"Big bad guy, can our movie really break one billion?"

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and asked uncertainly.

Although she also thinks their movie is good, it is not that simple to want the box office to exceed one billion. That is a number that breaks the box office record.

"I don't know." Lin Xiao shook his head.

"Ah, what if the box office is less than one billion?"

Liu Yifei opened her mouth wide. She thought Lin Xiao was sure that the box office would exceed one billion, but she didn't expect that he didn't know either.

"Then I'll take you to elope, how about it?" Lin Xiao asked with a smirk.

Knowing that Lin Xiao was joking with her, Liu Yifei nodded and agreed, "Elopement seems quite exciting."

"Okay, no more joking, don't worry, I am confident that our movie will definitely have a box office of over 1 billion."

Lin Xiao is very confident about this movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Xiao and Xu Dongdong re-filmed the scene just now. This time, Liu Yifei didn't cause any trouble and the filming was done in one go.

After filming, Feng Xiaogang gathered the staff and actors together and announced loudly:

"Today "Tangshan Earthquake" is officially released. Boss Lin and I discussed it together. We will all take a break tonight and I will invite everyone to go to the cinema to watch the movie. Do you agree?"

You don't have to film at night, and you can watch movies for free, so naturally no one refuses.


Everyone stood up and applauded, very excited.

"Don't worry about it. Although this is a movie shot by Director Feng himself, it costs money to invite everyone to watch the movie. I don't know how to thank Director Feng." Lin Xiao reminded.

"Thank you, Director Feng."

"Thank you, Director Feng."

The staff and actors thanked Feng Xiaogang one after another.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, let's go have dinner quickly." Feng Xiaogang reminded with a smile.

Hearing this, the staff and actors walked towards the crew canteen one after another. Everyone had smiles on their faces and they were obviously very happy.

Feng Xiaogang invited everyone to watch a movie together in the evening. They were so happy that they even forgot about their exhaustion after a day of shooting.

While walking on the road, Lin Xiao glanced at Liu Yifei and was also very happy. The theater was dark and it was a good opportunity for him to get closer to Liu Yifei.

Although they had held hands and hugged, they had not kissed yet. Watching a movie together was an opportunity.

Although Liu Yifei has never been in love, she is not stupid either. When she saw Lin Xiao looking at her, she suddenly felt shy and blushed.

This big bad guy won't do anything to himself at night, right?

After dinner, Feng Xiaogang, Lin Xiao and others went to the cinema. Thinking that the last row was more suitable for small actions, Lin Xiao took Liu Yifei and went directly to the last row.

"Why are you sitting here?" Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously, almost saying "Are you going to do something bad" written on her face.

Lin Xiao naturally would not admit it, he smiled and explained: "The view here is good."

"Really, you'll know once you experience it."

Lin Xiao said, pulling Liu Yifei to sit down.

Liu Yifei turned to look at Lin Xiao, her eyes threatening and whispered: "Don't do anything bad."

"What did you say?" Lin Xiao pretended not to hear clearly and asked with a smile.

Seeing someone looking at her, Liu Yifei's eyes suddenly turned red, she glared at Lin Xiao and stopped talking.

Lin Xiao chuckled and stopped teasing Liu Yifei. She waited until the lights were turned off and the movie officially started.

In addition to Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei, the staff and actors also found seats to sit down.

At this moment, Xu Dongdong arrived belatedly.

As usual, she walked towards the back row as a habit.

When I came to the back row, I felt awkward. Except for an empty seat next to Lin Xiao, all the other seats were full.

Apart from sitting next to Lin Xiao, she could only sit in the front rows.

With everyone watching, it was obviously awkward to go back to the front at this time, so Xu Dongdong had no choice but to sit next to Lin Xiao.

"Hello, could you please borrow it?"

Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but blush a little, and his heartbeat began to accelerate.

The scene when she was playing against Lin Xiao appeared in her mind unconsciously. She clearly remembered that she accidentally touched Lin Xiao's lifeblood while filming.

She could clearly feel it at that time, and Lin Xiao reacted.

Lin Xiao didn't think too much. He was thinking about Liu Yifei now and how to create opportunities to get Liu Yifei's first kiss later.

After Xu Dongdong sat down, after a while, the lights were turned off and the movie officially started.

Xu Dongdong is on the left and Liu Yifei is on the right.

As soon as the movie started, Lin Xiao couldn't help but stretched out his right hand towards Liu Yifei.

Armrests, arms, back, arms.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yifei turned to look at Lin Xiao and asked in a low voice.

"Give me a hug." Lin Xiao said, hugging Liu Yifei closer with her right hand.

Liu Yifei did not refuse, but reminded in a low voice: "No touching."

"What did you say?" Lin Xiao asked, deliberately squeezing Liu Yifei's arm with her hand.

Liu Yifei pouted and glared angrily at Lin Xiao without saying anything.

She finally understood that this guy was very evil, and the more he said he didn't want him, the more evil he became.

However, even though she didn't speak, Lin Xiao still didn't stop the movements of her hands. Instead, she became more and more aggressive, making Liu Yifei blush.

She knew that this guy would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Liu Yifei turned around and glared at Lin Xiao, then looked at the big screen to divert her attention.

Such covert behavior made Lin Xiao want to laugh.

"What do you think they are doing?"

Lin Xiao pointed to a couple in the corner and whispered in Liu Yifei's ear.

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao's fingers and suddenly blushed, her heart was beating fast, her face was hot, she was nervous, scared, and a little expectant.

It turned out that when the couple saw that the lights had been turned off, they couldn't help but kiss.

Seeing Liu Yifei's shy look, Lin Xiao knew that the time was right. He held Liu Yifei's hand slightly and pulled Liu Yifei into his arms.

Seeing that Liu Yifei had closed her eyes shyly, Lin Xiao smiled proudly and blew into her eyes deliberately.

Seeing Liu Yifei trembling, Lin Xiao stopped teasing her and leaned over to kiss her.

Liu Yifei's lips are very soft, sweet and green.

After kissing for more than ten minutes, Lin Xiao let go of Liu Yifei. Looking at Liu Yifei's flushed face, she wiped her mouth with satisfaction.

"Humph, you big bad guy, you just know how to bully me?"

Seeing Lin Xiao's proud face, Liu Yifei blushed and snorted, complaining in a low voice.

Lin Xiao smiled, leaned over and kissed her again.

On the side, Xu Dongdong looked at this sweet scene and felt like his heart was twisting in a knife.

At this moment, she had no intention of watching a movie. She was feeling uncomfortable and aggrieved as she watched the boy she liked kissing other girls.

If she had known she would see this, she would have preferred to sit in the front row in embarrassment.

What makes her even more uncomfortable is that although she is angry and jealous, she does not have the identity or qualifications to be angry and jealous.

It wasn't until the end of the movie that she ran away from the cinema as if she had been released from prison.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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