Goddess Helps Me Simulate Cultivation

Chapter 72: : Settlement Reward - Human King Body

The settlement reward prompt of the Immortal Cultivation Simulator followed, which made Bai Yi feel a little regretful... Chen Qianxue didn't make good use of her first-born talent "hard-core ruthless person", so she didn't activate any achievements.

[Reward 1: Purple shirt silk armor (seems to be a female-only body armor)]

[Reward 2: Human King Body (the body of immortal cultivation of the Wei royal family)]

[Reward 3: 23 years of experience in cultivating immortals (Chen Qianxue's experience in immortal cultivation for many years)]

Three different rewards were displayed in front of his eyes, letting him choose one.

At a glance, do you still need to think?

Definitely choose 2!

Although the "Purple Shirt and Silk Armor" is a good spiritual weapon, and it was taken by Chen Qianxue from the Treasure Pavilion of the Great Wei Dynasty, the rank is definitely not low.

But this thing is not suitable for men to wear. When you can't wear it, there are two abnormal protrusions that are free, right?

So weird!

When Bai Yi received this reward, the "Human King Body" from the imperial family of the Great Wei Dynasty did not conflict with the "Innate Spirit Body".

He could feel that two different physiques were merging at this time.


The two of them are not mutually exclusive, but integrated.

Bai Yi tried to breathe out the spiritual energy of the world by himself.

He found that the efficiency of exhaling and inhaling spiritual energy was much higher than before.

This shows that the physique of "Human King"...

Mainly to change the root of the cultivator.

"It's alright..." Although there are no additional achievement rewards activated this time, it is also a good reward to be able to improve one's own cultivation roots and establish a very good foundation for cultivation.

Bai Yi is quite satisfied!


the other side.

Spirit Sword Sect.

Back in reality, Chen Qianxue was a little uncomfortable.

She is also used to staying in the Immortal Cultivation Simulator for more than 100 years at every turn.

He was only in his 20s when he died.

It made her feel a little complicated.

Did you step back? No... In fact, strictly speaking, it is an improvement.

After all, she only lived for 5 years when she simulated immortality for the first time...

Then it burps.

This time, the new simulated immortal cultivator didn't live until he was 23 years old.

Just as I expected...

Some things are different.

"I thought I could live for 100 years before I die, but now I think I'm thinking too much... I'm already very unlucky in the immortal cultivator simulator, plus the first-born talent of a hard-core ruthless man, if he doesn't die early, then It's really weird."

Chen Qianxue murmured to herself.

accept this fact.

【You get the following rewards—】

[Reward: Half-Human King Body (Xianxian Root Bone has been slightly improved)]

Settlement rewards follow.

This made Chen Qianxue stunned for a while.

A half-human royal body?

"Isn't this my physique for cultivating immortals in the simulator? The bloodline of the royal family of the Great Wei Dynasty will basically inherit the 'Human King Physique', which is a very good physique for cultivating immortals..."

In the simulation of immortality, she only started cultivating at the age of 12, and she was able to break through to the first floor of the foundation at the age of 20...

It is by virtue of this person's royal body and the cultivation resources that are readily available in the palace.

The former is dominant.

The latter is supplemented.

In this way, Chen Qianxue discovered that the reward this time was unexpectedly good!

The Immortal Cultivation Simulator is not stingy this time?

She was a little surprised.

took a breath.

Chen Qianxue began to think about some questions. She knew that she was in the immortal cultivator simulator, and it could not be a coincidence that she was attacked by monsters.

Logically speaking.

There shouldn't be such powerful monsters in the hunting grounds where she and the royal brothers and sisters went.


This kind of monster just appeared.

It can only be said that someone secretly introduced that powerful monster into the hunting ground.

"It's very possible that the other party is the same group of people who killed the two palace maids..."

"It's also a group of people who want to deal with the Great Wei Emperor."

Chen Qianxue muttered to herself.

Saying so.

The rule of the Chen family of the Great Wei Dynasty looks very stable on the surface, but in fact, there are already invisible caves in the dark.

There are poisonous snakes hidden in these caves, and they will show their sharp fangs at any time.

Give a fatal blow!

Chen Qianxue realized that the troubles she faced were not ordinary.

Even as the princess of the Great Wei Dynasty, there are many people who will protect her.

But in the face of this poisonous hand, he is still powerless.

Can only wait to die!

"It hurts my head again..." Chen Qianxue frowned, thinking about how to deal with these crises in her simulated immortal life tomorrow.


at the same time.

Qinghe County.

An inn.

The three unlucky **** from Zhengxin Palace have come here. Qin Jiu's movement to break through the foundation-building realm is not small. After they realized that the junior sister who escaped from the sect was here, they rushed over without stopping.

The three of them did not forget their mission to go down the mountain, but the palace master gave them a death order!

Be sure to bring Qin Jiu back to the Zhengxin Palace, otherwise the three of them will have bad luck!

In order not to be punished by the palace master, the three looked for Qin Jiu for a long time.

Exhausted all methods.

At one point, he even suspected that Qin Jiao was no longer in Qinghe County.

But I didn't expect...


They actually discovered the traces of Junior Sister, finally the emperor paid off!

It's not easy!

The three exchanged glances with each other, and they restrained their breath very well, in order to prevent Qin Jiu from finding them.

One of them guarded the outside, and once Qin Jiu escaped again, he could quickly catch up.

The other two.

One after the other.

He walked into this inn with excitement, and his eyes kept searching around.

"Over there." The person walking in the back poked the back of the person in front, looked at a place~www.readwn.com~ and whispered, "Is that Junior Sister?"

The man in front was stunned for a moment, then turned around and raised his eyebrows: "It is indeed..."

At the same time when the two of them saw Qin Jiao.

Qin Jiu also saw them.

Qin Jiu didn't run.

Instead, he raised the chopsticks in his hand, showing an overflowing smile, and said, "Senior Brother Yunhe, Senior Brother Yunlian, long time no see! Where is Senior Brother Yunsheng? Why didn't you see him? Could it be there? Guard outside to prevent me from running out?"

Yun He: "..."

Yunlian: "..."

Looking at Qin Jiong's heartless smile, they couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The three of them searched hard, but as a result, the junior sister was here openly.

It seems that Junior Sister didn't deliberately hide her trace.

It seems that they are simply not capable, and there is no way to find someone.

Yun He showed a bitter smile. He said, "Junior sister, don't make trouble. The palace master ordered me to wait for the three of you to bring you back to the Zhengxin Palace, so don't make it difficult for the senior brothers."

Yun Lian, who was behind, echoed, "If you can't bring you back to the Zhengxin Palace, the palace lord will definitely punish the three of us."

Qin Jiao pursed his lips and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Don't you just come out for a while, you always want to take me back."

She took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

"Okay! Anyway, I can't wait for the woman Chen Qianxue this time. That woman ran back to the Spirit Sword Sect. It must be because she was afraid of me."

"Since that's the case, there's no point in staying in Qinghe County, so let's go back!"


Yun He and Yun Lian looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief.



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