With the participation of Zhang Jie, the filming of the concert went smoothly.

As the filming progressed, one after another the actors left the crew after finishing filming.

After more than a month has passed, except for Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei and a few important supporting roles, the rest of the actors have all finished filming. The entire shooting scene looks much emptyer than it did more than a month ago.

Two days later, on July 10, 2010, even Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei were about to wrap up.

After shooting the last few scenes, the filming of the movie will officially end.

"Brother Lin, sister Yifei, good morning."

At the entrance of the canteen, the staff greeted Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei with a smile, with happiness written on their faces.

The filming was about to be finished, and everyone's faces were cleared of fatigue, and they were all a little excited, and they were even looking forward to starting filming early.

"Good morning."

Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei greeted everyone with smiles. The movie was about to be finished and they were equally happy.

After breakfast, Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei went to the dressing room to put on makeup, and then came to their stations.

What we are going to shoot today is the scene where Wang Duoyu goes to an abandoned unfinished building to rescue Xia Zhu with the ransom.


Feng Xiaogang shouted, the sound of claps sounded, and the filming officially started.

In front of the camera.

"It seems I overestimated him, it's over." Mr. Jin said with a sigh while wearing his watch.

Liu Yifei's face was full of sadness and disappointment, with a hint of self-deprecation as she had seen through love.

"I'll bring the car over."

Mr. Jin's bodyguard said something, and just as he was about to go downstairs, he spotted Lin Xiao on the corridor.

Hearing the sound and knowing that the robbers were coming, Lin Xiao immediately covered his eyes and cried with a sad look on his face:

"I don't want to see you, and you can't kill me to silence me."

"Let me go, take these stinky money and get out of here!"

"From now on, damn you, don't let me see you again. If I see you once, I won't recognize you."

"Xia Zhu, I'm here to save you! You bastard, do you know how much I have given up for you? From now on, if you don't give me a hundred children, you will be sorry for me!"

Looking at Lin Xiao, who had her eyes closed and was obviously a little nervous and scared, Liu Yifei was so moved that tears fell from the corners of her eyes and a relieved smile appeared on her face.

Mr. Jin was also very relieved. He looked at Lin Xiao and said with a smile: "Congratulations on passing the test."

Immediately afterwards, applause broke out.

Lin Xiao obviously didn't react. He looked up at Liu Yifei and Mr. Jin with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang, the lover always gets married."

It wasn't until Chang Yuan came out that Lin Xiao finally realized that this was also a test. He immediately stood up, ran towards Liu Yifei, and hugged Liu Yifei tightly in his arms.

These two have really good acting skills.

Feng Xiaogang watched Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei's performances and couldn't help but sigh again.

Forget about Liu Yifei, she has been debuting for many years. The key is that this Lin Xiao, for the first time playing a movie, actually acted so well, so naturally, without any trace of acting. It is really a genius.


With a sigh, Feng Xiaogang shouted in time.

After watching the recording effect, Feng Xiaogang looked at the expectant crowd and announced loudly:

"I announce that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is officially finished!"

"Oh yeah!"

As Feng Xiaogang's words fell, everyone at the scene suddenly burst into excited cheers.

The movie was finally finished, and I no longer had to wake up early or stay up until late at night. I could finally have a good rest and sleep until I woke up naturally. The faces of the staff all showed excitement.

Looking at the faces that had grown from strangers to familiar faces over the past two months, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and then sighed happily:

"The movie is finished and I can finally go home. I haven't seen my daughter for two months and I miss her so much."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I really want to cry. My mother called me yesterday to ask when I would go back."

"I'm exhausted. Finally I don't have to carry a camera around every day."

"Lao Li, what are you going to do after finishing filming?"

"What are you doing? Don't do anything. I just want to go home and lie on the bed with it for a week."

Everyone was talking about it, obviously very happy and excited.

Lin Xiao is also very happy. The film is finished and after the editing and review, it can be released and bought tickets. Finally, it can prove itself to the world!

"The movie is finished. If you are not in a hurry to go home, you can attend the wrapping banquet tonight. It's still the same place, the Chinese restaurant of Fuyuan Hotel. We'll see you there at 6:30 tonight."

Looking at the happy and excited staff and actors, Lin Xiao smiled and announced good news again.

Everyone laughed even more happily when they heard that there was a free closing banquet.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" Everyone thanked him excitedly.

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao who was smiling, couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, and asked with a smile:

"Big bad guy, if I were kidnapped, would you use all your wealth to save me?"

"Of course I do." Lin Xiao nodded decisively.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Yifei's mouth immediately curved into a nice smile, and with a coquettish tone, she happily asked: "Why?"

"After rescuing you, I'm still worried that I won't have any money. Wouldn't it be nice for me to just eat soft rice?" Lin Xiao blurted out.

Liu Yifei thought Lin Xiao would say that she was more important than anything else. She never expected that he would answer like this and she immediately gave him a blank look.

What a bad guy who is allergic to romance!

"Are you unhappy?" Lin Xiao pulled Liu Yifei's arm and asked with a smile.

"No." Liu Yifei angrily threw away Lin Xiao's hand and said with a pout.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Seriously, as long as I can save you, let alone money, I will die..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Yifei reached out and covered Lin Xiao's mouth: "Don't say it."

Seeing Liu Yifei's serious expression, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile. It's great that someone cares about her so much.

"You're not angry anymore?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"I'm not angry to begin with." Liu Yifei looked arrogant.

So cute.

Lin Xiao sighed silently, then directly pulled Liu Yifei into his arms and kissed her.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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