After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao went to take a shower. After checking his phone for a while, he saw that it was already half past eleven.

Thinking that she would have to get up early to catch a flight tomorrow, Lin Xiao stopped playing with her phone and set an alarm clock for 6:50, 6:55 and 7:00, and then went to bed.

Like Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei also set an alarm clock for 6:50 and 6:55.

Perhaps because he has been busy recently, Lin Xiao fell asleep quickly and fell asleep after a while.

He slept deeply until 6:50, when the alarm clock rang, and then he woke up.

After turning off the alarm clock and lying on the bed, Lin Xiao opened her eyes after regaining consciousness for a while.

I looked at the time, six fifty-three.

Lin Xiao first canceled the other two alarm clocks, and then went to the toilet. Seeing that the time was seven o'clock, he called Liu Yifei.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

In Liu Yifei's bedroom.

"Master! Get up soon! Master, get up soon!"

At six fifty, Liu Yifei's alarm clock rang on time.

Liu Yifei rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes and looked at the time, and found that it was already six-fifty. Thinking that Lin Xiao was about to call her in ten minutes, Liu Yifei suddenly woke up.

First, she went to the bathroom and used the restroom. Then she canceled the alarm clock and lay back on the big bed. Liu Yifei held her throat and said a few words in a low voice:

"Hey, Lin Xiao, good morning."

Not very satisfied, Liu Yifei pretended to cough twice more, cleared her throat, and continued: "Hey, Lin Xiao, good morning."

Still not very satisfied, after practicing almost four or five times, Liu Yifei finally found a satisfactory pronunciation.

Then, he rested his arms on his arms, looked at his phone, and waited silently.


At seven o'clock, the phone rang on time.

Quite on time.

The corners of Liu Yifei's mouth curved into a nice smile, and after deliberately waiting for nearly ten seconds, Liu Yifei pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Lin Xiao, good morning."

Lin Xiao had never called a girl early in the morning before. Listening to Liu Yifei's voice on the receiver, Lin Xiao was stunned.

He really didn't expect that the girl's voice would be so nice when she just woke up.

Although Liu Yifei usually talks nicely and is very gentle, when she first woke up, her soft and waxy feeling was unprecedented, and she felt like she was whispering in her ears.

This voice is more lethal than a girl's deliberate act of coquettishness.

It is no exaggeration to say that listening to Liu Tianxian's soft voice, Lin Xiao was really stimulated and had the urge to commit a crime.

This girl is so seductive, I must capture her during filming!

Suppressing his inner emotions, Lin Xiao smiled and said:

"It's seven o'clock, get ready to get up."

"Well~ don't~ don't think about it."

Soft, waxy, and a little lazy, Liu Tianxian's image in his mind suddenly became a lot cuter even though he just listened to the voice.

"If you don't afford it, you won't be able to catch the plane."

Lin Xiao said, her tone became gentle unconsciously.

"Well, can I sleep a little longer?"

"Okay, then you can sleep for another five minutes and get up again in five minutes."

"Hehe, okay, then I want you to chat with me."

"Okay, I'll stay with you."

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth curled up unconsciously. Although the two of them were not really together, Lin Xiao felt like they were in love.

very nice.

After almost ten minutes, at 7:10, the two reluctantly hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Liu Yifei couldn't help but reveal a sweet smile.

Of course, there is also a little bit of pride.

Hee hee, I won’t be able to charm you to death right now.

Liu Yifei was very happy, and her walking pace was much more cheerful than before. If she wasn't afraid that her mother would notice something unusual, she would have wanted to sing.

On Lin Xiao's side, after hanging up the phone, he also got up and brushed his teeth and washed himself.

By the way, he also sent a message to his assistant Liu Dong:

"Where are you?"

Liu Dong is a new assistant he recently recruited. Entering the entertainment industry is not as simple as writing a novel. There are many things that need to be dealt with. It is obviously impossible to do without an assistant.

"Boss, we will arrive at your community in ten minutes, please wait a moment."

"Okay, drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

"Okay boss, thank you for your concern."

After putting away the phone, brushing my teeth and washing my hands, I waited for about five minutes before the phone rang and Liu Dong had arrived.

Under Lin Xiao's guidance, Liu Dong successfully found Lin Xiao's rental house.

"Boss, your place is too simple, isn't it?"

This was the first time Liu Dong came to Lin Xiao's residence. Looking at the simple single room, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Stop looking, pick up your suitcase and leave."

Lin Xiao said and asked Liu Dong to take the suitcase and go downstairs. After closing the door, he also went downstairs and left.

"did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet, I just got up and ran over here."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao nodded: "Let's go, I'll treat you to breakfast."

"thank you boss."

After breakfast, Liu Dong drove Lin Xiao to Kyoto International Airport.

"I'm here, where have you been?"

After getting off the car, Lin Xiao sent Liu Yifei a message.

"I'm almost there too. You go to the terminal first. I'll be there in a moment."

"Okay, be safe."

Putting away her phone, Lin Xiao went straight to the airport waiting room. After passing the security check, she walked into the first-class VIP waiting room.

As for Liu Dong, he took their luggage and checked it in.

Lin Xiao bought him economy class. He was not rich enough to book first class for his assistant.

Moreover, in the workplace, being too nice to your subordinates does not necessarily produce positive feedback. Only by maintaining a certain distance can you let them know who is the employee and who is the boss.

After waiting in the terminal for a while, Liu Yifei opened the door and walked in.

In the past, Liu Yifei, except for attending events, dressed very casually. In her words, she was actually a loser in private.

However, after meeting Lin Xiao, she obviously began to pay attention to clothing matching and makeup.

She was wearing blue denim shorts, an orange T-shirt with one letter on her upper body, and a pink watch on her hand.

Matched like this, it looks girly.

The delicate and beautiful face, painted with pink lipstick, gives people a green and hazy beauty.

Although the makeup is not as exquisite as other girls, it is obvious that some thought has been put into it, and the overall feeling is very good.

Just when Lin Xiao looked at Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei also saw Lin Xiao.

Perhaps it was because of the wake-up call in the morning. The two of them looked at each other and felt a strange feeling, a little shy and a little sweet.

"Don't be stunned. Hurry, the plane is about to take off."

Lin Xiao looked at Liu Yifei and broke the silence first.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei couldn't help but give Lin Xiao a roll of her eyes. She dressed up specially today. She had been looking forward to it for so long and just wanted to hear Lin Xiao's praise.

Unexpectedly, this is what Lin Xiao opened his mouth to, and he was speechless.

Pulling the suitcase, Liu Yifei walked to the boarding gate.

Lin Xiao was behind her and said with a smile:

"The clothes match well, blue jeans and an orange T-shirt, very fashionable and girly."

It turned out that he had noticed.

Hearing Lin Xiao's comments, Liu Yifei's heart suddenly felt warm and happy, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised a beautiful arc.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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