God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 48: The Zero O’Clock Box Office Is Released

"Why did it end so soon? I haven't had enough of it yet."

"let's go."

When the movie ends, the audience can only get up and leave the theater, no matter how nostalgic they are.

The people who came to watch the movie were all young men and women in their twenties. They were embarrassed to talk in the cinema. When they walked out of the cinema, they immediately started talking with their friends.

"This movie is really amazing. I haven't seen such a good movie in a long time. It's so enjoyable!"

"Indeed, the trick of inviting the stock god to dinner is absolutely amazing. I didn't even think of this."

"The screenwriter is so imaginative that he spends one billion a month. I used to think it was very simple, just buy a house, a car and tickets. There are so many restrictions. Now that I think about it, it's really not easy."

"Indeed, one or two million may not be difficult. One billion, but no assets can be left behind, prices can't be raised, and deals can't be broken. It's really not easy to do. The screenwriter can think of weight loss insurance, which is also a talent."

"Hahaha, I think the most talented person is the land swimmer. It really made me laugh to death. It's so der."

When we walked out of the cinema, it was 1:30 in the morning, and the shops were already closed. There was no one around, and no one deliberately controlled the volume. Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei could hear clearly after they walked out.

Not to mention, it feels really good to hear someone secretly complimenting me behind my back.

"Bad guy, are you happy to hear someone praise you?" Liu Yifei saw Lin Xiao's happy face and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"So-so." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"What a tough-tongued man." Liu Yifei curled her lips with a smile, hugged Lin Xiao's hands, and hugged her tighter.

The two chatted and laughed, and soon arrived at the parking lot outside the mall.

"Okay, it's time to go home and go to bed. It's getting late."

Seeing that Liu Yifei kept hugging him, Lin Xiao rubbed Liu Yifei's head and said with a smile.

"No." Liu Yifei shook her head coquettishly, pouted, and said with an aggrieved look, "I don't want to be separated from you."

They haven't lived together yet. They have gone back to their own homes. Going home naturally means separation.

Lin Xiao was also very reluctant to give up, pinched Liu Yifei's delicate little face, and said with a bad smile:

"Then we won't separate. We won't go home today. We will stay in a hotel."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei immediately let go of Lin Xiao, quickly opened the car door, got in, looked back at Lin Xiao, stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully:

"Bad villain, you go and stay at the hotel, I'll go home."

Watching Liu Yifei drive away from the parking lot, Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile, opened the car door, and drove home.

It was past two o'clock in the morning when we got home. After a brief chat with Liu Yifei, we reported that we were safe, then put down our mobile phones and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Perhaps because he was thinking about the movie, Lin Xiao didn't sleep very well this night and woke up at around six o'clock.

First I got out of bed and went to the toilet, then I opened Douban and checked it out.

The zero o'clock box office has been calculated.

The first place is "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" with a zero-point box office of 12 million, the second place is "Jingwu Fengyun·Chen Zhen" with a zero-point box office of 9.5 million, and the third-ranked "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has experienced a cliff-like decline. The box office at zero o'clock was only 1 million.

There was a big gap in the box office, but fortunately Lin Xiao had already foreseen it, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, he clicked on the movie reviews of several movies to check it out.

The first is "Detective Dee: The Empire", which has the highest box office at zero o'clock, with a movie rating of 7.1.

"The style of Mr. Xu is as usual, the plot is a bit cliché, and the recommendation index is three stars."

"It is a fusion of new martial arts and modern commercial blockbusters. Although there are some flaws in the plot, it is still okay overall. Andy Lau's version of 'Detective Dee' is okay and quite comfortable to watch."

"Chinese version of 007, you can guess, fight, and flirt. The heroine dies when she gets emotional. Bingbing's costume is really beautiful."

"The suspense is not enough, so let's add fighting. To be honest, I don't recommend it very much. I feel like I was cheated by the publicity."

No wonder I have no impression of this movie. It seems that although this movie has many stars, the quality is really not that good.

After reading the movie reviews of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven", Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. This time, there will be one less strong competitor in the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day release.

The box office supported by publicity and celebrities will not last long.

After taking a look at "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire", Lin Xiao then clicked on the film review of "Jing Wu Fengyun: Chen Zhen" and started reading.


"This movie has first-rate action, first-rate production, first-rate acting, and a third-rate script."

"The overall feeling is: the fighting scenes are hearty and lively, and the literary scenes are full of flaws."

"How should I put it? I feel that the promotion is greater than the content, and it is somewhat different from what I expected. I don't recommend it very much."

This movie has a score of 7.5. Although it is better than "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven", it is obviously too durable.

After reading the reviews of these two movies, Lin Xiao is completely relieved. This time during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, his "The Richest Man in Xihong City" will definitely become the biggest winner!

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" scored 9.3 points!

Feeling reassured, Lin Xiao then clicked on the movie review to check it out.

"Super funny! I saw on the news that a girl dislocated her jaw while laughing. I always thought it was an exaggeration, but now I know it's true! My roommate and I didn't stop laughing for an hour and a half of the movie."

"Thank you to Director Feng, thank you to Lin Xiao, and thank you to Liu Yifei. This movie is so funny. It finally made me feel less uncomfortable celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival alone."

"Great! Highly recommended!"

"Six stars! One more star. I hope the director will not be proud and make more excellent films like this."

Although "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is not as good as the other two movies at zero-point box office, its reputation is much better than those two movies.

After reading the movie review, Lin Xiao finally felt relieved. Just as he was about to continue sleeping for a while, he received a message from Liu Yifei.

"Bad guy, after you wake up, check Douban. I have a hunch that our movie is going to be a hit."

Like Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei woke up early with the movie in mind.

After seeing the message Liu Yifei sent to him, Lin Xiao immediately made a call.

The two happily talked on the phone for a while, until sleepiness hit them again, then they hung up the phone and went to catch up on some sleep.

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