God succession system
Chapter 409 - Monkey See, Monkey Do
As the days slipped by and they got closer and closer to the day that the gods of the DXD world acknowledged Alex as their emperor, a day that was also being considered the day of his coronation since Alex was never 'officially' crowned emperor of Asora, the man himself was becoming increasingly annoyed with the whole affair.
What he originally had in mind for the entire thing was that the visiting gods would say their vows, and he'd make a show of accepting them before they moved on to the feast, which Alex wanted to make a fun affair similarly to the Norse. However it was quickly becoming an increasingly formal event that would require everything Alex hated about royalty and politics.
So naturally, when presented with an opportunity to bail on the preparations, Alex was immediately gone as he tried to escape the hell of politics. That was how he ended up in Earthland after Hisui invited him for some big announcement her father planned to make, which was simply the king declaring to the people of Fiore that they were 'officially' swearing allegiance to the Dragon Emperor, and becoming a subsidiary nation under Asora.
Surprisingly, at least to Alex, almost none of the citizenry argued against their king's decision due to how much Alex and his people had already done for them, along with the fact that many considered it forgone outcome with Alex's marriage to their princess, Hisui. Not only had they destroyed the Dark Emperor and his followers, but they had also helped the people of the continent get back on their feet and repair the damage done to all of them, bit by bit. The only ones dissatisfied with this development were of course the surviving self-serving elites, who considered Alex and Asora as a whole very bad for their own businesses.
The truly surprising development though was when Hisui stood a moment later, and announced to the entire kingdom, including her father, the captain of the Knights Arcadios, and even Alex, that she was pregnant.
Immediately the entire city began to shake as the people roared their excitement at the news, while her father, Arcadios, and every one of the servants who had watched Hisui grow up burst into happy, yet hysterical, tears. Alex's expression meanwhile morphed into one of extreme joy as he unhesitatingly pulled Hisui into his arms to plant a chaste, but love filled, kiss onto her lips in front of the entire kingdom, raising even more thunderous cheers at the scene.
Later the group then retired to the interior of the castle, where they discussed the plans for Hisui while she was pregnant. Unlike the majority of Alex's wives though, she didn't intend to stay in the space-time orb for the duration of her term. Instead she said that she wanted to remain with her father and the people that helped raise her until their child was born, which Alex agreed to after he summoned Noint and five other former apostles to serve and protect Hisui when he wasn't there.
Sadly Alex didn't get to stay in Earthland long until one of his wives came to drag him back to Asora, where he was once again thrown into the hell of political planning. There he was forced to ȧssist with boring things like scheduling, seating, decorations, preparing a list of who to expect, and much much more until he received a call from a certain someone.
"Sorry, gotta go! Bye!" Alex quickly said before disappearing, leaving a stunned Ravel behind to explain to Grayfia and the others why he had gone.
Traveling to America, Alex quickly found the place that the other party told him to meet them at, a hamburger joint of all places. Not just any kind of burger joint though, an actual American rustic looking place that most people would probably go to for the ambiance until they tried the food.
"It became a small party of sorts before I knew it." Though he was shaking his head as he took his seat at the opposite end of the long table from the 'hero', Alex also had a large smile since it had been a while since this particular group had gotten together, almost every male possessor of the Longinus Sacred Gears.
Once he had sat down down though, Alex couldn't help but to ask,
"So why here of all places?" Again Cao Cao shrugged and replied,
"Why not? I like hamburgers, and Dulio said he hasn't really tried any before. So what better place than America to have some good burgers?" Though he was incredulous at the fact that Dulio, the man who scoured every inch of the earth looking for good food, had not yet tried a hamburger, he also couldn't help but to agree with Cao Cao as memories of going to those old fashioned burger places with his friends in his previous life briefly resurfaced in Alex's mind.
Though he enjoyed the brief trip down memory lane, Alex quickly returned his attention to the present as the waitress came to take their order, and Cao Cao said,
"I'll pay for it, so order whatever you guys want." While everyone else expressed their thanks, Alex flashed a malicious smile as he said,
"I'll take you up on that then." Cao Cao and the others, including the poor waitress, were then treated to a firsthand experience of a full grown Saiyan's appetite, as Alex ordered at least two of every burger on the menu(except for the veggie burger of course), as well as an order of fries to go with every single one.
With everyone giving him weird looks, Alex smirked and stated,
"Word of advice, never offer to pay for a Saiyan's meal." Cao Cao's brow twitched in annoyance as he muttered,
"I see... And is there any particular reason you felt the need to try and bankrupt me?" Alex simply shrugged and replied,
"Just consider a small form of payback for all of the headaches you used to cause us." Though his brow twitched yet again at Alex's words, Cao Cao didn't say anything else as Georg quickly changed the topic.
"Anyways, about why we called you here." Immediately everyone became serious as Alex muttered,
"The other reincarnator, huh?" Cao Cao nodded and explained,
"He first appeared in Heaven where he battled the Great Seraph that was still stationed there, before disappearing and reappearing eventually in the Underworld. Though we managed to keep track of his movements with the machine you left behind, not even the holy energy of the True Longinus was able to harm him..." As Cao Cao trailed off, Georg picked up,
"After Tannin battled him to standstill we managed to trap him within Dimension Lost, and thankfully he's been restrained within ever since." Though he followed everything else so far, Alex ċȯċked his head to the side in confusion as he asked,
"You mean he's still in there? How long ago was he trapped?" Georg and Cao Cao glanced at each other before the latter answered,
"I'd say a little over a year by this point? He's locked within a replica of a rural Chinese village, so no matter how much he rampages he can't escape, and anything he destroys within is restored after twenty four hours when we bring him food." Alex's confusion only grew when he heard this, as even if the other reincarnator was sealed within Dimension Lost, he still should've been able to leave when his cooldown to change worlds ended.
Deciding that he'd wait until actually meeting the man to figure out why he hadn't escaped yet, Alex then asked,
"What about his abilities? What was he able to do?" For a moment no one said anything as they tried to find the right words, until Dulio eventually said,
"Well, he seems to be able to 'eat' the majority of attacks we sent at him." While the rest of them grimaced from the way Dulio's description sounded, Alex, Vali and Sairaorg all made expressions of understanding as Sairaorg said,
"So he's a Slayer then." The other looked confused at the quick acceptance Alex and the two other showed at the reincarnator's abilities, which he quickly explained,
"'Slayers' are a type of Mage that come from the only other world that Asora is currently connected to, Earthland. Though there are three types, the most common seem to be 'Dragon Slayers', who's abilities are geared towards hunting dragons." When they heard that it appeared that a lot of the questions Cao Cao and the others had were immediately answered, as Tobio even said,
"That would explain why he was so eager to fight Tannin..." Alex nodded and continued,
"One specific trait of 'Slayers' is that they are able to 'eat' the element they use, such as fire, iron, lightning, or even poison, and turn it into their own energy to continue fighting. If he 'ate' pretty much all of the attacks that were used against him, then he must have the variety of elements that he can use." Knowing what Alex was bound to ask next, Georg quickly said,
"So far we've seen him use fire, powerful winds, water, holy light, and darkness, which we believe is simply demonic power since he was able to 'eat' any attacks that the Devils used against him." Alex nodded as he digested what Georg told them, and said,
"Well, if that's the case then he chose the right world to rampage in since the majority of the beings here use pretty much all of those elements to fight with." For a moment no one said anything as they all silently agreed with Alex's statement, until he surprised them by saying,
"Alright, let's get this over with. Send me to him before our food gets here." Everyone present looked at him with surprise, before Georg asked,
"Really? Right now?" Alex nodded and said in a casual tone,
"Yeah, why not? A small pre-meal 'workout' doesn't sound bad." Shaking their heads at what Alex considered to be a 'small workout', Georg wordlessly waved his hand so that the mists of Dimension Lost enveloped Alex, transporting him to a rural Chinese village.
"I take it you're this so-called 'Dragon Emperor', right? You better not be another worthless pussƴ like the rest of-" Even while he was smack talking those who trapped him there, the other reincarnator, scruffy looking man with dark hair, and tattered clothes, paused as he noticed the brow fur-covered appendage swaying behind Alex. His already large smile widened excitedly as an oppressive aura began to emanate from his body, and he finished slowly,
"I guess I don't need to worry about if you're up for this or not, do I mister Saiyan?" Despite the eagerness of his opponent as fire, water, wind, light, and demonic energies began to whip around them, Alex almost sighed from exasperation as he began to wonder if he expected too much from the other reincarnators.
He didn't get a chance to wonder for long though, as the reincarnator continued without letting Alex say anything,
"Well, it doesn't matter what you are anyways, cause all you are in the end is the 'boss battle' of this world before I move onto the next one for more experience points!" Alex's brow twitched when he heard that, and he finally spoke for the first time as he asked,
"Is that why you haven't used your ability to leave worlds yet to escape from here? To face me?" This time the other reincarnator snorted as he replied,
"No, but as the 'main character' of this story it wouldn't be right for me to use such a cowardly tactic, would it? If I'm going to escape, it'll be with my own strength, and not such a cheat-like ability!" The more Alex heard from the other man the more he couldn't believe what he was hearing, as he was speaking as if they were in nothing but a typical game or isekai story, and he was the protagonist.
As the man's aura and bloodlust reached an all time high, there was suddenly a deafening clap of thunder as every bit of power the slayer had suddenly vanished, and a second Alex appeared behind him with the sword Ascalon in his hand. Slowly, Alex turned around as he dispelled the sword and walked back towards the slayer, his expression completely calm as he did so, while the slayer seemed to be struggling to catch his breath and the after image he had left behind began to fade.
Once he was right beside him, Alex slowly said,
"You are NOT a shonen protagonist."
"This is NOT your 'story'."
Lines of blood began forming around his body as they slowly creeped down his skin.
"And this was NOT a great 'boss battle'."
By this point large chunks of the slayer's flesh began to slough off and fall to the ground, only to turn to dust before they even impacted the earth below.
"This, was an execution." Alex finished as the slayer's entire body collapsed into over a hundred pieces, only to explode into a cloud of dust as they impacted the ground, and spread in the slight breeze.
Before returning to the others Alex ran the lottery he got for killing the slayer, which rewarded him with the 'Gale Dragon Slayer' abilities. Neither needing or wanting them, he instead forwarded the prize to Anne since she already had Sky dragon slaying, and adding Gale to her arsenal would make her significantly stronger since 'Gale' Dragons were more focused on offense, while 'Sky' dragons on support.
All of that done, Alex then found himself back in the restaurant where the others were waiting, where they had evidently been watching his fight with the slayer based off of their expressions.
"Hope the food gets here soon, I'm famished." Alex said as if he didn't notice the looks the others were giving him, right as the waitress brought over the first of many platters of food. Suddenly feeling parched, Alex asked as she set the food down,
"Hey beautiful, can we also get a few pitchers of beer to go with our burgers?" Punctuating his request with a quick wink, the waitress blushed heavily as she noticed just how good looking Alex was, despite him using many, many, spells to try and dampen the effect of his 'Peerless Beauty' ability.
Only returning a shy nod to Alex's request, the waitress hurried away to bring them everything else they had ordered, while Cao Cao had a fairly irritable expression from Alex ordering yet something else at his expense.
As the afternoon turned into night, Alex and the rest continued to eat, drink, and otherwise be merry as they simply relaxed and swapped various stories until day became night, and the restaurant eventually closed for the day.
Making sure to leave behind a VERY generous tip for the poor cooks and waitress, Alex used the magic compass and key to send everyone else home since his 'Poison Resistance' skill prevented him from getting drunk on something as weak as their current drinks.
The exceptions were Sairaorg and Vali since he took the two of them home personally, where Aiko was fairly irritable at Vali for coming home drunk, but since it was first time she even heard of Vali drinking, she didn't get too mad at him. Sairaorg on the other hand went to Seekvaira's instead of his own home, which earned Alex a mild glare despite her red cheeks as she accepted the drunk Sairaorg.
Then Alex had no choice but to return to his own home, were he found a small army of angry wives waiting for him.
While he was able to pacify them regarding his leaving in the middle of their preparations, since it involved another reincarnator who had rampaged in their world a bit, none of them were too happy about him then spending the rest of the day drinking. Of course, they only knew Alex had been drinking due to the girls with more sėnsɨtɨvė noses smelling the alcohol on him, since Alex himself wasn't even the slightest bit tipsy.
Despite him not even being the slightest bit drunk, Alex was still forced to endure a VERY long lecture about dodging responsibilities to go drinking, and how he needed to set a better example as both an emperor, and a father. The night was already almost gone by the time Alex was finally let go by the angry wives, and he quickly retreated to safety of the space-time orb to spend what few hours were left of the night with his children, who were currently fast asleep.
First he had a quick wash in an ice cold bath with Mizore and Tsurara, to wash away any remaining alcohol smell, before he could finally crawl into bed with his children in his second bedroom. Once there, Alex could feel the numerous small bodies stirring as each of them seemed to snuggle up to him, instinctively sensing the arrival of their father even in their sleep.
When he awoke the next morning the first thing Alex heard was the whispering and giggles of his children as they waited for him to wake up, only to hush down as he stirred.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Alex yawned loudly as he stretched exaggeratedly, before saying happily,
"Good morning my mischievous little monkeys!" What greeted him was the sight of every one of the elder children, so excluding Ryuto, Shuri, and of course Lana, mimicking him as they stretched exaggeratedly while yawning, before parroting,
"""Good morning daddy!"""
Cocking a brow at their actions, Myuu maintained a perfect poker face at Alex while her younger siblings erupted into a series of giggles at the game they were apparently a part of. Rather than calling attention to their actions though, Alex decided to go along with their game as he got up to get the three youngest children up for the day.
Ryuto and Shuri were both old enough that they were able to craw out of bed after Alex woke them, while Lana was only a few months old by this time(due to spending quite a bit of time in the space-time orb), and so Alex had to personally get her up and change her diaper before making his way to the bathroom, the rest of the little monkeys quickly following behind him.
Though nothing really happened as Alex helped the younger children strip off their pajamas, he noticed that the children were trying to perfectly mimic him as he washed and rinsed his face and body, before sinking into the warm water with a sigh of contention.
The children sighed as they too sank into the warm water, making Alex's smile turn wry as he leaned back and closed his eyes, even as he used his 'Domain' to keep an eye on the younger children as they splashed around in a much shallower tub.
Though usually they would play and splash around in the tub while Alex watched over them, today his children didn't do any of that as they instead mimicked him as he enjoyed the warm water that he was submerged in. This went on for a little over twenty minutes, until Alex decided it was time for them to get out and ready for the day.
After dressing himself in a plain pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Alex was then unceremoniously pushed out of the giant closet by Myuu as she declared,
"Out papa!" 'Helpless' against his eldest daughter's wishes, Alex allowed her to forcefully remove him from the closet, leaving her and her siblings to dress themselves. And, as Alex suspected, all of the children shortly emerged from the closet dressed in shorts and a shirt that matched his own, though some of them were were inside out or backwards, while Alec's shirt was both.
Wryly shaking his head at their actions, Alex then gently took Lana from Myuu's arms as he led the train of Saiyans down to breakfast. Once down there every single one of the women already there began to gush at the adorableness of all of Alex's children dressed just like him, while Shuri and Ryuto hurriedly waddled behind them.
Pretending as if he didn't notice the matching attire, or why his wives were gushing, Alex passed Lana on to Grayfia who immediately set her in a highchair to feed her her breakfast, while Rias and Akeno did the same with Ryuto and Shuri respectively. He then said to Haruna and Mikan,
"Can I get a large stack of pancakes with some bacon and fried eggs?" The two girls hurriedly prepared Alex's food for him while the children watched with wide eyes as the largest stack of pancakes they ever saw was set in front of their father, before they excitedly, and politely, asked for the same thing.
As he waited for the kid's food to be brought to them as well, Alex also silently promised Mikan and Haruna a private date in the near future since it had been so long since they had 'gone out', mostly due to the lingering trauma they had from 'that' man. With both girls in notably better spirits, they brought the children their food with various little differences based on the specific child.
Myuu's had so much extra syrup her pancakes might as well had been swimming in it, Edith's meanwhile was topped with numerous types of berries, while Mai's was covered in a layer of whipped cream. Then there was Alec and Anna, who had piles of strawberries and blueberries respectively, Regal, who took most of his food borderline burnt, Lizzy with the piles of chocolate chips for her sweet tooth, while both Yuki and Aurora had ice cream with theirs.
As for the youngest three, Ryuto and Shuri both still had to have theirs cut up by their mothers and fed, while Lana was still on a diet of baby food as they tried to wean her off of brėȧst milk.
Once breakfast was finished, and every one of them had full bellies, Alex then led the troop of Saiyans through the villa, and down to the underground weight room. There, Alex began a 'light' workout as he watched his children try as best as possible to mimic his movements, while Alex used his 'Telekinesis' to fix any mistakes they might have been making with their posture.
This was mostly a for fun thing as Alex figured that since his children wanted to mimic him, he'd do some of the things he'd typically do when he wasn't playing with them, the pg version of things at least. However, as Alex watched his children adorably try to lift weights the same way he was, he couldn't help his mischievous side that wanted to have a little fun.
Taking a short intake of breath, Alex suddenly exclaimed,
As he did so, he became enveloped in a brilliant golden aura while his black hair turned golden as it stood up on end. Their eyes widening in surprise and awe, all of the older kids suddenly adopted VERY serious looks as they tried to focus.
One after another the children shouted as they tried to go Super Saiyan, while their mothers secretly watched on disapprovingly, obviously to no success.
After nearly a minute of this Alex began to feel bad for the frustrated little Saiyans, and especially for the depressed looking Myuu, while some of their faces turned red from concentration, and he was sure from the smell that someone might have pooped their pants...
"Ok, that's enough." Alex said as he tried to get them to stop trying to go SSJ, though several of them wanted to keep trying. Eventually the only one that was still trying to transform was Edith, who was nearly purple in the face by this point as she desperately tried to mimic her dad.
"Ok Edith, that's.....enough........" Alex began to tell her, before something began to happen that stunned him.
As Edith growled Alex noticed an intense energy slowly begin to envelope her, as her already golden hair began to slowly stand up straight, and turn rigid.
Edith continued to growl and force herself to try and transform, while arcs of energy continued to crackle around her and a small line of blood trickled from her nose.
Moist amazingly though was that as the seconds ticked by torturously slowly, Alex noticed the brown fur covering Edith's tail beginning to shift to a brilliant gold before changing back. But as the seconds passed her tail was staying golden longer, until a concussion of golden energy exploded from Edith's body as her hair stood completely straight up, and her tail turned completely gold.
Edith shouted with all the intensity her little lungs could muster as the energy from her transformation continued to grow around her, until she ended up completely out of breath and the effects of her transformation disappeared entirely.
"Daddy..." Edith muttered lightly as she looked up towards Alex, before becoming unstable on her feet.
"I've got you!" Alex said as he flashed forward and caught his daughter before she could collapse, wiping the trickle of blood from her nose as he did so before saying,
"I'm so proud of you Edith.." The little girl smiled cheekily at his praise, before closing her eyes as she passed out from the energy usage.
What he originally had in mind for the entire thing was that the visiting gods would say their vows, and he'd make a show of accepting them before they moved on to the feast, which Alex wanted to make a fun affair similarly to the Norse. However it was quickly becoming an increasingly formal event that would require everything Alex hated about royalty and politics.
So naturally, when presented with an opportunity to bail on the preparations, Alex was immediately gone as he tried to escape the hell of politics. That was how he ended up in Earthland after Hisui invited him for some big announcement her father planned to make, which was simply the king declaring to the people of Fiore that they were 'officially' swearing allegiance to the Dragon Emperor, and becoming a subsidiary nation under Asora.
Surprisingly, at least to Alex, almost none of the citizenry argued against their king's decision due to how much Alex and his people had already done for them, along with the fact that many considered it forgone outcome with Alex's marriage to their princess, Hisui. Not only had they destroyed the Dark Emperor and his followers, but they had also helped the people of the continent get back on their feet and repair the damage done to all of them, bit by bit. The only ones dissatisfied with this development were of course the surviving self-serving elites, who considered Alex and Asora as a whole very bad for their own businesses.
The truly surprising development though was when Hisui stood a moment later, and announced to the entire kingdom, including her father, the captain of the Knights Arcadios, and even Alex, that she was pregnant.
Immediately the entire city began to shake as the people roared their excitement at the news, while her father, Arcadios, and every one of the servants who had watched Hisui grow up burst into happy, yet hysterical, tears. Alex's expression meanwhile morphed into one of extreme joy as he unhesitatingly pulled Hisui into his arms to plant a chaste, but love filled, kiss onto her lips in front of the entire kingdom, raising even more thunderous cheers at the scene.
Later the group then retired to the interior of the castle, where they discussed the plans for Hisui while she was pregnant. Unlike the majority of Alex's wives though, she didn't intend to stay in the space-time orb for the duration of her term. Instead she said that she wanted to remain with her father and the people that helped raise her until their child was born, which Alex agreed to after he summoned Noint and five other former apostles to serve and protect Hisui when he wasn't there.
Sadly Alex didn't get to stay in Earthland long until one of his wives came to drag him back to Asora, where he was once again thrown into the hell of political planning. There he was forced to ȧssist with boring things like scheduling, seating, decorations, preparing a list of who to expect, and much much more until he received a call from a certain someone.
"Sorry, gotta go! Bye!" Alex quickly said before disappearing, leaving a stunned Ravel behind to explain to Grayfia and the others why he had gone.
Traveling to America, Alex quickly found the place that the other party told him to meet them at, a hamburger joint of all places. Not just any kind of burger joint though, an actual American rustic looking place that most people would probably go to for the ambiance until they tried the food.
"It became a small party of sorts before I knew it." Though he was shaking his head as he took his seat at the opposite end of the long table from the 'hero', Alex also had a large smile since it had been a while since this particular group had gotten together, almost every male possessor of the Longinus Sacred Gears.
Once he had sat down down though, Alex couldn't help but to ask,
"So why here of all places?" Again Cao Cao shrugged and replied,
"Why not? I like hamburgers, and Dulio said he hasn't really tried any before. So what better place than America to have some good burgers?" Though he was incredulous at the fact that Dulio, the man who scoured every inch of the earth looking for good food, had not yet tried a hamburger, he also couldn't help but to agree with Cao Cao as memories of going to those old fashioned burger places with his friends in his previous life briefly resurfaced in Alex's mind.
Though he enjoyed the brief trip down memory lane, Alex quickly returned his attention to the present as the waitress came to take their order, and Cao Cao said,
"I'll pay for it, so order whatever you guys want." While everyone else expressed their thanks, Alex flashed a malicious smile as he said,
"I'll take you up on that then." Cao Cao and the others, including the poor waitress, were then treated to a firsthand experience of a full grown Saiyan's appetite, as Alex ordered at least two of every burger on the menu(except for the veggie burger of course), as well as an order of fries to go with every single one.
With everyone giving him weird looks, Alex smirked and stated,
"Word of advice, never offer to pay for a Saiyan's meal." Cao Cao's brow twitched in annoyance as he muttered,
"I see... And is there any particular reason you felt the need to try and bankrupt me?" Alex simply shrugged and replied,
"Just consider a small form of payback for all of the headaches you used to cause us." Though his brow twitched yet again at Alex's words, Cao Cao didn't say anything else as Georg quickly changed the topic.
"Anyways, about why we called you here." Immediately everyone became serious as Alex muttered,
"The other reincarnator, huh?" Cao Cao nodded and explained,
"He first appeared in Heaven where he battled the Great Seraph that was still stationed there, before disappearing and reappearing eventually in the Underworld. Though we managed to keep track of his movements with the machine you left behind, not even the holy energy of the True Longinus was able to harm him..." As Cao Cao trailed off, Georg picked up,
"After Tannin battled him to standstill we managed to trap him within Dimension Lost, and thankfully he's been restrained within ever since." Though he followed everything else so far, Alex ċȯċked his head to the side in confusion as he asked,
"You mean he's still in there? How long ago was he trapped?" Georg and Cao Cao glanced at each other before the latter answered,
"I'd say a little over a year by this point? He's locked within a replica of a rural Chinese village, so no matter how much he rampages he can't escape, and anything he destroys within is restored after twenty four hours when we bring him food." Alex's confusion only grew when he heard this, as even if the other reincarnator was sealed within Dimension Lost, he still should've been able to leave when his cooldown to change worlds ended.
Deciding that he'd wait until actually meeting the man to figure out why he hadn't escaped yet, Alex then asked,
"What about his abilities? What was he able to do?" For a moment no one said anything as they tried to find the right words, until Dulio eventually said,
"Well, he seems to be able to 'eat' the majority of attacks we sent at him." While the rest of them grimaced from the way Dulio's description sounded, Alex, Vali and Sairaorg all made expressions of understanding as Sairaorg said,
"So he's a Slayer then." The other looked confused at the quick acceptance Alex and the two other showed at the reincarnator's abilities, which he quickly explained,
"'Slayers' are a type of Mage that come from the only other world that Asora is currently connected to, Earthland. Though there are three types, the most common seem to be 'Dragon Slayers', who's abilities are geared towards hunting dragons." When they heard that it appeared that a lot of the questions Cao Cao and the others had were immediately answered, as Tobio even said,
"That would explain why he was so eager to fight Tannin..." Alex nodded and continued,
"One specific trait of 'Slayers' is that they are able to 'eat' the element they use, such as fire, iron, lightning, or even poison, and turn it into their own energy to continue fighting. If he 'ate' pretty much all of the attacks that were used against him, then he must have the variety of elements that he can use." Knowing what Alex was bound to ask next, Georg quickly said,
"So far we've seen him use fire, powerful winds, water, holy light, and darkness, which we believe is simply demonic power since he was able to 'eat' any attacks that the Devils used against him." Alex nodded as he digested what Georg told them, and said,
"Well, if that's the case then he chose the right world to rampage in since the majority of the beings here use pretty much all of those elements to fight with." For a moment no one said anything as they all silently agreed with Alex's statement, until he surprised them by saying,
"Alright, let's get this over with. Send me to him before our food gets here." Everyone present looked at him with surprise, before Georg asked,
"Really? Right now?" Alex nodded and said in a casual tone,
"Yeah, why not? A small pre-meal 'workout' doesn't sound bad." Shaking their heads at what Alex considered to be a 'small workout', Georg wordlessly waved his hand so that the mists of Dimension Lost enveloped Alex, transporting him to a rural Chinese village.
"I take it you're this so-called 'Dragon Emperor', right? You better not be another worthless pussƴ like the rest of-" Even while he was smack talking those who trapped him there, the other reincarnator, scruffy looking man with dark hair, and tattered clothes, paused as he noticed the brow fur-covered appendage swaying behind Alex. His already large smile widened excitedly as an oppressive aura began to emanate from his body, and he finished slowly,
"I guess I don't need to worry about if you're up for this or not, do I mister Saiyan?" Despite the eagerness of his opponent as fire, water, wind, light, and demonic energies began to whip around them, Alex almost sighed from exasperation as he began to wonder if he expected too much from the other reincarnators.
He didn't get a chance to wonder for long though, as the reincarnator continued without letting Alex say anything,
"Well, it doesn't matter what you are anyways, cause all you are in the end is the 'boss battle' of this world before I move onto the next one for more experience points!" Alex's brow twitched when he heard that, and he finally spoke for the first time as he asked,
"Is that why you haven't used your ability to leave worlds yet to escape from here? To face me?" This time the other reincarnator snorted as he replied,
"No, but as the 'main character' of this story it wouldn't be right for me to use such a cowardly tactic, would it? If I'm going to escape, it'll be with my own strength, and not such a cheat-like ability!" The more Alex heard from the other man the more he couldn't believe what he was hearing, as he was speaking as if they were in nothing but a typical game or isekai story, and he was the protagonist.
As the man's aura and bloodlust reached an all time high, there was suddenly a deafening clap of thunder as every bit of power the slayer had suddenly vanished, and a second Alex appeared behind him with the sword Ascalon in his hand. Slowly, Alex turned around as he dispelled the sword and walked back towards the slayer, his expression completely calm as he did so, while the slayer seemed to be struggling to catch his breath and the after image he had left behind began to fade.
Once he was right beside him, Alex slowly said,
"You are NOT a shonen protagonist."
"This is NOT your 'story'."
Lines of blood began forming around his body as they slowly creeped down his skin.
"And this was NOT a great 'boss battle'."
By this point large chunks of the slayer's flesh began to slough off and fall to the ground, only to turn to dust before they even impacted the earth below.
"This, was an execution." Alex finished as the slayer's entire body collapsed into over a hundred pieces, only to explode into a cloud of dust as they impacted the ground, and spread in the slight breeze.
Before returning to the others Alex ran the lottery he got for killing the slayer, which rewarded him with the 'Gale Dragon Slayer' abilities. Neither needing or wanting them, he instead forwarded the prize to Anne since she already had Sky dragon slaying, and adding Gale to her arsenal would make her significantly stronger since 'Gale' Dragons were more focused on offense, while 'Sky' dragons on support.
All of that done, Alex then found himself back in the restaurant where the others were waiting, where they had evidently been watching his fight with the slayer based off of their expressions.
"Hope the food gets here soon, I'm famished." Alex said as if he didn't notice the looks the others were giving him, right as the waitress brought over the first of many platters of food. Suddenly feeling parched, Alex asked as she set the food down,
"Hey beautiful, can we also get a few pitchers of beer to go with our burgers?" Punctuating his request with a quick wink, the waitress blushed heavily as she noticed just how good looking Alex was, despite him using many, many, spells to try and dampen the effect of his 'Peerless Beauty' ability.
Only returning a shy nod to Alex's request, the waitress hurried away to bring them everything else they had ordered, while Cao Cao had a fairly irritable expression from Alex ordering yet something else at his expense.
As the afternoon turned into night, Alex and the rest continued to eat, drink, and otherwise be merry as they simply relaxed and swapped various stories until day became night, and the restaurant eventually closed for the day.
Making sure to leave behind a VERY generous tip for the poor cooks and waitress, Alex used the magic compass and key to send everyone else home since his 'Poison Resistance' skill prevented him from getting drunk on something as weak as their current drinks.
The exceptions were Sairaorg and Vali since he took the two of them home personally, where Aiko was fairly irritable at Vali for coming home drunk, but since it was first time she even heard of Vali drinking, she didn't get too mad at him. Sairaorg on the other hand went to Seekvaira's instead of his own home, which earned Alex a mild glare despite her red cheeks as she accepted the drunk Sairaorg.
Then Alex had no choice but to return to his own home, were he found a small army of angry wives waiting for him.
While he was able to pacify them regarding his leaving in the middle of their preparations, since it involved another reincarnator who had rampaged in their world a bit, none of them were too happy about him then spending the rest of the day drinking. Of course, they only knew Alex had been drinking due to the girls with more sėnsɨtɨvė noses smelling the alcohol on him, since Alex himself wasn't even the slightest bit tipsy.
Despite him not even being the slightest bit drunk, Alex was still forced to endure a VERY long lecture about dodging responsibilities to go drinking, and how he needed to set a better example as both an emperor, and a father. The night was already almost gone by the time Alex was finally let go by the angry wives, and he quickly retreated to safety of the space-time orb to spend what few hours were left of the night with his children, who were currently fast asleep.
First he had a quick wash in an ice cold bath with Mizore and Tsurara, to wash away any remaining alcohol smell, before he could finally crawl into bed with his children in his second bedroom. Once there, Alex could feel the numerous small bodies stirring as each of them seemed to snuggle up to him, instinctively sensing the arrival of their father even in their sleep.
When he awoke the next morning the first thing Alex heard was the whispering and giggles of his children as they waited for him to wake up, only to hush down as he stirred.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Alex yawned loudly as he stretched exaggeratedly, before saying happily,
"Good morning my mischievous little monkeys!" What greeted him was the sight of every one of the elder children, so excluding Ryuto, Shuri, and of course Lana, mimicking him as they stretched exaggeratedly while yawning, before parroting,
"""Good morning daddy!"""
Cocking a brow at their actions, Myuu maintained a perfect poker face at Alex while her younger siblings erupted into a series of giggles at the game they were apparently a part of. Rather than calling attention to their actions though, Alex decided to go along with their game as he got up to get the three youngest children up for the day.
Ryuto and Shuri were both old enough that they were able to craw out of bed after Alex woke them, while Lana was only a few months old by this time(due to spending quite a bit of time in the space-time orb), and so Alex had to personally get her up and change her diaper before making his way to the bathroom, the rest of the little monkeys quickly following behind him.
Though nothing really happened as Alex helped the younger children strip off their pajamas, he noticed that the children were trying to perfectly mimic him as he washed and rinsed his face and body, before sinking into the warm water with a sigh of contention.
The children sighed as they too sank into the warm water, making Alex's smile turn wry as he leaned back and closed his eyes, even as he used his 'Domain' to keep an eye on the younger children as they splashed around in a much shallower tub.
Though usually they would play and splash around in the tub while Alex watched over them, today his children didn't do any of that as they instead mimicked him as he enjoyed the warm water that he was submerged in. This went on for a little over twenty minutes, until Alex decided it was time for them to get out and ready for the day.
After dressing himself in a plain pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Alex was then unceremoniously pushed out of the giant closet by Myuu as she declared,
"Out papa!" 'Helpless' against his eldest daughter's wishes, Alex allowed her to forcefully remove him from the closet, leaving her and her siblings to dress themselves. And, as Alex suspected, all of the children shortly emerged from the closet dressed in shorts and a shirt that matched his own, though some of them were were inside out or backwards, while Alec's shirt was both.
Wryly shaking his head at their actions, Alex then gently took Lana from Myuu's arms as he led the train of Saiyans down to breakfast. Once down there every single one of the women already there began to gush at the adorableness of all of Alex's children dressed just like him, while Shuri and Ryuto hurriedly waddled behind them.
Pretending as if he didn't notice the matching attire, or why his wives were gushing, Alex passed Lana on to Grayfia who immediately set her in a highchair to feed her her breakfast, while Rias and Akeno did the same with Ryuto and Shuri respectively. He then said to Haruna and Mikan,
"Can I get a large stack of pancakes with some bacon and fried eggs?" The two girls hurriedly prepared Alex's food for him while the children watched with wide eyes as the largest stack of pancakes they ever saw was set in front of their father, before they excitedly, and politely, asked for the same thing.
As he waited for the kid's food to be brought to them as well, Alex also silently promised Mikan and Haruna a private date in the near future since it had been so long since they had 'gone out', mostly due to the lingering trauma they had from 'that' man. With both girls in notably better spirits, they brought the children their food with various little differences based on the specific child.
Myuu's had so much extra syrup her pancakes might as well had been swimming in it, Edith's meanwhile was topped with numerous types of berries, while Mai's was covered in a layer of whipped cream. Then there was Alec and Anna, who had piles of strawberries and blueberries respectively, Regal, who took most of his food borderline burnt, Lizzy with the piles of chocolate chips for her sweet tooth, while both Yuki and Aurora had ice cream with theirs.
As for the youngest three, Ryuto and Shuri both still had to have theirs cut up by their mothers and fed, while Lana was still on a diet of baby food as they tried to wean her off of brėȧst milk.
Once breakfast was finished, and every one of them had full bellies, Alex then led the troop of Saiyans through the villa, and down to the underground weight room. There, Alex began a 'light' workout as he watched his children try as best as possible to mimic his movements, while Alex used his 'Telekinesis' to fix any mistakes they might have been making with their posture.
This was mostly a for fun thing as Alex figured that since his children wanted to mimic him, he'd do some of the things he'd typically do when he wasn't playing with them, the pg version of things at least. However, as Alex watched his children adorably try to lift weights the same way he was, he couldn't help his mischievous side that wanted to have a little fun.
Taking a short intake of breath, Alex suddenly exclaimed,
As he did so, he became enveloped in a brilliant golden aura while his black hair turned golden as it stood up on end. Their eyes widening in surprise and awe, all of the older kids suddenly adopted VERY serious looks as they tried to focus.
One after another the children shouted as they tried to go Super Saiyan, while their mothers secretly watched on disapprovingly, obviously to no success.
After nearly a minute of this Alex began to feel bad for the frustrated little Saiyans, and especially for the depressed looking Myuu, while some of their faces turned red from concentration, and he was sure from the smell that someone might have pooped their pants...
"Ok, that's enough." Alex said as he tried to get them to stop trying to go SSJ, though several of them wanted to keep trying. Eventually the only one that was still trying to transform was Edith, who was nearly purple in the face by this point as she desperately tried to mimic her dad.
"Ok Edith, that's.....enough........" Alex began to tell her, before something began to happen that stunned him.
As Edith growled Alex noticed an intense energy slowly begin to envelope her, as her already golden hair began to slowly stand up straight, and turn rigid.
Edith continued to growl and force herself to try and transform, while arcs of energy continued to crackle around her and a small line of blood trickled from her nose.
Moist amazingly though was that as the seconds ticked by torturously slowly, Alex noticed the brown fur covering Edith's tail beginning to shift to a brilliant gold before changing back. But as the seconds passed her tail was staying golden longer, until a concussion of golden energy exploded from Edith's body as her hair stood completely straight up, and her tail turned completely gold.
Edith shouted with all the intensity her little lungs could muster as the energy from her transformation continued to grow around her, until she ended up completely out of breath and the effects of her transformation disappeared entirely.
"Daddy..." Edith muttered lightly as she looked up towards Alex, before becoming unstable on her feet.
"I've got you!" Alex said as he flashed forward and caught his daughter before she could collapse, wiping the trickle of blood from her nose as he did so before saying,
"I'm so proud of you Edith.." The little girl smiled cheekily at his praise, before closing her eyes as she passed out from the energy usage.
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