God succession system
Chapter 404 - War
As the minutes slowly and painfully ticked by, Zeus began to feel something was wrong as Alex never arrived. Zeus didn't believe Alex wouldn't show based on his attitude in the letter, so with every minute that ticked by passed eight, he began to grow increasingly uneasy.
As the armies and heroes below him also grew increasingly restless at how quiet it was, Athena then called out urgently,
"What if he showed up somewhere else instead?!" Zeus then paled as he realized Alex never said exactly where he would attack them at, and, based off of the attitude he displayed in his letter, a horrible idea crossed his mind.
"OLYMPIANS! WE ARE RETURNING TO THE DIVINE HALL!" His voice boomed across the sky once more, before he then turned and started flying back towards the hall at the peak of Olympus, the other ten gods right on his tail.
The second he stormed into the hall though, Zeus was filled with both shock and outrage when he saw Alex casually sitting back in his throne, snacking on their ambrosia and nectar while there was a suspicious movement in his ŀȧp. Ignoring the growing anger his presence had caused though, Alex threw his arms open in a welcoming gesture as he declared,
"Welcome! I came to fight like I promised, but imagine my surprise when I found out all of you ran away like cowards before I even got here! So, until you worked up the balls to greet me, I decided to enjoy some refreshments while admiring the look of my new throne room. At least one of you knows how to properly greet your new emperor though."
As he trailed off Alex gestured to the figure bobbing up and down in his ŀȧp, which, when they moved to see who it was from around the grand table, they saw it none other than the goddess Aphrodite, completely nȧkėd with Alex's ċȯċk in her mouth.
The entirety of Olympus began to slowly rumble at Zeus's indignant fury from the current situation, from Alex defiling his throne and eating their ambrosia and nectar, to even one of their own welcoming him so 'openly'.
"Aphrodite..." He growled in his most threatening tone as the stone columns, floors, and ceilings around them began crack and fracture. "...what is the meaning of this...?"
Alex watched Zeus's anger in amusement while also anticipating the fight to come, but then he fought an involuntary shuddered as Aphrodite ran her incredibly pleasurable tongue up the bottom of his ċȯċk one last time, before she said as her incredibly skilled and soft hands began to stroke him,
"Isn't it obvious Zeus? How could you ever expect me to ignore such an amazing and perfect specimen of a real 'man'? Especially when it's one who has such a reputation when it comes to members of the opposite sėx?" As she spoke Aphrodite then crawled into his ŀȧp as she eagerly positioned her smooth and glistening entrance over his ċȯċkhead, before slowly penetrating herself onto him.
"..." As the goddess of love and beauty herself impaled herself on him, Alex actually had to fight back the urge to climax then and there as the most pleasurable sensation he ever experienced ȧssaulted him, making him almost feel like a teenage boy again experiencing his actual contact with a girl.
He was able to resist the urge though with every single ounce of self control he possessed in his body, making Aphrodite even more excited since almost every single one of her lovers over the millennia would've ċum by now. Of course, Alex had an easier time resisting the pŀėȧsurės of Aphrodite's body a second later when a new voice bellowed,
He then looked up to a horribly disfigured beast of a man charging at them, hammer raised high while flames swirled around him, none other than the smith God, Hephaestus.
While Alex did feel a bit bad about fuċkɨnġ the man's wife, he got over it since Aphrodite had never actually wanted to be with Hephaestus to begin with, instead she was given to him by Zeus in order to prevent infighting amongst the gods to have her for their own. So, Alex then proceeded to grab Aphrodite's buŧŧ with his left hand to support her, while she wrapped her arms and legs around his neck and waist, and dodged as Hephaestus destroyed Zeus's throne.
Ignoring the molten slag that had once been Zeus's throne, the rest of the gods then proceeded to follow up Hephaestus's attack with their own, finally signaling the start of the battle.
First Alex had to either avoid or deflect a series of weapon strikes that came from either Ares, Athena, or Hermes, the former two of which had divinities related to war and battle, while the latter one was fastest amongst the gods. As if that wasn't enough though, at the same time the twin archery gods of Apollon and Artemis began to fire several volleys of arrows at him with such speed and precision, that they put both ȧssault rifles and snipers to shame.
Even with Aphrodite covering the entire front half of his body, and with her arms and legs wrapped around him, none of the arrows or weapon attacks were in danger of hitting her as Alex instead had to defend his eyes, sides, balls(shudder), and other exposed vulnerabilities from them.
Meanwhile Zeus took the chance to build up enough power and lightning that he risked vaporizing the entirety of Olympus, while Hephaestus had generated enough fire and heat by this point that anything around him started to melt as he slowly limped towards Alex and his wife, fury in his eyes. Of course, one of the only places not being damaged by the battle was Hestia's hearth, but no one except Alex noticed the youthful looking goddess giving them all pointed glares.
"Why doesn't the 'great saiyan' try this on for size!" Zeus cried out as he released his blast of lightning directly at Alex, who was surrounded by the other gods to try and prevent him from avoiding the blast.
Instead of doing so though, the corner of Alex's mouth twitched to form a smirk as he raised his hand as if in slow motion, Apollon and Artemis's attacks suddenly seeming to just bȧrėly miss him as he stopped focusing on them, and backhanded the massive lightning attack away as if was but a fly to him.
All of Olympus jumped as Zeus's attack tore through every single protective layer and formation encircling the throne room, and tore apart the sky itself beyond in a spectacular light show. As everyone else was momentarily stunned by the light show, Heracles voice suddenly boomed out almost as loud as the thunder had been,
"""FOR GLORY!!!"""
With literal millions of warriors echoing his battle cry as they rushed towards the throne of Olympus, both the earth and sky rumbled as the battle raged on ahead.
Meanwhile, back in the throne room, Alex was still fighting each of the gods singlehandedly, while simultaneously making sure to fuċk Aphrodite like she'd never been fuċkėd before.
Aphrodite had always had a thing for 'manly' men, men who could fight, men who would bathe in the blood of their enemies and be a terror on the battlefield, and knew how to treat a woman. Unfortunately, her husband wasn't any of that. While Hephaestus was a loving husband that regularly showered her with gifts that he forged himself, Aphrodite had never been able to genuinely love him like he did her, instead her attention was usually taken by men like Ares, or Alex.
Take the current moment for example, never in her long existence had Aphrodite ever been fuċkėd by a man who was simultaneously fighting several opponents at once. Not only was Alex expertly defending against and retaliating against the other god's attacks, but he was also expertly using his impressive ċȯċk to pŀėȧsurė her in ways no man had done in centuries, and that was even before the finger on his left hand started to get involved.
"Oh my! Those are some naughty fingers you have there~" She whispered into Alex's ears as she felt them dig into her buŧŧ, so that Alex was now pleasuring both her holes while fighting off eleven major gods. "Are you sure you're not some kind of sėx God~?"
Alex smirked at her question, and only responded with a "No comment." While Aphrodite pouted at him mockingly, her eyes suddenly widening as Alex decided to kick things up a notch.
"Let's have you all experience the overwhelming power of a SSJ4!" He uttered with a wide smile, making those that heard him pale as they recalled his previous fur covered form.
"DON'T LET HIM TRANSFORM!" Zeus shouted with undisguised panic as he desperately tried to power up an even bigger shot than last time, while the rest of the gods quickly rushed in to prevent Alex from transforming.
Instead of being deterred by their interference though, Alex's maniac smile widened as an intense aura began to radiate from his body, preventing gods such as Hermes or Dionysus from getting close to him. Athena and Ares both fought against Alex's increasing pressure though to attack with their swords, only for a sharp metallic clang to ring out as Ascalon and a brilliant golden staff appeared to block them.
"What the-?" Athena swore when she saw the two weapons, the first of which Alex was controlling with 'Telekinesis', while he was wielding the golden staff with his tail.
The staff was one of the weapons he had created in his downtime, replacing the original staff that Sun Wukong gave him all those years ago since it was more durable, and he had managed to make it like Wukong's in that it expanded and extended. Of course, like Wukong's it was so heavy that no ordinary person could wield it.
Alex however twirled the golden staff around with his tail like it weighed nothing, deflecting each and every attack directed at his back with it regardless of if they swords or arrows. Meanwhile Ascalon flashed with its golden divine brilliance as it deflected every attack in front of Alex, seemingly moving as if it had a mind of it own through the air.
Meanwhile Alex's power continued to soar while the gathered gods tried to prevent his transformation, to no avail. Slowly his muscle mass started to increase, as bright red hair began to sprout all over his body while his black hair seemed to turn darker as it extended down to his shoulders.
Aphrodite too reacted to Alex's transformation, as she gripped his new fur as if she were trying to rip it out as she felt his already large member grow even bigger inside her. It still wasn't the largest she ever had, but, feeling the ċȯċk that Alex had already been fuċkɨnġ her like a god with growing bigger, she certainly wasn't complaining.
Everyone else was more focused on the other aspects of Alex's transformation though, namely the power that now radiated from his body along with his increased size. While still moving to keep Aphrodite satisfied, Alex glanced over the other gods before saying,
"Let's try this again, shall we?" Before any of them even had a chance to respond, Alex suddenly appeared behind the fastest of the twelve Olympians, Hermes, and delivered the messenger God with a merciless flick to the back of the head that sent him flying, the whites of his eyes showing.
"...oops..." Alex muttered when he saw the Hermes was lifelessly falling to the earth below, his expression paling as he continued,
"I held back enough to not pop his head like a melon, but was that really enough...?" Though he was worried about if he had accidentally killed the messenger God, Alex didn't have time to be too concerned as Zeus finally unleashed his attack at him.
Unlike the previous attack Alex didn't bother retaliating though, instead allowing the insanely powerful blast of lightning to strike him directly in the face without defending against it whatsoever. The entire throne room was then enveloped in a bright flash of light as the power of the blast blew out the rest of the walls and pillars, exposing them all to the night skies.
"D-did that do it...?" One of the gods couldn't help but ask as the bright light began to die down, the only sound breaking the silence around them being the beating of pegasus's wings as Perseus approached.
"Don't you know anything about flags? Saying something like that after a flashy attack guarantees that the villain didn't take any damage you know." Alex's voice suddenly called out as the intense light began to die down, revealing him standing there without even so much as a scuff on his face.
Instead he had a casual stance while Aphrodite hung limply in his arms after he had finally allowed himself to ċum inside her, the potent energy from his sėmėn also pushing her over the edge despite her authority as a goddess of love and sėx.
As the seconds ticked by and everyone took in the scene of Alex standing there perfectly fine while in shock, while Aphrodite slowly recovered from her ȯrġȧsm.
"That was....truly amazing! Next lets-kyaaaa!" Just as she tried deciding how to have sėx next, Alex then proceeded to unceremoniously(though gently) dump her on the ground before equipping a plain pair of pants on his lower body, and saying,
"It truly was amazing, but that'll be all since I'm not into sharing with other guys. If you want a next time, then you'll have to get the approval of my harem." Aphrodite's mental facilities slow led to complete stop as she watched Alex turn away from her to put all of his attention on his fight with the other gods, the reality of what he said sinking in as he did so.
'I....was rejected...?'
Over and over these three words repeated themselves in her mind, trying to process the reality of what they meant. Never in her thousands of years had a single person, man or woman, rejected her. The only possible exceptions to this rule were literal children, someone whose heart was completely claimed by another, or those who were completely pure of heart, however Aphrodite had never actually encountered the last one.
Alex obviously didn't fall into any of these categories, he wasn't a child, and he had a harem so the last two definitely wouldn't apply. There was also the fact that he had already indulged in her body and abandoned her after the fact, adding to unrealness of the situation.
This was a part of the reason Alex had been so 'cruel' to Aphrodite, as he was well aware of how her personality was, and, while she herself was used to having as many partners as she pleased, she had next to no experiencing sharing a man with other women.
Was it hypocritical of him? Yes it was.
Did Alex care? No he did not.
He had done the same thing when it came to Kurumu's mother Ageha, he was fine with have a tryst with her once, but that would be it unless she dedicated herself to him. So for him it would be the same with Aphrodite, though if the end result was the same or not would depend on her.
For Alex at the moment however, Aphrodite was getting further and further from his mind as more and more of the heroes of Olympus began to arrive, starting with hero King, Perseus. Looking between the gathered heroes and gods that were gaping at the raw, unbridled energy coming off of his body, Alex cracked his knuckled threateningly before asking,
"So, who's next?"
All of mount Olympus shuddered once again as yet another explosion thundered, and another figure went flying, this time being Hephaestus as he once again tried to make Alex pay for fuċkɨnġ his wife. Meanwhile Alex himself appeared in the skies above Olympus, the gods Dionysus and Poseidon hanging limply in his grips.
Dropping the portly Dionysus unceremoniously to the ground below, Alex then instead tossed Poseidon towards the seas that he could possibly recover, and display the true power of the God of the seas. The second both gods crash landed though, there was a crash as a new figure suddenly leapt up towards Alex, using their own explosive strength to propel themselves forward like the world's deadliest cannon.
Alex's maniac smile widened as he watched the hulking figure wrapped in a lions pelt speed towards him through the skies, while another figure sped towards him on the back of a pure white Pegasus, one hand clutching his sword while the other was inside of a burlap bag. Putting on the glasses that Azazel had given him so long ago, Alex then reached up and caught Heracles in mid-air right before he could impact him, arresting all of his explosive momentum instantly.
"It's an honor to meet history's strongest hero, too bad we couldn't meet under better circumstances though." Alex said playfully to Heracles, to which the great hero growled back with just the bȧrėst hint of his own smile,
"Indeed. I would have liked to swap stories with you sometime." Though the two muscle heads shared a brief moment of respect for one another, Alex then sent a powerful punch directly to Heracles's gut and sent him flying off into the distance.
As Alex watched the greatest hero in history fly away, he then directed his attention towards the pure white Pegasus that steadily and warily approached him. On its back was Perseus himself, with his right hand raising his sword while his left was gripping something inside a bloody burlap sack.
"Let's see how the great Dragon Emperor deals with THIS!" Perseus cried out with a victorious grin plastered to his face, any thought of leaving the glory to someone else gone from his mind in the face of Alex's overwhelming might as he pulled the bloody head of Medusa from the sack.
When the scaly green head was pointed at him Alex watched as Medusa's eyes opened on their own as she seemed to come alive once more, her snake hair coming alive as well to hiss and bȧrė their elongated fangs at him while her serpentine eyes dyed everything within their field of view green. Despite making contact with Medusa's eyes though, nothing happen to Alex as he and Perseus stared at each other for several seconds, until he then proceeded to tap the side of his sunglasses lightly to indicate to the demigod why exactly he hadn't turned to stone.
"Are you kidding me...?" Perseus muttered to himself as he slowly put Medusa's head away, never having thought that Alex would have a tool on him to filter out visual based elements. He then instead pulled out his shield, which was reflective enough to use as a mirror in order to allow him to fight Medusa without directly looking at her.
"Then let's settle this like some real men!" He cried out towards Alex, intending to draw him into a direct one-on-one battle while the rest of the Warriors and heroes around them closed in. Unfortunately for him though, Alex had no intention to draw things out.
Instead, Alex's hand began to blur as he used Spatial magic to reach through the void, where he grabbed the back of Perseus's armor and pulled. Less than a second later the hero King found himself falling as Alex pulled him through space, and sent him careening away from his Pegasus through the open air.
Alex himself then dropped down to the ground so that he was surrounded on all sides by enemies, while any remaining gods filled the skies above them, each one nursing some level of injuries from their earlier clash.
"Why is it people always think they have the advantage when they surround me? All it means is that it's harder for them for them to avoid MY attacks." As if to prove his point, Alex then raised his hand before creating a white hot ball of fire, before throwing it to the ground to spread and swirl around him.
"SPARTANS! SHIELDS UP!!!" A sharp voice cried out before every single Spartan soldier, no matter the time period, raised their shields in unison to form one solid makeshift wall. When they did a shimmering hexagonal wall formed before them from where Leonidas was standing, extending to cover entire squadrons in a protective layer of magical light.
"A barrier type sacred gear huh? That explains a bit." Alex muttered as he watched the king of Spartans piggyback on their shield wall to increase their defenses even more, while the flames he generated rushed up against the defensive line.
Thankfully for them Alex's intention wasn't to smash their defenses and burn them all, instead the flames he generated began to condense and form concrete shapes, until there was another army gathered there of demonic looking fiery beings.
The armies of Olympus stared at the fiery beings with a mix of horror and fascination, horror at the fact that Alex could generate entire armies at a whim, and fascination at how Alex had apparently created that for all intents and purposes, were living beings from nothing but fire itself. Their fascination didn't last long though, as Leonidas then cried out,
In an instant the gathered Spartans broke their shield wall and surged forward in a wave of shields and lances, leading the charge against Alex's creations of fire. The sole exception was a certain blonde haired warrior who was wearing a set of pristine silver armor, who rushed Alex faster than anyone else could move.
"You will become a part of My legacy, Dragon Emperor!" The warrior cried out in excitement as he aimed his sword at soft flesh between Alex neck and his shoulder, where he landed to plunge his sword to get an easy kill with a single strike. Instead, Alex sent him a punch without even glancing in his direction that sent the warrior flying away, without him even knowing the man's identity.
The person Alex did pay attention to however was another armored individual that quickly sped towards him from the ruins of the Olympian throne room, his expression one of anger as he cried out with his sword raised,
"You'll pay for what you did to Aphrodite!" Alex's expression was calm as he raised Ascalon to catch Ares's sword on it's guard, and he replied,
"What exactly did I 'do to her'? She wanted to fuċk so I agreed to do so once, and then I rejected her when that one time was over. It's not my fault that she can't handle rejection well." Of course Alex's words only angered Ares even more, as the war God loved the goddess of love more than anyone else.
Unlike Hephaestus though he understood her free and unrestrained nature, he didn't see her as simply a beautiful bird that needed to be caged. Seeing her the way she had been after Alex rejected and turned away from her broke Ares's heart, so the war God intended to do the only thing he could do, smash Alex's face in as retribution.
Unfortunately Ares underestimated just how skilled Alex actually was with a blade, plus there was Alex's raw physical ability to contend with. Ares may have had millennia to hone his own respective skills, but he had never considered fighting beings on the physical level that Alex currently was.
The only time he came even close to striking Alex was at the one point that Alex didn't even bother using Ascalon to guard against one of Ares's strikes, instead catching the blade on the palm of his hand. Alex was then surprised as Ares's sword blade began to slice into his flesh just ever so slightly, just enough to draw his blood before Alex tightened the muscles in his hand to prevent it from cutting even deeper.
Surprised that Ares managed to do even that, Alex then said to him,
"I didn't even think anyone on this world could damage my body with this transformation, you have my acknowledgement Ares." Though he praised the God of war, Alex then proceeded to send him flying a second later after he planted his fist in his gut, shattering Ares's armor as the war God was sent flying away at high speed.
Ares hadn't even landed yet when there was a flash of light and Alex was surrounded by the few remaining gods, Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollon, and Artemis, all of which were nursing various injuries as they prepared once more for battle. Zeus then glanced around them to see the battle raging as Alex's creations fought with the armies they gathered, as he took in the destruction caused by one man.
"Let's settle this." Zeus said in a deathly calm voice, now prepared to do whatever it took to egg out a win against Alex.
The man himself however just grinned at the resolve of Zeus and the other gods, before his figure blurred as he zipped around, and rendered the rest of the gods unconscious instantly. With just the two of them left, lightning began to crackle around Zeus menacingly while Alex's aura soared once again to dwarf Zeus's, displaying to anyone who was watching just how much of a gap there was between the two.
One after another Zeus fired bolts of lightning directly at Alex to try and force him back, but Alex simply took every attack as he slowly approached the thunder God, his expression never flinching in the slightest at the attacks he took.
Finally Alex and Zeus stood mere inches before each other, staring the other in the eye as Zeus's crackled with lightning, and Alex's red ringed eyes stared down at him unflinchingly. Then,
Alex delivered a series of high speed and powered punches to several different parts of Zeus's upper body, obliterating most of the toga covering his body while doing untold damage to the inside of Zeus's body. Meanwhile the thunder God sacrificed any form of defense to grab onto Alex himself, before sending all of the lightning he could muster directly into Alex's body at point blank.
While normally this would be a sound strategy, what Zeus didn't know was that Alex had recently gained the ability to absorb any and all forms of energy with his body, meaning that all Zeus did was recharge any energy Alex might have lost during their fight, and then some. Of course Alex didn't actually say any of this, instead, he simply grabbed Zeus by the face and swept his leg under the thunder God to knock him off of his feet, sending him crashing to the ground.
Slowly the battlefield entered a state of hush as they watched the chief of their gods fall on his back, before coughing up a frightening amount of blood from the earlier damage Alex did to his body. Looking out over the battlefield though, Alex then looked at Zeus and said,
"No matter how you spin it, this battle is over. I know you have your own pride and all, but is it really worth forcing your followers and family to undergo unnecessary suffering just to prolong the foregone conclusion?" As Alex said, this entire battle was little more than a farce for the Olympians to officially try to prevent him from taking them over, just like the other divine factions.
Unlike Heaven or the Underworld who had lost their leaders and were in a period of accepting change in order to survive, Olympus had no need to change to survive, they had been doing so perfectly fine for millennia. They technically didn't even need to join the alliance, only doing so so that they weren't being left out of any planning and scheming that might have been going on, just like the other divine factions.
This whole battle was simply for Alex to display his strength to those who would be against joining the growing Asoran Empire, and to show them how strong people in other worlds could be compared to themselves. Alex however overdid things in an attempt to get an even better fight out of the situation, due to the challenge he had been hoping an entire pantheon of gods would present.
To show just how he genuinely meant no harm to the Olympians, Alex then proceeded to cast a large scale Regeneration magic to restore the fighters, and all of Olympus itself, back to its original state before the battle had started, all while only seemingly snapping his fingers to do so. Then, despite the fact that Zeus had yet to answer Alex's request for submission, he then called out,
"I have already beaten the best that Olympus has to offer, all either by myself or using my powers to do so. Now you all have a choice, you can fight and I can kick your ȧsses again as many times as it takes for you all to get the message; or you can all submit here and begin training in order to face your REAL opponents, heroes and monsters from other worlds!
"Beings that no one from THIS Olympus had ever faced before are out there waiting to be conquered for honor and glory! Creatures more fierce than the Nemean Lion, more tenacious than the hydra, stronger than the cyclops, deadlier than a gorgon! All of these and more await heroes to kill them in other worlds, along with champions of these worlds that believe themselves to be the strongest! So what do you say?!"
As he trailed off Alex looked around at the gathered heroes and warriors intently, waiting their decision while Zeus silently got to his knees from his back, staring up at Alex even more intently. Now that he had experienced Alex's strength firsthand he knew that Olympus could not continue the way it had been, but not every other God would've been willing to agree.
Now that they too had experienced Alex's strength, and knew that there were beings out there even stronger than him, many of them were terrified of him opening the world, while others were excited at the prospect of new monsters and opponents to face. Though he did so with a heavy heart, Zeus made his way to one knee, and began,
"I Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods, do hereby-"
Suddenly the thunder God was cut off as he, the rest of the gods, and the all of the gathered warriors and heroes vanished in a powerful spatial distortions leaving Alex momentarily stunned at what happened before he heard something that caused a wry smile to form on his lips.
He then looked northward as a muffled sound met his ears in the newfound quietness on Olympus, the sound of drums and weapons being beat on shields as warriors prepared for battle, but not warriors from Olympus.
"Now it's a party!" Alex said in excitement as he watched the sails on the horizon slowly grow larger, while the millions of warriors in the longships flying through the air underneath proceeded to bang their drums and beat their weapons, swords, axes, and hammers, against their shields while also blowing their war horns.
Suddenly the sky seemed to come crashing down as lightning more intense and powerful than any Zeus threw at him tore it open, allowing a new surge of gods to come forth alongside Zeus and the others, who were now rejuvenated thanks to Alex's Regeneration magic earlier. In one chariot being pulled by a couple of boars was none other than one of the ten most powerful beings in the world, Thor, while at their lead was an eight legged horse being ridden by a certain figure that Alex was both unsurprised and surprised to see, Odin.
Unlike the frail looking elderly God that he had come to know though, Odin looked several centuries younger as he sat straight up in his saddle while wearing his gleaming Nordic armor, his great spear Gungnir gripped in his hand. Surrounding him was the rest of the Nordic gods that were attired for battle while surrounding them was hundred of women dressed in matching silver armor, the Valkyries.
Meanwhile Alex then glanced towards the sea as he sensed something large stirring the waters, something draconic. It was there that he noticed numerous other newcomers coming from the south, more chariots flying through the sky that held numerous animal headed figures, that were surrounded by their own flying Egyptian ships that housed many cloth covered warriors that Alex would later learned were the medjay.
A series of cries then drew his attention west, where a series of shindig lights signaled the arrival of the Dagda, who had the rest of the Celtic gods, the Fae, and even their own following of Druids with them. Meanwhile to the east Alex noticed numerous powerful eastern gods arriving, along with their own warriors with Indra at the lead with his vanguard.
This included not only old enemies such as Cao Cao and other old members of the hero faction, but even a very familiar face that made Alex smile wryly as none other than the green Dragon King Yu-Long appeared, with Sun Wukon riding on his back. Above the eastern gods and warriors was none other than Shiva, who apparently had come to test Alex's claims regarding the strength of himself, and the fighters of other worlds.
Now surrounded by hundreds of millions of the greatest warriors and figures that had existed in history, Alex's blood was pounding so hard in excitement that he thought it matched the Nordic warriors in terms of noise as everyone surrounded him, and Odin's voice boomed out over Olympus,
Alex chuckled lightly to himself as he fought the urge to say that they obviously had some help preparing all of this, as he then began to wonder who used Regeneration magic on Odin to reverse his age. His musings were then interrupted when Odin's voice boomed out once more,
There was a rumble of murmuring as the other gods and warriors muttered their own thoughts at Odin's declaration, while the Nordic warriors roared out their excitement until the one eyed God continued,
As Odin's continued his speech, Alex watched as the ocean nearby exploded to reveal not only the previously battered and beaten Poseidon, but also the largest dragon that he had ever seen, large enough that it's smallest movements created tsunamis and whirlpools as it turned to face him. And then, as Midgardsormr, the Dragon King that was said to sleep until the end of days arrived, roared out his challenge to Alex, Odin declared,
As the armies and heroes below him also grew increasingly restless at how quiet it was, Athena then called out urgently,
"What if he showed up somewhere else instead?!" Zeus then paled as he realized Alex never said exactly where he would attack them at, and, based off of the attitude he displayed in his letter, a horrible idea crossed his mind.
"OLYMPIANS! WE ARE RETURNING TO THE DIVINE HALL!" His voice boomed across the sky once more, before he then turned and started flying back towards the hall at the peak of Olympus, the other ten gods right on his tail.
The second he stormed into the hall though, Zeus was filled with both shock and outrage when he saw Alex casually sitting back in his throne, snacking on their ambrosia and nectar while there was a suspicious movement in his ŀȧp. Ignoring the growing anger his presence had caused though, Alex threw his arms open in a welcoming gesture as he declared,
"Welcome! I came to fight like I promised, but imagine my surprise when I found out all of you ran away like cowards before I even got here! So, until you worked up the balls to greet me, I decided to enjoy some refreshments while admiring the look of my new throne room. At least one of you knows how to properly greet your new emperor though."
As he trailed off Alex gestured to the figure bobbing up and down in his ŀȧp, which, when they moved to see who it was from around the grand table, they saw it none other than the goddess Aphrodite, completely nȧkėd with Alex's ċȯċk in her mouth.
The entirety of Olympus began to slowly rumble at Zeus's indignant fury from the current situation, from Alex defiling his throne and eating their ambrosia and nectar, to even one of their own welcoming him so 'openly'.
"Aphrodite..." He growled in his most threatening tone as the stone columns, floors, and ceilings around them began crack and fracture. "...what is the meaning of this...?"
Alex watched Zeus's anger in amusement while also anticipating the fight to come, but then he fought an involuntary shuddered as Aphrodite ran her incredibly pleasurable tongue up the bottom of his ċȯċk one last time, before she said as her incredibly skilled and soft hands began to stroke him,
"Isn't it obvious Zeus? How could you ever expect me to ignore such an amazing and perfect specimen of a real 'man'? Especially when it's one who has such a reputation when it comes to members of the opposite sėx?" As she spoke Aphrodite then crawled into his ŀȧp as she eagerly positioned her smooth and glistening entrance over his ċȯċkhead, before slowly penetrating herself onto him.
"..." As the goddess of love and beauty herself impaled herself on him, Alex actually had to fight back the urge to climax then and there as the most pleasurable sensation he ever experienced ȧssaulted him, making him almost feel like a teenage boy again experiencing his actual contact with a girl.
He was able to resist the urge though with every single ounce of self control he possessed in his body, making Aphrodite even more excited since almost every single one of her lovers over the millennia would've ċum by now. Of course, Alex had an easier time resisting the pŀėȧsurės of Aphrodite's body a second later when a new voice bellowed,
He then looked up to a horribly disfigured beast of a man charging at them, hammer raised high while flames swirled around him, none other than the smith God, Hephaestus.
While Alex did feel a bit bad about fuċkɨnġ the man's wife, he got over it since Aphrodite had never actually wanted to be with Hephaestus to begin with, instead she was given to him by Zeus in order to prevent infighting amongst the gods to have her for their own. So, Alex then proceeded to grab Aphrodite's buŧŧ with his left hand to support her, while she wrapped her arms and legs around his neck and waist, and dodged as Hephaestus destroyed Zeus's throne.
Ignoring the molten slag that had once been Zeus's throne, the rest of the gods then proceeded to follow up Hephaestus's attack with their own, finally signaling the start of the battle.
First Alex had to either avoid or deflect a series of weapon strikes that came from either Ares, Athena, or Hermes, the former two of which had divinities related to war and battle, while the latter one was fastest amongst the gods. As if that wasn't enough though, at the same time the twin archery gods of Apollon and Artemis began to fire several volleys of arrows at him with such speed and precision, that they put both ȧssault rifles and snipers to shame.
Even with Aphrodite covering the entire front half of his body, and with her arms and legs wrapped around him, none of the arrows or weapon attacks were in danger of hitting her as Alex instead had to defend his eyes, sides, balls(shudder), and other exposed vulnerabilities from them.
Meanwhile Zeus took the chance to build up enough power and lightning that he risked vaporizing the entirety of Olympus, while Hephaestus had generated enough fire and heat by this point that anything around him started to melt as he slowly limped towards Alex and his wife, fury in his eyes. Of course, one of the only places not being damaged by the battle was Hestia's hearth, but no one except Alex noticed the youthful looking goddess giving them all pointed glares.
"Why doesn't the 'great saiyan' try this on for size!" Zeus cried out as he released his blast of lightning directly at Alex, who was surrounded by the other gods to try and prevent him from avoiding the blast.
Instead of doing so though, the corner of Alex's mouth twitched to form a smirk as he raised his hand as if in slow motion, Apollon and Artemis's attacks suddenly seeming to just bȧrėly miss him as he stopped focusing on them, and backhanded the massive lightning attack away as if was but a fly to him.
All of Olympus jumped as Zeus's attack tore through every single protective layer and formation encircling the throne room, and tore apart the sky itself beyond in a spectacular light show. As everyone else was momentarily stunned by the light show, Heracles voice suddenly boomed out almost as loud as the thunder had been,
"""FOR GLORY!!!"""
With literal millions of warriors echoing his battle cry as they rushed towards the throne of Olympus, both the earth and sky rumbled as the battle raged on ahead.
Meanwhile, back in the throne room, Alex was still fighting each of the gods singlehandedly, while simultaneously making sure to fuċk Aphrodite like she'd never been fuċkėd before.
Aphrodite had always had a thing for 'manly' men, men who could fight, men who would bathe in the blood of their enemies and be a terror on the battlefield, and knew how to treat a woman. Unfortunately, her husband wasn't any of that. While Hephaestus was a loving husband that regularly showered her with gifts that he forged himself, Aphrodite had never been able to genuinely love him like he did her, instead her attention was usually taken by men like Ares, or Alex.
Take the current moment for example, never in her long existence had Aphrodite ever been fuċkėd by a man who was simultaneously fighting several opponents at once. Not only was Alex expertly defending against and retaliating against the other god's attacks, but he was also expertly using his impressive ċȯċk to pŀėȧsurė her in ways no man had done in centuries, and that was even before the finger on his left hand started to get involved.
"Oh my! Those are some naughty fingers you have there~" She whispered into Alex's ears as she felt them dig into her buŧŧ, so that Alex was now pleasuring both her holes while fighting off eleven major gods. "Are you sure you're not some kind of sėx God~?"
Alex smirked at her question, and only responded with a "No comment." While Aphrodite pouted at him mockingly, her eyes suddenly widening as Alex decided to kick things up a notch.
"Let's have you all experience the overwhelming power of a SSJ4!" He uttered with a wide smile, making those that heard him pale as they recalled his previous fur covered form.
"DON'T LET HIM TRANSFORM!" Zeus shouted with undisguised panic as he desperately tried to power up an even bigger shot than last time, while the rest of the gods quickly rushed in to prevent Alex from transforming.
Instead of being deterred by their interference though, Alex's maniac smile widened as an intense aura began to radiate from his body, preventing gods such as Hermes or Dionysus from getting close to him. Athena and Ares both fought against Alex's increasing pressure though to attack with their swords, only for a sharp metallic clang to ring out as Ascalon and a brilliant golden staff appeared to block them.
"What the-?" Athena swore when she saw the two weapons, the first of which Alex was controlling with 'Telekinesis', while he was wielding the golden staff with his tail.
The staff was one of the weapons he had created in his downtime, replacing the original staff that Sun Wukong gave him all those years ago since it was more durable, and he had managed to make it like Wukong's in that it expanded and extended. Of course, like Wukong's it was so heavy that no ordinary person could wield it.
Alex however twirled the golden staff around with his tail like it weighed nothing, deflecting each and every attack directed at his back with it regardless of if they swords or arrows. Meanwhile Ascalon flashed with its golden divine brilliance as it deflected every attack in front of Alex, seemingly moving as if it had a mind of it own through the air.
Meanwhile Alex's power continued to soar while the gathered gods tried to prevent his transformation, to no avail. Slowly his muscle mass started to increase, as bright red hair began to sprout all over his body while his black hair seemed to turn darker as it extended down to his shoulders.
Aphrodite too reacted to Alex's transformation, as she gripped his new fur as if she were trying to rip it out as she felt his already large member grow even bigger inside her. It still wasn't the largest she ever had, but, feeling the ċȯċk that Alex had already been fuċkɨnġ her like a god with growing bigger, she certainly wasn't complaining.
Everyone else was more focused on the other aspects of Alex's transformation though, namely the power that now radiated from his body along with his increased size. While still moving to keep Aphrodite satisfied, Alex glanced over the other gods before saying,
"Let's try this again, shall we?" Before any of them even had a chance to respond, Alex suddenly appeared behind the fastest of the twelve Olympians, Hermes, and delivered the messenger God with a merciless flick to the back of the head that sent him flying, the whites of his eyes showing.
"...oops..." Alex muttered when he saw the Hermes was lifelessly falling to the earth below, his expression paling as he continued,
"I held back enough to not pop his head like a melon, but was that really enough...?" Though he was worried about if he had accidentally killed the messenger God, Alex didn't have time to be too concerned as Zeus finally unleashed his attack at him.
Unlike the previous attack Alex didn't bother retaliating though, instead allowing the insanely powerful blast of lightning to strike him directly in the face without defending against it whatsoever. The entire throne room was then enveloped in a bright flash of light as the power of the blast blew out the rest of the walls and pillars, exposing them all to the night skies.
"D-did that do it...?" One of the gods couldn't help but ask as the bright light began to die down, the only sound breaking the silence around them being the beating of pegasus's wings as Perseus approached.
"Don't you know anything about flags? Saying something like that after a flashy attack guarantees that the villain didn't take any damage you know." Alex's voice suddenly called out as the intense light began to die down, revealing him standing there without even so much as a scuff on his face.
Instead he had a casual stance while Aphrodite hung limply in his arms after he had finally allowed himself to ċum inside her, the potent energy from his sėmėn also pushing her over the edge despite her authority as a goddess of love and sėx.
As the seconds ticked by and everyone took in the scene of Alex standing there perfectly fine while in shock, while Aphrodite slowly recovered from her ȯrġȧsm.
"That was....truly amazing! Next lets-kyaaaa!" Just as she tried deciding how to have sėx next, Alex then proceeded to unceremoniously(though gently) dump her on the ground before equipping a plain pair of pants on his lower body, and saying,
"It truly was amazing, but that'll be all since I'm not into sharing with other guys. If you want a next time, then you'll have to get the approval of my harem." Aphrodite's mental facilities slow led to complete stop as she watched Alex turn away from her to put all of his attention on his fight with the other gods, the reality of what he said sinking in as he did so.
'I....was rejected...?'
Over and over these three words repeated themselves in her mind, trying to process the reality of what they meant. Never in her thousands of years had a single person, man or woman, rejected her. The only possible exceptions to this rule were literal children, someone whose heart was completely claimed by another, or those who were completely pure of heart, however Aphrodite had never actually encountered the last one.
Alex obviously didn't fall into any of these categories, he wasn't a child, and he had a harem so the last two definitely wouldn't apply. There was also the fact that he had already indulged in her body and abandoned her after the fact, adding to unrealness of the situation.
This was a part of the reason Alex had been so 'cruel' to Aphrodite, as he was well aware of how her personality was, and, while she herself was used to having as many partners as she pleased, she had next to no experiencing sharing a man with other women.
Was it hypocritical of him? Yes it was.
Did Alex care? No he did not.
He had done the same thing when it came to Kurumu's mother Ageha, he was fine with have a tryst with her once, but that would be it unless she dedicated herself to him. So for him it would be the same with Aphrodite, though if the end result was the same or not would depend on her.
For Alex at the moment however, Aphrodite was getting further and further from his mind as more and more of the heroes of Olympus began to arrive, starting with hero King, Perseus. Looking between the gathered heroes and gods that were gaping at the raw, unbridled energy coming off of his body, Alex cracked his knuckled threateningly before asking,
"So, who's next?"
All of mount Olympus shuddered once again as yet another explosion thundered, and another figure went flying, this time being Hephaestus as he once again tried to make Alex pay for fuċkɨnġ his wife. Meanwhile Alex himself appeared in the skies above Olympus, the gods Dionysus and Poseidon hanging limply in his grips.
Dropping the portly Dionysus unceremoniously to the ground below, Alex then instead tossed Poseidon towards the seas that he could possibly recover, and display the true power of the God of the seas. The second both gods crash landed though, there was a crash as a new figure suddenly leapt up towards Alex, using their own explosive strength to propel themselves forward like the world's deadliest cannon.
Alex's maniac smile widened as he watched the hulking figure wrapped in a lions pelt speed towards him through the skies, while another figure sped towards him on the back of a pure white Pegasus, one hand clutching his sword while the other was inside of a burlap bag. Putting on the glasses that Azazel had given him so long ago, Alex then reached up and caught Heracles in mid-air right before he could impact him, arresting all of his explosive momentum instantly.
"It's an honor to meet history's strongest hero, too bad we couldn't meet under better circumstances though." Alex said playfully to Heracles, to which the great hero growled back with just the bȧrėst hint of his own smile,
"Indeed. I would have liked to swap stories with you sometime." Though the two muscle heads shared a brief moment of respect for one another, Alex then sent a powerful punch directly to Heracles's gut and sent him flying off into the distance.
As Alex watched the greatest hero in history fly away, he then directed his attention towards the pure white Pegasus that steadily and warily approached him. On its back was Perseus himself, with his right hand raising his sword while his left was gripping something inside a bloody burlap sack.
"Let's see how the great Dragon Emperor deals with THIS!" Perseus cried out with a victorious grin plastered to his face, any thought of leaving the glory to someone else gone from his mind in the face of Alex's overwhelming might as he pulled the bloody head of Medusa from the sack.
When the scaly green head was pointed at him Alex watched as Medusa's eyes opened on their own as she seemed to come alive once more, her snake hair coming alive as well to hiss and bȧrė their elongated fangs at him while her serpentine eyes dyed everything within their field of view green. Despite making contact with Medusa's eyes though, nothing happen to Alex as he and Perseus stared at each other for several seconds, until he then proceeded to tap the side of his sunglasses lightly to indicate to the demigod why exactly he hadn't turned to stone.
"Are you kidding me...?" Perseus muttered to himself as he slowly put Medusa's head away, never having thought that Alex would have a tool on him to filter out visual based elements. He then instead pulled out his shield, which was reflective enough to use as a mirror in order to allow him to fight Medusa without directly looking at her.
"Then let's settle this like some real men!" He cried out towards Alex, intending to draw him into a direct one-on-one battle while the rest of the Warriors and heroes around them closed in. Unfortunately for him though, Alex had no intention to draw things out.
Instead, Alex's hand began to blur as he used Spatial magic to reach through the void, where he grabbed the back of Perseus's armor and pulled. Less than a second later the hero King found himself falling as Alex pulled him through space, and sent him careening away from his Pegasus through the open air.
Alex himself then dropped down to the ground so that he was surrounded on all sides by enemies, while any remaining gods filled the skies above them, each one nursing some level of injuries from their earlier clash.
"Why is it people always think they have the advantage when they surround me? All it means is that it's harder for them for them to avoid MY attacks." As if to prove his point, Alex then raised his hand before creating a white hot ball of fire, before throwing it to the ground to spread and swirl around him.
"SPARTANS! SHIELDS UP!!!" A sharp voice cried out before every single Spartan soldier, no matter the time period, raised their shields in unison to form one solid makeshift wall. When they did a shimmering hexagonal wall formed before them from where Leonidas was standing, extending to cover entire squadrons in a protective layer of magical light.
"A barrier type sacred gear huh? That explains a bit." Alex muttered as he watched the king of Spartans piggyback on their shield wall to increase their defenses even more, while the flames he generated rushed up against the defensive line.
Thankfully for them Alex's intention wasn't to smash their defenses and burn them all, instead the flames he generated began to condense and form concrete shapes, until there was another army gathered there of demonic looking fiery beings.
The armies of Olympus stared at the fiery beings with a mix of horror and fascination, horror at the fact that Alex could generate entire armies at a whim, and fascination at how Alex had apparently created that for all intents and purposes, were living beings from nothing but fire itself. Their fascination didn't last long though, as Leonidas then cried out,
In an instant the gathered Spartans broke their shield wall and surged forward in a wave of shields and lances, leading the charge against Alex's creations of fire. The sole exception was a certain blonde haired warrior who was wearing a set of pristine silver armor, who rushed Alex faster than anyone else could move.
"You will become a part of My legacy, Dragon Emperor!" The warrior cried out in excitement as he aimed his sword at soft flesh between Alex neck and his shoulder, where he landed to plunge his sword to get an easy kill with a single strike. Instead, Alex sent him a punch without even glancing in his direction that sent the warrior flying away, without him even knowing the man's identity.
The person Alex did pay attention to however was another armored individual that quickly sped towards him from the ruins of the Olympian throne room, his expression one of anger as he cried out with his sword raised,
"You'll pay for what you did to Aphrodite!" Alex's expression was calm as he raised Ascalon to catch Ares's sword on it's guard, and he replied,
"What exactly did I 'do to her'? She wanted to fuċk so I agreed to do so once, and then I rejected her when that one time was over. It's not my fault that she can't handle rejection well." Of course Alex's words only angered Ares even more, as the war God loved the goddess of love more than anyone else.
Unlike Hephaestus though he understood her free and unrestrained nature, he didn't see her as simply a beautiful bird that needed to be caged. Seeing her the way she had been after Alex rejected and turned away from her broke Ares's heart, so the war God intended to do the only thing he could do, smash Alex's face in as retribution.
Unfortunately Ares underestimated just how skilled Alex actually was with a blade, plus there was Alex's raw physical ability to contend with. Ares may have had millennia to hone his own respective skills, but he had never considered fighting beings on the physical level that Alex currently was.
The only time he came even close to striking Alex was at the one point that Alex didn't even bother using Ascalon to guard against one of Ares's strikes, instead catching the blade on the palm of his hand. Alex was then surprised as Ares's sword blade began to slice into his flesh just ever so slightly, just enough to draw his blood before Alex tightened the muscles in his hand to prevent it from cutting even deeper.
Surprised that Ares managed to do even that, Alex then said to him,
"I didn't even think anyone on this world could damage my body with this transformation, you have my acknowledgement Ares." Though he praised the God of war, Alex then proceeded to send him flying a second later after he planted his fist in his gut, shattering Ares's armor as the war God was sent flying away at high speed.
Ares hadn't even landed yet when there was a flash of light and Alex was surrounded by the few remaining gods, Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollon, and Artemis, all of which were nursing various injuries as they prepared once more for battle. Zeus then glanced around them to see the battle raging as Alex's creations fought with the armies they gathered, as he took in the destruction caused by one man.
"Let's settle this." Zeus said in a deathly calm voice, now prepared to do whatever it took to egg out a win against Alex.
The man himself however just grinned at the resolve of Zeus and the other gods, before his figure blurred as he zipped around, and rendered the rest of the gods unconscious instantly. With just the two of them left, lightning began to crackle around Zeus menacingly while Alex's aura soared once again to dwarf Zeus's, displaying to anyone who was watching just how much of a gap there was between the two.
One after another Zeus fired bolts of lightning directly at Alex to try and force him back, but Alex simply took every attack as he slowly approached the thunder God, his expression never flinching in the slightest at the attacks he took.
Finally Alex and Zeus stood mere inches before each other, staring the other in the eye as Zeus's crackled with lightning, and Alex's red ringed eyes stared down at him unflinchingly. Then,
Alex delivered a series of high speed and powered punches to several different parts of Zeus's upper body, obliterating most of the toga covering his body while doing untold damage to the inside of Zeus's body. Meanwhile the thunder God sacrificed any form of defense to grab onto Alex himself, before sending all of the lightning he could muster directly into Alex's body at point blank.
While normally this would be a sound strategy, what Zeus didn't know was that Alex had recently gained the ability to absorb any and all forms of energy with his body, meaning that all Zeus did was recharge any energy Alex might have lost during their fight, and then some. Of course Alex didn't actually say any of this, instead, he simply grabbed Zeus by the face and swept his leg under the thunder God to knock him off of his feet, sending him crashing to the ground.
Slowly the battlefield entered a state of hush as they watched the chief of their gods fall on his back, before coughing up a frightening amount of blood from the earlier damage Alex did to his body. Looking out over the battlefield though, Alex then looked at Zeus and said,
"No matter how you spin it, this battle is over. I know you have your own pride and all, but is it really worth forcing your followers and family to undergo unnecessary suffering just to prolong the foregone conclusion?" As Alex said, this entire battle was little more than a farce for the Olympians to officially try to prevent him from taking them over, just like the other divine factions.
Unlike Heaven or the Underworld who had lost their leaders and were in a period of accepting change in order to survive, Olympus had no need to change to survive, they had been doing so perfectly fine for millennia. They technically didn't even need to join the alliance, only doing so so that they weren't being left out of any planning and scheming that might have been going on, just like the other divine factions.
This whole battle was simply for Alex to display his strength to those who would be against joining the growing Asoran Empire, and to show them how strong people in other worlds could be compared to themselves. Alex however overdid things in an attempt to get an even better fight out of the situation, due to the challenge he had been hoping an entire pantheon of gods would present.
To show just how he genuinely meant no harm to the Olympians, Alex then proceeded to cast a large scale Regeneration magic to restore the fighters, and all of Olympus itself, back to its original state before the battle had started, all while only seemingly snapping his fingers to do so. Then, despite the fact that Zeus had yet to answer Alex's request for submission, he then called out,
"I have already beaten the best that Olympus has to offer, all either by myself or using my powers to do so. Now you all have a choice, you can fight and I can kick your ȧsses again as many times as it takes for you all to get the message; or you can all submit here and begin training in order to face your REAL opponents, heroes and monsters from other worlds!
"Beings that no one from THIS Olympus had ever faced before are out there waiting to be conquered for honor and glory! Creatures more fierce than the Nemean Lion, more tenacious than the hydra, stronger than the cyclops, deadlier than a gorgon! All of these and more await heroes to kill them in other worlds, along with champions of these worlds that believe themselves to be the strongest! So what do you say?!"
As he trailed off Alex looked around at the gathered heroes and warriors intently, waiting their decision while Zeus silently got to his knees from his back, staring up at Alex even more intently. Now that he had experienced Alex's strength firsthand he knew that Olympus could not continue the way it had been, but not every other God would've been willing to agree.
Now that they too had experienced Alex's strength, and knew that there were beings out there even stronger than him, many of them were terrified of him opening the world, while others were excited at the prospect of new monsters and opponents to face. Though he did so with a heavy heart, Zeus made his way to one knee, and began,
"I Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods, do hereby-"
Suddenly the thunder God was cut off as he, the rest of the gods, and the all of the gathered warriors and heroes vanished in a powerful spatial distortions leaving Alex momentarily stunned at what happened before he heard something that caused a wry smile to form on his lips.
He then looked northward as a muffled sound met his ears in the newfound quietness on Olympus, the sound of drums and weapons being beat on shields as warriors prepared for battle, but not warriors from Olympus.
"Now it's a party!" Alex said in excitement as he watched the sails on the horizon slowly grow larger, while the millions of warriors in the longships flying through the air underneath proceeded to bang their drums and beat their weapons, swords, axes, and hammers, against their shields while also blowing their war horns.
Suddenly the sky seemed to come crashing down as lightning more intense and powerful than any Zeus threw at him tore it open, allowing a new surge of gods to come forth alongside Zeus and the others, who were now rejuvenated thanks to Alex's Regeneration magic earlier. In one chariot being pulled by a couple of boars was none other than one of the ten most powerful beings in the world, Thor, while at their lead was an eight legged horse being ridden by a certain figure that Alex was both unsurprised and surprised to see, Odin.
Unlike the frail looking elderly God that he had come to know though, Odin looked several centuries younger as he sat straight up in his saddle while wearing his gleaming Nordic armor, his great spear Gungnir gripped in his hand. Surrounding him was the rest of the Nordic gods that were attired for battle while surrounding them was hundred of women dressed in matching silver armor, the Valkyries.
Meanwhile Alex then glanced towards the sea as he sensed something large stirring the waters, something draconic. It was there that he noticed numerous other newcomers coming from the south, more chariots flying through the sky that held numerous animal headed figures, that were surrounded by their own flying Egyptian ships that housed many cloth covered warriors that Alex would later learned were the medjay.
A series of cries then drew his attention west, where a series of shindig lights signaled the arrival of the Dagda, who had the rest of the Celtic gods, the Fae, and even their own following of Druids with them. Meanwhile to the east Alex noticed numerous powerful eastern gods arriving, along with their own warriors with Indra at the lead with his vanguard.
This included not only old enemies such as Cao Cao and other old members of the hero faction, but even a very familiar face that made Alex smile wryly as none other than the green Dragon King Yu-Long appeared, with Sun Wukon riding on his back. Above the eastern gods and warriors was none other than Shiva, who apparently had come to test Alex's claims regarding the strength of himself, and the fighters of other worlds.
Now surrounded by hundreds of millions of the greatest warriors and figures that had existed in history, Alex's blood was pounding so hard in excitement that he thought it matched the Nordic warriors in terms of noise as everyone surrounded him, and Odin's voice boomed out over Olympus,
Alex chuckled lightly to himself as he fought the urge to say that they obviously had some help preparing all of this, as he then began to wonder who used Regeneration magic on Odin to reverse his age. His musings were then interrupted when Odin's voice boomed out once more,
There was a rumble of murmuring as the other gods and warriors muttered their own thoughts at Odin's declaration, while the Nordic warriors roared out their excitement until the one eyed God continued,
As Odin's continued his speech, Alex watched as the ocean nearby exploded to reveal not only the previously battered and beaten Poseidon, but also the largest dragon that he had ever seen, large enough that it's smallest movements created tsunamis and whirlpools as it turned to face him. And then, as Midgardsormr, the Dragon King that was said to sleep until the end of days arrived, roared out his challenge to Alex, Odin declared,
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