God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 23: The Emotional Value Is Directly Filled Up

In order to test Wang Duoyu's character, Mr. Jin wanted to bribe Wang Duoyu to play match-fixing, but Wang Duoyu refused.

What we are going to shoot today is the scene at the beginning of the movie.

Wang Duoyu mistakenly thought that the other party wanted to sign him, and made some funny efforts. However, he found out that the other party wanted to bribe him to play match-fixing. His emotions were not small. Feng Xiaogang felt that he should use this paragraph to test Lin Xiao's acting skills. Couldn't be more appropriate.

In front of the camera.

Lin Xiao sat on the bench, wiped his eyes, looked at Mr. Jin in front of him, and said calmly:

"As a goalkeeper, the older you get, the more you become more evil. I don't know which leader of your team, but in the vast sea of ​​people, he caught the attention of me, this old devil, at a glance."

At first, Lin Xiao's voice was a little quiet. Seeing that Mr. Jin did not interrupt him and seemed to really want to recruit him into the team, Lin Xiao suddenly felt confident.

"Although I am thirty-seven, because I developed relatively late, fortunately I am currently at the peak of my body."

As Lin Xiao spoke, he sat up straight, straightened his back, and spoke much louder than before.

"Coupled with my young mentality, I am confident that I will play until I am 60 years old! This is just in line with the legal retirement age in our country."

Lin Xiao said, his hands unconsciously placed on the bench.

Anyone who has experienced it knows that when people feel guilty, they often put their hands on the bench. This is a sign of lack of confidence.

With a simple movement, Wang Duoyu's image immediately stood up. At a glance, Wang Duoyu's unconfidence and guilty conscience as a middle-aged player, as well as his yearning and expectation to be included in the team, could be seen.

In this section, Lin Xiao's expression was very expressive. Even Feng Xiaogang couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing "Wang Duoyu"'s expectant and guilty look, Mr. Jin smiled slightly and pointed to the dishes in front of him:

"This dish is not cold yet, do you want to eat some?"

"No rush, let's talk business first." Lin Xiao looked at Mr. Jin and shook his head.

Lin Xiao adapted this line from the original version.

In the original version, Wang Duoyu said, "You're welcome, I'll just take one bite." Then he ate the food with chopsticks.

This is a bit forced to create contrast and make it funny, which is not in line with Wang Duoyu's character.

Anyone who has had some social experience will not be greedy for a few mouthfuls of food at this time, not to mention that Wang Duoyu still wants to join the opponent's team.

When Mr. Jin saw this, he didn't say anything about eating vegetables. He looked at "Wang Duoyu" and said:

"Wang Duoyu, actually I know you very well. You have been playing football for twenty years and have been in the C-level team for a long time. You were once banned for two years for biting someone during a game."

In order to successfully enter the team, Lin Xiao always had a flattering smile on his face.

However, when Lin Xiao heard the opponent mention biting during the competition, Lin Xiao failed to manage his expression and his smile froze.

Because this incident had a huge impact on Wang Duoyu, it could be said that it completely changed his career plan and was a turning point in his life.

If it weren't for that biting incident, he wouldn't be in a situation where no team wants him.

Tsk tsk tsk, the acting is really good.

Feng Xiaogang kept paying attention to the changes in Lin Xiao's expression, and couldn't help but give Lin Xiao a thumbs up when he saw it.

The expressions switched so quickly and freely, he almost thought Lin Xiao was possessed by Wang Duoyu, the acting was so natural.

Mr. Jin also secretly glanced at Lin Xiao with admiration. He didn't expect that the young man acting opposite him would be as good as those veteran actors.

After sighing silently, Mr. Jin quickly continued: "In those two years, you played in women's football, worked in Japanese fashion, and even worked as a mannequin."

"You have developed your body to the extreme within the limits of the law."

Mr. Jin looked at Lin Xiao, his voice was a little playful, and his calm narration gave people a sense of ridicule.

This was not a glorious thing, and Lin Xiao was visibly embarrassed.

However, in order to continue playing football and get signed successfully, he could only endure the embarrassment and squeeze out a bitter smile.

I don’t know why, looking at Lin Xiao at this moment, the staff and actors on the side felt a kind of sadness and helplessness that only belongs to middle-aged men.

That bitter smile was not only experienced by Wang Duoyu, but also by them in order to survive.

Really awesome! Feng Xiaogang silently gave Lin Xiao a thumbs up.

In fact, at this point in the performance, he no longer needs to test Lin Xiao's acting skills. To be able to perform without being blocked until now, Lin Xiao has proven himself with his strength.


A few minutes later, the performance ended, and Feng Xiaogang shouted "Ka" in time.

"Bah bang bang!"

After filming this section, Feng Xiaogang did not go to see the recording effect as usual, but took the lead in applauding.

Lin Xiao's acting skills really surprised him. He really didn't expect that Lin Xiao's acting skills were so good.

Not only Feng Xiaogang, but other staff and actors also applauded.

Everyone can feel that Lin Xiao's acting skills are very strong and natural.

Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao, his beautiful eyes couldn't help but blink, with admiration and adoration on his face.

It doesn't matter if he is rich and handsome, he is so talented, and his acting skills are so good now. Xu Dongdong is really going to be conquered by this strong man. She has never seen such an outstanding boy.

Liu Yifei knew that Lin Xiao had a role, so she quietly sneaked in to watch.

Unlike the envy and admiration of others, Liu Yifei felt more distressed when she looked at Lin Xiao.

Everyone thought that Lin Xiao was a big boss and had a lot of money to make movies. Only she knew that Lin Xiao’s money to make movies was actually borrowed from her.

Seeing Lin Xiao's lifelike acting skills, Liu Yifei couldn't help but wonder, what on earth has he gone through to be able to play that sadness and helplessness so realistically and naturally?

Perhaps, because he has suffered so much, he is so eager to make money by making movies.

Lin Xiao naturally didn't know what Liu Yifei was thinking. After the performance, looking at the cheering staff and actors applauding him, Lin Xiao politely thanked her: "Thank you."

Then, he looked at Feng Xiaogang, smiled and joked: "Director Feng, with my acting skills, there is no need to change the starring role, right?"

"No, no, boss Lin, you don't have to make fun of me. With your acting skills, who would be willing to change the starring role? Even if I agree, others will not agree." Feng Xiaogang shook his head quickly.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao smiled and stopped teasing Feng Xiaogang. After the performance, he changed out of his costume, picked up his phone and started reading.

As soon as I turned on my phone, I found that there were many people at Aite Himself. When I clicked on it, it turned out that the author of the contracted group knew about his filmmaking and had already made a fuss in the group.

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "Here we go, big news! Have you seen the entertainment news? Boss Lin Xiao really went to film a movie with Liu Yifei, Feng Xiaogang and the others, and the press conference for the film's opening ceremony was held."

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "Let me take a look."

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "Damn! It's true! Mr. Lin Xiao is not pretending, he is actually filming a movie, and Mr. Lin Xiao is very handsome!"

Don't like fish: "Oh my god, Lin Xiao is so awesome. I wonder why he even said that he would stop updating novels that make millions a month. He is not on the same level as us at all! I'm so envious. ."

Wearing a watermelon rind on his head: "Boss Lin Xiao, can you help me get a signed photo of the fairy sister? If you can't, just give me a signed photo of you. @Lin Xiao"

The first place in the show: "Boss Lin Xiao, can you give me a signed photo of you? You are so handsome, I will give birth to a monkey for you!"

Looking at the authors' comments one after another, Lin Xiao's mouth couldn't help but curl up with a nice smile.

Needless to say, although the authors in the group could not give him substantial help, they were very helpful in terms of emotional value, which made him feel very happy.

Lin Xiao was happily scrolling through group messages when her phone suddenly vibrated and her mother called.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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