"Yifei, is the blind date over?"

Yang Mi did not chat privately, but directly posted it in the best friend group.

Liu Yifei had long complained about Yang Mi in the group, saying that she was shameless and acting like a spoiled child for him, so several people in the group knew that Liu Yifei had gone on a blind date instead of Yang Mi.

After Yang Mi finished speaking, Liu Shishi was ready to eat melon before Liu Yifei could say anything:

"Yifei, how is that guy? Is he handsome? Do you have any photos?"

Tang Yan also laughed and joined in the fun: "Yifei, when people see you, they won't drool immediately, right? You didn't let him take advantage, right?"

Yang Mi really hadn't thought about this. After seeing the news about Tang Yan, she quickly asked:

"Yifei, you weren't taken advantage of, were you? If you were, my uncle and aunt would scold me to death."

Seeing several people talking about Lin Xiao becoming more and more obscene, Liu Yifei quickly explained to Lin Xiao.

"Oh, it's all the same. He's very nice and didn't take advantage of me. I'm already home."

Hearing this, Yang Mi and others breathed a sigh of relief, but their desire to gossip became even stronger.

"How's it going? Is that guy handsome?" Tang Yan quickly typed and asked.

"Very handsome!" Liu Yifei rolled her eyes and added: "Sister Mi, if you didn't go today, you will definitely regret it in the future."

"Yifei, what you are saying is too mysterious. If he is as handsome as you say, then you can take it yourself." Yang Mi looked indifferent.

Not to mention that there are basically no handsome guys in the blind date market, even if she does meet a handsome guy, she will not be surprised.

He only looks down on the handsome guys on the blind date who either have physical problems or mental problems.

Hey, I'm so smart.

Looking at the message from Yang Mi, Liu Yifei smiled proudly.

She knew that if she said that, Sister Mi would definitely respond like this.

Silently taking a screenshot and saving it, Liu Yifei gave herself a thumbs up in her heart: I am such a scheming girl.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In a rental house.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the system binding is successful. 】

Listening to the mechanical sound of the system, Lin Xiao became energetic instantly.

Although there is no system, he can still live a comfortable life with the advantage of rebirth.

However, with the system in place, it is obviously much simpler and easier.

He will naturally be happy if he can turn on the simple mode.

"System, is there a novice gift pack?" Lin Xiao asked excitedly.

[Newbie gift packs are being distributed]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill - photographic memory! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill - God of Song]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill——Best Actor]

I'll go, thumbs up!

Looking at the novice gift package given to him by the system, even Lin Xiao, who has been born in two lifetimes, is a little excited at this moment.

God of songs, king of movies!

It's so cool that these two awesome skills are bundled directly in the novice gift bag.

With these two skills, those classic songs and TV movies in my mind can finally be put to use.

Not to mention making money, once he becomes famous, no one will stop him from being with Liu Tianxian.

It is estimated that even Liu Tianxian's parents would like their daughter to be with him.

So cool!

Thinking about it, Lin Xiao became more and more excited and happy. The bright future is right in front of her, which is so exciting.

Is it singing or making a movie?

Lin Xiao held his head and finally understood the genius' troubles.

Forget it, let’s not worry about singing or filming for now. First write out the lyrics, music score, and script, and then register the copyright.

He didn't travel through a parallel world, but was reborn in 2010. If he didn't register the copyright for these songs and scripts first, they would have been thought up by the original authors.

Just do it.

Lin Xiao immediately turned on the computer, sat in front of it, and started working.

At this time, the novel he originally borrowed from was no longer at risk of being copyrighted.

There was no way he could do it. He really didn't have that much time and energy to code a novel with several million words.

"Easing Sorrows", "Wishfulfillment", "Chasing Dreams", "Bubbles"...

There are so many good songs and scripts that Lin Xiao is very busy.

While I was busy, a phone call came suddenly.

I picked it up and saw that it was indeed my mother calling.

"Hey, Mom, do you want to ask about the blind date?"

After the call was connected, Lin Xiao got straight to the point.

"You kid, can't mom call and care about you?"

The purpose was directly exposed by her son, and Wang Xiuying wanted to make some excuses.

"That's it, Mom, don't worry, I'm fine."

Seeing that her mother was stubborn, Lin Xiao deliberately didn't mention the blind date.

"Son, have you gone on a blind date?"

Mom finally couldn't help it anymore and asked about the blind date.

Can't stand it anymore?

Lin Xiao smiled, nodded and said, "I'm going."

"How is it?" Wang Xiuying looked expectant.

"Mom, just wait to have your grandson!" Lin Xiao said very confidently.

Having lived in two lifetimes, he already knows how to pick up girls better than the average boy. Now that he has activated the system, he feels confident that Liu Yifei can't escape from his grasp.

"Hahaha, okay, with your words, Mom will feel relieved. Then come on, Mom is waiting to give you a grandson."

Wang Xiuying was happy and smiled happily.

After the two continued chatting for a while, Wang Xiuying hung up the phone with satisfaction.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao continued working on songs and scripts.

I was busy until eleven o'clock in the evening, and then he finally finished the work.

As for the unexpected songs and scripts, he was not greedy and left them to the original authors.

The songs and scripts he registered are enough to last him a lifetime.

Not just him, even if he opens a film and television company, dozens of people are not enough.

Stopping what he was holding, Lin Xiao felt an unbearable feeling of hunger.

I have been busy with all this and even forgot to eat dinner. I am really hungry.

As he walked downstairs, Lin Xiao habitually took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Not surprisingly, Liu Yifei sent her a message.

"Lin Xiao, what are you doing?"

The message was sent two hours ago, but he was busy registering the copyright at the time, so he didn't hear it at all.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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