After the closing banquet, early the next morning, many staff members and actors packed up and went to catch the train.

Liu Yifei also packed her luggage with Qin Ruoruo and prepared to leave.

As a popular domestic actress, her schedule is extremely full and she cannot stay with Lin Xiao in Hengdian.

As for Lin Xiao, obviously he can't leave together. He still has to wait for the movie to be completed.

"Big bad guy, I can't let you go."

At the airport security checkpoint, Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao with a look of reluctance.

Lin Xiao hugged Liu Yifei, her soft body and faint fragrance also made him nostalgic.

"Me too." Lin Xiao whispered in Liu Yifei's ear, and then patted Liu Yifei on the shoulder: "Okay, time is running out, we have to go through the security check."

"If I'm not with you, will you miss me?" Liu Yifei asked with a pout.

"Yes." Lin Xiao pinched Liu Yifei's cheek and nodded heavily.

After receiving Lin Xiao's affirmative answer, Liu Yifei walked towards the security checkpoint. Lin Xiao watched her leave, with a feeling of reluctance gradually spreading.

Just when Liu Yifei was about to pass the security checkpoint, she suddenly turned around and threw herself into Lin Xiao's arms.

"I miss you."

Three simple words instantly amplified Lin Xiao's reluctance countless times. Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Xiao hugged Liu Yifei tightly in her arms.

"Me too." Lin Xiao said softly.

"You bad guy, you must miss me!" Liu Yifei pouted and said.

After leaving a word in Lin Xiao's ear, Liu Yifei suddenly broke away from Lin Xiao, ran into the security checkpoint, and disappeared from Lin Xiao's sight after a while.

After taking a plane, we successfully arrived in Kyoto in about two hours.

It was Liu Xiaoli who came to pick her up.

"Mom, I miss you so much."

"Mom misses you too."

After not seeing each other for a long time, the mother and daughter embraced each other passionately, each telling how much they missed each other.

After a while, the two separated and got into the nanny's car to go home.

As soon as she got home, Liu Xiaoli's attitude changed immediately. Looking at Liu Yifei, she felt sad that a woman could not stay in the right place.

"Why are you with Lin Xiao? You even announced it directly on Weibo. Have you ever thought about the consequences of this?"

Liu Xiaoli sighed and couldn't help but blame Liu Yifei.

As Liu Yifei's mother, she has watched her daughter reach her current position step by step, and she really doesn't want to see her daughter ruin her promising future because of falling in love.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Liu Yifei pulled the corner of Liu Xiaoli's clothes and said softly.

Seeing her daughter's pitiful appearance, Liu Xiaoli really couldn't bear to talk any more. After sighing, she asked with concern:

"Lin Xiao didn't bully you, right?"

"No." Liu Yifei shook her head quickly.

Although Lin Xiao, the big bad guy, bullied her a lot, even touched her in the movie theater and took away her first kiss, she obviously wouldn't say this in front of her mother.

"I mean, Lin Xiao didn't have sex with you, right?"

Knowing that her daughter did not understand what she meant, Liu Xiaoli asked again.

Liu Yifei didn't expect that this was what her mother asked. She blushed instantly, shook her head shyly and said, "No."

Seeing the change in Liu Yifei's expression, Liu Xiaoli could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that her daughter did not lie to her.

Her daughter is a lover, and she dared to announce their relationship as soon as they got together. If Lin Xiao really wanted her body, he probably wouldn't be able to refuse her.

This Lin Xiao was considered a man and did not take advantage of the opportunity to get her daughter. Liu Xiaoli finally had a good impression of Lin Xiao.

Liu Xiaoli was right. He would not take Liu Yifei's body before proving to her that he could make Liu Yifei happy. He did not want to be looked down upon by Liu Xiaoli.

Otherwise, with his methods, after taking away Liu Yifei's first kiss, he would be able to sleep on Liu Yifei's bed within three days.

What's more, it took nearly two months of filming, and he had to endure it all the time.

"Wife, have a safe trip."

Seeing Liu Yifei disappear from sight, Lin Xiao sent her a message, then turned and walked out of the airport.

These days, he was used to Liu Yifei's company, used to her sitting on his lap and cradling his neck and giggling after filming. Now that she suddenly left, Lin Xiao felt really empty.

With a sigh, Lin Xiao and Liu Dong took a taxi back to the set.

Not only Lin Xiao felt empty, but Liu Dong also looked lost.

"Why, do you miss Qin Ruoruo?" Lin Xiao teased with a smile.

"Who missed her?" Liu Dong shook his head quickly, "It's just that no one quarrels with me anymore. I'm just not used to it."

The mouth is quite tough.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, and discovering such a little secret made him feel less missing.

After returning to the crew, Lin Xiao and everyone worked overtime to get the finished film out as soon as possible.

During the day, I helped everyone in the editing room edit the movie, and at night, I talked on the phone with Liu Yifei. Although I was a little tired, I was also very happy.

A week later, the film was finally edited.

"Brother Lin, the movie editing is finished, please check it."


Lin Xiao nodded, then sat in front of the computer, opened the film and checked it.

After reading it again and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Not bad."

Then, he took out the prepared red envelopes and handed them to everyone:

"Everyone has worked hard during this period. This red envelope is my wish. Everyone should accept it. Don't be too little."

"Thank you, Brother Lin."

The red envelope of one thousand per person is quite a lot, almost catching up with the average person's salary for more than half a month. Everyone's face clearly showed happy and satisfied smiles.

After walking out of the editing room, Lin Xiao called Liu Yifei immediately.

"Big bad guy, did you miss me?"

Liu Yifei was filming an advertisement when she heard Lin Xiao calling. She immediately stopped what she was doing and answered Lin Xiao's call.

Listening to Liu Yifei's coquettish voice, Lin Xiao's heart warmed up, and he looked forward to meeting her more and more, wanting to hold her tightly in his arms.

"I miss you. I have good news for you. The movie is finished and I can go back to Kyoto tomorrow."

These days, Lin Xiao only had time to call her in the evening. This was the first time she called in the afternoon, so she knew there must be good news.

"That's great, then we can meet again soon." Liu Yifei looked happy and began to look forward to Lin Xiao's hugs and kisses.

"Okay, you should be filming a commercial. I'll tell you, you can continue your work."

"No, I still want to chat with you for a while."

"Be good and obey."

"Okay, then give me a kiss."


"mua~Husband, I love you."

This was the first time Lin Xiao heard Liu Yifei call her husband, and an inexplicable feeling suddenly surged in her heart, including happiness, excitement, and sweetness.

"What did you just call me?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I don't know. I'll hang up. Bye."

After Liu Yifei finished speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Lin Xiao's consent.

Looking at the hung up phone, the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth couldn't help but curl up into a nice smile.

This girl is really getting cuter and cuter.

After two lives, he thought he would never fall in love with anyone again. Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei still gave him the feeling of first love.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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