"Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, balance 1031524.66 yuan."

The royalties have arrived!

I finally got my first million in my life!

I have worked hard all my life in my previous life, and I have never saved so much money on my bank card. Now I have earned it in one month.

Looking at the more than one million yuan in royalties that had arrived, Lin Xiao's mouth immediately revealed a beautiful curve.

The feeling of rebirth is so refreshing!

That's right, Lin Xiao is not a talented writer. The reason why he can write a novel worth millions of royalties is entirely because he comes from 2024 and became a copywriter of Bowen at a young age.

Exit the ICBC APP and click on the contracted authors group. As expected, everyone is discussing their respective royalties in the group, and many people are talking about Lin Xiao in the group.

Fifty years later, I wrote until I died: "The manuscript fee has arrived. Have you checked the manuscript fee?"

Doesn’t like fish: “More royalties? What are royalties? Aren’t we always generating electricity for love?”

Wearing a watermelon rind on his head: "I'll go, I just checked, and it was actually sent to me. It's 21.8 yuan, which is just enough for a cup of milk tea."

Showing off the first place: "It's only 10,000, I don't even want to write a word."

Fifty years later, he wrote to death: "Damn it, you are indeed a big shot. He paid 10,000 yuan for the manuscript and still doesn't want to type. If I include Quan Qin, it's only more than 1,300 yuan."

Doesn't like fish: "How much? Ten thousand? What a huge sum of money! My main business is only three thousand a month."

The first place in the list: "Last month it was already more than 30,000, but this month the price dropped so much, it was only 10,000. I almost want to cut the book."

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "Boss, how much is your royalties? Your data is so strong, it is estimated to be 500,000 or 600,000 this month? @ Lin Xiao"

Fifty Ding wrote until death: "Five or six hundred thousand? Is it so powerful?"

Looking at the group message of the contract signing group, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and directly took a screenshot of the royalties transfer, cropped it, and sent it to the group.

When this screenshot was posted, the group immediately went into a frenzy.

Doesn’t like fish: “I’ll go, am I right? One million! After deducting taxes, there is still one million, which is amazing!”

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "As expected of Brother Lin. The reputation of our group and the royalties make me so envious."

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "The boss is awesome!"

The first place was ruined: "Boss, you are so awesome, can you teach me how to write novels? @Lin Xiao"

Everyone was amazed, and many people also initiated friend requests for Lin Xiao, wanting him to give advice on their novels.

The group is just for showing off. If he teaches writing novels, he doesn't have the leisure time.

He is not a selfless person. Not to mention that he doesn't know how to write novels. Even if he did, he wouldn't be able to teach him.

All of them want to have sex for free. If I have time to teach them, it would be better to write one more chapter.

After showing off, Lin Xiao turned off his phone and ignored those who wanted to apply as friends.


Just as I was about to go out for lunch, my cell phone suddenly rang.

I picked up the phone and saw it was my mother calling.

"Hey, Mom, why did you remember to call your son?"

After the call was connected, Lin Xiao said hello.

"If you don't think about mom, mom can't think about you." Wang Xiuying rolled her eyes at Lin Xiao out of habit, then softened her tone and asked:

"Son, have you finished get off work?"

Lin Xiao has already quit his job to write a novel, but he hasn't told his family yet. His parents thought he was working in his previous company.

Mainly because his parents knew that he had quit his job to write novels, so they would definitely be nagging him. They still had some traditional ideas and believed that writing novels was not a serious job, and only working honestly could be considered a serious and decent job.

"It's time to get off work and I'm going to eat. Mom, have you eaten?"

"Mom has eaten. By the way, your aunt has introduced you to a girl. She is quite beautiful and has a good family background. If you are free on the weekend, can you go and meet her?"

You really arranged a blind date for yourself.

Lin Xiao was speechless for a while.

In his previous life, his mother liked to arrange blind dates for him and kept asking him to get married quickly so that he could raise children for him.

However, at that time, he didn't make much money. Every time he was urged to go on a blind date, he was helpless and found various excuses to shirk.

You know everything about blind dates. If you don’t have a house, a car, or a deposit, going on a blind date is just a waste of money.

Not only did he lose his lunch money in vain, but he also fell into disrepute and was disliked in various ways.

Therefore, Lin Xiao didn't like blind dates very much, so she reluctantly agreed because she couldn't avoid it.

Of course, that was a previous life.

Today, he has a million dollars in cash, and the novel can continue to bring him another million dollars.

Now that he has confidence in his heart, he is no longer so repelled by blind dates.

Instead, I want to see what the attitude of those blind date girls will be toward me after they become rich.

"Okay." Lin Xiao agreed directly.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, obviously not expecting Lin Xiao to agree so quickly.

In the past, when Lin Xiao was asked to go on a blind date, Lin Xiao was unwilling to say anything. Every time, she would be moved by her affection and reason, and then he would reluctantly agree to go on a blind date.

Wang Xiuying was ready to walk the same path she had walked before, but she never expected that Lin Xiao would agree so simply.

Is your son enlightened?

"Son, you're not trying to fool mom, are you? Don't promise me now and not go then."

"Mom, don't worry. If you tell me to go, I will definitely go."

"That's good."

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Not long after getting off the plane, Yang Mi got into the nanny car when she received a call from her mother, Yang Chunling.

After a few daily greetings, Yang Chunling revealed the real purpose of the call:

"Mimi, your Aunt Li has introduced you to a boy who is engaged in design. He is a good match for our family. Please take time to meet him during the weekend."

Yang Mi: "For your information, mother, my son has to film commercials and variety shows on weekends, so he really has no time to go on a blind date. I hope you will understand me."

Yang Chunling: "Come on, I've asked Xiaohong if you have anything to do this weekend, otherwise I wouldn't have arranged it for you on the weekend. I tell you, you have to go see her this time no matter what."

Yang Mi: "Mother, my child is still young. It's a good time to make contributions and make achievements. You really shouldn't be distracted by emotions!"

Yang Chunling: "Stop! You are still young at 24, why do you have the nerve to say it? In a few years, you will be thirty. When you want to marry, no one will want to marry you! Okay, no more excuses." . In short, if you dare not go there on weekends, you really don’t have to go back to this place!”


Yang Mi: "......"

I'm only 24! Why is it not considered young?

Thirty is still early!

Looking at the phone that was hung up, Yang Mi looked dissatisfied and turned to look at the assistant Xiaohong who betrayed her.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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