought her foot down right onto Jiemma's elbow, surprising him enough that he instinctively released his hold on Elfman's throat.
Lisanna then took up a defensive position between her older brother and Jiemma, her leg lifted up in a stance to make use of her enhanced kicking capabilities. The ex-guild master turned demon however didn't even seem to register her intentions to fight, instead sneering in contempt,
"What? First I have to fight that mere beast over there, now I have to fight a filthy animal? You shits are really looking down on me, aren't you!" Rather than retort to his obvious contempt towards her, Lisanna used her enhanced legs to shoot herself forward at Jiemma as quickly as possible.
Naturally the former guild master responded with a quick and powerful punch, which caused the area surrounding it to ripple with minor explosions to cause more damage. Instead though Lisanna dropped to the ground to slide under the massive fist, and through Jiemma's legs to end up behind him.
"Hya!" She cried out cutely as she quickly pivoted, and leapt up into the air to deliver a powerful kick to his back.
Despite the added power her legs had due to her rabbit form, Lisanna dumbfoundedly watched as her kick did nothing to Jiemma's tough body. Before he could react she tried to use her foothold on him to gain some distance, only for Jiemma to swing around faster than she thought possible and grab her by the ankle. Lisanna's pupils contracted to pinpoints as Jiemma's nasty smile widened victoriously, before she suddenly found herself being swung over his head directly into the ground below.
"HAHA!" Jiemma laughed viciously, before repeating the process a second time, and then a third. After the forth time that he slammed her into the ground, Jiemma lifted up lisannas limp body as if to scrutinize her, before sneering as he switched his grip so that he had his hand wrapped around her neck,
"If you like pretending to be a filthy animal so much," he then reached out with his other hand, and proceeded to rip the clothing from Lisanna's body while declaring, "THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO THE FULL DISTANCE, HAHA!"
With Lisanna's n.a.k.e.dness on display for everyone around them to witness, a great cheer erupted from the dark mages and mercenaries as several started wolf whistling and shouting,
These comments and more assaulted Lisanna's ears as she weakly squirmed against Jiemma's hold on her neck. The man himself however didn't even seem to notice her weak struggling, as he shouted out to the crowd of excited attackers,
The crowd roared their pleasure for all to hear, alerting the rest of Fairy Tail to their comrade's plight.
"Damn it.... I'M COMING LISANNA!" Erza cried out when she noticed the uproar.
"HOLD ON LISANNA!!!" Natsu cried out as he released a torrent of powerful flames at those around him, only to be immediately surrounded once more since Hyato had identified him as 'extremely dangerous'.
All around the battlefield members of the allied Mage guilds tried desperately to reach Lisanna, but the dark mages and the mercenaries meticulously worked to keep them out of the way as Jiemma proudly displayed his nude prize. Even the exceed, who were working to help bring back those who couldn't return for needed medical treatment by themselves, were unable to reach her as mages fired spell after spell specifically at them.
With his sneer rising at he chaos he had created on the battlefield, Jiemma couldn't wait to see the expression of shock the stupid fairies would make as they watched their own comrade be brutally ravaged before their eyes. He even used his foot to flip the barely conscious Elfman over so he could witness the 'show' as well, before declaring,
A sudden explosion of noise and magic power interrupted Jiemma's declaration, as he and every other person on the battlefield turned to see a swirling vortex of purplish-black demonic power near the guild masters. Everyone could only watch in awe as the vortex started to steadily grow larger and stronger in power, before the barely conscious Elfman muttered in disbelief,
"Nee....chan.....?" Meanwhile Lisanna flashed a fearless smirk despite her current situation, and struggled to get out,
"You guys...are in so much trouble....."
Jiemma however continued staring at the vortex as if he couldn't hear her, as two glowing red orbs formed that seemed to be peering even through his soul.
'W-what is this?' Jiemma thought to himself, as sensations he'd never once experienced in his life worked their way into his very being.
'That...is fear...' A voice seemed to hiss in the back of his mind, a voice that Jiemma immediately tried to dismiss as he had never once in his life felt fear.
Soon the vortex started to slowly vanish until it disappeared completely, leaving a lone figure standing in its center glaring directly at him menacingly. She had long white hair that now stood straight up on its end, elongated pointed ears reminiscent of an elf's, and a jagged black line running down the right side of her face from her hairline like a long scar.
Her hands had also changed into a set of large scaled claws that resembled gauntlets, while a set of fins protruded from her arms further up. The only thing covering her upper body was what appeared to be a dark colored skimpy V swimsuit that extended up from her crotch to the outer edges of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and over her shoulders, leaving her stomach and the middle of her chest exposed.
On her legs were a pair of dark red tights that came up halfway to her thighs, leaving the upper half of her thighs exposed to reveal more jagged scar-like lines, while on her feet was a pair of sharp high heels. Two of the most eye catching differences though were the pair of large leathery wings and the long stocky tail that were coming out of her backside, the latter of which was covered in large scaled plating.
Gone was Mirajane's signature warm smile that had greeted the members of her guild whenever they returned from a request. Gone was the warm atmosphere that usually surrounded her as she happily served her guild mates their mead and food.
Instead, her beautiful face was warped with fury.
Instead, there was only the Demon.
Her eyes were cold as they scanned the crowd of people staring at her slack-jawed, until they centered on the man holding her sister by the neck, displaying her n.a.k.e.d body to everyone as he offered her up to them. Mirajane took a single step forward when she found her target, before spreading her wings and launching herself forward with such speed and strength that the area around her feet turned into a crater as dirt went flying.
Before he could even blink Jiemma found himself looking down at Mirajane's furious face, as she demanded,
"Who the f.u.c.k said you can lay a filthy f.u.c.k.i.n.g finger on MY F.U.C.K.I.N.G FAMILY, YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G F.U.C.K?!"
At her last 'f.u.c.k' Mirajane proceeded to slam her fist into Jiemma's stomach so hard that he ended up releasing his grip on Lisanna's neck, before being sent flying back out of the battle. Without a second's hesitation Mirajane spread her wings and took off after him, while Lisanna was suddenly caught by someone new.
"You're ok now." Alex said to her soothingly as he held her bridal style and brought her in close to his protectively, while simultaneously activating Regeneration magic to heal her wounds. Lisanna blinked once at the sudden shift as she registered who was now holding her, before the false bravado she showed to Jiemma disappeared instantly and her eyes began filling with tears.
"I...I was so scared!" Alex held Lisanna closer as tears began streaming from her eyes, and she weakly clung to his shirt as she began desperately crying. Even when she had 'died' several years prior, Lisanna had never been as scared in her life as she had been when Jiemma prepared to give her to the men on the opposing side.
In response Alex simply held her even closer while saying comforting things to her, and summoning a blanket to wrap her in before using Spirit magic to put her into a dreamless sleep. With Lisanna peacefully sleeping in his arms, and Mirajane keeping every pair of eyes on her and Jiemma, Alex stood and turned towards Elfman before using Regeneration magic on him as well.
"Thank you...truly...." As his wounds quickly recovered Elfman stood and bowed respectfully to Alex as best as he could, his entire being filled with gratitude to the man who had saved his sister. Alex however waved away Elfman's thanks, and said,
"Don't worry about it. After all we're practically family now, and I always watch out for my family." Though Elfman tilted his head in confusion about Alex's remark, he didn't get a chance to ask what he meant when a voice suddenly piped up,
"HEY! That bitch is ours!"
With Jiemma and Mirajane moving their fight in the air and over the ocean, the dark mages and mercenaries that had once surrounded the former guild master started returning their attention to them once more. As they once more assaulted Lisanna with their l.u.s.tful gazes, Elfman readied himself to defend his little sister from their clutches.
Alex however didn't pay them any mind. Instead, he began channeling the concept of 'death' that he used to create his scythe, and simply looked up at them with cold eyes before saying a single word,
There was no pulse of magic power. No flash. No difference in anything around them whatsoever, except that a second after Alex said that word, well over a hundred men around them collapsed dead.
With everyone around them that had been targeting his sister suddenly dropping like puppets with their strings cut, Elfman could only look around in horrific awe until Alex suddenly said,
"Let's get back. You can follow me, right?" Without another word Alex turned and left to return to where the girls were waiting, prompting Elfman to follow behind him as he casually walked through battlefield.
Meanwhile the sky above the ocean and several dozen of the attacking sh.i.p.s was filled with constant concussions of noise, as Mirajane repeatedly sent Jiemma flying from a kick or punch before catching up to him to deliver yet another in an endless barrage that sent him flying in every direction.
"What's the matter little bitch, I thought you were supposed to be a lot stronger than us?!" She spat at him as she sent him flying yet again. However once she got in close once again, a vicious smile appeared on Jiemma's lips as he had prepared to use that moment to retaliate.
What he never expected though was that, instead of the usual attack, that time Mirajane sent her high heeled foot directly between his legs.
Unable to do anything besides desperately gasp for air after the superpowered kick to the nuts, Jiemma slowly fell back down to the ocean below while Mirajane watched impassively. This gave the hundreds of mages on the sh.i.p.s below the chance they had been waiting for, as a veritable tidal wave of spells started rising up to meet Mirajane now that she had stopped flitting around the skies at high speed.
Instead of seeming concerned at the incoming attacks though, Mirajane wordlessly raised one of her hands and formed countless dark purple magic circles in the sky. Not only did they stop the incoming spells before any of them reached her, but afterwards a storm of similarly colored demonic lightning rained down upon the sh.i.p.s and their passengers, shredding the vessels of wood as if they were paper and vaporizing any unfortunate enough to be struck directly.
"Wow...." Shia muttered in awe as she watched the display of power and brutality, before continuing, "Nice call adding her to the peerage as well!"
With several other girls nodding in agreement, Alex smiled wryly and explained as he put down the cup of tea he had just finished off, "Don't expect this level of power constantly right away. You have to remember that the majority of her powers have been bottled up for the last several years, and she's also currently fueled on rage with what just happened to her brother and sister."
The rest of the girls glanced at Elfman and Lisanna when they heard him, the latter of which was resting on a bed Grayfia conjured while her brother watched over her. However, as the sounds of destruction drifted towards them, he looked up at the destruction his older sister was causing with growing concern.
Grayfia then asked as she prepared another cup of tea for Alex, "so how exactly do her powers work? And will she be able to properly grow them?" Alex nodded as he accepted the fresh cup, and explained,
"From what I understand her magic is a form of Take Over like her siblings, except her specialty is called Satan Soul. This is more or less her basic combat form, but as she gets stronger and absorbs more demonic beings she should be able to gain new forms with their own set of unique powers." Grayfia c.o.c.ked a brow when she heard this, as several annoying old Devils from back home came to mind when she thought of potential beings Mirajane could absorb.
With his smile becoming slightly wryer from guessing what was going through Grayfia's mind, Alex turned his attention back to Mirajane as he again thanked the fact that his gamble with her had paid off. With her powers sealed he had hoped that the demonic energies in the evil piece would be able to 'jumpstart' her own dormant demonic powers. If it hadn't worked, then they would have had to wait until after the battle to use Spirit magic in order to try and unlock her powers since Mirajane's block was psychological, with Lisanna 'dying' in her arms being the catalyst.
It also seemed like a good idea since Mirajane seemed to be adapting to her new powers at an amazing pace, as the purple demonic lightning she was currently wielding wasn't one of her original abilities, but something he was willing to bet she created with demonic energies. (A.N. A reminder for anyone who might have forgotten, demonic magic power can be wielded in literally any way you can imagine as long as the image is strong enough, which was how Issei managed to create magic to strip girls and talk to b.r.e.a.s.ts.)
Once the downpour of demonic lightning ended, there was only one person left alive in that area that was desperately trying to claw their way onto the beach despite only having one leg and arm left after being subjected to the lightning storm. Once Jiemma finally managed to painfully crawl his way through the surf until his fingers felt dry sand, he was once again subjected to intense pain as a heeled foot planted itself in the center of his back.
"Where do you think you're going little bitch?" Mirajane snarled as her scaled tail coiled around Jiemma's neck, and lifted him into the air before her. She then adopted a stance similar to a boxer's, before her arms turned into blurs as Mirajane proceeded to deliver a series of speed powerful punches to his stomach and chest.
"Gah!...." Jiemma spat out a large mouthful of blood due to the continued abuse his body was suffering, while Mirajane's expression slowly morphed into an increasingly sadistic smile from the pain she was inflicting onto him. This continued on for nearly an entire minute, before suddenly,
With Alex's voice screaming at her in her head, as well as her own instincts warning her of danger, Mirajane just barely managed to tuck her wings and dodge to the side as a brilliant white lance passed by, grazing her shoulder as it did so.
Mirajane cried out as the most terrible physical pain she ever felt assaulted her from the scratch on her shoulder, while the lance that just barely grazed her impaled Jiemma in the middle of his chest.
"Gah! Ha! Y-you f-f.u.c.ker....." He just barely managed to curse as yet more torrents of blood burst from between his lips, before the point where the lance was impaling him at started glowing with a powerful divine light.
Shielding her eyes while simultaneously recoiling from the hateful divine light before her, when Mirajane opened them again Jiemma's body had completely disappeared after being burnt to ash from the holy power of the lance, which continued to simply hover there for a few seconds. When it started to slowly fly backwards the way it came, a new voice said,
"The True Longinus, one of the most powerful holy weapons ever created. A single scratch could kill weaker demons, or inflict unimaginable pain upon the stronger ones such as yourself. A direct hit however will completely erase you like it did Jiemma though."
Mirajane slowly turned until she was facing the speaker, who had the lance pointed directly at her while a majestic golden battle axe was slung over his shoulder, and a large black dog paced behind him, it's eyes glowing with a fiery light. Though the man's brilliant red and white armor concealed any distinguishing features, and his expression, Mirajane knew exactly who she was looking at as he said,
"Mirajane Strauss, aka the Demon. Your powers are supposed to be sealed." The way the man said it wasn't as if he was asking a question, but more of a matter of fact that she shouldn't have been able to unlock her powers once more. Instead of giving her a moment to wonder at this though, the divine lance suddenly started inching closer as he said,
"You must have had help to regain your powers, tell me about them and I might spare you." Mirajane's glare intensified at his question, and, right as she was about to tell him to f.u.c.k off, something else caught her attention as the wound on her shoulder started closing, and she suddenly felt her energy returning.
'Don't worry, help is on the way.' Alex's voice echoed within her head once more, making Mirajane laugh out loud at the confused general.
"I'm not telling you shit." She spat at him as she started to stand, not paying any attention to the lance right in front of her face. Though she couldn't see it, Hyato glared at her through his helmet and was about to simply skewer her right then and there, when a a pair of blades suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pushed the True Longinus back.
"She doesn't need to tell you anything." Erza snarled as she suddenly appeared, equipped in her strongest armor, Armadura Fairy, no less. With the pink metal with wing-like attachments gleaming under the sun, Mirajane smirked as she too prepared to fight,
"What took you so long you damned knight?" Erza smirked in return at Mirajane's attitude, before replying back,
"Well what about your attitude when I just saved your life, huh?" Mirajane's brow twitched when she heard that, but as she was about to snap that she didn't need Erza's help another new voice suddenly said,
"Ladies, this can be discussed later cant it? We kinda have a pressing matter to attend to." Everyone turned in shock to see none other than Gildarts casually approaching them, an eager grin on his face as he looked at the general. Hyato however looked at all three of them as they prepared to fight, and remarked,
"Well well well, all three of Fairy Tail's strongest mages barring the guild master himself, I'm honored." After he said that though Hyato noticed something that should've been impossible, making even the other reincarnators watching the battle through him straighten up.
"You!" Hyato said suddenly as he pointed at Gildarts, his tone entirely different from a moment ago. "How did your body get healed?!" Gildarts's brows shot up in surprise since he didn't know that the Dark Emperor and his lackeys knew about his injuries, however he responded by flashing a smirk and saying,
"Who knows, maybe some of that booze I drink is miracle booze or something! HAHA!" Hyato's expression darkened under his helmet when he heard Gildarts's remark, prompting him to ready his sacred gears before saying,
"No matter, I will learn everything I need to know soon enough." And with that, the battle between one of the generals and three of Fairy Tail's strongest began, while Natsu and Gajeel were both still desperately trying to make their way to them.
Jiemma laughed and taunted hysterically as he lifted the bloody and beaten Elfman into the air by his throat, his transformation having already been undone after being rendered unconscious by his opponent. As he prepared to use his Blast magic to blow Elfman's entire head off though, a new figure shot down at them from the sky while shouting,
"LEAVE ELF-NII ALONE!" Lisanna shifted from her bird form to her rabbit form as she swiftly brought her foot down right onto Jiemma's elbow, surprising him enough that he instinctively released his hold on Elfman's throat.
Lisanna then took up a defensive position between her older brother and Jiemma, her leg lifted up in a stance to make use of her enhanced kicking capabilities. The ex-guild master turned demon however didn't even seem to register her intentions to fight, instead sneering in contempt,
"What? First I have to fight that mere beast over there, now I have to fight a filthy animal? You shits are really looking down on me, aren't you!" Rather than retort to his obvious contempt towards her, Lisanna used her enhanced legs to shoot herself forward at Jiemma as quickly as possible.
Naturally the former guild master responded with a quick and powerful punch, which caused the area surrounding it to ripple with minor explosions to cause more damage. Instead though Lisanna dropped to the ground to slide under the massive fist, and through Jiemma's legs to end up behind him.
"Hya!" She cried out cutely as she quickly pivoted, and leapt up into the air to deliver a powerful kick to his back.
Despite the added power her legs had due to her rabbit form, Lisanna dumbfoundedly watched as her kick did nothing to Jiemma's tough body. Before he could react she tried to use her foothold on him to gain some distance, only for Jiemma to swing around faster than she thought possible and grab her by the ankle. Lisanna's pupils contracted to pinpoints as Jiemma's nasty smile widened victoriously, before she suddenly found herself being swung over his head directly into the ground below.
"HAHA!" Jiemma laughed viciously, before repeating the process a second time, and then a third. After the forth time that he slammed her into the ground, Jiemma lifted up lisannas limp body as if to scrutinize her, before sneering as he switched his grip so that he had his hand wrapped around her neck,
"If you like pretending to be a filthy animal so much," he then reached out with his other hand, and proceeded to rip the clothing from Lisanna's body while declaring, "THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO THE FULL DISTANCE, HAHA!"
With Lisanna's n.a.k.e.dness on display for everyone around them to witness, a great cheer erupted from the dark mages and mercenaries as several started wolf whistling and shouting,
These comments and more assaulted Lisanna's ears as she weakly squirmed against Jiemma's hold on her neck. The man himself however didn't even seem to notice her weak struggling, as he shouted out to the crowd of excited attackers,
The crowd roared their pleasure for all to hear, alerting the rest of Fairy Tail to their comrade's plight.
"Damn it.... I'M COMING LISANNA!" Erza cried out when she noticed the uproar.
"HOLD ON LISANNA!!!" Natsu cried out as he released a torrent of powerful flames at those around him, only to be immediately surrounded once more since Hyato had identified him as 'extremely dangerous'.
All around the battlefield members of the allied Mage guilds tried desperately to reach Lisanna, but the dark mages and the mercenaries meticulously worked to keep them out of the way as Jiemma proudly displayed his nude prize. Even the exceed, who were working to help bring back those who couldn't return for needed medical treatment by themselves, were unable to reach her as mages fired spell after spell specifically at them.
With his sneer rising at he chaos he had created on the battlefield, Jiemma couldn't wait to see the expression of shock the stupid fairies would make as they watched their own comrade be brutally ravaged before their eyes. He even used his foot to flip the barely conscious Elfman over so he could witness the 'show' as well, before declaring,
A sudden explosion of noise and magic power interrupted Jiemma's declaration, as he and every other person on the battlefield turned to see a swirling vortex of purplish-black demonic power near the guild masters. Everyone could only watch in awe as the vortex started to steadily grow larger and stronger in power, before the barely conscious Elfman muttered in disbelief,
"Nee....chan.....?" Meanwhile Lisanna flashed a fearless smirk despite her current situation, and struggled to get out,
"You guys...are in so much trouble....."
Jiemma however continued staring at the vortex as if he couldn't hear her, as two glowing red orbs formed that seemed to be peering even through his soul.
'W-what is this?' Jiemma thought to himself, as sensations he'd never once experienced in his life worked their way into his very being.
'That...is fear...' A voice seemed to hiss in the back of his mind, a voice that Jiemma immediately tried to dismiss as he had never once in his life felt fear.
Soon the vortex started to slowly vanish until it disappeared completely, leaving a lone figure standing in its center glaring directly at him menacingly. She had long white hair that now stood straight up on its end, elongated pointed ears reminiscent of an elf's, and a jagged black line running down the right side of her face from her hairline like a long scar.
Her hands had also changed into a set of large scaled claws that resembled gauntlets, while a set of fins protruded from her arms further up. The only thing covering her upper body was what appeared to be a dark colored skimpy V swimsuit that extended up from her crotch to the outer edges of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and over her shoulders, leaving her stomach and the middle of her chest exposed.
On her legs were a pair of dark red tights that came up halfway to her thighs, leaving the upper half of her thighs exposed to reveal more jagged scar-like lines, while on her feet was a pair of sharp high heels. Two of the most eye catching differences though were the pair of large leathery wings and the long stocky tail that were coming out of her backside, the latter of which was covered in large scaled plating.
Gone was Mirajane's signature warm smile that had greeted the members of her guild whenever they returned from a request. Gone was the warm atmosphere that usually surrounded her as she happily served her guild mates their mead and food.
Instead, her beautiful face was warped with fury.
Instead, there was only the Demon.
Her eyes were cold as they scanned the crowd of people staring at her slack-jawed, until they centered on the man holding her sister by the neck, displaying her n.a.k.e.d body to everyone as he offered her up to them. Mirajane took a single step forward when she found her target, before spreading her wings and launching herself forward with such speed and strength that the area around her feet turned into a crater as dirt went flying.
Before he could even blink Jiemma found himself looking down at Mirajane's furious face, as she demanded,
"Who the f.u.c.k said you can lay a filthy f.u.c.k.i.n.g finger on MY F.U.C.K.I.N.G FAMILY, YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G F.U.C.K?!"
At her last 'f.u.c.k' Mirajane proceeded to slam her fist into Jiemma's stomach so hard that he ended up releasing his grip on Lisanna's neck, before being sent flying back out of the battle. Without a second's hesitation Mirajane spread her wings and took off after him, while Lisanna was suddenly caught by someone new.
"You're ok now." Alex said to her soothingly as he held her bridal style and brought her in close to his protectively, while simultaneously activating Regeneration magic to heal her wounds. Lisanna blinked once at the sudden shift as she registered who was now holding her, before the false bravado she showed to Jiemma disappeared instantly and her eyes began filling with tears.
"I...I was so scared!" Alex held Lisanna closer as tears began streaming from her eyes, and she weakly clung to his shirt as she began desperately crying. Even when she had 'died' several years prior, Lisanna had never been as scared in her life as she had been when Jiemma prepared to give her to the men on the opposing side.
In response Alex simply held her even closer while saying comforting things to her, and summoning a blanket to wrap her in before using Spirit magic to put her into a dreamless sleep. With Lisanna peacefully sleeping in his arms, and Mirajane keeping every pair of eyes on her and Jiemma, Alex stood and turned towards Elfman before using Regeneration magic on him as well.
"Thank you...truly...." As his wounds quickly recovered Elfman stood and bowed respectfully to Alex as best as he could, his entire being filled with gratitude to the man who had saved his sister. Alex however waved away Elfman's thanks, and said,
"Don't worry about it. After all we're practically family now, and I always watch out for my family." Though Elfman tilted his head in confusion about Alex's remark, he didn't get a chance to ask what he meant when a voice suddenly piped up,
"HEY! That bitch is ours!"
With Jiemma and Mirajane moving their fight in the air and over the ocean, the dark mages and mercenaries that had once surrounded the former guild master started returning their attention to them once more. As they once more assaulted Lisanna with their l.u.s.tful gazes, Elfman readied himself to defend his little sister from their clutches.
Alex however didn't pay them any mind. Instead, he began channeling the concept of 'death' that he used to create his scythe, and simply looked up at them with cold eyes before saying a single word,
There was no pulse of magic power. No flash. No difference in anything around them whatsoever, except that a second after Alex said that word, well over a hundred men around them collapsed dead.
With everyone around them that had been targeting his sister suddenly dropping like puppets with their strings cut, Elfman could only look around in horrific awe until Alex suddenly said,
"Let's get back. You can follow me, right?" Without another word Alex turned and left to return to where the girls were waiting, prompting Elfman to follow behind him as he casually walked through battlefield.
Meanwhile the sky above the ocean and several dozen of the attacking sh.i.p.s was filled with constant concussions of noise, as Mirajane repeatedly sent Jiemma flying from a kick or punch before catching up to him to deliver yet another in an endless barrage that sent him flying in every direction.
"What's the matter little bitch, I thought you were supposed to be a lot stronger than us?!" She spat at him as she sent him flying yet again. However once she got in close once again, a vicious smile appeared on Jiemma's lips as he had prepared to use that moment to retaliate.
What he never expected though was that, instead of the usual attack, that time Mirajane sent her high heeled foot directly between his legs.
Unable to do anything besides desperately gasp for air after the superpowered kick to the nuts, Jiemma slowly fell back down to the ocean below while Mirajane watched impassively. This gave the hundreds of mages on the sh.i.p.s below the chance they had been waiting for, as a veritable tidal wave of spells started rising up to meet Mirajane now that she had stopped flitting around the skies at high speed.
Instead of seeming concerned at the incoming attacks though, Mirajane wordlessly raised one of her hands and formed countless dark purple magic circles in the sky. Not only did they stop the incoming spells before any of them reached her, but afterwards a storm of similarly colored demonic lightning rained down upon the sh.i.p.s and their passengers, shredding the vessels of wood as if they were paper and vaporizing any unfortunate enough to be struck directly.
"Wow...." Shia muttered in awe as she watched the display of power and brutality, before continuing, "Nice call adding her to the peerage as well!"
With several other girls nodding in agreement, Alex smiled wryly and explained as he put down the cup of tea he had just finished off, "Don't expect this level of power constantly right away. You have to remember that the majority of her powers have been bottled up for the last several years, and she's also currently fueled on rage with what just happened to her brother and sister."
The rest of the girls glanced at Elfman and Lisanna when they heard him, the latter of which was resting on a bed Grayfia conjured while her brother watched over her. However, as the sounds of destruction drifted towards them, he looked up at the destruction his older sister was causing with growing concern.
Grayfia then asked as she prepared another cup of tea for Alex, "so how exactly do her powers work? And will she be able to properly grow them?" Alex nodded as he accepted the fresh cup, and explained,
"From what I understand her magic is a form of Take Over like her siblings, except her specialty is called Satan Soul. This is more or less her basic combat form, but as she gets stronger and absorbs more demonic beings she should be able to gain new forms with their own set of unique powers." Grayfia c.o.c.ked a brow when she heard this, as several annoying old Devils from back home came to mind when she thought of potential beings Mirajane could absorb.
With his smile becoming slightly wryer from guessing what was going through Grayfia's mind, Alex turned his attention back to Mirajane as he again thanked the fact that his gamble with her had paid off. With her powers sealed he had hoped that the demonic energies in the evil piece would be able to 'jumpstart' her own dormant demonic powers. If it hadn't worked, then they would have had to wait until after the battle to use Spirit magic in order to try and unlock her powers since Mirajane's block was psychological, with Lisanna 'dying' in her arms being the catalyst.
It also seemed like a good idea since Mirajane seemed to be adapting to her new powers at an amazing pace, as the purple demonic lightning she was currently wielding wasn't one of her original abilities, but something he was willing to bet she created with demonic energies. (A.N. A reminder for anyone who might have forgotten, demonic magic power can be wielded in literally any way you can imagine as long as the image is strong enough, which was how Issei managed to create magic to strip girls and talk to b.r.e.a.s.ts.)
Once the downpour of demonic lightning ended, there was only one person left alive in that area that was desperately trying to claw their way onto the beach despite only having one leg and arm left after being subjected to the lightning storm. Once Jiemma finally managed to painfully crawl his way through the surf until his fingers felt dry sand, he was once again subjected to intense pain as a heeled foot planted itself in the center of his back.
"Where do you think you're going little bitch?" Mirajane snarled as her scaled tail coiled around Jiemma's neck, and lifted him into the air before her. She then adopted a stance similar to a boxer's, before her arms turned into blurs as Mirajane proceeded to deliver a series of speed powerful punches to his stomach and chest.
"Gah!...." Jiemma spat out a large mouthful of blood due to the continued abuse his body was suffering, while Mirajane's expression slowly morphed into an increasingly sadistic smile from the pain she was inflicting onto him. This continued on for nearly an entire minute, before suddenly,
With Alex's voice screaming at her in her head, as well as her own instincts warning her of danger, Mirajane just barely managed to tuck her wings and dodge to the side as a brilliant white lance passed by, grazing her shoulder as it did so.
Mirajane cried out as the most terrible physical pain she ever felt assaulted her from the scratch on her shoulder, while the lance that just barely grazed her impaled Jiemma in the middle of his chest.
"Gah! Ha! Y-you f-f.u.c.ker....." He just barely managed to curse as yet more torrents of blood burst from between his lips, before the point where the lance was impaling him at started glowing with a powerful divine light.
Shielding her eyes while simultaneously recoiling from the hateful divine light before her, when Mirajane opened them again Jiemma's body had completely disappeared after being burnt to ash from the holy power of the lance, which continued to simply hover there for a few seconds. When it started to slowly fly backwards the way it came, a new voice said,
"The True Longinus, one of the most powerful holy weapons ever created. A single scratch could kill weaker demons, or inflict unimaginable pain upon the stronger ones such as yourself. A direct hit however will completely erase you like it did Jiemma though."
Mirajane slowly turned until she was facing the speaker, who had the lance pointed directly at her while a majestic golden battle axe was slung over his shoulder, and a large black dog paced behind him, it's eyes glowing with a fiery light. Though the man's brilliant red and white armor concealed any distinguishing features, and his expression, Mirajane knew exactly who she was looking at as he said,
"Mirajane Strauss, aka the Demon. Your powers are supposed to be sealed." The way the man said it wasn't as if he was asking a question, but more of a matter of fact that she shouldn't have been able to unlock her powers once more. Instead of giving her a moment to wonder at this though, the divine lance suddenly started inching closer as he said,
"You must have had help to regain your powers, tell me about them and I might spare you." Mirajane's glare intensified at his question, and, right as she was about to tell him to f.u.c.k off, something else caught her attention as the wound on her shoulder started closing, and she suddenly felt her energy returning.
'Don't worry, help is on the way.' Alex's voice echoed within her head once more, making Mirajane laugh out loud at the confused general.
"I'm not telling you shit." She spat at him as she started to stand, not paying any attention to the lance right in front of her face. Though she couldn't see it, Hyato glared at her through his helmet and was about to simply skewer her right then and there, when a a pair of blades suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pushed the True Longinus back.
"She doesn't need to tell you anything." Erza snarled as she suddenly appeared, equipped in her strongest armor, Armadura Fairy, no less. With the pink metal with wing-like attachments gleaming under the sun, Mirajane smirked as she too prepared to fight,
"What took you so long you damned knight?" Erza smirked in return at Mirajane's attitude, before replying back,
"Well what about your attitude when I just saved your life, huh?" Mirajane's brow twitched when she heard that, but as she was about to snap that she didn't need Erza's help another new voice suddenly said,
"Ladies, this can be discussed later cant it? We kinda have a pressing matter to attend to." Everyone turned in shock to see none other than Gildarts casually approaching them, an eager grin on his face as he looked at the general. Hyato however looked at all three of them as they prepared to fight, and remarked,
"Well well well, all three of Fairy Tail's strongest mages barring the guild master himself, I'm honored." After he said that though Hyato noticed something that should've been impossible, making even the other reincarnators watching the battle through him straighten up.
"You!" Hyato said suddenly as he pointed at Gildarts, his tone entirely different from a moment ago. "How did your body get healed?!" Gildarts's brows shot up in surprise since he didn't know that the Dark Emperor and his lackeys knew about his injuries, however he responded by flashing a smirk and saying,
"Who knows, maybe some of that booze I drink is miracle booze or something! HAHA!" Hyato's expression darkened under his helmet when he heard Gildarts's remark, prompting him to ready his sacred gears before saying,
"No matter, I will learn everything I need to know soon enough." And with that, the battle between one of the generals and three of Fairy Tail's strongest began, while Natsu and Gajeel were both still desperately trying to make their way to them.
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