Goddess Helps Me Simulate Cultivation

Chapter 62: : Only a fool will be tough!

Now, what Bi Xu can do is to thoroughly investigate all the people in the Qinghe county government before the county government is infiltrated into a sieve!

His orders began to be promulgated, even though he was only the head of the Qinghe County.

However, because of his status as an immortal cultivator in the imperial court.

His right to speak in the Qinghe County Yali is still very high.

Few dared to disobey his orders.

A group of yamen vigilantes rushed to call people at night, and sent all the people from the county yamen who went home to rest.

They all called out!


It's midnight!


county magistrate.

main book.

Even some county masters with high official positions were called by Bi Xu.

The entire county government was suddenly crowded into a pile, and the number of people was quite astonishing.

There are not many officials in a whole county.

In a relatively prosperous county like Qinghe County, there are thousands of people in the county government!

But Bi Xu still called out all these people.

Enough to see his prestige.

The magistrate of Qinghe County endured the drowsiness. He was only sixty years old, and he was neither a warrior nor a cultivator, but an ordinary person.

Called him out in the middle of the night and told him to hurry back to the county office.

It really made him sleepy and yawned.

Very confused again.

Quite resentful.

"Bikeqing, what do you mean? You called so many people from Qinghe County to the county government office in the middle of the night. Could it be that something happened?"

The magistrate couldn't help but ask.

Bi Xu is very energetic. For an immortal cultivator like him, sleep doesn't mean much.

He replied in a serious tone: "Mr. Magistrate, you should have heard from He Zhaotou about the case of Bairi Pharmacy?"

The magistrate was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "He Zhaotou said that there is a high possibility that it has something to do with the demon cultivator."


After all, those who can become magistrates are not stupid, he reacted immediately.

The sleepiness dissipated immediately.

He widened his eyes.

"Magic cultivator?"

Under the extreme shock, the magistrate raised his voice even higher: "Qinghe County really hides the Demon Cultivator of the Temple of the Sacred Heart? Has Bi Keqing found their trace?"

This sentence.

It was like a boulder smashed into a deep pool, causing thousands of ripples in the county office.

With a "wow", everyone was chatting.

There was a lot of discussion.

"The demon cultivators who have the Sacred Heart Hall in Qinghe County? Hey! Aren't we staying with the demon cultivators? If these demon cultivators make trouble, we must be the first to suffer, right?"

"Hey! Just relying on our Qinghe county government office, how can we fight against demon cultivators? They are all immortal cultivators!"

"Yes! In our county government, except for Bi Keqing, He Zhaotou, Lin Zhuzhu, and others, everyone else is ordinary people!"

"How about we let the state government handle this matter?"



"Quiet!" Bi Xu snorted softly, like a spring thunder, so that the rubble on the roof fell a little.

He glanced at the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "In front of the enemy, how can you be so cowed? If the demon cultivator makes trouble, who of you can escape? Only when everyone is united and united can we overcome the difficulties!"

"Tonight, Jiang Er is summoned because there is already a demon cultivator from the Temple of the Sacred Heart who has sneaked into the county office! Many of you know the work in the county office, right?"

"He's already dead! Killed by the demon cultivator! The demon cultivator pretended to be him and wandered freely in the county office."

"There is a magic cultivator who sneaks into the county office, there will definitely be a second one!"

Bi Xuyu was not astonished and died endlessly. His words made everyone stunned.

Has the magician infiltrated the county office?

And pretending to be from the county government office?

Does that mean...everyone present has walked through the gate of hell?

Because they unknowingly worked together for several days with a demon cultivator who kills without blinking an eye.

even longer!

The magistrate of Qinghe County is also unbelievable: "Bikeqing, what you said..."

Bi Xu said in a deep voice: "Of course there is evidence, so I will say this!"


The magistrate swallowed his saliva secretly, only to feel that his back was cold, and he felt that the black gauze hat could not be guaranteed!

As the head of a county, he must be responsible for letting the magic cultivator touch the door.

"Bikeqing! You...you have to help me!!"

The magistrate hurriedly lowered his voice, his voice trembling slightly, his tone a little pleading.

Bi Xu nodded slightly.

Immediately, he looked at Bai Yi.

Facing Qinghe County magistrate, he was neither humble nor arrogant, but when he looked at Bai Yi, he showed respect.

"Cultivator Bai, have you found anything?"

at this time.

Bai Yi has used his spiritual sense to sense the thousands of people crowded in the county office several times, and he has already obtained solid information in his heart. The one behind the tree, the one about seven paces ahead of you, and the one next to you, the county magistrate."

As soon as Bai Yi's voice transmission fell, Bi Xu was horrified, and cold sweat broke out!


In addition to that work, in just a few days, there were four demon cultivators infiltrating the county office!


One of them is actually the county magistrate of Qinghe County!

Equivalent to the second-in-command of Qinghe County!


Bi Xu had no doubts about Bai Yi's words. The most terrifying thing for him was that the demon cultivator was standing beside him, and he didn't even notice it.

It was cultivator Bai who reminded himself!

Bi Xu instantly called out a long sword in his storage bag. The long sword seemed to be nothing special, but it was also a long way from the spiritual weapon. If it was placed in the secular world, it would be regarded as a martial arts weapon.

He said nothing!

A sword attacked the county magistrate beside him, and the spiritual power in his body poured out. Wherever the sword passed, it was like seeing a fierce python!

The "County Chancellor" didn't panic, he reached out and grabbed the sword with ease!

He even ignored Bi Xu~www.readwn.com~ and looked at Bai Yi with gloomy eyes.

"How did you find out?"

The voice was full of gloom.

Bai Yi's tone was calm: "The smell on your body is even more stinky than the cesspool, how can you not be found?"

Finished talking.

Bai Yi called out Bai Pingjian, and Bai Pingjian disappeared in an instant. Everyone present only felt a gloomy and cold feeling, and then... Bai Pingjian appeared again.


The two county magistrates' "Zhu Kuai" fell silently, and they were both named by Bai Yi.

Before they knew they had been exposed and were ready to kill.

Bai Yi solved them.

The speed is fast.


Qinghe County's "County Chancellor" looked ugly and vigilant. He found that he couldn't see through Bai Yi's cultivation. Why is there such a strong person in Qinghe County?

If it's just an immortal cultivator in the county government office, he can handle it alone.


With an extra Bai Yi, he was not sure.

Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

The "Xiancheng" flicked the fingertips of the sword, the terrifying force made Bi Xu's expression change drastically, and the whole person almost flew out.

The "County Chancellor" didn't care about Bi Xu. With a big wave of his hand, a dark fog rose out of thin air.

In an instant, the entire county government was enveloped!

Everyone is like falling into darkness.

Cause chaos!


He ran away!

For the last immortal cultivator who couldn't see through his cultivation, a fool would choose to face it head-on! If the Demon Xiu of the Temple of the Sacred Heart was so brave, he would not have escaped from the encirclement and suppression of the imperial court.



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