"Brother Lin, do you like it?"

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Xu Dongdong raised his head and bit his lip to look at Lin Xiao and asked. While speaking, he also deliberately licked the corners of his mouth.

It's really cool, but I like it.

Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction. Although he was worried about being discovered just now, the stimulation was really exciting, and it felt really good. Anyway, he and Liu Yifei hadn't tried it yet.

Knocking on the table, after Xu Dongdong sat down, Lin Xiao asked with a wicked smile: "Are you afraid that others will hear you?"

Xu Dongdong bit her lip and looked at Lin Xiao nervously and expectantly.


Practice proves true. Facts have proved that it is impossible for Xu Dongdong not to make a sound, but fortunately the sound is very small. Except for Lin Xiao, "others can't hear it at all."

It’s really cool. I’ll try it with Liu Yifei in the future.

Lin Xiao thought.

After resting for a while, Lin Xiao sat back on the boss' chair and started writing the script of "Eight Hundred" seriously. Xu Dongdong was thoughtfully holding Lin Xiao's shoulders from behind.

It felt good to be served by someone. Lin Lian became more and more satisfied with Xu Dongdong.

"Okay, you go and take a rest." Lin Xiao said after ten minutes.

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Xu Dongdong said, kissed Lin Xiao on the face, and then opened the door and walked out of the office.


Looking at Xu Dongdong coming out of the office, Zhang Yiming's face was filled with questions. When did she go in?

However, Zhang Yiming did not dare to think that Xu Dongdong was under the table at that time, and thought that Xu Dongdong went in when he was not paying attention.

The one who really noticed Xu Dongdong was Dilireba at her workstation. As a newcomer, she didn't have her own office yet, but because of this, she could always notice the movements at Lin Xiao's door.

She clearly remembered that Xu Dongdong went in an hour and a half ago, before Zhang Yiming.

Although she didn't know what exactly happened in the office, Xu Dongdong stayed in Lin Xiao's office for a full hour and a half. This thing itself was very abnormal.

Based on a woman's intuition, she almost dared to conclude that the relationship between Lin Xiao and Xu Dongdong was definitely not an ordinary employee and boss.

Maybe it was before, but now, it's definitely not.

After discovering Xu Dongdong and Lin Xiao's little secret, Dilireba did not publicize it, but in the next two days, she paid more and more attention to the details between the two.

Looking at the inadvertent eye contact between the two, as well as the number and time Xu Dongdong went to Lin Xiao's office, she was 100% sure that Lin Xiao and Xu Dongdong had an ambiguous relationship.

Moreover, they most likely had sex in the office.

After discovering this, Dilireba was no longer as calm as before when facing Lin Xiao.

In the past, she only thought that Lin Xiao was so awesome. Not only could he make movies, but he could also measure his bone age by looking at his face. He was also very humorous. However, because of Liu Yifei's relationship, she always regarded Lin Xiao as her big brother and the object of admiration, and did not think about men and women.

However, now she knows that Lin Xiao not only has Liu Yifei, but also Zhentutu.

After discovering this secret, her first thought was not to tell Liu Yifei to keep her away from the scumbag, but she couldn't help but think, if Xu Dongdong can do it, can she do it too?

She herself didn't know why she had such a ridiculous idea, but this kind of idea grew uncontrollably in her mind. So when facing Lin Xiao, she could no longer be as calm as before.

Lin Xiao obviously didn't know what Dilraba was thinking. At this time, he was concentrating on typing in the office.

After a full day and a half, he finally wrote the script of "Eight Hundred".


Lin Xiao exhaled, stretched out comfortably, clicked save, and lay down on the table to relax.

"Liu Dong." After a while, Lin Xiao stood up again and shouted.

Soon, Liu Dong opened the door and walked in, asking respectfully: "Boss, are you looking for me?"

Take this and print it. " Lin Xiao said.

"Okay." Liu Dong agreed and quickly took the USB flash drive to the printer to print.

Liu Yifei had returned to the company long ago. When she learned that Lin Xiao had finished writing the script, she walked in immediately.

"Is the script finished?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded, beckoned Liu Yifei to sit on his lap, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Feng Xiaogang: "Director Feng, the script has been written."

"Okay, I'll be right over!" Feng Xiaogang replied instantly after receiving the message, and then immediately asked the driver to drive him to Lin Xiao's company.

After putting down his cell phone, Liu Dong walked in not long after with the printed and bound script.

"Boss, the script has been printed."

Liu Yifei couldn't wait to take the script and read it. Lin Xiao nodded to Liu Dong, who exited the office and closed the office door for Lin Xiao.

"Eight Hundred" tells the story of what is known as eight hundred officers and soldiers, but in fact there are only more than 400 soldiers, who stick to the Sihang Warehouse and shed blood and sacrifice.

No one can face that period of history with laughter. After reading a little bit, the solemnity and heavy suffering revealed between the lines made the curiosity on Liu Yifei's face change into seriousness and respect.

Unlike those girls who are proud to marry into a small island country, Liu Yifei clearly knows that it was the sacrifices of the martyrs that led to today's peaceful life.

They should and must be respected, and must face and reread that period of history seriously and with awe.

The Battle of Sihang Warehouse was a period of history that Liu Yifei had never known before.

However, she was deeply shocked and deeply moved by the soldiers' fearless spirit of sacrifice revealed between the lines.

Especially when he saw the soldiers had to tie explosives to themselves and jump out of the warehouse one by one in order to prevent the opponent's tank from advancing, he was even more disappointed by the fearless spirit.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Even though the heroes were long gone, she still couldn't help but feel a little distressed watching this scene.

It would be great if they could have the weapons they have today. Liu Yifei couldn't help feeling regretful.

This painful and tragic history even made her unable to bear to continue reading. It was really hard for her to imagine how much courage it took to jump down with a bag of explosives.

Are they stupid? Are they not afraid of death?

Of course not! They are doing it for China, for the land under their feet! To no longer be invaded by Japanese pirates!

When she thought about this, and when she thought about those girls who were actually proud to marry men from small island countries, Liu Yifei became very angry, especially for these martyrs.

If they see these comments, they will be more desperate than facing the other side's tanks and artillery, right? For sure!

The more Liu Yifei thought about it, the more tears flowed down her face.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but handed two pieces of paper to Liu Yifei, but Liu Yifei rejected them.

These tears she shed willingly for the soldiers, they were worth it.

After reading for more than half an hour, Liu Yifei finally closed the script, her eyes full of awe and admiration for the martyrs.

It is precisely because of such a lovely group of people who are not afraid of death that the country has achieved today's prosperity and the Japanese pirates can be swept away from the land of China.

The only uncomfortable thing is that although the Japanese pirates have been driven out, in the past ten years or so since the establishment of diplomatic relations with the small island country, the pro-Japanese sentiment has become more and more vigorous.

Especially in the past few years, when people mention the small island country, they no longer have hatred. Instead, they admire the other party's culture and envy and appreciate the other party's gentlemanly behavior.

This kind of ideological influence has given me the feeling that the Japanese pirates have invaded me again recently.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Xiao appeared.

Liu Yifei believes that when Lin Xiao makes this movie, he will definitely wake up. Even if he will not re-read history, he will at least know that history should not be forgotten.

The crimes committed by small island countries on this land should not be forgotten.

Especially pro-Japanese culture should not and cannot be promoted.

"Husband, you are so awesome." Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and praised with admiration.

She has never heard of this period of history, but Lin Xiao was able to write this period of history into a script, which undoubtedly proves Lin Xiao's profound cultural heritage and creative talent.

No girl can refuse such a boy.

Lin Xiao looked at Liu Yifei, smiled slightly, and took out banknotes to wipe her tears.

"Okay, don't cry." Lin Xiao said softly.

"Yeah." Liu Yifei nodded obediently, then rested her head on Lin Xiao's shoulder.

"Do your best..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Lin Xiao said, and then saw Feng Xiaogang pushing the door open and walking in.

"Director Feng, please sit down." Lin Xiao said with a smile, then turned to Liu Dong and ordered: "Make Director Feng a pot of Longjing tea I just bought."

Feng Xiaogang had no time to drink tea. He looked at Lin Xiao, took two steps in three steps, stepped forward and asked with expectation:

"Boss Lin, is the script really finished?"

Seeing that Feng Xiaogang was so impatient, Lin Xiao didn't deliberately show off and handed over the script directly.

"Director Feng, this is the script, take a look."

Hearing this, Feng Xiaogang couldn't wait to take the script and read it.

"Eight hundred?" Feng Xiaogang muttered softly.

Although he was more familiar with the Sihang Warehouse defense battle than Liu Yifei, he couldn't guess what it was written just based on the name, so he opened it and read it.

"Hurry up, hurry up, why are you dawdling, the Great Demon City is ahead! Whether you can hold it or not, it depends on you!"

Just the opening sentence made Feng Xiaogang feel nervous, as if he had crossed the river of history, taking him to the Magic City in 1937 and becoming an ordinary soldier among the four hundred defenders.

Wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a gun, Feng Xiaogang followed the large army to the outside of the Magic City.

Different from the peaceful Magic City in his memory, what stands in front of Feng Xiaogang now is a bombed-out city, like a shriveled corpse, so devastated that it makes people shudder -------

In fact, it doesn't just look like shriveled corpses. The blasted rocks are filled with shriveled and stinking corpses, attracting vultures to fly and carnival.

Although Feng Xiaogang had seen a lot of the world, he had never seen such a tragic scene. His throat rose and he suddenly felt nauseous.

However, after walking a few more steps, he finally saw the magical city in his mind, with its singing and dancing and its bright lights. That was the other side of the Suzhou River, where the French Concession and the British Concession were.

This is really a paradise on one side and a hell on the other. Because of the disparity in national strength, the disparity in the treatment of the people is obviously somewhat naked.

However, before Feng Xiaogang could sigh with emotion, gunshots suddenly rang out, startling Feng Xiaogang, and then he remembered that the war was not over yet!

With the fierce attack from the small island country, the remaining four hundred soldiers were forced to enter the Sixing Warehouse. The battle to defend the Sihang Warehouse also began.

Seeing that the soldiers had been forced to hide in the Sixing Warehouse, the people from the small island country threatened to hide in a small island.

They wanted to break through the Sihang Warehouse within a short period of time, and they wanted to show other resistance forces that this was the price for not surrendering.

As soon as the shouting ended, the Japanese launched a fierce attack. Gunshots were fired, and the sound of exploding glass filled Feng Xiaogang's eardrums. An officer even shouted: "Put on the gas mask."

Put on the gear, spread out, spread out quickly!"

The entire Sihang Warehouse seemed to be in a mess, but the soldiers were still fighting back desperately.

People fell every minute, but everyone seemed not to know what fear was, and they didn't know what death was. They never took a step back in the Sihang Warehouse.

When Feng Xiaogang saw this, he was deeply shocked. If the Chinese people were like this, how dare the Japanese pirates?

An hour passed slowly by minute by minute, and the Japanese did not realize their ambitions.

Three hours later, they changed their words again, but the brave soldiers who were not afraid of death still held on to their positions and withstood the opponent's artillery attacks.

Six hours. They changed their words again, violated international conventions, used biological and chemical weapons, and took their shamelessness and inhumanity to the extreme.

The attack was so fierce that almost everyone felt that the Sixings Warehouse was about to be captured. Another group of soldiers did fall, but they relied on their fearless spirit to "fight ten more times."


They held on to the Sihang Warehouse and once again broke the Japanese's rhetoric.

Seeing that even biological and chemical weapons were unable to attack the Sihang Warehouse, the Japs quickly changed their strategy and decided to use machines to bulldoze the Sihang Warehouse. Without the Sihang Warehouse as a bunker, the remaining soldiers were absolutely destroyed.

Yes, it's the fish on their chopping board.

The purpose of the Japs was soon discovered by the soldiers. Everyone knew that if the Japs were allowed to complete the wall blasting, everyone would definitely die.

Seeing the machine gun fire being blocked by the opponent's steel plate, the soldiers' eyes showed a hint of determination. They knew that it was time to make that heavy decision.

Although they are reluctant to leave, they have no choice, for the sake of their loved ones, for the country, and for the future of everyone.

"They are going to blow up the building. Once the building blows up, we will be dead." A soldier shouted, then took out a bloody letter and slapped it on the officer's hand: "Give my mother 0.7!"

After saying the last three words, the soldier gave everyone a military salute, then turned around, hugged the explosive pack, and jumped off the building without hesitation!

The explosion sounded, and a young life left this world forever, leaving only eight big characters on the blood letter——Sacrificing one's life for righteousness is what one wishes!

Seeing this scene, Feng Xiaogang couldn't help clenching his fists, his breathing became rapid, his eyes began to turn red, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"My name is Zhao Mengliang!"

"My name is Liu Beiwu!"

Every name will be accompanied by a violent roar, which also means that a young life will leave this world.

Looking at this scene, Feng Xiaogang was shocked beyond words.

He couldn't help but look away, he couldn't bear to look at it, it was so tragic.

Raise the flag!

Soon, Feng Xiaogang saw the same scene again.

The soldiers were fired by machine guns, but they still rushed through one after another, holding the national flag high, just to tell the Chinese who were resisting and still waiting to see, China, not

It's so easy to fall!

Chinese men never give up, the little Japanese pirates will be wiped out!

Looking at this scene, Feng Xiaogang was really shocked. He could no longer use pale words to describe his inner shock and admiration.

Compared with the martyrs who were not afraid of death, Feng Xiaogang felt more and more how ridiculous and pathetic those people who were proud to marry a small island country were.

They are so ignorant that they regard their own stupidity as a benchmark for being unique.

If this kind of thinking was allowed to spread, he didn't dare to think how disappointed the martyrs would be.

"Lin Xiao, thank you." After closing the script, Feng Xiaogang bowed deeply to Lin Xiao.

Not only because Lin Xiao did him a favor, but also for the martyrs who had sacrificed their lives. .

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