"Husband, you are awesome!" Liu Yifei leaned in Lin Xiao's arms and said with admiration.

Lin Xiao rubbed Liu Yifei's little head and kissed her on the forehead. Such a good-looking Liu Tianxian looked at him with admiration, which made Lin Xiao feel very happy.

Just as the two of them were leaning against each other and quietly enjoying the scenery outside the window, the phone rang at an inappropriate time.

I picked it up and saw that it was Wang Fei calling.

Liu Yifei pouted and looked at Lin Xiao, as if asking: Why are you still in contact?

Lin Xiao shaved Liu Yifei's lovely nose and answered the phone.

"Boss Lin, congratulations, the box office has broken the record again." As soon as the call was connected, Wang Fei's ethereal voice came from the phone.

"Wang Tianhou, why did you remember to call me, is there something wrong?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Wang Fei said in a coquettish voice: "Why, Boss Lin is so popular now. You can't even call Boss Lin if you have nothing to do. H right?"

"No, no." Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head: "It's a great honor for Queen Wang to call me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a small hand appeared on his waist, and someone was jealous.

"Hiss~" Lin Xiao took a breath.

Wang Fei obviously heard it too.

"Hahaha, Boss Lin, it seems someone is unhappy." Wang Fei joked with a smile.

Although her tone was cheerful, only she knew the envy in her heart.

"How is that possible? It's nothing." Lin Xiao shook his head and smiled, and then asked again: "Wang Tianhou, just tell me directly, what exactly do you want to see me for? In our relationship, just be straight to the point, no need to be so polite."

Damn brother, you just hang up the phone like that?

Wang Fei sighed silently in his heart, and then asked with a smile: "Boss Lin, when will you have time to help me write a song again?"

"Okay, no problem. Give me some time. When I figure it out, I will send it to you as soon as possible." Lin Xiao agreed immediately.

However, although he agreed happily, he had no intention of continuing to write songs for Wang Fei.

I wrote a song for her last time, and the jealousy circle was already a little unhappy. If I write another song for her, the jealousy circle will really break down.

Anyway, he just said that he didn't think of it, he didn't have any inspiration yet, and there was nothing that Queen Wang could do to him.

"Okay, I'll bother you, Boss Lin." Wang Fei said, and then hung up the phone with Lin Xiao.

"I agreed very happily." As soon as the phone was hung up, Liu Yifei couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"Jealous?" Lin Xiao pinched Liu Yifei's face and asked with a smirk.

"No." Liu Yifei turned around and said.

Just as Lin Xiao was about to continue saying something, the phone rang again. Lin Xiao thought it was Wang Fei who didn't say something clearly. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Feng Xiaogang calling.

"Director Feng, aren't you on vacation? Why did you remember to call me?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile after answering the phone.

"Boss Lin, don't talk about the vacation." Feng Xiaogang looked unhappy: "If it weren't for the vacation, Lao Mouzi wouldn't have the chance to praise me like this!"

As he said that, Feng Xiaogang couldn't help but complain: "Boss Lin, you are so unjust. Why didn't you tell me when you were making a movie?"

"Director Feng, what you said is too shameful, right?" Lin Xiao shook his head and smiled: "I influenced you to go on vacation in the last movie. This time you are going on vacation, how can I have the nerve to stop you?" "

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Feng Xiaogang knew that he was in the wrong, waved his hand helplessly, and then continued to ask:

"I've finished my vacation now. How about it? Are you interested in working with me again?"

Lin Xiao thought about it briefly and rejected Feng Xiaogang's proposal. In the next few days, he was going to choose a villa for himself and then see if there were any other investment opportunities.

If he doesn't spend all the money, he doesn't want to continue making movies for the time being.

"Director Feng, my movie hasn't been taken off the shelves yet, I still want to take a rest." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Feng Xiaogang sighed helplessly: "Well, if you have had enough rest, you must remember to call me, but don't take advantage of that old Mouzi again.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded.

With the popularity of "Charlotte Trouble", in addition to Wang Fei and Feng Xiaogang, Xu Dongdong, Zhang Yiming and others, as well as Zhang Jie and Xie Na, all called Lin Xiao to congratulate.

However, among these people, the happiest person is the local municipal party committee secretary.

Due to the popularity of "Charlotte", Xinmin City, where the movie was filmed, received a surge of tourists during the Spring Festival from 100,000 in previous years to 2.3 million today!

The number of tourists has increased by 23 times!

Local tourism consumption has skyrocketed from 50 million in previous years to 1.53 billion today! It has directly surpassed real estate and become the city's latest leading industry.

With the explosion of tourism, it has created employment for tens of thousands of people in the local area.

When calling Lin Xiao, even the municipal party secretary, who was always used to managing his expressions, couldn't help but laugh several times.

"Boss Lin, did you know that our local tourism industry exploded because of your "Charlotte Troubles"! 2.3 million tourists came during the Spring Festival alone!"

Listening to the other party's excited voice, Lin Xiao smiled modestly and said:

"The movie is just a supporting role. The main thing is that you have done a good job in tourism and provided good services. This is the credit of everyone. I don't dare to take credit."

"Boss Lin, don't be offended. Anyway, no matter when you come to our place, we will cover all your food and accommodation expenses!"

"Thank you, Secretary Chen." Lin Xiao politely thanked him.

Just after hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao, the mayor of his city, called him again.

"Hello?" Lin Xiao asked in confusion as he looked at the unfamiliar number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaolin?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the receiver, and his voice was very deep.

"You are?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Zheng Aimin, the mayor of Dahua City. Congratulations on your new movie achieving another great success and suddenly hitting the one billion box office mark."

A billion box office may be awesome to an ordinary person, but for the mayor of a city, it is absolutely not a problem. He can easily earn one billion by randomly approving a land.

Therefore, Lin Xiao felt that the mayor's call to him was definitely not to congratulate him on the box office of his movie. There was definitely something wrong.

"Hello, Mayor Zheng." Lin Xiao said hello quickly, and then said: "Mayor Zheng called specifically. What instructions do you have?"

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials. Although Lin Xiao has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry, he does not dare to sneer in front of the mayor. He still has to lower his attitude when he should.

"No, no, no, I can't talk about instructions. I just have a small request." Zheng Aimin shook his head quickly.

"Mayor Zheng, please tell me." Lin Xiao said, without directly agreeing.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, can you give priority to our Dahua City when filming in the future? After all, this is also your hometown." Zheng Aimin said the purpose of the call.

Seeing the talents from his own city creating income for the tourism industry of other cities, Zheng Aimin felt envious and embarrassed, so he put down his dignity and personally called Lin Xiao, hoping that he could repay his hometown.

The fact that the tourism industry has generated more than one billion in revenue is not what he envies most. What he envies most is that it has solved the employment problem of tens of thousands of local people. This is so critical!

The economic role it plays is not just as simple as a billion dollars.

Lin Xiao thought it would be difficult to complete a request made by the mayor of a city to him, but he didn't expect it to be so simple. Anyway, no matter where the movie is being filmed, he doesn't mind betraying the mayor to save his face.

"Mayor Zheng, you have spoken personally, so there is nothing to say. Don't worry, if I make a movie next time, I will definitely consider Dahua City first. Mayor Zheng, you also said that I am also from Dahua City. I still understand the principle of coming out and giving back to your hometown." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Seeing that Lin Xiao agreed so simply, spoke politely, and was humble and courteous, Mayor Zheng became even more satisfied with Lin Xiao.

"Okay, Boss Lin, it's settled. On behalf of all the people of Dahua City, I welcome you back at any time." Zheng Aiguo said with a smile.

"Absolutely." Lin Xiao nodded and smiled.

After saying that, the two exchanged a few simple polite words and then hung up the phone.

"Husband, you are so awesome!"

When Liu Yifei saw this, she couldn't help but give Lin Xiao a thumbs up.

She has never seen any star in the entertainment industry make a movie that can alert the officials, especially if the mayor personally calls. Lin Xiao is definitely the first one.

It’s so respectable.

"Let's go, get up, and go look at the house."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao patted Liu Yifei's little head and said.

"Well, no." Liu Yifei shook her head and said coquettishly.

I'm used to lying in bed, and I really don't want to get out of bed.

"Take off the quilt." Lin Xiao threatened with a smile.

"Ah, no." Liu Yifei shook her head quickly, pursed her lips, and snorted: "You bad guy, he just knows how to bully me."

"Is this bullying you?" Lin Xiao asked back.

Liu Yifei suddenly smiled slyly: "Then how else do you want to bully me?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't bear it anymore and immediately asked Liu Yifei to kneel down.

"This is called bullying."

After a long while, Lin Xiao smiled.

Liu Yifei didn't say anything. After giving Lin Xiao a roll of her eyes, she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

After brushing their teeth and washing up, the two of them had something to eat. Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Hubby, where are you going?"

Before departure, Lin Xiao asked Liu Dong to check the situation of villa areas in Kyoto. They finally selected two places, one was the rose garden in Kyoto.

0......Please give me flowers......

It is the only villa area in Kyoto located in a university town. A total of six key universities, including the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China University of Finance and Economics, Beijing University of Foreign Affairs, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China University of Mining and Technology and Beijing Normal University, are surrounded by the rose garden.

The benefits of buying a villa here are self-evident.

The other place is the Xiangshan Villa Area.

Located at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, the air quality is much better than other villa areas.

Moreover, the villas here are designed in a very stylish way. Unlike other places that blindly pursue the European architectural style, the villas here are more antique. Each building has a private courtyard and garden of 700-1200 square meters.

It is built against the mountain and is well-proportioned, more like the mansions of princes and nobles in ancient times.

"Let's go to the Xiangshan Villa District first." Lin Xiao thought for a while and said, he still prefers the design style of the Xiangshan Villa District.

Driving the car, Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei soon arrived at the sales office in the Xiangshan Villa District.

"Lin Xiao! It's Lin Xiao's husband!"

Seeing Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei walking into the store, even the strictly trained sales lady couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

"Lin Xiao, husband, can I take a photo with you?" The lady at the sales office looked excited.

"Can I get a discount for taking a group photo?" Lin Xiao joked with a smile.

"Well, I can't make the decision on this. We need the consent of our manager." The lady at the sales office shook her head in embarrassment. She seemed to feel very embarrassed for not being able to help her idol.

"just kidding

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head: "You can take photos without discount.


"Hehe, husband Lin Xiao, you are so kind." When the girl heard this, her face was full of smiles, and she immediately held up her mobile phone and took a picture with Lin Xiao with a smile.

After the group photo was finished, the girl called the sales manager, who took Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei to see the villa in Xiangshan.

Xiangshan villa area is surrounded by mountains, with Xiangshan and Yuquan Mountains standing like stars over the moon, and Kunming Lake and Yuquan mountain springs constantly nourishing it.

As soon as he arrived at Xiangshan Villa Area, Lin Xiao was attracted by the surrounding scenery and nodded with satisfaction. This place is definitely a rare place in Kyoto. The air quality is very good and it is especially suitable for retirement.

After seeing the furnishings in the villa area, Lin Xiao immediately decided not to go to the rose garden, but to stay at the Xiangshan Villa.

In the end, Lin Xiao bought a villa No. 6 in full for 67 million.

After obtaining the real estate certificate, Lin Xiao handed over the decoration to Liu Yifei. As for him, he started recruiting people.

It's only the beginning of 2011, so it's a good opportunity to pick up the slack. Many celebrities who will become popular a few years later are not famous at the moment. Signing them to the company at this time will definitely make huge profits!

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of 1.835 billion, and the box office share has been fully paid, with Lin Xiao receiving as much as 470 million.

"Charlotte Troubles" has not yet been taken off the shelves, and the box office has now reached 1.41 billion. The final box office was as low as 2 billion. Lin Xiao can get at least 513 million.

The total amount is almost 1 billion. Even if you subtract the money invested in iQiyi, Bitcoin and Liu Yifei, Lin Xiao will still have at least 800 million left.

With so much money, Lin Xiao is naturally not willing to just be an actor and director making movies. Becoming a capitalist in the entertainment industry is what he should achieve at this stage.

Just do it, Lin Xiao immediately called Dilraba.

"Lin, Lin Xiao!"

After the call was connected, Dilireba's excited voice soon came from the phone. Obviously, she didn't expect Lin Xiao to call her. She hadn't contacted her for several months. "She thought Lin Xiao had given her to her a long time ago." Forgot.

"Are you interested in coming to my company?" Lin Xiao got straight to the point.

"Ah?" Dilireba looked stunned, obviously unable to react.

"Don't you want to be a big star? Are you interested in working in our company?" Lin Xiao's reaction was as expected by Dilireba, so she repeated it with a smile.

Only then did Dilireba react, nodded quickly, and said excitedly:

"Yes! I'm interested! Boss, just wait, I'll be here right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Dilireba immediately booked the nearest flight without saying a word, preparing to fly to Kyoto to sign a contract with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao is now a very popular figure in the entertainment industry. His subordinates Zhang Yiming, Xu Dongdong, Chang Yuan and others, who are not very outstanding in the entertainment industry, have successfully made their way into the entertainment industry. No one wants to be favored by Lin Xiao.

Now that I heard that Dilraba was actually spotted by Lin Xiao, her roommates immediately looked at her with envy and hatred.

Xu Dongdong can still be praised by Lin Xiao, and Dilireba is so beautiful and recognizable. The roommates all have an intuition that in the future, Dilireba may become the next top star like Yang Mi, Liu Yifei and others. Actress.

How can this not be enviable?

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