This Spring Festival stall can be described as a fight between gods, and the competition is even fiercer than the last Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day stall.

In addition to "Charlotte" starring Lin Xiao, there are also "New Shaolin Temple", "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf in the Year of the Rabbit", "Martial Arts Story", "Wonderful Heroes" and "Kung Fu Panda 2".

"New Shaolin Temple" stars Lou Dehua, Xie Tingfeng, and Cheng Long, all of whom are well-known actors. Although Lou Dehua lost to Lin Xiao last time, he has now regrouped and is definitely stronger than last time.

Not to mention Cheng Long. Although the theory of double shares is often criticized, no one doubts his international status. More than ten years later, his box office appeal may not be as good as that of many stars, but today's Cheng Long , the box office appeal is definitely second to none in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention the producer Han Shanping, who is a big shot in the entertainment industry. Even a great director like Zhang Yimou is a bit underwhelmed in front of Han Shanping.

Needless to say, "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Year of the Rabbit", like "Bear Bears", has a fixed fan base and is bound to take a lot of film schedules and box office.

"Wulin Gaiden" is a well-known big IP, the TV series is popular all over the Internet, and the movie starring the original cast will definitely cause a lot of splash in this year's Spring Festival. He is a very competitive opponent.

Even "Wonder Heroes", which is the least competitive during the Spring Festival, still has a lineup that should not be underestimated. They starred the handsome man Gu Principal who fell in love with Yang Guo and the famous actress Wu Junru.

As for the last movie, "Kung Fu Panda 2", it goes without saying its gold content. It is a Hollywood masterpiece and has attracted countless fans.

Even more than ten years later, the characters in the movie are still deeply rooted in people's hearts.

There are less than ten days left before the Spring Festival. In order to seize the movie schedule in theaters, in addition to Lin Xiao's "Charlotte Trouble", which is being promoted in full swing, several other movies are not to be outdone. Not only have they released their own prepared copywriting , and even followed suit, and based on Lin Xiao's movie promotional copy [modified and modified it, they successively launched promotional copy for their own movies.

Suddenly, the Internet was full of news about Spring Festival movies.

As overwhelming news spread on the Internet, netizens started discussing their plans to watch movies during the Spring Festival on the Internet after seeing the news.

"These days, push notifications are full of Spring Festival movies. It really feels like the New Year is coming."

"Yes, our company will be on holiday after the annual meeting in two days. I have already bought the tickets."

"I'm envious. I have such a lousy company. I have to work until New Year's Eve before I can take a holiday. It's disgusting. By the way, with so many movies to celebrate the New Year, is it better to watch something silly?"

"Then it has to be "Charlotte Troubles". Although Lin Xiao's 100 promotion method is a bit silly, I have to say that this guy is really talented and can come up with this kind of promotional copy. I guess the quality of the movie will not be too good. Difference."

"Are you worried, Charlotte? But I want to watch "Wulin Story" more. I have been waiting for this movie for a long time."

"No, you can only watch one movie during the Chinese New Year? Shouldn't "Charlotte", "New Shaolin Temple", "Martial Arts Story", and "Kung Fu Panda 2" be must-see movies?"

"With no money and no time, the whole family goes to the cinema and watching it once is enough. Watching it all over again is not enough."

"Me too. If I'm the only one, it's okay to watch it all. The key is to finally go home for the New Year. I have to be with my family. It's really troublesome to go to the movies together."

Just when everyone was discussing what movies to watch during the Spring Festival, a news interview set off the internet.

It is an interview video about the director of "Kung Fu Panda 2".

In the video, the reporter first asked some questions about the investment and filming costs and box office budget of "Kung Fu Panda 2". The most important thing is that later, a reporter asked director Lu Yinrong:

"Chinese media box office estimates that the Spring Festival box office champion will be between "Charlotte" starring Lin Xiao and "Kung Fu Panda 2" directed by you. Regarding this statement

What do you think?"

"Lin Xiao?" Lu Yinrong was stunned at first, then looked at the reporter and asked doubtfully: "Is there such a person in Hollywood?"

Hearing this, the audience burst into laughter.

The reporter explained: "Lin Xiao is not a Hollywood actor, he is a Chinese actor. Not long ago, he starred in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and became the box office champion of Chinese movies.

Lu Yinrong looked at the reporter, laughed as if he were a fool and asked:

"My dear lady, don't you understand? No one can compete with Hollywood, not even Lin Xiao."

It was such a short interview video that caused fierce debate among domestic netizens.

"This woman doesn't look like a good person at first glance, she's disgusting!"

"Normally, Han Bangzi likes to pretend, steals our country's culture to make movies, and looks down on our country's filmmakers. It really makes me mad! "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of 1.835 billion, directly leading domestic movies into the In the era of billions in box office, she and I are here pretending not to know? How can a film director who is preparing to be released in China not even know this?"

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know? What people say is fine. Whether you want to believe it or not, Hollywood is great. The movies they make are awesome!"

"Agree! Although Lin Xiao's "Charlotte" is probably pretty good, my first choice is definitely "Kung Fu Panda 2". There is at least a thirty-year gap between domestic movies and Hollywood movies."

"Fuck you! What bothers me the most is you people who worship foreigners. Everything is good abroad, so why don't you go abroad?"

"Tch~ Do you think I don't want to? If you have money, who wouldn't want to go abroad? Look at those celebrities and wealthy businessmen, how many of them have changed their nationality, and they will not be as smart as you? As you said, Lin Xiao, I guess they will all change in the future. Country of Citizenship."

"Using a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly, Lin Xiao will not be like you and don't even want his own country. I originally wanted to watch "Kung Fu Panda 2" after watching "Charlotte", but now it seems , "Kung Fu Panda 2" is left to you idiot fans to watch!"

"I don't know who the crazy fan is. It's true to be patriotic, but it's too funny to compare "Charlotte" to a Hollywood blockbuster? Lin Xiao's "The Richest Man in Xihong City" indeed broke the domestic movie box office record , but so what, can it be compared with the Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar" of the same year? With a total box office of more than 27, it is still Mi Jin, and it will soon catch up with the ten "The Richest Man in Xihong City", okay?"

"One thing to say is that in terms of movie quality, there is really no comparison between domestic movies and Hollywood movies. It took several years from investment and project approval to completion of "Avatar". Look at "Charlotte" "Extremely Troubled", it only lasted for more than a month. Not to mention the technical problems on both sides, with this attitude, can we not have a fight with Hollywood?"

"You're right. Without the accumulation of time and careful polishing, how can there be a good movie? It's true to be patriotic, but art has no borders, and it depends on the matter." Lin Xiao's "The Troubles of Chonglot" is incomparable to other Hollywood blockbusters. !”

"A movie that was rushed out in more than a month was just for harvesting leeks during the Spring Festival. How can such a bad movie be so popular? It's really funny!"

"It really made me laugh to death. Dang Liao didn't know it yet and thought he was very patriotic. It made me laugh to death!"

"Really, when making a movie, just make a good movie. Harvesting leeks in the name of patriotism is really disgusting! I don't care what other people do, I won't watch "Charlotte" anyway!"

"If you don't look at it, add 1! If you don't care, I'll start with you!"

With the popularity of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Lin Xiao has many fans and movie fans. When they heard that someone looked down on their idol so much, some people immediately started complaining about Chuan Yin Rong on the Internet.

There seems to be no shortage of people in China who worship foreigners and favor foreigners. People are scolding them all the time, but there are actually people who speak up for Lu Yinrong, angering Lin Xiao's fans and movie fans.

The most irritating thing is that at first, Lin Xiao's fans and movie fans were still talking back and forth with each other, but the other party pointed out the filming time of "Avatar" and the filming time of "Charlotte Trouble". Lin Xiao's fans and the fans were instantly silent.

Although they wanted to make amends, they also knew that there was indeed a big gap between Chinese movies and Hollywood movies. This feeling of powerlessness made them unhappy and helpless.

Especially since "Charlotte's Trouble" was indeed suspected of cutting leeks, they didn't know how to refute it.

The movie is about to be released. Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei are always paying attention to Internet trends, so naturally they also noticed this interview video and Internet public opinion.

Seeing that Lu Yinrong, an old woman, dared to look down on her husband (aich) like this, Liu Yifei was so angry that she clenched her fists on the spot and wanted to punch Lu Yinrong, an old woman.

However, in addition to being angry, she was more worried. If public opinion continued like this, their movie would probably go into disrepute before it even started airing.

"Big bad guy, what should I do? The reviews of our movie are very bad now." Liu Yifei frowned and asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Lin Xiao rubbed Liu Yifei's little head and shook his head indifferently.

"I'm serious!" Liu Yifei shook her head dissatisfied, obviously dissatisfied with Lin Xiao's indifferent attitude.

"I'm serious too." Lin Xiao pinched Liu Yifei's little face and explained: "Black and red are also red. Isn't this giving free publicity to our movie?"

"Is that so?" Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously.

Black and red are also red. There was no such concept in 2011, so Liu Yifei was skeptical of Lin Xiao's words.

"Well, don't worry." Lin Xiao nodded seriously.

If it's "Avatar" and he's filming a movie like "The Amazing Knights", then their movie will indeed be at risk of being washed away.

However, his opponent is not "Avatar". Although "Kung Fu Panda 2" performed well at the box office in its previous life, the gap between "Avatar" and "Avatar" is still obvious.

And his "Charlotte" is not a leek-cutting movie. Its quality is not weaker than "Kung Fu Panda 2" or even better.

Therefore, he does not need to worry about the influence of public opinion at all. The more people scold him, the more people will pay attention to the movie's reputation and ratings, and the more people will go to the cinema to watch the movie.

Of course, although there was no loss, people were bullying her to the point of being bullied, so it was not Lin Xiao's style not to fight back.

After pinching Liu Yifei's little face, Lin Xiao immediately posted a public post on Weibo, trying to challenge Hollywood.

[Lin Xiaov]: I believe that we Chinese people will not lose to them! Hollywood is nothing more than that! Arrogance will eventually pay the price!

Since netizens have already upgraded "Charlotte Trouble" vs. "Kung Fu Panda 2" to Lin Xiao vs. Hollywood, he simply upgraded it to China vs. the United States.

Although Lin Xiao used to hate other people's product marketing under the banner of patriotism, these two words are really useful. Now that he has such an opportunity to pick up the airport to promote his own movie, it is natural. Can't let it go.

No one expected that at this time, Lin Xiao would not just avoid the spotlight, but directly challenge Hollywood, and netizens immediately went crazy.

It may not be a big deal to be tough on Hollywood more than ten years later, but in early 2011, except for Lin Xiao, no one dared to be so tough on Hollywood, let alone openly expressed this idea.

At once

There are only a few people who have this idea. Most celebrities want to get into Hollywood.

Even Li Lianjie, Cheng Long and Chow Yun-fat, who already have great fame and status, are all proud of being able to enter Hollywood and develop.

Only Lin Xiao dares to openly challenge Hollywood at this time and say that China is no worse than the United States.

Although there is no shortage of people on the Internet who admire foreigners, there are obviously more people who are patriotic. For a time, the reputation of "Charlotte Trouble" instantly completed a two-level reversal.

"Support Lin Xiao! That's great! So what about Hollywood, sooner or later we in China will have our own Hollywood!"

"I'm a fan of Lu Zhuan! I love him! He's just like Hollywood, he's so handsome!"

"No matter how bad "Charlotte" is, it is still a film from our own country. We can look down on it, but it will never be their turn to comment on it. This spring

During the festival, I have to go to the cinema to support Lin Xiao!"

"Handsome! Regardless of whether "Charlotte Trouble" or "Kung Fu Panda 2" is stronger or weaker, I stand with Lin Xiao in this wave. Only with the support of our country's own people can we have more and more

good movie.

"What I dislike the most is those people who worship foreigners. When it comes to Hollywood, they think they are superior to others. Just say this to Lin Xiao. I must go to the cinema to support his future movies!"

"Patriotism is not a slogan, it starts with supporting "Charlotte"! We must have our own Hollywood!"

Put this aside, I will be anxious to anyone who mentions "Kung Fu Panda 2" to me, and I will only watch "Charlotte" next time. "

"I believe that a star who can say something like this and has such ambition will definitely make a good movie. It will not be a leek-cut work. "Charlotte Trouble", New Year's Eve

We will see each other on the first day of the new year.

"Just bragging, are Chinese movies comparable to Hollywood movies? Stop being funny, they are all too childish."

"That's right, I won't go see this "Charlotte" anyway. I will definitely watch it and say nothing. If I want to watch a good movie, Hollywood is more trustworthy.


Comment after comment, although there are still many die-hard pro-Mi people who said they would support "Kung Fu Panda 2", more people said they would support "Charlotte".

Taking advantage of this excitement, articles about "Charlotte Trouble" vs. "Kung Fu Panda 2" appeared on many news websites. Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the New Year's Day.

Let’s see who wins between these two movies.

Seeing this situation, Han Shanping and Lou Dehua were speechless for a moment.

Especially Lou Dehua, after losing to Lin Xiao last time, he originally wanted to use "New Shaolin Temple" to avenge his disgrace, but now that the movie has not been released, it seems that they have already lost. There is a kind of Jiaduobao

After fighting with Wang Laoji, it was He Qi Zheng who died.

"Husband, you are so awesome!" Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao with admiration on her face.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao directly reversed the movie's reputation with a Weibo post, and made "Charlotte" a real hit before it was aired.

Lin Xiao smiled indifferently, looked at Liu Yifei, and whispered in her ear: "By the way, what was the surprise you told me about before?"

I have been so busy with movie promotions that I almost forgot about such an important thing. .

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